
AI Impact Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"If programmed to look for the most clickable and therefore profitable stories or headlines, AI could strip back and re-editorialize content in a way that makes people angry or emotive, which is what sells newspapers at the moment."
"With AI, it's especially scary. Sure, they're not being introduced to softcore fetish videos, but I seriously have to wonder how this is going to affect some of these kids in the future."
"AI is going to be something you can't ignore; it's going to leak into every avenue on the internet, every platform."
"The AI revolution might create unprecedented inequality not just between classes but also between countries."
"AI is coming for your job and soon it's going to take over the world. Well, just kidding. That's not necessarily the case here."
"ChatGPT and the inevitable flood of AI assistants have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with search engines."
"Eventually, AI is going to destroy so many jobs that there is no other solution but taxing the winners and redistributing."
"AI will not take your job; a person using AI will take your job."
"In a future where AI does most of the work, there'll be one thing that humans will finally get to do all day long: nothing."
"AI, the creation and production of intelligence, is a giant undertaking and touches every aspect of computing."
"AI coming to rip our words away from us sours the experience and replaces the love and community with corporate greed."
"It seems like this AI crisis is helping us to figure out what art is actually about: connecting with yourself and, even more importantly, connecting with others."
"AI is going to completely fundamentally transform the way we exist on earth as humans."
"The real revolution is the people that are waking up, realizing that careers and livelihoods will be stripped by artificial intelligence, and are taking their power back by creating their own jobs in their own communities."
"Maybe GPT-5 will decide where the money made using GPT-5 will go."
"Sports Illustrated lays off most of its staff after AI scandal and money troubles."
"Chat GPT has certainly set off a wave, and it's not a wave I see going anywhere anytime soon."
"A recent study found that smart technology such as AI could help cities reduce crime by 30 to 40%."
"AI is the first technology in human history that can take power away from us because it can make decisions on its own."
"However, websites might start to have some trouble. This is the fundamental thing. So the idea is we're at a pivotal point with AI."
"Sounds helpful, but when you're a publisher... in those links, that suddenly becomes a really existential question."
"AI will be the biggest change not just in your lifetime, in anyone's lifetime."
"AI is in an incredibly powerful tool, and it’s either going to be the best thing ever to happen to humanity, or the worst thing ever." - Max Tegmark
"AI is going to change our jobs faster than any previous labor Revolution."
"AI is gonna be taking the place of the average worker's job." - Participant in the video
"Now AI is about to be used to revolutionize digital biology and genomics and transportation and retail and all these different industries."
"The chat GPT moment is that moment where people suddenly realize they have access to the capability."
"AI is disrupting jobs we didn't quite imagine be disrupted first we thought it'd be accountants or whatever and what it ends up being is artists creators."
"Tonight we turn to news in one specific way that artificial intelligence technology is changing our world and it is absolutely remarkable."
"AI really makes this possible with just one person instead of a team of writers."
"AI art will simply change how art is made and not diminish the quality of it or amount of people making it."
"AI is probably the most powerful tool we've recently been able to get our hands on."
"Change is happening, it's inevitable... robots, AI, it's all coming."
"In the next couple of years, Chat GPT is going to fundamentally change the way that we think, we work, we learn, and the way that we interact with each other."
"AI is making it harder to determine what's reality." - Katie Pavlich
"Artificial intelligence will increase economic divisions by worsening the disparity that already exists in society."
"By focusing on preventative healthcare through AI and data science, HealWell is poised to make a substantial impact on healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and costs benefiting patients, providers, and the healthcare system at large."
"This AI threat is going to be the biggest threat that faces our country, and you're bound to see it. You're going to see social chaos all over social media."
"This is different, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, both jobs are being replaced by AI."
"AI is not something that will happen to us, it's already happened to us."
"AI is going to profoundly change industries like healthcare and transport."
"Generative AI models are replacing human-produced content, affecting journalism's economic viability."
"If companies can make money off of AI art and it's just as good as an artist, then you can basically expect a lot of artists to be out of jobs."
"AI is kind of the meme right now, but it's never going to take away from human content."
"Nvidia went from GPU into this like AI sphere and it's just [ __ ] intense with the [ __ ] they're pulling off."
"2023 saw basically all of the world's biggest companies open their eyes to the power of AI."
