
New Beginnings Quotes

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"The Ace of Wands symbolizes this new beginning, a new idea that's sparking our interest that we're excited to go forward on and act on."
"You are starting a new life... You are on the right path."
"This is a time where we can really begin to unlock a new world that can be very beneficial for us."
"Step out of your history and into the new story you are willing to create."
"You guys are unfolding a new story, a new chapter of your life."
"It's taken what feels like an eternity, but we've done it. We are here, coming to you from the new studio."
"This is going to be a very positive year for you in terms of starting something new that will be very, very rewarding."
"This could be a big ending of something in your life but also the beginning of reaching for something more in alignment with your true prosperity."
"This is a card of success; it's a card of hope for the new year to come."
"Wipe the slate clean and start again. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter."
"You're about to step into a period of inspiration and creativity like never before."
"You are opening a window to a brand new life, a magical life, the divine matrix where you get to rewrite exactly what you want, exactly what you desire."
"Trust your gut feelings at this time as you prepare to leave a relationship that isn't working, a job that no longer feeds your soul, or a living arrangement that no longer provides. Trust that something better is coming your way."
"Say goodbye to things that once held you back. Relax and enjoy the fresh taste of success promised for the next chapter of your life."
"Mondays are restarting your life. You can have a completely new life on a Monday."
"Nothing lasts forever, but ends bring new beginnings."
"This is like a new place; it's a new beginning, Fresh Start."
"This whole new magical reset where miracles begin to happen."
"You guys are entering this new cycle where all of a sudden things are gonna be working out better than you could have ever imagined."
"You are entering this time of like a massive creative burst."
"This person is wanting to build new foundations with you."
"This person coming forward with a new offer, will you take that offer, you know, it's going to lead you through a new gateway, a new beginning."
"It's like a cosmic gateway, it's like a new beginning for this person."
"This miraculous change is like this person's leaving your life in order for a new beginning to come in, which is going to be more fulfilling."
"This is time to start something new. Don't let the past hold you back."
"In every ending, there's a new beginning waiting to unfold."
"New beginnings... there's this desire here to kind of follow your heart, have a new beginning, have a new start."
"New beginnings butterfly angel number 44, creating a new foundation for yourself, a foundation that brings you luck and blessings."
"You guys are headed towards happiness, going on adventures, and starting exciting new things. It's definitely what you're meant to do."
"The Tulip indicates a gift, good luck, beauty... there's a new sprouting, a beautiful new sprouting."
"You're on this road of upgrading yourself, and because of that, I just see you on this totally different path, and new people are going to be flowing into your life."
"You are currently manifesting the strength to start over, to begin again, to release the judgments of your past and to release the hindrances of your past."
"You're going to start seeing yourself in a new way, manifesting a brand new beginning for yourself and a brand new cycle."
"The past is now behind you; release it and embrace new possibilities."
"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, transition."
"You are the creator of yourself, and you are in the process of recreating yourself in this new year."
"Everything will be fine, you'll find friends here and a new crush."
"This is going to call you towards leaving old stuff behind and create a desire in you to just go on your own path and create this new path."
"You're going into the next season where things are going to have a brand new beginning and begin sprouting for you."
"It's about breaking the cycle and going into a new one, about a new chapter, a sense of rejuvenation."
"Whatever old cycle that you had is ending and you're sort of like stepping into a new era."
"There's going to be a lot of great positive change in your life that motivates you more than ever to move forward in a new direction."
"Congratulations on your career, hell of a run, wish you the best on this new chapter of your life."
"When your ship sank, you thought all was lost, but then your hand clutched sand, and you realized you're on a deserted island."
"We have made the necessary changes, and today we are starting a new chapter."
"The end of each chapter is the start of the next."
"You are weaving a brand new story; you are cutting ties with something old and through that, you're going to begin weaving something new."
"The tower symbolizes change that is staggering. It is meant to uproot you and your life because it is the only way to this new and improved destination."
"It's the start of a new beginning, it's meant to be slightly daunting."
"Rebirth is upon you, beautiful child of the universe; you have prepared for a new life and it is starting right now."
"You never let failure bring you down. It's time to fight, be that warrior, and fly to new beginnings."
"Falling leaves do not signify the end but the beginning of a fruitful season."
"Experiencing a karmic release in responsibilities or expectations can bring a sense of liberation and new beginnings."
"There's a new beginning happening for you guys in your relationships."
"It's going to feel like you've literally entered a whole new life, it's gonna be like wait, this is unrecognizable anymore."
"The beginning... almost like new chance, New Life, New Hope."
"You're ready to tackle the world, your new Modern Age."
"Our boy is about to set sail. I'm taking a little trip."
"New beginning: A new adventure awaits, embrace it and live your dreams passionately."
"Failure is not the end of the road; it's the beginning. Right, so now you can really start to live your life."
"Awakening energetic upgrades; a new way of being; integration."
"It's night time here in Washington, but in some ways, it feels like a new beginning, a fresh start."
"Forgiving is not forgetting; it's actually remembering... and not using your right to hit back. It's a second chance for a new beginning."
