
Mental Health Awareness Quotes

There are 936 quotes

"We're trying to eliminate the stigma here in Pennsylvania by speaking openly about mental health issues."
Josh Shapiro
"It's okay not to be okay, and to just start talking. Having these conversations can save a life."
"If you are able to go to school, hold a job, have friends, and it doesn't cause such severe distress that it inhibits your ability to do those things, you wouldn't say that this person is mentally ill."
"Mental health impacts all of us, and those with a life-changing diagnosis like cancer are no exception."
"The majority of people got mental illnesses, the majority of people including attractive people have got depression, huge levels of insecurities, traumas as children."
"The fact that it's such a loud conversation about mental health is a spotlight on the fact that we do not know how to build deep, meaningful relationships."
"Dr. Palmer wants to change the way mental health is discussed and treated."
"It's okay to not be okay, but it's not okay to stay there."
"Loads of people are depressed, anxious... they're not out there abusing and murdering children."
"Please check on your mental health; some of the actual things we're talking about today involve really serious topics like bullying."
"It really raises this question of mental health, mental health treatment, and then awareness of mental health."
"It's okay to be open about your mental health and your struggles, but it's not okay to misinform people about a mental illness."
"Speaking from someone who's grown up with severe mental illness... being called crazy is probably one of the most hurtful things."
"The crazy you can see is not the crazy you have to worry about."
"Mental health is what nobody's talking about."
"You have to pay attention to what is going on with your child, whether they have mental health issues or not."
"We break the stigma around mental health. Let's talk about it, y'all get it out in the open."
"Depression is fairly strong in the family. There's been so much of it, I find that you think about it more."
"Mental health stuff's real, man. It's easy to get lost into the identity of what is an NFL football player."
"A Beautiful Mind is kind of one of the first things that people think about when they hear schizophrenia because it's a really well-known film."
"We may have already passed fifty thousand dollars raised for the National Alliance on Mental Illness."
"Our original goal was $10,000. This year, our goal is $100,000, and I haven't even started up the full opening yet."
"If y'all can please do check out the link, and if you can, donate ten dollars."
"Nick and I set a lofty goal of one hundred thousand dollars that we will raise for mental health awareness."
"Thank you for completely missing the opportunity to raise awareness for mental health instead of taking a blind swing at something you clearly don't understand. Etika was never canceled; people were confused, but he never did anything that people attacked him for."
"In this month, we should truly try to focus on asking people how they're doing and listening for the answer."
"Started therapy today and came on stream both in one day... it's mental health awareness month."
"Don't be afraid to ask people how they're doing, and if somebody says they're really depressed, don't be afraid to ask them directly about that."
"This month is actually meant to raise awareness for mental health and fight all the stigmas that are around therapy and mental health."
"The problem with our approach to mental health is that we've put all the burden on mental health providers and forgotten about the role of society."
"Thank you for bringing awareness to this. You matter, you're important, please take care of yourself."
"Mental illness is real, and it can literally destroy lives."
"There's nothing beautiful or artistic about depression, self-harm, or suicide."
"Everyone preaches about eating disorder awareness and mental health awareness until someone actually has mental health problems."
"May is a month to raise awareness for mental health, fight stigma, and provide support for anyone struggling with mental health."
"Depression and anxiety are diseases, not just feelings. People are fighting for their life every day."
"How accurate are these depictions? How does someone watching a movie with a character who is said to have schizophrenia know if the disorder is being depicted accurately?"
"You need those days, man. You need those. And I think it's tough, 'cause we're not taught anything about mental health."
"Thank you for sharing and talking so openly about anxiety and mental health."
"If you're feeling anxious or you can't get out of bed, or there's just something off, you might want to talk to your doctor."
"Mental health in this country... y'all are really asleep on some of the more important matters."
"Mental health is in crisis... there is a lot more to mental health than mental illness and that is what we want to use our platform for."
"If it was a mental breakdown, I hope she gets the help that she needs and I hope that the public is very soft with their reception because mental health is a serious issue."
"Anything that brings mental health awareness to the platform and into the discussion, in my book, is doing a great job."
"Suicide prevention, it's not [ __ ]. No, stop, stuff is serious."
"Mental health was not talked about the same way it's now. Think now it's so much better, and we're so much more progressive in the way we think about it."