"The problem with AI-generated code: it becomes so easy to generate a lot of code which shouldn't have been written in the first place."
"The intersection of art and technology: Exploring AI's creative potential."
"Every single business Enterprise is either going to adapt to AI or they're going to die."
"Everything generated by AI originates from Human Creative Source." - George Carlin's Legacy statement
"AI can help us in many ways to overcome the ecological crisis or it can make it far far worse actually."
"AI has ruined art for me or there's no point in drawing or painting anymore because I can do it better and faster than me or anybody you know has beautiful illustrations at their fingertips now so why should I bother"
"With sentient AI what we get is post-humanism whereby the human Essence is no longer considered an essential category or a hierarchical category in that it levels everything out."
"Technologies like AI, robotics, and blockchain are enriching our lives in unimaginable ways."
"AI is now a core component of social media behavior."
"AI will be the basis of pretty much everything you deal with."
"Americans have not yet grappled with just how profoundly the artificial intelligence revolution will impact our economy, national security, and welfare."
"Strong data privacy protections will be necessary to shield the US from this new phenomenon."
"AI technology is going to put the power back in the hands of individual creators."
"Artists crying about people consuming AI products don't matter if the product is good and people want it."
"The question is when does copyright preempt this whole area of AI derived legal risk?"
"Public education is a good thing... AI is going to make Humanity smarter."
"AI in healthcare will soon replace those not using it." - Dr. Eric Topol
"The danger with AI at the moment is it will end up leaving lots of people without work."
"The increased productivity that will come from AI will create dilemmas about what should people do with that extra time."
"AI has captured the imagination of the world consumers and businesses."
"One of the scariest things about the rise of AI is that a lot of people are sadly going to lose their jobs."
"Overpopulation, robotics, and artificial intelligence take over. Less and less work for more and more people."
"AI is going to be upon us soon and a lot of things are going to change."
"Will Chat GPT be replacing programming jobs? As of right now, I don't think so, however, I do think that it's going to automate a lot of busy work and speed up a lot of the mundane tasks that we have to do as programmers."
"AI will change the global economy, and the country with the best AI systems will be able to grow tremendously from it."
"This is 'Magnetize Yourself' where we talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course, the law of attraction."
"AI is replacing jobs in computer programming, copywriting, customer support, and more."
"It's either adapt or die. AI will be part of the next decade, and AI replacing our jobs is something we should be afraid of."
"AI is the first technology ever that can make decisions by itself." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Unless your head is completely stuck in the sand, I think it's time to start considering that AI may be coming for your job."
"I think it's time to face the reality that it's already happening and AI is here to stay."
"Artificial intelligence is already changing the landscape."
"Intellectual stimulation and challenges remain essential, even in an era of advanced AI."
"A breakthrough in artificial intelligence can affect all other innovation platforms."
"Human Art is about to become a luxury brand if you're a physical fine artist before then you are probably going to benefit the most in this new age of AI art."
"AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs."
"I do actually think it will have a significant impact. I think that there will both be a number of legitimate significant uses of AI, particularly generated AI and large language models by the campaigns."
"AI takes Center Stage, rendering human labor a relic of the past."
"AI is going to profoundly change how we work and how every organization operates."
"AI is going to change pretty much every single industry. It's not just the art industry that is affected by this."
"AI is an industrial revolution like we've never seen on planet Earth in the history of planet Earth. It impacts everything."
"There's these wonderful massive opportunities for the companies that integrate Technologies."
"The future is music or movies without AI... humans do beautiful things that computers can't do."
"I don't believe that AI can replace creativity what was that it's not replacing creativity it's replacing labor."
"AI is real, lots of companies will benefit from it."
"The takeaway is that this AI craze may be something unlike anything else we've seen in history and should not be counted out this early on."
"This whole AI optimism is very exciting this can create a lot more bullish momentum in a stock market in both a large caps and a small cap stocks."
"Robots are coming for your job... also they might kill you."
"Occasionally an AI can so fundamentally transform the economics of a process... that they change the strategy itself."
"Is there a tension there if you had something that could outperform human beings across a wide range of cognitive tasks? Could we still regard that as a tool, or would it become a colleague?"
"AI is going to be more impactful than the invention of the personal computer and the spread of mobile phones into your pocket."
