
Generative AI Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Generative AI using large language models to generate narrative text at scale is potentially utterly transformative for journalism."
"No matter what your thoughts are about generative AI, love it or hate it, the genie is out of the bottle."
"Generative AI is taking over the dialogue, and it's moving at a pace that none of us have ever seen in the technology industry."
"Generative AI will reinvent nearly every industry."
"Generative AI is transforming how visual content is created. To realize its full potential, enterprises need massive amounts of copyright-cleared data, AI experts, and an AI supercomputer."
"We are at the iPhone moment for AI. Generative AI inference workloads have gone into overdrive."
"Generative AI is propelling scientific research across diverse domains from climate and weather prediction to astronomy and disease research."
"The Grace Hopper GH200 Superchip is designed to provide an incredible compute capability for the most demanding generative AI and HPC applications like AI chatbots, vector databases, graph neural networks, and scientific simulations."
"Generative AI, as the name implies, is technology that can generate content. It can generate text, photos, videos, or audios based on LLMs."
"Generative AI is the most important computing platform of our generation."
"The term generative android is a portmanteau of the term generative AI, used to describe artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images, sound, or other media, and the word android simply a robot with human appearance."
"Generative AI is actually the future of computing."
"One of the main use cases for generative AI is asking complicated questions and receiving straightforward answers."
"Generative AI in large language models have changed the landscape."
"Supporting the promise of Generative AI, from building world-leading multimodal models to serving them requires harnessing computing and data at a scale never imagined before."
"Even though chat GPT feels like it's taking over the world, it's important to remember that we've really just scratched the surface of what's possible with generative AI."
"Everybody can be a generative AI practitioner."
"With generative AI, we have an AI-enhanced image that looks seamless."
"Blackwell and Hopper will be the platforms of the generative AI era."
"Generative AI is about creating original content, be it coding, language, images."
"Generative AI can be life-changing in a good way."
"This decade is turning out to be also doing everything we had to supervised learning but adding to it the exciting tool of generative AI."
"With generative AI, your bot is operational right out of the box."
"Generative AI is amazing, but it's not the last big breakthrough and it's probably not the biggest breakthrough we'll see in technology as this exponential advance continues."
"Hybrid plus semantic re-ranking is the best possible retrieval mode. We want all of you to leverage it for your generative AI applications and so we made significant changes to our business model."
"The meteoric rise of generative AI and its widespread acceptance speak to society's desire for a modern tool."
"The power of generative AI means that that interaction is much more likely to satisfy a customer in the future than it was able to do in the past."
"One estimate suggests that generative AI could add between 2.6 and 4.4 trillion to the global economy annually."
"Generative AI can transform how businesses think and operate."
"Generative AI will alter how we design just about everything."
"Generative AI is truly an expansive opportunity, at every level, across every customer segment."
"Generative AI is increasingly user friendly, and it's easy to integrate into many of your applications."
"The company shares soared more than 30% after announcing its lative generative AI model."
"Trust and innovation are critical parts of what we're doing with generative A.I.."
"Generative AI will assess 25 million software developers and hundreds of millions of creators."
"The impact of generative AI is profound."
"Generative AI is what many expect to be the next big technology boom."
"Generative A.I. is changing everything. It's the technology of any lifetime."
"Trudeau emphasized the transformative power of generative AI."
"We're all facing this question around generative AI in particular, how do we put it to work for societal good?"
"You can use everyday words to describe your app's main function, and then Co-pilot uses generative AI to build your app and database."
"Generative AI is the only thing the world wants to talk about."
"Generative AI has reached a tipping point that has kicked off a whole new investment cycle."
"Generative AI will be important, but it's not going to be as important as fast as what people think."
"Accenture is the company that's going to help every company figure out how to navigate generative AI."
"Believe generative AI is ushering in a similar technological wave to mobile."
"Practical advice about the pitfalls and challenges and solutions for productionizing generative AI."
"Generative AI can be a touchy topic for some photographers, but I genuinely believe that everyone should at least give it a shot because it can be a really powerful addition to your post-processing toolkit."
