
Healthy Living Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Let's just make healthy living great again and encourage people to get warm because of all these benefits."
"Anything you make at home is going to be healthier because it's not ultra-processed; you're using real ingredients."
"Healthful living involves diet, sleep, and exercise, and fasting can be very helpful at undoing the consequences of dietary excess."
"Maintaining a healthy weight... fits into your diet, exercising regularly."
"We've changed our lives around and are now very into traveling with the kids, hiking, and eating clean food."
"I eat better food, I eat tastier food, I stress less, I've got less shopping, less food waste, and I save money."
"If you eat well, you're drinking good water, you're getting outside, you're getting movement, you're getting sunshine, you're grounding barefoot."
"If you want to be a healthy man, I'd say first of all, just like be a healthy human being."
"Healthy people make healthy choices and have the energy to take action and lead by example."
"Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable when you begin to think and feel in the right way."
"Health really does result from healthful living."
"How can I just eat healthy on a daily basis in a way that works for my body?"
"We want to lead a nice, healthy life where we're happy, where our kids are happy, and that comes through sleeping well."
"Just because you buy healthy stuff doesn't make you healthy. You actually have to consume this stuff."
"Healthy living is not just about what you look like or how much you weigh; it's about how you feel."
"Healthy eating and exercising right are great ways to stay healthy."
"With a wide variety of outdoor activities, entertainment venues, and restaurants that emphasize both the outstanding local seafood and healthy, locally grown produce, Chesapeake offers a high quality of life for many African Americans."
"Do whatever the [ __ ] makes you happy, like live your life, that's the moral of the story for this whole show. Yeah, everyone just be happy, we love you, live your life, be in a safe, healthy environment, relationship, everything, yeah, just..."
"Exercise helps to maintain your cardiovascular health. It helps you to maintain a good blood pressure. It helps you to maintain a healthy body weight."
"The lowest hanging fruit must start there... centenarians... blue zones... certain characteristics... overlap over and over again."
"Encouraging Healthy Living could improve post-vaccination response."
"Healthy lifestyles and vibrant street life can be embedded in urban design."
"Soul Talks is a healthy living brand dedicated to making premium products that are good for your mind, body, and soul."
"Don't feed yourself crap. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do anything that's bad for you."
"Set up your environment to make healthy choices easier."
"We're living in an interesting time of crisis, in many ways, in which both sides--we're seeing some signs of real progress, more awareness, people taking steps to live healthier lives."
"Real change had to be made... no more pills, powders, potions."
"Love the ones with whom you live and eat good food and get outside."
"The key to being lean is not being hungry. If you're not hungry, you don't need to cheat, you don't need to binge, you don't have those cravings, and you're satisfied. That is the secret to long-term dieting success."
"Breaking down scientifically proven healthy habits into tiny tasks."
"You want to live in something that is very healthy for you and makes you feel really good and it's not like an illusion and it's not [ __ ] and it's not fake."
"Eating healthy meal prepping getting into the best shape of your life does not have to be expensive."
"You don't lose weight to get healthy, you have to get healthy to lose weight. Focus on the healthy version of ketosis."
"Food security is that people access to a healthy heart of life."
"It's important to make choices that are good for you and your brain."
"This doesn't have to be, you know, you don't three Martha Stewart's and living in the kitchen all day long to be healthy."
"Setting boundaries is crucial to lead a healthy life."
"All proper traditional conservatives should be espousing is to create communities that are attractive and healthy."
"Efforts to educate people and to develop healthier alternatives."
"Remember, the power to prevent disease is in your hands."
"Step away from the mac and cheese and come over to this sprouted broccoli."
"You're manifesting a healthier day-to-day life, a healthier moment, a stress-free moment."
"The only sustainable healthy way of addressing that is to find a way to get comfortable with who we are internally."
"Just make some healthier choices and ignore the people that you don't like."
"Fresh air fresh fruit fresh veggies that's all it takes well I don't eat fast food no sweet teas and no soda that'll do it too."
"Get some big pots of soil and plant some lettuce and some cabbage and some peas and get a couple of grow lights and set it up in your front window and have some fresh food available."
"Nothing in extremes... finding balance, finding that 80 healthy 20 is just intuitive eating."
"We make our own salad dressings, granola, yogurt - it saves a ton of money."
"Healthy eating just makes you feel good honestly. It's as simple as that."
"Enjoy the journey of food, exercise, and living a healthy lifestyle."
"It's not a race to lose weight, it's about making better choices in your lifestyle."
"Everyone watching deserves what we were born into: healthy bodies."
"It's all about buying clean ingredients, reading the label, and knowing exactly what you put in your body."
"I live a healthy lifestyle, I stay in great shape year-round."
"Channel your energy into really productive and healthy outlets."
"Having more lean muscle mass on our bodies is how we become long-lived, healthy people."