"AI will augment, not replace, creative fields like screenwriting and art."
"AI driven content generation will become standard practice."
"AI has the potential to be revolutionary change and that means it's going to affect a lot of companies, lives, and work."
"Our lives are increasingly being governed by pre-trained models."
"GPT3 will further blur the lines of reality."
"AI will eventually create a situation where no job is needed."
"AI isn't just stealing artist’s jobs or being immorally utilized to exploit them for profit by massive companies, it's now being used by individual people to steal commissions from individual artists."
"AI is taking over the world at least in an economic sense."
"There are a lot of fears about the jobs that might fall by the wayside with AI coming in."
"AI gives them the ability to do the crazy great reset they're talking about."
"You couldn't pull off the events that are mentioned on a global scale in the book of revelation until a.i just like god warned about 2600 years ago appears on the scene."
"How can we become better learners in the age of AI?"
"What are we going to be doing with our lives when AI is able to do anything? We'll have the capability to do anything. What does that mean for humans? It's a really interesting question."
"AI is the greatest accelerator for creation we've ever seen in tech."
"People do not want AI content. They want that experience of paying to watch a work of art."
"AI will be one of those big tools that propels us into a new future like computers and the Internet did decades ago."
"Stock market overheated but potentially sustainable due to AI era."
"Artificial intelligence will further redefine Beauty."
"This is the first time where AI is coming for my job as a tutorial creator, and this is terrifying to be honest but also incredibly powerful."
"I think you're seeing just new new developments as the generative AI wave propagates through every industry, every company, every region."
"A lot of artists obviously view AI as like an inherent threat right because I mean you see the development in the AI world and there's just so many new leaps and bounds made pretty much every day with the technology."
"It's absolutely clear that AI also gives you a huge competitive advantage in taking on roles."
"AI is not going to be a benefit to the bottom 80% of Americans."
"AI is the equivalent of the moon landing, except it will actually change all of our lives."
"Actual bad AI in a competently developed game doesn't usually directly impact the player experience. What it impacts is the overall game quality by sapping the efficiency of everyone else."
"You lose a hundred years worth of pop culture just because AI decided to erase it from our memories."
"I cannot tell you how AI will affect the world in the next five years but I can tell you it will be a massive impact."
"Creativity, one of the things that humans are thought to uniquely possess, has started to be overtaken by the machines."
"AI will necessitate the government providing some level of safety net for its citizens because if it doesn't, there will be Mass civil unrest."
"The scenario where AI is really safe is a society of AIs acting as human agents."
"AI is transforming the business world. It is crazy. It's going to impact Our Lives even more than you can possibly imagine."
"AI could replace 80 percent of jobs in the next few years."
"AI technology is just tremendously powerful."
"Yes, AI will massively increase our productivity but the question is would we actually want that"
"AI might be bad for Humanity so maybe let's pump the brakes a little bit."
"AI generated art is going to replace real artists."
"Once artificial intelligence really kicks off, there will be absolutely no going back."
"There is a time in the future when technology will have no more friction, thanks to AI."
"Even just a little bit of insight into the world of AI is going to be a huge boost for you in the future."
"AI is drastically altering the way we think about the world, whether we like it or not."
"AI is going to be a bigger Paradigm Shift than nuclear energy."
"The impact of Artificial intelligence, so pervasive, so woven into the social fabric, would not be what it is had not Marvin Minsky been among us, to bring us... closer to truth."
"How will AI impact the domain I'm in, how will AI impact the product I work on or the products I work on?"
"Don't use them in commercial releases please God like I don't want to be an advocate for using AI to basically rip artists off."
"AI will literally kill the craft of creation, the process of making, the humanity behind art."
"AI has been a very hype technology for a long time for good reason it is um the Holy Grail of unlocking human productivity."
"AI ends up touching all of our Lives, robotics right, and like lots of different things."
"I wouldn't fear AI taking our jobs as creatives in this space."
"I personally don't think that AI is going to be taking over everyone's jobs in the music industry just yet, but it's definitely here to stay and it's going to be making an impact on how we work."
"How do we love the world that's created in the wake of AI, and then we can focus our energies on doing something different? It's happening, so get on the field."
"With AI, eight billion people will have access to the instrument of knowledge that was previously limited to only a few million programmers."
