
Calm Quotes

There are 1881 quotes

"The capacity to create quiet and calm and mindfulness is available to every single human, period."
"A kind of psychological space opens up between you and your thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, prejudices. A luminous space opens up between you and the mind, and the mind calms down."
"Being next to this guy, she feels a difficult to explain sense of calm."
"Take your three deep mindful breaths. Not only will this calm your mind, your body, your soul, and your spirit, but this will also help you ground and center."
"Don't react, respond, and go within you so that you can get centered."
"We just need to do what we need to do: be vigilant, but we also need to be responsible and not lose our heads on this."
"We all recognize the importance of what's going on here, and I think it's important to have level heads about what's happening."
"Get really good at learning about returning to calm, returning to well-being."
"You want it to look nice; you don't want it to look junky because when I come down here, the idea is that this is a place of calm, it's a place where I can unwind, it's a place where I can think and be creative."
"The unforced rhythms of Grace... He's never frazzled, he's never hurried, he's never pushed."
"Competence is necessary, calming is necessary, exactitude is necessary."
"The storm seemed to lose its frenzy; the ragged clouds gave way to the stars above."
"The easiest move to make right now is to just hold, don't panic."
"There's the calm and the promise of the sun coming out after the storm."
"Breathing deeply instantly makes me feel calmer."
"Don't panic... it's all gonna get sorted out."
"By reducing your thoughts and getting to a point where your mind is empty, your heart remains calm."
"From my heart to yours, take a deep breath in, and on the exhale, we bow."
"You stayed quiet and drank in the night, still pleasantly shocked."
"Silence is golden... After launching that rocket, it was nice to have some time to reflect."
"Things are okay guys, they're okay. Don't you worry."
"Learn to unreact, just be. You do not have to bring the full-on response to everything."
"Everybody should try to calm down; that would be the first thing I'd say."
"Calm is contagious, you walk in, assess the situation, slow down, bring the room down, and then you can make good decisions."
"People follow the leader, spread calm not chaos."
"If you're holding the good stuff, you're very relaxed. Don't be tempted to sell."
"Everybody's got to bring it down, cool down the temperature."
"Imagine this: you're sitting quietly at home, the gentle hum of the evening wrapping around you like a familiar blanket. Suddenly, the air vibrates with an otherworldly sound and eerie booming echo that seems to descend from the heavens themselves."
"My appeal to Nigerians is to remain calm, remain powerful for our country Nigeria. We have no other country except this one."
"They have a laid-back attitude, not letting trivial things bother them."
"There will be some profound changes but in a more known crisis non-dramatic way."
"Close your eyes little one, it's time to rest your head and go to bed."
"Now's the time to be still and not act, simply breathe and focus on your own power."
"Someone who is in a conscious state... does not get angered easily."
"In the heart of chaos, find the calm within yourself."
"The full moon seems to provide some serenity and calm."
"It's more concentrated... feels less like a rock concert..."
"Just breathe and stay centered in the present moment with your breath."
"At the end of the video, I'm gonna have a few minutes of silence so you can drift off and do a peaceful sleep."
"Keep surfaces clear... it can noticeably help to calm us."
"This is the kind of market you want to trade in; volatility has evaporated from the market."
"Calm is what you have to be when people look to you, and it's all you can be when things are out of your hands."
"I can relax and breathe, it's okay that this is happening."
"Stick around when the market is calm, that's when you make the most money."
"Make sure you are coming to a very calm place within yourself."
"Meanwhile like Lola is so unfazed everything bad is happening and Lola's just like so chill."
"Please do not panic. Don't worry, we got you."
"Panic is always amiss. You need to think rationally."
"A hopeful new beginning, settling down energy."
"There is no emergency, but there is a whole lot of love."
"I continue to wait for the waters to settle."
"I went up on the ceiling as I looked down at my body and saw the top of the heads of everybody in the room. It was a very calm, wrapped in love feeling."
"When the world is in chaos around us, there's so much happening in the external world sometimes the simple thing of just closing our eyes and taking a breath allows us to bring ourselves into stillness."
"In the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet for just a moment."
"The vocal is relaxed because the concentration is on the story of the song."
"Thank you for watching everyone I hope that this has been a little bit more of a calming video in this situation and we'll see what happens either way."
"The noise around you will be silenced in days ahead."
"Version One, they're taking things slow, there's no dramatics whatsoever, it's 12 to four Version One, now one round away from taking away their map."
"By having just a little window of calm each morning, you can shift from reactive to proactive mode."
"The overall mood in the population at least from what I can see and from what I can judge is very calm."
"No, you smell roasted vegetables, it's okay."