"Mental health is so important, and a lot of people suffer with mental illnesses silently."
"I've mentally been in the best place I've ever been before."
"I think it's so important to talk about mental health. The more we talk about it, the more normal that becomes and the more that we're able to get help that we need."
"Don't be ashamed to have a psychological disorder. Talk openly about it and get help because if you don't, you will continue living in your shell."
"But all of them including andrea have been denied of that future because mental illness still today even now fails to be taken seriously."
"Depression feels like a type of all-encompassing different feeling that becomes like the foundation of all of your other thoughts."
"Simone Biles brought mental health to the front lines."
"Trauma experiences can stay in your body even when your mind is not thinking about it."
"Diana's battle with bulimia was revealed, shedding light on the emotional toll she faced."
"I think there's been a lot more open discussions about the idea of toxic positivity and how destructive that can be to one's mentality."
"The more people that start to talk about their struggles, the less stigmatized they're going to be."
"Bieber is opening up about the mental health issues she now faces following a mini-stroke last March."
"We have a very big mental health problem in this country."
"Mental health is important kids, they're right, they're not wrong about that."
"It's not any different. And honestly, I'm somebody who, I don't think we should stigmatize mental illness."
"A lot of us were forced and cornered into facing our mental health this past year including me."
"If putting a thing like this in a game like Depression Quest can get just one person to stop and think just how responsible I'm making other people for my emotional well-being, this game will have done an invaluable service."
"In the end, I hope that Jack gets the help and support he needs and I hope that people become more open and understanding to male victims."
"Seek help to anybody, now I'm not just talking directly to Gabby, there's no shame in seeking help."
"We have to talk about our mental health... it's an emotional thing."
"He understands what's going on so deeply that is a big part way towards recovery."
"If 'The Yellow Wallpaper' helped end the practice of separating the sick from the world then I am grateful."
"Depression can make you feel hopeless, but remember, recovery is possible with treatment and support."
"I love you, I care about you... Be here tomorrow."
"It's really time to let the harshness go away, it's really time to become kinder to yourself, realize what you truly deserve."
"People with mental health sometimes make mistakes and they should be able to have a second chance."
"The most important thing we can do is not isolate and not keep silent."
"If you are going to be future psychologist psychiatrist please doctor a person away with this disorder just because you may not understand it doesn't mean it's not real it's real to that."
"Mental health check please be good everybody... please take care of yourself."
"Mental health, we all know, does not discriminate. Anybody can have mental struggles."
"It's important that people speak about these things. That is why everybody, as time goes on, is fighting for mental health disorders to not be so stigmatized."
"Mental health issues will come to the forefront just as much as gun control."
"In terms of trousers, I've selected just two pairs..."
"Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe." - Rachel Hollis
"Positivity can become toxic when used as a defense mechanism."
"Do any of you suffer from depression or anxiety?"
"For every two homicides committed in the US, there are three suicides."
"Just because you can't always see the effects and symptoms, it's not a real illness."
"Me, a recognizable successful actor talking about it allowed them to talk about it."
"It's okay to not be okay. Spread that message."
"I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or met or touched by mental illness or depression or suicide."
"People have stood up to this bully – Lamumba, Nkrumah, Mugabe – all fought against it."
"If y'all see any signs, any signs of someone being in distress or if somebody reaches out to you that's just maybe not having a good day or so, stop. Take a moment to make sure that they're okay." - Lisa Ray
"He doesn't so much care about the message that he's sending about mental health."
"A truly moving story to tell, continuing to inspire and spread awareness of mental health."
"Don't give up don't lose hope this is a short-term solution to a long-term problem if you're having a struggle talk to somebody that's the manly and masculine thing to do it's nothing to be ashamed of we all need help sometime."
"Just stop flippantly using mental health as like a quirk. It's not a personality trait either, it's like a serious thing."
"We need to talk about mental illness to boost awareness and reduce stigma."
"Depression doesn't look the same on everyone."
"Just because it's harder to quantify the everyday mental health toll... it's harder to quantify than it is case rates... doesn't mean it doesn't matter."
"Sometimes we all have to rely on other people... there's no shame in asking for help."
"Your thoughts are not reality. You are not your thoughts, and just because you think something does not mean it's true."