"If you want to lose weight i believe that you can do that and i believe there is a way to do that that is healthy that doesn't have to be extreme that won't make you feel like absolute garbage that you can sustain for the rest of your life."
"The good news about skin is that if it's good for your body, it's probably good for your skin as well, so we have to think about healthy living, clean eating, drinking a lot of water."
"The last big blue zone tip is to set up your life and environment so that the healthy choice is the easy choice, not just an option."
"Always have healthy alternatives... carrots in your fridge or frozen grapes."
"That is something that you can do with no money: healthy diet, exercise, getting good sleep, managing your stress, not drinking alcohol in excess, and not smoking."
"The smartest choice is to make sure that you are having a well balanced diet of carbs and of fruits and vegetables and of your protein whatever choice protein you choose I think that is your best bet for maintaining a healthy lifestyle."
"Stay in the gym, ladies, portion size, and the closer you get to natural, the better."
"Finding that balance of accomplishing your goals, working hard, eating healthy, but at the same time enjoying life."
"It's our moral obligation to walk, to eat real food, to eat less junk food."
"Keeping junk food out of the house really helps."
"Help those in need, make healthy choices, love people."
"Let's go to the ranch and pick fresh fruits and vegetables and you guys make your own popsicle."
"Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be restrictive. It can be enjoyable, it can be balanced, and it can include all your favorite foods."
"If you have fruit trees, if you have a garden... it's just a phenomenal combination and a great way to go."
"The secret of staying young is to live a peaceful life, don't smoke, don't drink, stay positive, invent, reinvent yourself."
"It gets attention, that's for sure."
"That's how that feels, it's like, oh I'm doing something healthy."
"Not only can we, we must. That is an essential component of healthy living."
"HelloFresh makes living healthy easier."
"Your brain Burns a lot of calories too... fueling yourself with healthy calories is super important to overcome writer's block and to stay creative."
"Think good thoughts, think good foods and positive thoughts."
"...you have to replace that habit with something else like tea right even if I have a lot of people that have herbal tea at night time they take a walk with their dogs."
"If you aren't familiar with Thrive Market, it is an online membership-based grocery store on a mission to make healthy living affordable and easy for everyone."
"I'm really gonna start developing a lot of meals out of the garden starting this week."
"You know, just eat healthy, make sure you feel like you're in a good state of mind that you're getting as much sleep as you possibly can and not feeling pressured."
"I've got a lot better at discerning between the healthy and unhealthy versions of kind of similar things if that makes sense."
"You want to count colors not calories."
"this to me is a really big win and I did it in a healthy way."
"A healthy work and life balance is a result of working to live, not living to work."
"Thrive market actually gives a free membership to a family in need so that they can also have healthy products at discounted prices."
"That's probably the healthy boundary."
"She was living a healthy life because everything she did, what she ate, came from that vegetable garden in her backyard."
"I'm in Frankfurt right now. I just picked up some treats, so I needed like healthy treats."
"Living healthy means eating a balanced diet, choosing foods that are right for you, and talking to a doctor about preventative care."
"I would surround myself with [love] and dedicate myself to that fully and just live it up to the very last minute and try to do it as healthy as I can so I can live as long as I can if I know this is all there's going to be. I love that answer."
"Engaging with ourselves, with each other, and with the world in a way that is healthy and helpful and fulfilling."
"We're out of debt, we don't have a mortgage, we're eating food that's not infected with hormones and GMO, and who knows what."
"we all have bad days we all fall off the a wagon every now and then but living a healthy lifestyle is about balance"
"It's impinging our ability to actually have reasonable conversations, live healthy lives, and solve society's problems meaningfully."
"When you're doing things right then yeah, aging is amazing."
"Our goal is to create a living space that is as environmentally friendly and non-toxic as possible."
"...a grain mill can either be a great investment if you want to use it to eat healthier bread and learn how to bake or it can be a waste it just depends on how you've resolved to use it."
"Eating healthy does not have to be expensive, time-consuming, or inconvenient."
"Do we want to just eat anything, or do we want to eat healthy things that will sustain us?"
"Eat healthy, be in a safe secure environment, be surrounded by people that love you."
"Listen to your doctor, listen to what the nurses are telling you, and live a healthy life."
"You can live your life healthier and better, and you don't have to complicate your routine."
"Drinking a carrot juice that you make in your own home juicer is much healthier than a candy bar."
"Healthy living is not a diet... try and make healthier choices more often."
"What makes this journey interesting, and a lifelong journey, is the excitement of figuring out how to really live, be your best self, without turning to food one day at a time."
"Eat healthy, stay positive, all that good stuff."
"...growing your own food is part of it."
"We've got this great opportunity to try and create conditions where healthy choices are easy choices."
"Making healthy choices in life, self-care, self-love, being happier."