"I decided to take a few deep breaths and then step out of the office."
"Training helps maintain calm and do the right thing."
"When the players are showing that they have no experience, what calms them is the system."
"No harm can befall you whilst I'm here; all I ask is that you remain calm."
"No need to panic, that's just how the transponders operate."
"This week we just had is one of the sleepiest weeks in the market."
"You gotta breathe through it man, calm yourself down."
"Regaining a very strong sense of peace and calm."
"No need to panic, just focus on what you can control."
"Remain calm during disputes and have the self-control not to follow the crowd. Courage in the face of danger comes from inner strength, not foolhardiness."
"Zoom in on the target, calm down, take a deep breath, and hit the shot."
"It feels like we are in the eye of the storm, you know, like when there's a storm going on or a tornado and there's no wind in that actual place."
"Find your center. It's gonna be very calming and grounding for you."
"Just keep it calm, remember that the world's complex and there isn't one answer to this kind of complicated problem."
"Concentrate in the moment and feel that everything is okay."
"The branch that actually helps us to feel relaxed and calm is the ventral vagal nerve."
"He's a sweet young man, but hopefully this is really okay. It feels so relaxed in such a strange situation."
"Stick to what works. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed."
"I'm grounded, allowing me to be present at all times. Smoky quartz brings peace and release."
"Nothing else weird ever happened in that house. Nothing else weird ever happened to me either."
"It's a hurricane. It's right now. It's kind of sunny. Things are doing fine."
"Keep breathing. Keep coming back to the breath."
"This brings just a calmer feeling, the noise insulation is so good."
"You don't have to head to your bunkers, you know. You don't have to say goodbye to your loved ones." - Mark Sloboda
"Maybe it's those two or three candles that they light every night."
"Take a deep breath and hold it. Aim at the heart. You've done well."
"Tomorrow go down... Position yourself. Stand still."
"He created a little calm space around him of gentleness of niceness of kindness."
"A newfound equilibrium settled upon the battlefield."
"Let it be, let it be, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."
"That calming reflective space is just such a great one."
"Recognize to breathe because what is meant for you will never pass you by."
"We need peace, we need calm, resourcefulness."
"Options give you power, it gives you the sense to calm down."
"The strange thing was how calm I felt...I'd always believed revenge to be a hot-blooded action--and in-the-heat-of-passion feeling."
"Give it to God, this is kind of your destiny, so you don't really need to worry."
"I felt like the most overwhelming sense of calm."
"Allow yourself to be still and allow yourself to know that sometimes it's okay not to know."
"Rare albino giraffe sighting mesmerizes with its calm presence."
"The crazier the storm gets, the deeper goes the silence."
"Finding peacefulness in stress is important."
"Blue, on the other hand, is a calming color."
"That's pretty good. Okay, we're okay, we're okay, we're okay."
"Beautiful relaxing night to be flying, 851 single Bravo proceeding to work two, okay, near seven miles from okay, cross okay at 1,600, cleared iOS 39 left approach is left okay, cross cocaine at 1,600, clear for the iOS 9 left approach."
"It will be okay, it will work out, it's fine."
"It's actually created a much greater sense of calm in my life."
"Relax, everybody. Oscar took his place, he's relaxing, everybody's relaxed."
"Everything will be fine everything will be fine."
"I think everyone needs to be super level-headed and everyone needs to like kind of just not do anything rash."
"Nice and easy, we'll move on through guys asleep, let's."
"I'm doing just fine. I don't worry about the 50."
"When I met Tom, none of that tumultuousness was happening and I was like, 'I think this is good.'"
"I'm excited. I like this feeling of not panicking before a final."
"Breathe in... two, three, four... and out... two, three, four..."
"Let's just stay calm and think this through."
"Remember, slow down, the answer is within you, okay? Breathe."
"This absolute peaceful energy coming through."
"There is no reason to be afraid, especially there's no reason at all to be panicked."
"Do not fear the unknown and find Serenity in the uncertain."
"He was expressing calm and he was taking early action."
"After the absolute insanity that we just saw, this is kind of a nice stabilizer."
"He's the eye of the hurricane; he's in the center of waiting for those to hit."
"It's been a crazy six to seven months but things have calmed down now Sarah's doing well apparently."
"Take a load off, everything's gonna be just fine."
"there was not a bit of concern in his voice he was so calm"
"Down 18 pounds, easier with a sense of calm."
"When you move as if nothing is happening while the world is blowing up."
"Use this as an opportunity to prepare don't live in fear prepare."
"It's definitely not time to believe the fud and panic."
"Painter is about patience, okay, you'll be fine, just breathe."
