
Garlic Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has potent medicinal properties."
"Garlic...not only adds a flavor punch to our dishes but also packs a serious health punch."
"Raw garlic will actually kill off bad yeast and candida and bad types of funguses and molds that get within your body."
"Garlic is wonderful because it is a natural source of sulfur."
"I love garlic. Wait, does that mean I'm a vampire?"
"Garlic is a natural antibiotic, it kills viruses directly."
"Garlic has been used for thousands of years because of its very broad medicinal properties."
"Garlic adds flavor to everything... just slice off a little bit of the top... roast it in the oven... cloves will be really soft and caramelized and gooey."
"The active compound allicin in garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to cardiovascular health."
"Go go garlic! This breath-bashing bulb makes it into about 90% of the recipes I cook!"
"An endless garlic Loop where I'll never have to buy garlic again in my life."
"This garlic is freshly pulled out of the ground."
"If you've never used one of these little garlic rollers...it actually works really well to peel the garlic."
"Garlic isn't just a kitchen staple, it's also steeped in history and has been cherished for its flavor and medicinal properties for thousands of years."
"Garlic, sometimes you get somebody in the family, somebody is a friend, they'll say, 'Hey listen, I don't like garlic.' Let me explain something to you from Uncle Joe: get rid of them."
"Almost everyone will agree that garlic improves nearly any dish."
"Anyone who doesn't like garlic is insane."
"Garlic is my old sparring partner. It's both one of my favorite spices to eat or use in cooking and one of the hardest plants to grow here in our subtropical climate."
"These green beans are so garlicky and oniony, the best part is that they're not overcooked."
"Garlic is considered not just a tasty seasoning but also a valuable natural remedy for various health conditions."
"The garlic sauce tastes almost like sour."
"Garlic has been validated by modern research for its capacity to combat harmful bacteria."
"Meteor garlic, a mysterious garlic that grows where meteorites fall."
"Pickled garlic, you guys got to incorporate pickled garlic into every single dish you eat."
"I love garlic so much I don't think there's ever been a recipe in which I've got a chunk of garlic in my mouth that I've had a problem with it."
"Garlic is so good for your immunity."
"Chicken, if you ask me, can take a lot of garlic."
"I'm going to plant all the Elephant Garlic that I grew, and I want to grow a ton of it next year because it's so easy to peel."
"Are you kidding me? Mince garlic? Bro thinks I'm a vampire."
"...garlic is most commonly known for cooking with and it's kind of like oregano it's one of those herbs that everybody Cooks buff and everybody loves you love the taste you love the smell but you don't realize how medicinal it is."
"These are both incredibly delicious and a must-make for any garlic and or shrimp lover."
"Real quick, I'll peel and chop some garlic, my other favorite Italian soup trick is to stir in fresh garlic right before you eat so it's just barely cooked in the hot soup."
"...it's clear that garlic water might just be your morning holy against those sugar spikes."
"Nothing gives it more flavor than the actual garlic and onion."
"Garlic is antifungal. It's antibacterial. It's antiviral as well."
"Garlic is one of nature's super foods."
"...roasted garlic oil, so easy to make, I just put a bunch of garlic cloves on an oven tray."
"This is for those of you who love garlic in your noodles and who want to avoid vampire attacks."
"Garlic powder can be more effective than fresh garlic for certain health benefits."
"More garlic is the best garlic press ever made."
"Look at Garlic, he's already shaking hands and he hasn't left the starting line."
"Their garlic is phenomenal. It is the best garlic I have ever used."
"It's garlic, you know what it is, it's cheesy garlic bread."
"I love just having fresh garlic as much as I can."
"If you love garlic, add more garlic in."
"There's no wrong way to make a garlic bun."
"I love the idea of using garlic as like the main flavor in a dish."
"Fresh basil makes the world difference and that garlic hits so beautifully it Mellows out a little bit with everything else going on this is a perfect delicious meal that you can make on any week night in less than 20 minutes."