"Eating a healthy balanced diet, engaging in physical activity, and stopping leading a sedentary lifestyle, you probably will not develop either type 2 diabetes or erectile dysfunction."
"Just having cleaner, healthier cells is what you're saying."
"Choosing healthy habits over unhealthy habits is an act of true love to yourself."
"Healthy eating, some kind of exercise regimen, good sleep habits."
"Touch grass, exercise, try to eat well, worship God, and be thankful. That's what you need in life."
"The key elements to living a long and healthy life are if you don't smoke and lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and maintain good social networks."
"Pushing that envelope of human longevity doesn't just extend lifespan, it gives you such a tremendous gain in healthy life expectancy."
"Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce your cardiovascular risk in the long run."
"The main aim of healthy public policy is to create a supportive environment to enable people to lead healthy lives."
"I'm Chef AJ, the author of a book called 'Unprocessed', the host of a television show called 'Healthy Living with Chef AJ', and the creator of the Ultimate Weight Loss Program."
"Make sure you stay involved in the outdoors with your dad and your family. It's a very healthy way to live."
"Having a healthy lifestyle is easy, and it's just all about balance."
"We want a non-toxic home, so we should all have that."
"Sometimes you got to grow up, you got to remember what's important: start a family, eat healthy, eat carrots, eat tomatoes, be healthy."
"Welcome to the healthy home guide, this is a place where I share practical, budget-friendly tips for creating a safe and healthy home."
"Eating healthy and exercising moderately for about half an hour five days a week can prevent the development of pre-diabetes."
"I encourage you to take that leap of faith and get on to a balanced lifestyle, and today is always a perfect day to start."
"What's happening here is not an either/or; we can welcome our new neighbors and we can have a thriving, healthy community."
"Staying lean and eating healthy and natural... these are all things that maximize the ability for a creature, whether human or non-human, to live a longer, healthier life."
"Living a little should not come at the cost of good health and habits."
"It's one thing they do, they eat healthy up here."
"Live a good life, eat well today, do something for yourself."
"I am a wellness professional... I teach everything from yoga, meditation, and Healthy Living."
"It's not a starvation diet, it's not a deprivation diet, it's a healthy lifestyle."
"You're able to eat healthy and still enjoy yourself."
"I resisted the urge to get a smoothie because I actually have food in my fridge."
"Healthy living is about exercising daily, having healthy food choices."
"Buy healthy things at the grocery store, and then when they're around you, you're gonna feel the need to use them and cook with them."
"Influenced by the concept of healthy living, the proportion of high protein, low-fat meat such as beef in the Chinese diet has increased significantly in recent years."
"You get up in the morning and you have a good quality healthy breakfast to start off the day."
"This is not a diet, it is a healthy lifestyle."
"I'm making Farm to Table soup, salad, and sourdough bread."
"These principles are really guidelines to help give you freedom from the stress of improper living."
"I just need to make sure that I continue a healthy lifestyle and a healthy habit."
"Living life healthily is where we need to be focused."
"The whole point is to break generational trauma, and the only way you're going to do that is by teaching your kids healthy ways of living."
"If we live cleaner, if we ate cleaner and worked out cleaner, we wouldn't need the pesticides, we wouldn't need the pharmaceutical as much."
"Live without putting the poison in our system."
"When we start to change our mindset, we start to live a healthier happy life."
"Boundaries are the rules, the principles, the guidelines that we live by that keep us safe and that keep us healthy."
"Making healthy living easy and affordable for everyone."
"In order to feel good in your own skin, it has nothing to do with restrictions and rules, it's about living, feeling, and eating better, not less."
"We're all about healthy living but giving back to the community."
"Feeling pretty good, getting a workout in and eating a little bit healthier today."
"I personally encourage you guys to juice the skin and all when juicing watermelon, especially if it is organic."
"If you want to accomplish something in life, if you really want to have an impact, I think that that's probably one of the worst things that you can do, any drug at all, any recreational drug, replace it with actual recreational activities."
"I love that she grows lots of fruit and vegetables."
"I'm living this healthy beautiful lifestyle, setting these sustainable goals for myself."
"That is a good healthy looking tree."
"Making healthy choices in love and life, self-love, self-care, and being happier."
"Make healthy choices in love and life, self-love, self-care, and being happier."
"Live the best life that you could possibly live, stay healthy, eat healthy, take care of yourself."
"I'm not working out to lose weight, I just want to live a better life, like physically, I want to sleep better, I just want to wake up energetic and just, you know, be good all over."
"I get a lot of inspiration from when we go out to restaurants... I'll try to recreate those at home but in a healthier version."
"Even my four kids are eating healthy; they're living that green life."
"You're doing very well, focusing on yourself, making healthy choices, minding your own business."
"I love vegetables, I love moving my body, I love eating it, I love feeling good."