"It's pretty tame, pretty standard, pretty chill."
"Adrenaline's flowing, but try to remain calm so your decision-making processes aren't untethered."
"All things are possible with you, Father, quiet every storm in my life and fill me with endless possibilities."
"It's fine, we're all fine here now, thank you."
"Open your windows, listen to the rain, and read a book for a calming experience."
"I like the quiet moments when there was just like the quiet before the storm."
"This feels not dramatic at all. I'd support you."
"Human energy has the tendency to rise due to overthinking... Deep abdominal breathing brings us back into the body where we can feel ourselves and feel our Chi."
"We have to just use our head, step back, take a deep breath."
"Let's just take a deep breath, black has two extra pawns and a rook."
"Staying calm in the face of calamity is critical."
"Everything feels so much more calm right now."
"There's literally no need for anxiety when you're having... whatever blessing this is."
"Remember, if you're freaking out, take a deep breath... 95% of the time, doing nothing is probably your best move."
"I honestly feel like the most mellow version of myself."
"If you're looking for something a little calmed down in terms of story, this is a really good movie to check out."
"You're letting the dust settle, and all of that as well."
"Hopefully, you found that examination quite relaxing."
"Let yourself relax into that, rest calmly, divinely, serenely."
"They're very chill, relaxed, and sweet vibes."
"Our ability to sit down and clear mind."
"No more feeling anxious, no more feeling confused."
"Don't panic, don't get in these kind of situations where you do a knee-jerk reaction to your investing portfolios."
"These first 48 hours after a major event are marked with an uncertain and unsettling calm as people assess their situation."
"Being able to deescalate situations."
"Pick a word of intention; maybe it's presence, calm, release, relax."
"Just take a few breaths here."
"Breathing it out, and relax."
"Let it chill my body but not my soul."
"I am thankful, and he leaves me in the room once more, just as my heartbeat begins to slow."
"This is the calmest it's been in days."
"Breathing and walking in mindfulness puts us in touch with the miracles of life all around us, and our compulsive thinking will dissipate very naturally."
"When our mind is racing and noisy, outward calm is only a pretense, but when we can find space and calm inside, then without effort, we radiate peace and joy."
"It was calm and peaceful as never before."
"It's a great kind of remedy for escapism, calming."
"Everybody breathe, take a moment."
"I love you guys, and I'll call you later tonight when everything's calmed down."
"I found myself sober and quiet and sane in the room in the tower."
"Notice your breathing, the gentle rise and fall that happens all by itself."
"Every time I get on a skateboard, I relax, it just calms me, I can't be tense on a board, and that's what attracted me to it."
"It's been a very calming experience."
"It will be very like, relaxing at the same time, very soothing."
"Feel the entire back side of the body get heavy and just breathe."
"Something's moving quite smoothly here, something's moving quite slow, steady, nice. It feels really, really good."
"Validation is one of the biggest tools that calms down the conversation."
"Everyone knows the quietest and calmest people have the worst snaps ever."
"It's wonderful to know that when you're feeling worried, stressed out, you can chew just two of these delicious naturally citrus flavored no sugar added chews and in minutes you start to feel more centered, calm, and in control."
"It's like the calm after a storm."
"Meditating calms the brain and changes the neurologic functioning of the brain."
"There's a deep sense of calm that presides over it."
"I'm just gonna sit back and relax."
"Stay calm. One at a time. Don't panic. Deep breaths."
"I'm all about spreading positivity, calm, serenity, peacefulness, and no... you know, like, I'm not someone that except that one time where I hit Orlin, but I'm all about peace."
"Serotonin calms down the worry center of the brain."
"The trick here is to remain as calm as possible without alerting the animal."
"A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body."
"Peace is the capacity and the potential for calm in the midst of chaos."
"Her narrative teaches us that celebrity and money are not everything. Sometimes finding calm and quiet is the true victory."
"Your quarterback, Michael Penix Jr, has a calm and composure about him."
"I was panicking and then after I took that volume and I got home, I was so calm."
"Close your eyes and take a deep calming breath. Feel the weight of the world gently lift off your shoulders."
"He's so eerie and calm and collected all the time."
"It's just so beautifully calm and clean line and simple."
"Please come back in the house, I'll be able to help you, just calm down, everything's fine."
"Before the storm, there's an eerie calm, a menacing, ominous stillness, like in a horror movie."
"There is peace and calm when we remain in you. There is no need to be worried or afraid."
"It's really calm and peaceful here in Frankfort, which I really like after the hustle and bustle of Lexington."
"Calm, cool, and collected—trading requires a huge amount of discipline."
"Everything stays cool and breezy."