"Another gateway appears in view, new life is unfolding with blessings for you."
"Clearing out the old and welcoming in the new."
"Saturn is making you reinvent yourself, start a new beginning in your life, new self-identity through a renewed sense of self-confidence, through a new sense of inspiration."
"Trust your intuition on this one; let that guide you in order to create this new powerful beginning."
"Wouldn't that be great, if we could be 60 or 70 and say, 'I finally figured it out. What is my legacy going to be?' and just start again."
"You're going to fly above this; I guess somebody is getting a new start with this person."
"Now it's a new journey. Now it's they can dare to dream."
"Forget all of that. It is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new."
"This whole journey is about ending something old and starting something brand new, which is going to bring you closer to your true desires and aspirations."
"By letting go of these walls, you are paving a new pathway for yourself, entering a new stage of your life."
"There's a lot of wisdom that's going to be coming in and the birth of something new."
"The darkest and coldest part of every single night is right before the dawn breaks."
"You always have the power to write a new one when one chapter ends."
"With every ending, there is a new beginning, and this is what you're manifesting."
"Let's laugh again soon; okay, no more crying, no more sad tears. Let's be happy for the new year."
"This eclipse is very spiritual, brings deep realizations, brings deep deprogramming from the past, and opens the path for new beginnings."
"You're manifesting a brand new beginning; this is like a rebirth of you."
"Leap forward and embrace the new beginnings that await you."
"The essence of new energy is all around you. With surrender being attached to number 91, Scorpio, go with the flow."
"Walking away from things that are broken and stepping into new energy."
"Step out of your comfort zone and step into new chapters, new doors, new beginnings."
"New beginnings: You are starting a new life. You have put in all the work to heal, and now is the time to move forward."
"It's time to let go of the old and allow new beginnings. Remember, all change is good."
"A new beginning is on the horizon for you. Have courage and faith."
"New beginnings... this could be an improvement with a situation that's been quite tense or difficult."
"I thank you in advance for allowing me to love you, for being open to giving love another chance. This time is for forever."
"Every ending means that there's a new beginning."
"The year of better, hopefully. Let's just get there, let's be better."
"The old life is gone and the new life comes."
"Time to breathe some life into this new chapter in your life, release what no longer serves you."
"Take stock a little bit and think, 'Alright, I'm ready now to really take a right turn or to try something brand new.'"
"Leaping into it, going for something – confidence, trust, hope, new beginnings."
"You're preparing for a new beginning; your feelings are recently renewed."
"Leave the past behind you because it is only dragging you down, creating a block to the new life that is ready to come in for you."
"You are ready to experience abundance. Don't look back at previous roadblocks or difficulties. Leap into an exciting new world of possibilities."
"Have faith in your dreams. A new start is coming."
"You are going through a period of transformation and so is this person. You are being guided towards a new beginning."
"It's time to prepare for a new version of you, a new life up ahead."
"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, and transition."
"You are about to embark on a new journey, a fresh new start."
"Every day is a new beginning. Certain days aren't going to look like you want them to look, but at least you have another chance."
"Fresh start. The Fool card is the first card in the deck, so this is a new beginning."
"We're a brand new family. We're so in love with each other."
"You meet somebody else new, and you get over someone, the sorrow they caused."
"I'm going to live a proper life this time, for real."
"Major stuff is about to happen in your life, stepping into new chapters, new beginnings."
"Welcome to Wonderland, your new home. Isn't it beautiful?"
"For the opportunity to change, you know, for the opportunity to do something new, become somebody else."
"It's never too late to start break dancing. I started when I was age 54. I'm now 66."
"You're ready for these big happy changes, and it's time for you to choose a new direction."
"It hasn't even been a day, and the origin is already my new favorite member."
"The Phoenix rising from the ashes signifies rebirth and is a symbol of new beginnings and the rise of new Earth."
"Hearing that he is in another world, Xiang Ye was planning to become the protagonist of the story."
"Endings are merely the start of a new beginning, and we are with you through each phase and cycle."
"Declutter, detach, delete. So the start of the new year is honestly the ultimate time to have the biggest reset before the busy year ahead."
"It is a new day, a new beginning, and a new you."
"This is a beginning of a brand new transformation."
"You guys are creating a new life for yourself."
"Happy end. Pen in hand, I find my strength. The courage endowed upon me by my one and only love. Together, let us dismantle this crumbling world and write a novel of our own fantasies."
"This person has probably been through a lot... they're ready for this new beginning."
"We're at the beginning of a new month, so hopefully this will be better than last month, or at least today will be better than yesterday."
"You can reboot and start again whenever you want."
"A new me, new chapter is totally awakening here."
"A dawning of a new day, dawning of a new era."
"Rosh Hashanah literally means the head of the year, this is the Jewish New Year when we believe that the earth was created."
"The new beginning is bringing with it a lot of prosperity."
"Welcome this new day into your existence as you reach both arms up to the sky and look up."
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
"This is the beginning of a new and exciting journey in your financial life."
