
Sleep Benefits Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"It's not time that heals all wounds; it's time during sleep and specifically dream sleep that provides emotional convalescence."
"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night of sleep."
"Sleep may well be one of the most important things we can do for our immune system health."
"Sleep is, on the basis of all the scientific evidence, the elixir of life; it is the Swiss Army knife of health."
"Our ability to come up with novel solutions to complex problems is hugely enhanced by a night of sleep."
"The advent of ABS technology dropped accident rates by 20 to 25 percent, which was deemed a revolution. Here is the simple fact of getting enough sleep that will drop accident rates by 70 percent."
"Proper sleep can also increase focus, boost energy, and improve your mood."
"What meditation does is that it gives your body rest that is arguably somewhere between two to five times deeper than sleep."
"Every hour that you sleep is associated with a 12% reduction in the odds of becoming infected by viral infection."
"Sleep is one of those things that today we romanticize being busy, but it's sort of like the one thing that lifts all the boats in your harbor."
"Sleep helps us recover from distractions faster, make better decisions, improve memory, make fewer mistakes, allow creativity to flow smoother, and lower the risks of burnout."
"Ultimately, one of the best metabolism boosters, other than increasing muscle mass, is a totally free product that you won’t see on any nutrition store shelves: sleep."
"Sleep is the elixir of life. It is the most widely available democratic and powerful healthcare system I could ever possibly imagine."
"Slow wave sleep is associated with growth hormone, which is connected with energy levels, longevity, feeling better."
"We want to lead a nice, healthy life where we're happy, where our kids are happy, and that comes through sleeping well."
"Sleep is healing. That's what our body does in sleep—it heals physically and it heals mentally."
"Good night's sleep helps our memory, learning, and mood."
"We all know how good it feels to drift into deep sleep, to explore the land of dreams, take stock of the day's experiences, and wake up refreshed."
"The advent of ABS technology in cars dropped accident rates by 20 to 25%... yet here is a simple biological fact getting enough sleep that will drop accident rates by 70%."
"Brain cells actually reduce in size while sleeping, allowing for cerebrospinal fluid to better flow between neurons, eliminating more waste."
"Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day."
"Sleep is the very best health insurance policy that you could ever wish for."
"Better sleep can help increase and boost testosterone."
"When you go to sleep, your brain files it away so that you can retrieve it later."
"The benefits of proper sleep from being more responsive and focus to being in an overall better place mentally sleep is vital for all of us to be our best selves."
"I lost 55 percent more body fat simply by getting more sleep."
"A good night's sleep makes you more productive, whether you're a plumber or a doctor or a lawyer or in high corporate intrigue at the highest levels of executiveness."
"During just one night of sleep, your body will replace billions of cells, repair broken-down muscle tissue, release many different hormones, and your brain."
"Optimizing your sleep can literally help you gain pounds of muscle."
"When you sleep well, then your stress responses are better, your total body inflammation is much lower... and as a result, you're going to have less fluid retention around the face."
"Sleep allows your body to actually release the weight and it maintains your hunger levels."
"The best performance enhancers we have... is sleep."
"Sleep is critical and something we overlook."
"Sleep is actually like it turns your brain into essentially a dishwasher."
"I think sleep is one of the hidden gems to help us not get sick."
"Sleep is one of the most underrated things that people don't consider."
"One more hour of sleep creates more happiness than an extra 70,000 a year."
"One good interrupted night of sleep may be as close to a cure-all or a panacea we have in mental health."
"A quality night's sleep helps you recover from distractions faster, prevents burnout, make better decisions, improve your memory and overall make fewer mistakes."
"If you just learn to get better sleep, it is the most leverage return on investment."
"Sleep is one of the most efficient ways... to really come back to that zero point."
"Sleeping is the number one performance enhancer, a hundred percent."
"A good night's sleep can mean all the world the next day."
"Naps sustain learning capacity, emotional regulation, and overall cognitive function."
"Every hour of sleep you get before midnight can count as double the amount of restful sleep you'll get during the night."
"I think sleep is such a superpower, you know."
"Sleep is so important... rebuilding, rejuvenating, or restoring."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything."
"Sleep is probably the very best and the most freely available Democratic and painless health insurance policy."
"Anything to shock and challenge the squares who brought you up."
