
Societal Benefit Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"What can we push for now that would create a world of possibility and potential for all if we decided that the goal of technology is to make life easier, more fulfilling, and happier in service of all of humanity?"
"I am very pro-welfare and very pro the welfare state, and I think it is one of the greatest assets to a functioning society in a modern context."
"The blockchain optimizes for the value within the whole ecosystem, potentially offering much greater value for society as a whole."
"It's a very general-purpose technology and as it's deployed, it will be used in many ways which are of enormous benefit to society."
"Public health would improve dramatically, and if you really think about it, that's all that matters."
"The transition from a fourth Industrial Revolution to a fifth Industrial Revolution is a change from a profit economy to a benefit economy."
"Every man creating content on YouTube or whatever platform, if they are genuinely helping men improve themselves... that's to better society."
"The way the human mind is wired, for you to really get something out of what you're doing, it's got to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Legalizing abortion makes society better because if you don't, people who don't want to have children will have children, which is very expensive and time-consuming."
"We need experts at using deep learning to diagnose malaria, to analyze language to study media bias."
"And boy oh boy, did that award turn into a hell of a lot of value for the world and a lot of people."
"Capitalism is a force for good because when a group of people builds a product or service that changes the world... everybody gets to benefit from that product or service having to compete."
"Everyone would be better off if we all did understand more about just your basic concepts within that domain of personal finance."
"The pursuit of virtue and talent is not just about personal gain but about contributing to society in a meaningful way."
"Competence and meritocracy are good for everyone."
"As Adam Smith says, as people pursue their own selfish interests, they inevitably create good."
"Education is so important for society because it's one of these areas where if one segment of the population is more educated, everyone wins."
"If we alleviated technical poverty through universal basic income, it would be...extremely advantageous to the whole of society."
"We have to be willing to work together for the benefit of the people."
"A rule utilitarian constructs a rule that, when applied evenly across society, ensures the benefit of all."
"There are certain psychopathic characteristics that in the right context, in the right combinations, at the right levels, with the right intentions, can predispose you to success and also benefit society."
"It's still the case that if you were trying to design public policy that was of benefit to children, you would design public policy that would reward people for long-term monogamous relationships."
"What's good for Black people is good for all people."
"The inclusion of indigenous knowledge and worldview into the education system doesn't replace [modern education], it's about integration in a way that is productive for society as a whole."
"Absolute freedom of speech is always going to be better and, in fact, by promoting free speech you're doing something to help those very people that you are concerned about."
"I believe in the future and the potential of this technology that it can be a force for good and that it can ultimately make people's lives better."
"Protecting against illicit activity, financial stability, and investor protection do, in and of themselves, promote society and economic well-being."
"Lack of regulation can arguably facilitate technological advancement, but for technological advancements to benefit everyone, regulation and oversight can be critical."
"Psychedelic research requires small investments that have the potential for immense payoff for society."
"Freedom of speech and the propagation of truth through psyche and society point to the fact that there's a real valuable freedom that comes along with just saying what you think you know carefully and clearly."
"I care deeply about making our science transition from the pages of a journal to some kind of societal benefit."
"Education is more about attaining a collective public good than it is about personal development."
"Only those social and economic inequalities will be permitted that work to the benefit of the least well-off."
"The solution is not to abandon [capitalism] but to make sure it works to our advantage."
"Why is the economy the most important argument? Well, I don't believe that to be the case. I just think that the economy is one of the ways in which you can uplift the average population."
"The statistics show time and again that UBI would be beneficial for the segment of our country that needs it most."
"The goal of all of us, I hope, is to use technology properly for good."
"This fear of irrelevancy is actually making them do something that might actually benefit people."
"The more our beliefs are closer to reality, the better that is for the individual and also for society."
"Secularism creates an environment of equality that benefits us all, which is why it's supported by theists and atheists, religious and non-religious people alike."
"I am absolutely in favor of compulsory vaccination... one of the great reasons that we've eliminated infectious illness is vaccination."
"Multiculturalism and diversity ultimately have only gone to better our country."
"What do you want to do? Something that'll do a little good in 100 years for trillions of dollars, or do you want to do a lot of good right now for billions of dollars?"
"As democratic citizens, we have the right to demand a monetary system which is both stable and beneficial to society."
"I do think this is superior because people don't go into massive debt trying to get care."
"Trust is a public good. We're all much better off when we have trust."
"It does better for everyone just to focus more on love than hate."
"Publicly funding schools using government-subsidized money, and then those people getting better jobs and having better outcomes, hopefully nets you more tax received so that you can fund your government better."
"In a world that offers rapidly growing opportunities to create networks of interpersonal connection, this core system of quick assessment and categorization of individuals can be incredibly helpful."
"At the end of the day, I don't think that anybody should be prevented from pursuing something that would beneficially impact society on the whole."
"It's a net gain for society to have more access to voting, especially if the voting has been demonstrated to not be corrupted."
"It should benefit all of us—Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Christians, non-Christians, Muslims, everyone."
"There is literally no better investment that you can make in our people than in childhood."
"A lot of good comes from treating drug usage as a public health issue and not a criminal issue."