"It's so important to not feel like you're alone if you're going through a painful experience."
"People advocate for mental health until they see it. This whole mess was exposing the ugly side of mental health."
"When Hostile gets big enough, I want to start a foundation for mental health suicide prevention."
"He's running scared, and whilst I wish I was more educated in mental health, so that I could analyze that moment where he holds up his own mug shot and says, 'You know, look at this, buy this t-shirt because...'"
"Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of Fame, the dangers of untreated mental health issues, and the importance of seeking help in times of need."
"Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness."
"Depression is depression... treatable depression is rampant among everybody."
"I always would put up a mask and I would always hide my mental illnesses because I was so afraid of what people would think of me."
"Schizophrenia is not a death sentence. It really isn't. You could have a beautiful, wonderful, fulfilling life and still happen to have the diagnosis of schizophrenia."
"It is extremely important to dispel the stigma against those with bipolar disorder that they should be feared."
"Depression is a real illness, and it can be incredibly debilitating."
"Depression is an illness. It doesn't always have a clear trigger and it certainly doesn't usually have a singular cause. It's nobody's fault to have depression and it is an illness that is in need of treatment."
"Trump's mental health issues are the elephant in the room that nobody is talking about."
"This year has definitely been that year of mental health."
"Mental health is so stigmatized we won't even talk about it."
"Mental health is no joke that's why you got to take care of it."
"Mental health is very much part of the conversation."
"Just having this conversation, there's someone watching this show right now who is feeling better right now because they're watching one of the people that they look up to talk about their struggles."
"I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician, I observe things about these chemicals."
"Please never shame someone for taking a social media break."
"But if we can help so that somebody else doesn't have to learn the hard way then let's do it right preventing a suicide or preventing another mass shooting with the same common denominator um yeah absolutely uh that would be an incredible."
"Had I known that what was wrong with me was not some sort of spiritual stain or you know just black mark on me that I couldn't see, had I known that this was a matter of biochemistry, it would have framed everything differently."
"The definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results."
"Honestly, like this is scary stuff, like any time I hear someone that's so unhinged, yeah, that's so not normal, that's just scary."
"It is courageous and brave and strong to admit when you need help I'm saying that with experience."
"If you can think of what it is that might be the root cause of your anxiety or your depression and you can remove the root cause, then I think you'll be in a good place."
"I can certainly speak to that, I mean as a member of Gen Z who's terminally online myself."
"What happened to you?" instead of "What is wrong with you?"
"Men's mental health isn't being prioritized, but you also say that prioritizing your mental health isn't manly."
"Talk to your boys, it's okay to have emotions."
"The larger factor in depression can be society's treatment rather than one's identity."
"Amber Heard can be used as a video to teach nursing and medical students how to identify mentally ill people. I like that. Facts."
"Patients with schizophrenia: More likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence."
"The lore mentions that Sparta finds cut off... Odin's using that place to basically imprison Tyr."
"I was actually going through postpartum depression."
"Bro, do it. Like just do it, because if you're not about to do it, 'cause I know you're not, now look, I do not condone telling people if you know that your partner is depressed..."
"I hope they think that schizophrenia isn't scary."
"Being thirsty is a sign of depression, tea. Big facts."
"Trying to treat mental health like physical health."
"Thank you for helping them smile when they didn't think that they could anymore due to emotional and mental illness."
"It's not mental illness; it's about ignorance, misinformation, and flawed arguments."
"Mental illness like depression is not a failure of character or willpower; it is a disease that has to be managed with treatment."
"Gamers in just four words: committing war crimes daily."
"I just want you guys to know that if you're struggling, it's okay, and you're not alone in your struggles."
"I hope you understand that me seeing you as a hero is not meant to add to your anxiety, but rather it's to lift you up and celebrate you."
"I didn't want to step into becoming like a spokesperson or some sort of model of what mental disease looked like. I just wanted to be honest and be me."
"Seek help if you need it, don’t be afraid to share your struggles."
"Parents protesting critical race theory identify another target: mental health programs... Protesting mental health programs."
"Accurate information about disorders is important as it helps reduce irrational stigma."
"It is almost certainly the bravest thing you can do. It is a tremendous act of bravery to say, 'I'm not doing too great at the minute.'"