"When you are well-slept, you are just much more effective, and you are much more efficient."
"In non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep, the brain repairs, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses itself."
"Take a nap later or sleep early tonight, but don't miss out on the benefits of waking up early."
"If you want to do well on a test, go to bed, study, and go to bed."
"Sleeping on your back can make a huge difference in the amount of wrinkles."
"Sleep is free - make it a goal and brag about it."
"Getting a good night's sleep is so important to me."
"Sleeping is a barrier to a lot of problems especially recovery and healing."
"Great sleep, positive intention... you will be even more explosive in your business and brand."
"More sleep is more recovery or better recovery, right? Like, if you can squeeze out those little bitty percentages every day, then in the end, the differences are massive."
"There is no misery that cannot be healed by just a good night's sleep."
"Good sleep really boosts immunity, doesn't it?"
"Sleep is a contender for being the most powerful health intervention in existence."
"The glymphatic system floods the brain with cerebrospinal fluid and flushes out toxic waste products that have accumulated during the day."
"If you need nine hours but you find seven, you're just fine and you're crushing it."
"Cognitive optimization, not being fatigued, having deep efficiency in my ability to get things done, and longevity, those all make it just an absolute no-brainer for me to get as much sleep as I need."
"Sleep will allow you to burn more calories. You won't hold on to as much fat because you'll have less stress hormone AKA less cortisol."
"Sleep would be queen, because sleep affects everything."
"If you're ever under your calorie goal... just go to sleep and enjoy it."
"Sleep has tremendous benefit to the health of your skin. The skin looks its best when you have been getting adequate sleep."
"The most important thing you can do to improve your life is just get some good sleep."
"I think getting the full eight hours of sleep is much more important."
"Sleep is more important than you think. That's when your testosterone levels are pumped."
"It can be easy to manifest what you want if you use sleep properly."
"Improving sleep and stress management helped to reduce Lisa's symptoms."
"Fix the sleep, the brain has been repairing that genetic weakness since the day you are born."
"When you sleep, your body heals itself, right? That's what they say anyway."
"The ability of sleep to cure our body is a million times stronger than my medicines. Our lack of understanding of it is absurd."
"Sleep helps an immense amount. If you sleep, then you'll definitely recover a lot faster."
"Sleep is really critical and I feel like people blow it off but it changes everything when you get good sleep"
"I feel like a new person today. I slept right through."
"There is simply no aspect of your wellness that can retreat at the sign of sleep deprivation."
"Sleeping at 7:30 would be even better if you can, you know?"
"Put my kids to bed extremely early... your kids are gonna sleep more, they're gonna be happier."
"Sleep was overwhelmingly the number one response... sharper concentration, increased energy, better decision making, improved memory..."
"Sleep is just as important as the workout itself."
"Isn't it amazing how if you wake up in the morning and you have had a great night's sleep, you're like bring it on."
"Life-changing: consistently get eight hours of sleep at night. Everything gets thrown off—digestion, mood, actions."
"There's nothing better than a good night's sleep."
"When sleep is abundant, minds flourish, and when it's not, they don't."
"Going to bed early is really good for your health."
"Sleep will outperform any other recovery aid we've been talking about."
"I can't believe it because of like five hours, all of that pain that I felt about the way that I look, I went to sleep and then I woke up and it's gone."
"When it comes to fat loss and muscle gain, sleep is probably one of the most important things that we should be thinking about and trying to optimize as much as possible."
"Sleep more, your body burns a crap ton of calories the longer you sleep."
"Sleep is critical to everything, whether it's mental clarity, physical performance. It all starts with sleep." - Lance Armstrong
"More sleep equals more gains, it's like the roids for natties."
"It's amazing what a good night's sleep does."
"We all know the value of a good night's sleep, we feel better, look better, have more energy to spare."
"Prioritize your sleep and all those things I mentioned will improve, even if you don't change your diet, your workout, or anything else. That's how impactful it can be."
"Improving that makes a huge impact on everything else, not just your body composition, but also your attitude and your mood."
"If there's one thing that solves all our problems it's sleep."
"When you have a good night's sleep, you're alert. You're able to do things. You can think clearly."
"Sleep, because it's so anti-inflammatory in the brain, especially that non-rim sleep and the use of the lymphatic system and that activation, it's really an interesting thing."