"How will artificial intelligence impact our lives in the future?"
"How will artificial intelligence change the course of humanity?"
"Artificial intelligence is trying to change the world by changing how we analyze and process information."
"AI has already started to make its mark in Canada in fields like drug discovery, energy efficiency, and housing innovation."
"Google's AI is making significant impacts."
"With so much content being generated by AI, there is a real risk that truth entirely disappears."
"AI is one of those game-changer things that's really going to have an immense impact for law firms."
"The way that we work, learn, and teach is going to be changed because of AI like Chat GPT."
"Any vertical you want to pick, AI is going to impact somehow."
"How does a developer workflow change with the advent of AI?"
"AI could be a complete another game changer for the world."
"Every technology revolution creates more jobs than it disrupts, which may be the case with AI as well."
"AI will soon be doing most White Collar jobs."
"AI is fairly demanding but it's exciting to see how it's actually changing the way we use our PCs."
"AI is going to upset this apple cart in a major way."
"AI is going to decimate American jobs at very, very high levels."
"More than 120 million workers globally will need retraining in the next three years due to artificial intelligence's impact on jobs."
"Artificial intelligence and chat GPT and AI, whatever you want to call it, it is going to change the perspective of what people see professionals as."
"It's literally the future of humanity, Luke, and where we're going to go from here."
"The general effect that AI-generated anything is going to have is that there's going to be an increase in value in anything substantive, anything real, anything physical."
"AI is gonna kill so many technical jobs, and it's just crazy, I don't see any way out of this."
"We are going to come down to 20-hour work weeks pretty soon because so much can be done right now with AI."
"These days you can hear everywhere how artificial intelligence will soon take the job from writers, designers, and artists."
"I think Chat GPT is currently in the phase of people are doing the thing where they overestimate the change in the short term but they underestimate the change in the long term."
"AI is going to exacerbate the need or it's going to increase the need for freelancers and consultants."
"People think AI is going to change the world. This is gonna change the world."
"As a graphic designer, AI scares me a bit. Will my job be obsolete in a couple of years? [__] if I know, but it sure [__] is interesting."
"AI could be as transformative as the Industrial Revolution."
"AI isn't necessarily going to take people's jobs; somebody that uses AI is going to take other people's jobs."
"We are at the cusp of some incredible, consequential changes to our lives brought about by artificial intelligence."
"Now, not only our minds but also artificial intelligence influence scientific discoveries."
"AI will not take your job, but the developer using AI will."
"Search is not monolithic, and although Google has a dominant market share today, by creating new categories of products and understanding which search experiences can be radically improved with AI, you can start to unbundle what Google search represents today."
"Artificial intelligence... its impact on society and the individual."
"Generative AI could add $340 billion in bank profits."
"I think AI is going to transform education, the bureaucracy, I think government's going to be better served and do a better job because they can use AI."
"Artificial intelligence is going to be the most impactful technology in our lifetimes."
"We see a huge disruption happening for many industries, including our own, driven by AI."
"We're optimizing GDP kind of as our cultural goal, and AI and corporations are underneath that."
"The central algorithm of deep learning... that's what has transformed deep learning into such an important application."
"AI is going to be a fundamental building block that's going to change everything."
"Do you guys think Chat GPT or other AIs are going to be helping us to be more efficient, smarter, faster, and better, or do you think they will actually replace us in the near future?"
"Legacy Media simply can't compete with hundreds of millions of humans providing real-time AI-assisted interactive information."
"All I was saying was AI is getting better and takes away web two jobs; it would take away web three jobs too."
"If you believe AI is going to be the driver of a lot of economic growth, which I do and I think many people do over the next decades, how many people don't have to work anymore if cars can drive themselves?"
"AI which is much more tangible to the player experience is going to lead to much bigger advancements than anything else."
"We control what's going to happen with AI impact on society more generally."
"We've basically got six years to try and make as much money as possible before the world becomes incomprehensible to us because of the impact of AI."
"Artificial intelligence will be both a blessing and a curse."
"For every job that is eliminated by AI, 1.7 jobs are going to be created."
"AI is a forcing function; it's like suddenly a new technology research tree opens."
"AI is changing nearly everything about the way businesses grow and solve problems."