"Simple definition of mental health is how you live, how you love, and how you laugh."
"It really does it starts with yourself be aware that there are things probably happening in your brain that are not good."
"This is going to include a pretty frank discussion about mental health, depression, and anxiety."
"Mental health is physical health; they're connected, they're one and the same."
"Eating disorders are very serious issues and treatment should definitely be sought after."
"Comment below to let people know that you're not alone."
"Male suicide rates have been four times what women... at least 100 years."
"Whenever I talk about mental health, I hope it makes people feel less alone and gives them the courage to stand up for themselves."
"It's okay to not be okay. Even if you're not comfortable talking to your family or friends, there are resources for you."
"We are now asking that all presidential and vice presidential candidates undergo a mental health exam."
"It's not the streamer's fault or anything... Some are bound to be mentally unwell."
"This is actually probably one of the most severe mental health crisis that we've ever really witnessed."
"It doesn't mean that depression won't take something from you, doesn't mean that life won't take something from you."
"Trust that it's schizo season, that's going to be the big differentiator going forward."
"If I'm able to deal with my issues and, I guess, find people to talk with, then I think pretty much everyone else can."
"We need to be as ashamed of mental health as we do of a sprained ankle, a broken leg, or appendicitis. It is an illness the same as any other."
"Honestly, it was because I was bored and I needed a change. In 2015, I attempted suicide and the incident left a permanent mark on who I am as a person."
"There is a mental health crisis in this country like never before."
"I think the one thing that I can say with Narcissa is I hope they get the help they need."
"If I'm not focused, then I have to keep track of my thoughts because negative comments can mess up my mental health."
"When you're faced with the whole of despair feeling as if justice has abandoned you and contemplating the step into the darkness, well, do not go in there."
"Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's clinical depression."
"Everybody has a mental health just like we have a physical health."
"A lot of mental health awareness has come out of that and hopefully the education there and just the community bounding together in a positive manner will make people more aware of mental health."
"Just because you're good looking doesn't mean you're not bat [ __ ] crazy."
"I think people who tend to... are more open and more sensitive to conversations surrounding mental health and I do think that is a good thing in so many ways."
"Everyone's mental health was [expletive] during the pandemic, like talk to a therapist bro."
"That's super important, mental health is super important."
"Nobody's life is more or less valuable than those of say Etika or Reckful. We are all human the same. Don't make the same mistake again." - Clara
"Mental disorders will never be excuses for doing bad things... mental illnesses can make someone act like a monster and we should understand that..."
"You don't have to be alone through it. There is help out there. You can feel better. This can get better, so please do reach out."
"There's nothing weak about seeking professional help."
"It's weird to have mental illness because I guess this is how it is for everybody."
"All the conversation you have about mental health nowadays, it's critical."
"Harmony is required, and harmony is not possible unless until you are at peace with yourself."
"If mental health is something that you maybe need to think about or one of your friends or family members need to think about, it's serious stuff. You can't ignore it. It might be life and death."
"Mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility."
"How do we get ahead of crazy if we don't know how crazy thinks?"
"Celeste tackles big issues like mental health head-on without ever losing sight of its addictive precision-based gameplay."
"Being famous is not a known cure for depression."
"May is a month to raise awareness about mental health, fight stigma, and provide support to anyone struggling with their mental health."
"Complaining? Just understand. Be more sympathetic and empathetic towards them. Mental health is important."
"If you're out there and you're watching this and you're depressed, don't ever think that you're here alone. You're not."
"We need to recognize that mental health is not separate from every other kind of health; it is a health problem and it deserves to be treated as such."
"He's still crazy. He is mentally unwell, and people laugh. I'm know he's clearly unwell."
"It's very common for someone to present as put together completely fine, very functional, and for that person to still have a valid mental illness."
"This attitude of 'oh I've never seen you happier and I have everything in the world to be happy about and so I shouldn't be sad is harmful.'"
"Mental illnesses are health conditions, not a result of personal weakness."
"Depression is serious, people commit suicide because of depression."
"Mental health is just something that really now more than ever needs to be destigmatized and addressed."
"I care about mental health, go get some help."
"If you are thinking about it, if you don't think you're going to do it, then it doesn't matter, you don't have to hit a certain criteria for being suicidal before you are allowed to bring it up."