"We're in the new world, generative AI."
"Generative AI allows them to start going from natural language text directly to code into materials and 3D models."
"Generative AI will have more transformative impact on healthcare in the short to medium term than any other type of AI machine learning methodology."
"Generative AI represents a paradigm shift in technology."
"We are just now using generative AI to do that."
"Generative AI is changing everything. It is the technology of this lifetime, and it's coming at a pace that we've never seen before."
"Almost all knowledge workers today can get a productivity boost by using generative AI."
"It feels like this year we've been living and breathing everything related to generative AI."
"Generative AI is not magic, it's technology."
"The world is locked on generative AI."
"Generative AI: it's everywhere, every new site, every social media platform, people are talking about it."
"Generative AI is ushering in a new age of tools that will make game development easier, affordable, and more accessible."
"The path to generative AI becoming a useful tool in the games industry will be a slow and gradual process."
"Generative AI is the more streamlined and marketable term for any AI system that can create an artifact of some sort as its primary function."
"It's called generative AI because it generates interesting artifacts for the user."
"The big reason generative AI is making such headway is the recent gains in deep learning."
"The state of generative AI for games is going to evolve drastically in 2023 and beyond."
"I personally believe generative AI is somewhere between the invention of the internal combustion engine and the internet."
"Instead of trying to design for hundreds of potential edge cases... we can instead use generative AI and large language models to create responses for users in real time."
"I'm very excited to talk with you today about how to boost your conversational experiences with generative AI."
"There is some hype, but I think there's a lot of good substance and ability to be able to execute on the power of generative AI."
"Generative AI can write code, create images, do text synthesis."
"It has truly helped them to improve their overall productivity minimum upwards of 20 percent."
"Adoption wise, I think generative AI has gone very fast compared to other technologies."
"Generative AI is not cheap... it requires large amounts of data, it requires high computational power."
"We typically look at what's the business strategy, what's the business outcome you want to drive, what's the cost-benefit analysis."
"Generative AI could help to find ways to create new drugs and also the efficacy of those drugs, how good those drugs are."
"Using generative AI can create the whole content, you can look at the image and it can create the whole report in seconds."
"Generative AI has managed to deliver and show business impact and opportunities to be able to create and transform businesses."
"We're looking at the incredible advances of generative AI and what does that mean for creativity and to the creators."
"GeForce RTX is the world's largest platform for gamers, creators, and now generative AI."
"We believe that generative AI can be a generational opportunity to create the most incredible customer experiences."
"Generative AI has enormous potential for analysts and business users that want to quickly access that data for more strategic decision making."
"You can turbocharge production of all types of content like art, music, or animations, and you can use generative AI to improve business operations."
"When you connect the dots with your data across your departments, services or on-prem databases and third-party applications, you're able to power generative AI to create remarkable experiences."
"This person does not exist and it randomly generates faces of people that look so real."
"Generative AI will disrupt every business."
"The ability to have this generative answers is acting on behalf of the user and going and getting that information."
"You can build your own chatbots connected to your website, your documents, your systems of record, and create generative answers without needing to go and build the topics."
"Co-pilot for service is a new product offering that is around providing you with a generative AI experience for your service agents."
"Co-pilot for sales is an experience of being able to take generative AI and use it for sales scenarios."
"Generative AI has created the kind of hype cycle that we haven't seen since probably the dotcom bubble."
"2023 was definitely the year of generative AI; 2024 begins also the era of generative data."
"I do love the idea of doing some exploration of ideas using generative AI."
"Generative AI has gotten a lot of attention over this last year for its capacity and also for the limitations that have been on full view."
"Generative AI is just another technology that is embedded within the application, it's available to everybody."
"Generative AI is building a new way to interact with technology. You just talk to it."
"Generative AI has some really exciting possibilities in science, medicine, and elsewhere."
"Generative AI is unlocking new ways for us to make the world's information and knowledge universally accessible and useful for learning."
"Generative AI is not about putting out a bunch of junk content; it's about learning how to master the prompts."