"'Chesnak is probably your best all-around garlic because you can use it for anything.'"
"Because the garlic is going to sort of simmer in it."
"You know what? I think the secret to a beautiful, tasty mussel is just tons of garlic."
"From its antioxidant capabilities, reducing inflammation, cleansing the liver, to enhancing immune function."
"Garlic and butter, oh is there a better smell? I don't think so, maybe bacon."
"I love garlic thyme Italian seasoning."
"That garlic is amazing, that's a new flavor of garlic that I have never experienced before."
"We are not canning this garlic, we are going to freeze it."
"There's nothing like some garlic in a pan."
"The sauce gets better over time, I'm telling you. Once the garlic starts marinating."
"I love garlic so much, good job I'm not kissing anyone because I would stink of gossip."
"Garlic is like the world's first-ever catch-all super drug."
"Garlic may also have earned some anti-vampire cred for its ability to disrupt blood-sucking pests."
"usually when I use garlic it's the pre-minced garlic in that jar I don't think I've ever done fresh garlic and just diced it up"
"Garlic acts like a calming force, helping your kidneys heal, and it's also full of antioxidants which are like bodyguards for your kidneys, protecting them from harm."
"Sambal is a source or a salsa, it's always got chili in it, it's always got a bit of garlic in it."
"Garlic is a natural; it's one of the oldest fermentation processes out there."
"This in front of me brings me a lot of happiness because it is a forest of garlic."
"For garlic, it heals us, its powers are anything but small. So don't make fun of it, it lowers cholesterol."
"It's so garlicky, so you could tell that the shrimp is like fresh, it's cooked perfectly."
"It's so good, that meat is like so tender, garlicky."
"Everybody loves garlic. It's like the memes that go around of the recipe that calls for two cloves of garlic, and it's like these boulders of garlic."
"Garlic is to savory food what vanilla is to sweet food."
"Fresh garlic is really good to use on these."
"I'm going to add some Italian seasoning and you know I have to add some garlic because we absolutely love garlic."
"This is amazing, the garlic in it is like a perfect amount."
"The thing you want to focus on is the root formations of your garlic."
"What's a dish without garlic? It just shouldn't exist."
"If you like garlic and you're incorporating it into your diet, congratulations, you are incorporating a food that is probably having a lot of benefits."
"Garlic definitely packs a punch in terms of nutrition and health benefits."
"Garlic is freedom; freedom is garlic."
"If I have to ask if there's enough garlic, there's not enough."
"Roasted garlic air-filled mozzarella balloons—is that like the coolest thing ever?"
"There's something so satisfying about cooking with garlic."
"You want to make sure you use fresh garlic on this, I mean you're spending all this money on meat, don't use the canned stuff."
"We need garlic in our lives, lots of garlic."
"Put enough garlic on anything, it's good."
"The properties found in garlic may help reduce the risk of some degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's."
"This recipe has a lot of garlic in it; she used like three whole bulbs of the garlic and she minced it."
"When you grow your own garlic, you can take a head of garlic that you grew, break it apart, and plant it, and it can keep perpetuating itself."
"I'm just cooking up the garlic until it becomes fragrant."
"Garlic is so beneficial for your body; it kills viruses, parasites, bacteria."
"Garlic has been shown to help with blood pressure, cholesterol as well."
"Garlic... we use tons of garlic in Mediterranean cuisine."
"Garlic contains allicin, an organic sulfur molecule with anti-inflammatory effects."
"There's something about lemon and garlic that works so well with prawns."
"Garlic is so amazing for your immune system because it promotes your white blood cells' ability to attack bacteria, funguses, viruses head on."
"One of my favorites this year is the Chesnok Red; it's got nice big cloves on a good sized bulb as well, with an amazing flavor."
"If you like garlic, this is the recipe for you."
"The cheesy, like salty Parmesan flavor was really strong, and it was like intensely garlicky, which I love."
