
Processed Foods Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"We want minimally processed, less ingredients, more whole food based analogs for sure."
"If God made this, eat it. If man made it, leave it."
"The less processed the food, the lower the insulin, the lower the insulin, the less mitochondrial dysfunction."
"Investing in our health is crucial, emphasizing the value of natural foods over processed alternatives."
"Every 10 percent increase in ultra-processed food consumption has been associated with a 14 percent increased risk in early mortality and a 25 percent increased risk in the development of dementia."
"When we consume the type of ultra-processed, hyper-palatable foods, self-control is nearly impossible."
"We eat an ultra-processed diet that makes us ravenous."
"It's no wonder that the obesity rate has been skyrocketing since at least the eighties, around the time that ultra-processed food entered the food supply in an unprecedented way."
"Science is really starting to reveal that it's not the lack of fiber, it's not additional sugar, it's the ultra-processed foods themselves that are the problem."
"The least amount of processed foods and processed sugars you eat is just going to be better for your overall health, but definitely for your skin."
"Reduce your intake of modern food-like products, ultra-processed foods."
"58% of America's caloric intake comes from ultra-processed foods."
"Ultimately, a little ultra-processed snack here and there won't hurt, but the problem is that most Americans aren't having a little ultra-processed snack here and there."
"Real food, as opposed to processed and chemically altered food, is fundamental to maintaining insulin sensitivity and overall health."
"Remember, it can take years before that processed junk that you've been putting into your body catches up to you."
"I'm much more anti Ultra processed food... once you absorb that information, you think gosh if I'm having this every day of my life in some form, this is perhaps why we're in such a mess."
"Our food dollars are being spent on processed foods loaded with sugar because the food industry knows when they add it, you buy more."
"The foundation of the epidemic is ultra-processed food products that we overconsume today."
"Your average American today derives 60% of their calories from ultra-processed foods."
"That means we're gonna be choosing to avoid things like processed foods, processed snacks, sodas, high sugar, highly refined flours, and all that kind of stuff."
"If it comes from a plant, eat it; if it's manufactured in a plant, don't."
"If you want to be healthier, if you want to lose weight, it doesn't have to be complicated. Get rid of ultra-processed foods like this in your diet. Just eat real foods."
"It's the knowledge that needs to be changed; it's the systems that need to be changed, like getting rid of easy-to-access foods, getting rid of ultra-processed foods."
"The enemy, I believe, is processed food, and I believe enemy number one is sugar, added sugar."
"Get rid of processed food and sugar...when you're eating those processed foods, you're eating empty calories."
"Every one of those is gonna use low-quality eggs sausage processed oils."
"With the onset of the agricultural revolution around 10,000 years ago, we started to see the onset of modern disease, compounded in the last 100 years with the increased intake of processed food and the significant carbohydrate component of that."
"I don't know what your health issues are, I don't know what you're experiencing, but we're going to get you off anything that comes in a box, bag, or a can."
"Sugar is a bad thing. Processed foods are a bad thing. Trans fats are a bad thing."
"Cheese in a can contains sodium phosphate, which can be harmful."
"We evolved to eat whole foods and not foods that have been chemically and mechanically separated to an extreme degree."
"Ultra-processed foods don't get recognized by the body and brain in the same way as whole foods."
"The overall impact of this Ultra processed food looks like on a global scale is as bad as smoking."
"Cut out all processed food... cakes, biscuits, ice creams, Donuts, cookies, just stop it, it's disgusting."
"Imagine that with one simple personal choice, with stopping eating processed food, that you could change everything."
"Eat sort of as unprocessed and as natural as you possibly can."
"Did God make a Twinkie? No. Did God make an avocado? Yes."
"Unfortunately, much of that food is highly processed and lacking in nutrients leading to a rise in obesity, heart disease, and other health problems."
"The less processed food you're eating the less cravings you'll have, the more stable your blood sugar will be it really is that simple."
"Clean eating means reducing the amount of processed foods or ingredients that you're consuming."
"Eat what you like... just avoid processed foods and avoid sugar and carbohydrate."
"No sugar. Sugar is a processed food. It's taken up by bad bacteria in your gut."
"Over half of the calories that Americans consume are ultra processed."
"It's important to limit the amount of processed foods that you eat."
"Most people eat far too much processed, packaged, and overcooked food to get their vitamins solely from their diets."
"Sugary and processed foods have short-term and long-term effects on the brain, gut, and immune system."
"Ultra-processed food is now the leading cause of early death on planet Earth, ahead of tobacco."
"Even if you live at a healthy weight, if you eat an average of 60% of your calories from ultra-processed food, you're still vulnerable to all those harms."
"So no simple carbs, essentially if it's in a package that's probably not good."
"Think about how we abuse our body by eating Ultra processed foods all the time."
"We have seen the great rise in manufactured foods... we're surrounded by what people call a toxic food environment."