"I felt that the Sun of a better day had risen upon the world."
"Agenda 21 marked a new beginning for the UN, a decisive point of departure for the world organization."
"You're gonna make it after all... embrace change and new beginnings."
"This new moon energy for you is all about liberation."
"I'm seeing a whole bunch of new opportunities coming right when you feel like they've stopped."
"There's going to be new significant people that you're meeting in 2023. These people are going to have a big impact on your life."
"Embrace the changes that are out of your control; they're bringing you to your new beginning."
"Endings and beginnings... The tide is shifting for you."
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are made new."
"I just became lovers, and at the very first night, we're sleeping together."
"This is the year where it's like I'm awakening to myself. I'm finally becoming and stepping into myself."
"It's time for you to let go of the shitty year you had, see the blessings in it, and see the growth in it that you need to see, and it's time for you to move forward."
"Every day is a new day and every day is the start of a new beginning."
"May you have the Blessed assurance that there is a new beginning in Jesus."
"You might be entering some sort of new chapter of your life."
"Problems to be resolved, time to go out and have fun, sunrise, new creative ideas, new ventures, a fresh start."
"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
"2022, it's gonna be the year of self-awareness."
"Actual acceptance means acknowledging that things will never be the same and finding a new way to live."
"A new romantic cycle begins. It's time to take action."
"This is all about starting a new life, look at you blossoming, you're blooming."
"This new path, it's gonna take courage to go down it."
"After a scare like that, you find a new form of love for one another."
"They want to manifest a new beginning with you."
"Moving forward, realizing that the past is the past, there's nothing that can be done about it, and moving forward fearlessly stepping into a new chapter, a new beginning of your life."
"A new moon can signify new beginnings, bringing new energy and opportunities."
"New beginnings might be sudden, out of the blue, a bit shocking, but invigorating and exciting."
"Home sweet home, we finally have a place to live, I'm so excited."
"You don't get dealt a blank slate very often, so I want to take full advantage of that."
"It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling good."
"I feel like you guys are at the start of a lot of big changes in your life."
"This is my time to make a new start for myself, making some new friends and not being afraid of anything."
"Sometimes endings are a good thing because they open us up to something that is more in alignment with us."
"No matter what happens today, it's not the end. Tomorrow, the sun will rise again."
"The biggest reason we have to change is that we have to make sure people have an opportunity to have a new start."
"There's a new pathway coming in for you, but it's not going to emerge as long as we are way too cluttered."
"You are going to start to see the upswing of life... the beginning of a new beginning coming for you."
"There is a new chapter starting in your life, in your business, in your relationships, and it's gonna start right now."
"Every day is a new beginning, and you can always start fresh."
"This is major positive new beginnings. This is like the Wheel of Fortune, moving forward together."
"The Ace of Wands... it's passion, new beginnings... like an match being lit."
"Life will be filled with many opportunities, new beginnings, and chances to rebuild anew."
"Don't go back, don't look back, this is your new normal."
"It's the moment I've been waiting for. That's a new beginning for myself as an owner of a business."
"I feel alive. It feels good to finally be able to smile again. That's a new beginning."
"This is the fresh start we've been waiting for."
"A rebirth, new beginnings in finances and in home."
"I'm getting like they really want to put the past behind them and move forward with you. It's like they want this new fresh clean start."
"A journey ends, but a brand new one opens up."
"Imagine that you could just walk right through that rainbow... and on the other side, you are now connected to and ready to sort of shed whatever that old skin is and connect to your new self."
"A solar eclipse is a super big New Moon, a fantastic time to set a new intention."
"Be still within, realize who you are, do a lot of internal purging, and go on this new path."
"Breaking free of old mental barriers... you're going to be on a completely different path and in a completely new world."
"I like to sometimes describe lunar eclipses as full moons on steroids. They're seen as an energetic time that can bring huge shifts, sudden endings, and encourage us to let go and embrace new chapters in our lives."
"Spiritual awakening... it's an end of not knowing, but it's also a beginning of something else."
"I hope you guys are all doing really, really well and have had an incredible start to the year so far."
"Your soul knows when it's time for a new beginning. It just knows."
"You will survive this. New solutions and beginnings. You were literally created for this."
"When one door closes, another door opens, and we have an exciting door that has opened."
"Every moment that she was awakened to she said this is a new opportunity for something brand new to happen."
"How do we leave a relationship, a town, a job, a friend group, a hairstyle that we have been locked into for so long and start a new chapter in our life?"
"Congratulations, you have successfully navigated 2020, left that year behind, a year that many of us are all too happy to have in the rearview mirror as we now go forward with a degree of optimism from many sectors of the world."
"You are the beginning of a new heaven and a new earth."
"This is the beginning of the rest of my life, to live happily ever after."
"Tightly holding each other by the hand, Samantha and Eddie step forward into a new world."
"Dear Meryl, it's a new day, a new year, and the possibilities are endless. Hope it's as amazing as you."
"There's always a chance to do better and be better, even if you have to start from scratch."
"It's the first morning of 2022 here, and we are going to make this the best year of our lives."