"Garlic carries a ton of health benefits... it's something that for humans as well as for animals at the right amount is good."
"The garlic, the main ingredient is Allicin... it vasodilates the artery, lowers the cholesterol, it just flat out stops and slows down heart disease."
"Can you smell the mouth-watering aroma of garlic yet?"
"The main flavor in that broth is garlic, it's amazing."
"The garlic sauce is amazing, it's garlicky and fluffy and it's perfect for serving with grilled meats or vegetables."
"Garlic... a nice natural antibiotic that is selective to those bacteria but won't create any damage to your cells."
"Don't fry garlic till it goes brown, it goes bitter and it burns."
"I'm also going to add a few garlic cloves which will give us a nice another layer of flavor."
"Eating raw garlic is good for you, we shall get some and we shall try."
"It's a no-brainer, freaking consume the garlic, ideally the raw garlic."
"I just love the smell of garlic, it's so good, it's so fragrant."
"I recently harvested over a hundred or so bulbs of garlic."
"Garlic has many fantastic antibacterial properties."
"Scapes are the flower spikes that come out from the top of the garlic and they are absolutely divine."
"I'm well impressed with these chunky garlic bulbs."
"Kingsland white is considered to be one of the best culinary garlics with a beautiful mild flavor."
"I'm wildly addicted to Toum, which means garlic in Arabic."
"I add loads of garlic because garlic is so good for you and also a natural anti-inflammatory."
"Garlic contains several compounds believed to play a role in fighting cancer."
"Eating a fresh clove of garlic on a daily basis is so healthy for you."
"Eating onions and garlic frequently is associated with the reduced risk of cancers of the digestive tract."
"When people taste the sauce, they say, 'My goodness, where'd you get this recipe from?' And the secret is in the garlic infused oil that we put into our sauce."
"Good flavor, a lot of garlic, it doesn't taste too heavy."
"Garlic is a plant that actually needs the winter chilling period to form a proper bulb."
"I feel like garlic adds a lot of flavor to foods."
"All the flavor and the sauce is in there, there's so much crispy garlic on there, it's super crunchy."
"Garlic stimulates the immune system and has anti-inflammatory effects."
"Garlic intake appears to be especially effective for reducing the risk of developing colon cancer."
"I'm kind of of the mind that you can't really do too much garlic in anything."
"Garlic obviously enhances the flavor right, so nicely and soft and very nice."
"Garlic is rich in various kinds of sulfur compounds, responsible not only for the odor but for the ability of garlic to cut bacteria and cholesterol."
"Garlic helped build the Great Pyramids; it also built Gilroy, and we're glad it did."
"I love the smell of garlic, and I love the smell on my hands too."
"If you love garlic, I promise you're going to love this one; it's so creamy and filling."
"It's heaven, guys. The garlic hits you, oh so pungent, it's like so good."
"If you've never planted garlic, I highly recommend it."
"First things first, get yourself a little bit of garlic."
"Throw in your garlic and sauté until it smells good."
"There's a boom in garlic and specifically in heirloom garlic."
"I minced the garlic and also chop the white parts of the green onion for the salad dressing that we're going to be making."
"Most of garlic's health benefits are caused by a compound called allicin."
"All around the world, for over 4,000 years, garlic has held many important roles in daily human life."
"Modern research has confirmed the health benefits of garlic that our ancestors believed in."
"The blood-thinning quality of garlic may also be helpful in preventing heart attacks and strokes."
"Garlic with anything, let's be real, makes it taste so good."
"For over 4,000 years, garlic has held many important roles in daily human life."
"Look at the size of this garlic bulb; it is almost as big as the palm of my hand."
"Hardneck garlic can survive well below zero. You can grow this down to zone three. It is so cold hardy."
"I love garlic, love garlic, so I'm so excited that I'm actually going to be growing my own garlic."
"Just a reminder when cooking, always measure garlic with your heart."
"It's garlicky, creamy, and just full of flavor."
"We all know the benefits of garlic."