"When you end prohibition you make it easier for people to come forth without fear who want help with their habit or their addiction."
"Preventing things from being discussed that actually could have had a good benefit on society, it's pretty terrible."
"Rising tides lift all ships and all of that stuff."
"We need viewpoint diversity... to make us smarter."
"This is a long-term investment that benefits everyone."
"Far from being the cause of our problems, free market capitalism as an economic system is the only tool we have to end hunger, poverty, and destitution throughout the planet."
"Journalism will be resurgent. That is a good thing for all of us."
"It's better for individual people when people live in smaller countries."
"His self-interest ends up helping the American people."
"Marginalized people benefit the most from free speech."
"Everyone stands to benefit from a world in which everyone can exist as themselves for themselves and for everyone else involved."
"You can turn your life around and do something good for everyone."
"Your reparation is that you now get to live in the most advanced and prosperous civilization in history."
"The federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and create frameworks where the American people can succeed because if all Americans are getting opportunity we're all gonna be better off."
"Big businesses actually do vast good in American society."
"In the end all will benefit in better homes, better communities."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole...increase the probability of the future is good."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole and increase the probability of the future is good."
"So you see what's going on here calling for sunday laws saying that this is a good thing it'll help your health it'll help you to have balance between rest and work it's going to be good for society."
"Giving an economy more energy allows people to light their homes, fuel their cars, transport goods, power construction machinery, and run services like healthcare."
"You being happy makes the people around you happier, better for your friends, better for your family, better for the world."
"We want to create an economy that works for every American, and it's working."
"If we get the vaccine early, that's a great thing."
"Wouldn't preventing serial killers or domestic abuse be incredibly useful?"
"It's one small sacrifice for the greater good."
"Improving people's skills is a real win-win for all: the economy, society, employers, and individuals themselves."
"Honesty is a good value because it's something you can have complete control over it reflects reality and it benefits others even if it's sometimes unpleasant."
"I support any organization that is for the betterment of the human race."
"China is developing in ways which most benefit Chinese society."
"That's what politics is meant to be about: making people's lives better or less bad."
"Every gain we make in intelligence is the thing that safeguards that opportunity for you and everyone else"
"Without public schools, the rest of us don't get any chance at all."
"When you talk about equality, this is a great thing for our country."
"We need ordinary people to join with us to make it for the good of society and the good of individuals."
"We want to create more, we want people to grow and flourish."
"I think Society could benefit from more people seeing the world this way."
"Financing of education is not a cost, it is an investment."
"Understanding the importance of clinical research and trials can provide hope for new treatments and benefit society as a whole."
"More information is better for the American public."
"Gratification basically, you recognize that for your own eventual good and more to the point for the good of other people and society, you need to behave in a way that will help yourself and others."
"You can't have it all. I think the human race really benefits as a species from our differences."
"Four years at a place like Harvard or four years at a place like the University of North Carolina can change a person's heart as well as a person's mind, and this is a positive good for society."
"Any policy that will benefit black people will benefit all of society."
"The work capability assessment is going to be scrapped... sounds like a good thing."
"If more people understood how they worked, the world would be a better place."
"They want to expand access to banking, insurance, financial services for all."
"I think we can raise the standard of living so incredibly much if everybody has access to Abundant amounts of really high quality intelligence and they can use those tools to create whatever they want."
"Immigrants make us better; it's really important."
"The judeo-christian tradition may be the source of advocacy for Sunday closing laws, yet a weekly rest from the economy serves all citizens."
"Accessibility is not a zero-sum game. It actually enriches our society for everyone, one wet, squelching step at a time."
"Having a scientifically literate general public is one of the best things that this world could have."
"Trust makes capitalism really unique and successful."
"If you educate a woman, you enhance the life of an individual and you enhance the life of an entire society."
"There's certainly a long way to go, but it's definitely a good thing that we managed to lift all restrictions."
"My goal is to maximize area under the curve of total human happiness which means the 80 percent of people in the middle."
"We should want to fix structures and make them more equitable and have better outcomes. That's actually better for everyone."
"It's a bummer because this should benefit everyone."
"Please delight the rest of us with you as you really are because the best you is going to benefit all of us."
"Our economy has been stronger because of immigrants."
"I love you more today than I loved you yesterday but not as much as tomorrow."
"Asserting your individuality was a benefit to our society and culture."
"A more diverse politics can only be to the good."
"Capitalism improving the standard of living of everybody involved."
"What technology could and should do is make life easier for all of us."
"If college was free, or at least universally affordable, it would not be a scam."
"It would inject so much money into our economy."
"Law and order, the first-hand beneficiary is woman folks."
"The reason to mandate a medical intervention is if I believe there's so much benefit to third parties."
"A person who has virtus applies all their best attributes for the benefit and glory of the Republic."
"There is no greater return to an economy or to a society than an educational system second to none."
"If we had a concentration on personal liberty, it would be such a blessing."
"Vaccine mandates make a lot of people mad, but they save lives."
"Why don't we create a politics... where I believe that being true to our Democratic and our human values will actually be the greater win?"