"Just avoid packaged processed foods, in general there's pretty much, they just can't, from a nutritional standpoint, they can't compete with Whole Foods."
"And so, to make your choices easier, just avoid packaged processed foods."
"Canned food is abbreviation for cancer food."
"Ultra processing is like one of the biggest problems with the modern food supply."
"When you're going to eat something ask yourself a simple question: Did God make this or did man make it?"
"Remember especially when it comes to eating processed foods it's all a matter of Mind Over Munch."
"Sugar, grains, and vegetable seed oils: the slow poisons of big food."
"We've thrown away so much of the nutritional value, we have to enrich it."
"If an item has a long list of ingredients that you can't pronounce, put it back on the shelf." - Advice on processed foods
"Processed baked goods, such as commercially prepared cookies, cakes, muffins, and pastries, might make our taste buds dance but they can have a serious impact on our health and overall well-being."
"Processed fish products were by far the highest."
"People are seeing benefits from cutting out heavily processed food."
"Pringles: made from a weird slurry mixture, then boiled in oil and sprayed with powdered flavors."
"You remove all the different processed foods out, get rid of all the junk foods... It's that simple."
"60% of calories that Americans consume come from these exact kinds of foods, ultra-processed foods."
"So stay away from the sugar guys, all that processed sugar, horrible, horrible."
"The fake food you consume in the average day is sickening."
"If we get away from processed meats, including ham, a number of health issues get better all at the same time."
"Ultra processed foods are the new cigarette."
"You want to avoid all processed foods, including restaurant food."
"Nearly every single person, be they doctor, nutritionist, or average human being on the street, can agree on eliminating highly processed, unhealthy foods."
"Avoid processed foods and grain and seed oils like canola, corn, and soybean oil."
"The primary cause of pandemic diet-related disease is the rise of a diet of industrially produced edible substances known formally as ultra-processed foods."
"Ultra-processed food doesn't just cause obesity... it is strongly associated with a very long list of different diseases."
"Ultra-processed foods... these are not actually food because they don't maintain life and growth."
"Somewhere along the way we really lost sight... big industry convinced us that we didn't know how to cook for ourselves and we needed to rely on these processed foods."
"Just even stepping away from ultra-processed foods at the foundation of your diet is a major step in the right direction."
"I just didn't think too much about it, but if you can start to eat at home, prepare your own food, get rid of the ultra-processed foods as much as possible."
"Processed foods contain additives and preservatives that can disrupt the natural bacteria in our gut."
"Highly processed foods are just bad for you."
"I began to really realize, 'Wow, these foods in the middle of the grocery store, all these processed foods, they've got tons of ingredients in them and a lot of things I don't even know what these are.'"
"People are eating a lot more of these Ultra processed foods than they realize."
"...when it's Ultra processed it winds up being something less than healthy and falls squarely in the boxes of ultra-processed foods."
"Heavily processed foods are engineered and designed to make you overeat."
"Ingesting highly palatable, highly processed foods can be really deleterious to our health, especially in kids."
"The more ultr processed foods you eat the more disease risk you have so again if we if we think about it from that perspective and we look at carnivore diets carnivore diets why they work is they're not inclusive of any Ultra processed food so there's no Ultra processed food."
"When 60% of your calories are ultra-processed foods, you are exposing your gut microbiome to things that it was not really taught how to handle."
"Avoid processed foods which I think is one of the real benefits of this diet."
"Heavily processed foods will do this. Every study done of this has shown that on average people will consume 600 more calories a day when they eat heavily processed foods."
"For every 10% increase in Ultra processed foods, your risk of death goes up by 14%."
"We are highly addicted to these foods, they're designed to hijack our brain chemistry, our hormones, our metabolism."
"The totality of the evidence strongly suggests that ultra-processed foods are one of the major causes of overeating and a key contributor to the worldwide obesity epidemic."
"Trans fats, found in processed foods, can lead to a significant buildup of bad cholesterol in the liver."
"Most of the ultra processed foods are super rich in glyphosate."
"Ultra processed foods are responsible for approximately 11 million deaths worldwide every single year..."
"Heavily processed foods are designed to make you overeat."
"I need you to avoid heavily processed foods, sugar-laden foods, fast foods, fried foods, diet foods, and foods with chemicals in the name that you can't pronounce."
"Processed foods are much in the news lately."
"About 65% of the sodium that we consume in a day comes from convenience foods and prepackaged foods."
"...the essence of processed foods: to remove fiber from our foods and add sugar."
"Because they don't look at the things they should be taken out. I think damaging products into your body, so you're basically eating processed foods is more damage than the benefits of including healthy foods, if that makes sense."
"The real villains are the simple carbs manufacturers add to processed foods."
"The more heavily processed foods, the more calories we eat."
"There's a better way to do this but believe it or not a lot of Americans get their micronutrients from processed foods."
"Heavily processed foods are high in all those things because that's what makes them palatable, and you eat more calories when you eat foods that are heavily processed. That's a fact."