"That's the big training hack right there: nine hours of sleep."
"Sleep is your best friend when you're not feeling good."
"Regular deep sleep is nature's panacea."
"Sleep is really important; if you don't sleep, your risk of death is much higher."
"Plenty of sleep helps you to be bright and alert to the very end of the day."
"Sleep makes me a better person in every way possible."
"Seven to eight hours of good sleep versus six can lead to up to a 26% reduction in visceral fat."
"Taking a siesta is the most normal thing to do, physiologically speaking."
"Sleep has physical and mental restorative properties."
"Sleep impacts the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains."
"Think about how much money you spend and how much work you put into cycling, and if you were to sleep one extra hour every workout, your FTP would be so much higher."
"Adequate sleep improves memory and learning, increases attention and creativity, and aids in concentration and decision making."
"Muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release occur mostly, or in some cases only, during sleep."
"Good sleep lowers your risk for serious long-term health problems too, like diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers."
"Anything you can do to increase your quality and quantity of sleep is going to be very beneficial."
"Sleep is so important after a stroke for two reasons."
"Sleep also genuinely improves your health, which causes your hair to be better."
"Sleep is really important to your health."
"As a doctor, I've come to learn we're not only physical; we have mental health, we feel, we have emotional health, and sleep heals all of these."
"Deep sleep is the most restorative and rejuvenating sleep stage, enabling muscle growth and repair."
"When you have a full eight hours of sleep, you have a beautifully tuned curve for picking up and discriminating subtle emotions."
"I think that one of the most important prevention interventions that you can do against Alzheimer's is to try to ensure that you sleep properly."
"Sleep might be like the silent key."
"You need at least eight to ten hours of sleep per night; it decreases the risk of obesity and helps with mood."
"Solve the sleepless epidemic, you could almost double the budget for education and you could almost half the deficit for healthcare."
"I feel so refreshed, I feel so awake, I think it's because I fell asleep at literally 10 p.m."
"Once it's cleaned out, then the new memories or new information that was gained from the previous day's consciousness will be organized into memory circuits."
"8 hours of sleep... it's literally lifechanging."
"Sleep impacts every function of our body."
"During sleep, we increase our immune cell production."
"So nearly a third of our life is spent in sleep, and our body is restored during sleep."
"Strengthen those long-term memories by getting lots of sleep."
"New studies have shown that if you take naps and get eight hours of sleep, it's a good way to help stave off dementia and Alzheimer's."
"It's amazing the difference a few hours of sleep can make."
"Nothing good happens after 11 p.m. unless you're asleep. When you're asleep, everything good is happening."
"You perform as though you've slept overnight."
"It's amazing when you get sleep how much better you feel."
"It's amazing what a little bit better sleep will do."
"I love what all this sleep has done for you. The mental sharpness, the clarity, has returned."
"Getting enough sleep can help improve your mood and productivity throughout the day."
"Get the sleep that you need, recover properly, you will get even better gains in the gym."
"By sleeping, you are giving your brain time to consolidate the information that you have been learning."
"Same diet, but with more sleep they ended up losing more than twice as much body fat."
"Life is about adding value. If you get your sleep, you can add a lot of value to everyone else, better the world, and help out people."
"Vitamin D is catching a lot of interest for its potential benefits for sleep."
"If you're suffering with an autoimmune condition or chronic inflammatory condition, sleep becomes more important."
"A lot of our DNA repair and cell repair and tissue repair happen during the early to mid-stage sleep."
"Not only will you be able to help prevent wrinkles from sleeping, but you will actually be able to retain moisture in your skin."
"When we sleep well, we're more focused and relaxed, and best of all, sleep makes us happier."
"'When you sleep, it kind of rebalances everything, like your chemicals.'"
"If you're living close to the core University campus, that's actually the best choice if you want to catch a few more minutes of sleep."
"We sleep so that the brain can integrate new knowledge and form new associations."
"Those people that have a good night's sleep before they get the vaccine have much better antibody responses after the vaccine."
"Routine consolidated sleep overwhelmingly protects people from adverse health consequences and improves performance and a whole host of other positive health outcomes."
"Sleep has significant value in terms of helping with significant physiological processes."