"It makes the world an amazingly better place."
"Well, from my perspective, sunlight is the best disinfectant and the more transparency, to a large extent, the better."
"We got lucky with Prince Harry and Megan we got lucky and we should take advantage of it."
"We want a merit-based system for entry. This will improve living conditions for all Americans, both immigrant and U.S. born."
"Get out of your comfort zone just a little bit because the effort it costs you versus the benefit to patients who need blood is tremendous." - Dr. Claudia Cohn
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"Culture evolves to the concept of tempering capitalism, which is also an evolutionary trait and an advantage."
"Capitalism creates this explosive growth that lifts everybody."
"Exploring the unknown, doing research, always involves risks. Those risks are worth taking, we know that as a society."
"The federal government can play a role in making a big difference."
"What we're talking about is empowering the people to make laws... it'll be a win-win."
"Community is gonna be the best thing for basically everybody."
"I think we have a responsibility to give back."
"It's a very difficult argument to make that we're somehow better off just because there's more people."
"Having more people become investors is fundamentally a good thing."
"I think I've added to the human race in a beneficial manner."
"People from Hong Kong will make this a more successful country. They will make this a more decent country."
"Making less people kill themselves is probably the right thing to do."
"Morality is impossible to refine to a point where it is beneficial without God."
"What remains for us to discover are the facts in every domain of knowledge that will allow the greatest number of us to live lives truly worth living."
"These changes are long overdue reforms that will actually benefit the private sector and average Chinese consumers instead of the rich and powerful who run the country."
"We need a trade policy that benefits ordinary people, not just CEOs."
"It's one of those things where you're like, hey this actually helps better democracy, this helps better representation. I don't see why this would, you know, be a bad thing to anybody."
"Existence is worthwhile, and we should all work for its furtherance and benefit."
"The accumulation of great wealth has actually enriched America, all of us."
"Absolutely I believe that diversity and a varied representation across all aspects of life is a good thing is an important thing it's a necessary thing."
"I don't see how freedom of speech would hurt America though."
"Transmuting pain into something positive... the world needs more happiness and more joy."
"The more you get the conversations out there, I mean, the more information there is, it's just better for everybody."
"An idea has to be good for everyone to be a good idea."
"A more educated population can make better decisions when it comes to voting."
"When free people act in their own self-interest, society prospers."
"Countries that have brought in immigrants throughout history have done well."
"Everything we try to invent is trying to do good for the world."
"What's going to make a difference in the lives of people right now?"
"There's nothing that could be so bad on a species level that it wouldn't be better for us to know."
"Ukrainian refugees are almost a godsend for many countries."
"If the system doesn't serve the people what is the point of it?"
"Society prospers when old men plant seeds for trees that they will never sit in the shade of."
"Actions are good if they result in a net increase of societal happiness."
"So we have to do as a society is figure out where we can maximize the most amount of good for the country closing is your government but not too much away from us."
"When you look at the world through the community lens, it's obviously overall better for the entire world."
"But at the same time, they can be so, so helpful for so many people in various situations."
"If everybody wins, it's better for everybody's happiness in the long term."
"You best know what you like, what you prefer, and what I want to do with society and with the government is to empower people to make choices which make them the most happy."
"Our strengthening economy is a godsend for millions of Americans."
"The only thing that matters is how we treat each other and what we do to benefit the flourishing of humanity."
"I think it helps, I think it's helping men, which is the most important."
"Lean as heavily as possible on the side of free speech."
"Freedom of religion is good for everyone, even for atheists."
"The common good balance sheet is meant to be a visible hand."
"Taxing corporations and wealthy people, just a bit more, you could do that and you'd probably get a lot of voters back on side."
"Diversity makes us smarter, gives us a broader take on society."
"The trickle-up economy would actually work, unlike the trickle-down economy which was total garbage and nonsense."
"Technology doesn't exist to make more money; it exists to make our lives better."
"I think it's really good technology and I think it's good for people to have."
"Agriculture is uniquely positioned to have an influence on our environment and our society at the same time."
"Your emphasis on education and educational choice will be the thing that really distinguishes and liberates our people."
"I think the thing that gets me off is so many families would be helped, hundreds of business owners."
"We need to get out there, travel, and gain empathy for others to strengthen our democracy."
"Prosperity is the way that we can actually make most people much better off."
"What it'll actually do for people, what it'll do for the economy."
"I think vaccines have absolutely been a net good for society and for public health."
"Investing in education is the best thing you can invest in."
"Putting economic resource in the hands of every American will end up amping up investment on solving problems."
"Distribute the gains from the Amazons and Googles and the AI companies of the world to you all, to our families, to your communities, build a trickle-up economy."
"Politics are meant to help people in the end, right? That's the goal."
"I do believe that the art of being educated in the highest possible manner is there's nothing that's better for you and for society."
"Public banks are mandated to serve the people."
"If everybody believed in themselves being their full potential... how much happier and safer the world would be."
"The benevolence of government is that it can protect us."
"Whenever you draw a line, all those people who potentially going over the line would provide them benefit."
"Let's start with steering the trillions of dollars of incentives."