"Ultra processed foods are things like soft drinks, breakfast cereals, breads, microwave meals, package snacks."
"The consumption of these foods is not linked to any health benefit at all."
"Nobody needs to eat processed oil."
"It just comes down to what I always talk about: single ingredient foods, like beef, eggs, avocado, berries, banana. If you're eating processed foods, they're designed to make you overeat."
"Processed foods can wreak havoc on your liver, promoting inflammation and contributing to fatty liver disease."
"Processed foods are typically reassembled with unhealthy additives, significantly straining liver function."
"Processed foods are like the one that I can say fairly confidently are just bad."
"Processed foods are designed to get people hooked on them."
"Cutting down processed foods, eating real protein, and eating between a time-restricted manner helps."
"Ultra processed foods really aren't Foods at all."
"Processed foods lose most of their original nutritional value."
"Ultimately the matrix of what that oil is found in is the issue. Ultra-processed foods shouldn't be making up the vast majority of our calories on a daily basis."
"Heavily processed foods are designed to be so irresistible that they will cause you to overeat."
"If you just eliminate processed foods from your diet, you can't get fat and you won't get sick. It's as simple as that."
"Most people are displacing a lot of those animal-based options with processed foods."
"Let's focus on the reality that eating real food without all the junk and all the highly processed sugar and all that's the real culprit."
"The foods that cause coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis are ultra processed foods."
"A diet high in processed foods is associated with accelerated biological aging."
"It's really the ultra processed foods that are problematic from a cardiovascular disease risk standpoint."
"Whole food plant-based foods are not going to hook your brain and send a cascade of dopamine like ultra-processed foods are."
"Why should we eat better food? Why should we avoid processed foods? Why are they damaging?"
"Ultra processed foods... probably the foundation of our obesity crisis."
"There is emerging scientific evidence that ultra-processed food isn't good for you."
"To me, it will be more meaningful to raise awareness, and then people can make their decision to prefer food that are less processed."
"Everyone agreed that processed foods are not ideal for a healthy life."
"Eating a whole food plant-based diet really reduces a lot of the processed foods."
"Try and avoid the ultra processed foods and have as much diversity and of whole foods as you can."
"Choose the foods that are less processed because... it will help to lower that spike of blood glucose level after the meal."
"Reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods is going to be a major win."
"Processed foods are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"Most of us agree that 'processed foods' are probably the major driver of chronic illness in humans."
"If you think you're going to exercise yourself out of a health problem without addressing processed foods, you're completely dead wrong."
"Avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible."
"Avoiding processed food, find other ways to make yourself happy."
"The salt that most people are consuming isn't coming from their salt shakers, it comes from ultra-processed foods and bread."
"Avoid heavily processed foods, that's it."
"Saturated fat is not the enemy, it's the high processed sugars and carbohydrates that's causing a lot of the problems."
"The focus should really be on reducing ultra-processed food consumption."
"Ultra-processed foods pose significant risks to heart health, especially for older individuals."
"There is a strong correlation with consumption of processed foods and poor mental health issues."
"Eat whole real foods, minimize consumption of these processed foods in your diet because they impact your whole glycoproteome and they can compromise the function of your body."
"Processed foods... boil down to these four things: refined flours, refined and added sugars, seed oils, and artificially produced trans fats."
"Making dietary changes such as eliminating highly processed food and sugar-laden food is always a positive thing."
"The cheapest beef you can buy at your supermarket is way better for you than any processed food."
"When you cut carbs, you cut most of your processed foods out of your diet."
"Ultra-processed foods are linked to shorter lifespans."
"The main reason people eat processed foods is convenience; there's just not enough hours in the day."
"If you eat highly processed foods, you have a 50 to 100% increased risk of clinical depression."
"We are fat because we are eating white flour, white bread, processed foods, not real fruits and vegetables."
"Getting rid of the processed foods is the single most important thing people could do to start improving their health."
"Those ultra-processed foods really are poisonous."
"It's better to stick to whole food groups and not anything that's processed."
"Minimize or eliminate processed foods from your diet because that's gonna be where you're gonna find your trans fats primarily."
"Ultra-processed food should have zero part of your diet."
"Minimize processed foods, focus on more complex carbohydrates, and eat actual food."
"The most important thing people can do in their diet is cut out processed food."
"Repeatedly eating large amounts of highly processed foods in one sitting can lead to increased blood pressure and blood sugar, water retention, shifts in one's gut microflora, and dysregulated mood."
"It's where people move from mostly eating fresh whole foods that they prepare on the day they consume to mostly eating processed and ultra-processed foods."
"The more you stay away from processed foods, the better off you're going to be."
"Try to avoid processed foods; that's the biggest message in all of my videos."
"You'd be surprised how much oil store-bought nut butters have in them."
"Obesity began surging back in 1980, and it wasn't until 2019 that a scientist did the very first gold standard trial looking at whether these ultra-processed foods actually cause weight gain."