
Destiny Quotes

There are 33443 quotes

"Trust the timing... everything was right where it was meant to be."
Jess Carpenter
"There's going to be some sort of huge change, a volcanic eruption change, that pushes you into becoming closer with your mother or pushes you into fulfilling your destiny."
"Little did I know our lives would intertwine within only weeks of knowing each other."
"Your beliefs dictate your destiny. It's not some quotable; it's the fact that it's at the core of behavioral psychology."
"You're just following your passions and creativity, and while you're doing that, you're not even realizing you're building this spiderweb of destiny."
"Surely we're meant to be together, surely they're my soulmate."
"You look deep enough into infinity, and you find your destiny. And that destiny is everything you could be."
"Our genes are our predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"You're creating a life according to your unique values and strengths. In a sense, you're carving out your own destiny."
"Our genes are a predisposition, but our genes are not our fate."
"Maybe this is where our story starts, maybe it was written in the stars."
"All of this is extra credit for me. I expected to be dead a long time ago, but God and the universe had a different path for me."
"It's your destiny to be your authentic self and to live free. So claim it."
"Whatever this clarity is, it's confirming that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that you have not made any mistakes."
"If God wants it for you, He needs it from you."
"It seems reasonable to me to suggest to young people that they do have a destiny that gives their life significant individual import and that is to take arms up against the inequities of existence, to act forthrightly and courageously to minimize unnecessary suffering and to constrain malevolence."
"God is more committed to your destiny than he is to your desires."
"You have a destiny at this lifetime. You are fated to achieve very big things."
"May you achieve your highest destiny and the highest potential of success that you have set forth for this life journey."
"This change will be all positive and lead you to your right path and lead you to your destiny."
"When you hear a pick a card reading that is reading on your current energies, you can decide to make changes if you hear some stuff that you don't like. You can always change your fate or your destiny at any and all times."
"Do not question the planner, do not question the designer."
"Your destiny is forged in the workshop of your imagination."
"Man can choose his destiny. He is different from all other living creatures in that he has the power of choice."
"It's already written in the stars what's going to happen; I'm just going to follow my destiny."
"From the very beginning, Faker's rise to rookie superstardom felt like destiny."
"Embrace the chaos; sometimes it leads us to where we need to be."
"God had to put me through the fire to be who He has called me to be."
"Let it go, let it flow, and the things that are meant to stay will stay by your side."
"Your soul is calling out to let you know to know your worth, to take time to get to know yourself in order to find your destiny."
"You can't change my destiny, but you can enlarge my territory. And if it becomes necessary to forgive you to enlarge my territory... you can't handle this."
"Focus on the self, and you will be led directly to the souls you are meant to encounter."
"Trust is a muscle; allow yourself to let go and know that what is meant for you is coming."
"Your destiny and your purpose in life is to increasingly be the awareness rather than the conditioned pattern."
"You and your soul partner are destined because it's what the universe and spirit ordained."
"Rerouting yourself a little bit in the month of July and figuring out more of what is your destiny."
"Radio Silence is an unflinching maelstrom of friendship, art, and the wonder of how we should be in charge of our fate and destiny."
"God has already created your entire life while you are yet to discover it."
"Existentially, for you as you sit here, what is your experience of life? How profound is it? How pleasant is it? How wonderful is it? This is all that determines this destiny 100%."
"The most magnetic feature is a woman comfortable in her skin, who seems quietly assured that destiny is on her side and she deserves the best."
"I have my own legacy, my own chapter, my own destiny that's destined by God."
"We're kind of realizing that our destiny is unique to us; we need to move forward in that."
"Your higher self is leading you to a timeline where you are getting all of that."
"Certain things in your life that may feel a little bit out of your control...they're meant to not go your way because it's meant to shift you onto a better path."
"When time comes up, it indicates that you are exactly where you're meant to be."
"There once was a man, a man born in a forgotten time, created by a force of unknown origin. He would cross the ages, knowing his one purpose: to lead humanity as the greatest empire in the galaxy, the Imperium of Man."
"Rejection is God's protection; it means guiding you towards something greater, something better."
"You're going to meet the right person who's meant for you at the right time."
"I'm going to be looking at your destiny and your future of the life you were meant to live in this lifetime."
"Remember that you're the creators of your destiny; nothing is set in stone."
"In the dance of destiny and decision, it's our choices, our paths, that reveal the true measure of our character and resolve."
"Lord, we pray for the right people to come into their lives, those who will bless them, help them step into their destiny, and bring the right influence into their lives."
"What's yours is waiting for you, it's joy, it's happiness, it's stability."
"What is for you will find you and what is not for you will not take you off your path."
"You are the master and mistress of your own destiny."
"You are destined for greatness, but you need to let go of that fear and take control of your life."
"You are being really called towards your life purpose and destiny."
"This is all about a deep transformative message that is meant to find you right now and is meant to change your life forever for the better."
"Your life, your destiny...your life could be a movie."
"This uniqueness that you're born with is a purpose, is your fate, is your destiny."
"Ethnicity is not destiny; demography is not destiny."
"Just like his faith, which he had returned to, it seemed Kenneth was always destined to soar both spiritually and literally."
"I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do."
"Every last one of these people have a plan. God has a plan for their life. Everybody has purpose, everybody has destiny that they don't even know about."
"I believe like we can reach our own beliefs and learn our own ways because your body is going to attract you to certain things because that's destiny."
"Your thoughts turn into actions, your actions turn into habits, your habits turn into your destiny."
"I will fulfill my destiny and save the kingdom."
"If you identify as a star seed, this is such a strong reading for star seeds with this card coming out. It's written in the stars, like your destiny."
"This is the path that you're meant to be on. You're supposed to be honored. You're supposed to be recognized."
"Some of you have the Midas touch. No matter what doorway you enter, no matter which way you choose, it does not matter because your destiny is to be in the spotlight."
"There's no need to rush; it's going to happen when it's meant to happen."
"We make our plans, but God determines our steps."
"Your genes are not your destiny. That's the good news."
"Unforgiveness is that one area that must be addressed if you're going to reach your destiny."
"You're stepping into your empowerment, experiencing acceptance of self and destiny."
"When you meet your soulmate, you'll see why God has blocked your sight. It's for your own good. It's for a better cause."
"Take control of your destiny, Jesse. Push out the hiss."
"Your desire and your destiny are inescapably linked together."
"I'm probably a chosen one. Found out a couple days ago, probably though."
"The best possible decision could have happened, leading you to where you're meant to be, leading you to your soulmate."
"Your spirit guides are literally conspiring to create the right pathway so that you two cross paths."
"It's like meant to be. It's just meant to be."
"Follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you were meant to become."
"God don't make mistakes. Everything you deserve is coming, just keep working."
"Even at your darkest time, you're destined for something greater."
"Life is destined. Whatever happened is going to happen. All that [__] already written."
"That's what Destiny is all about, right, bringing people together."
"Comfort and destiny do not live in the same house."
"If God has tied us together, then I believe it's fate."
"We have incredible agency to change our destiny and to change the way, really ultimately, most of us are aging today."
"What we're learning is that genes are not your destiny."
"All of this is actually so beautifully divine and all this is so meant to be to get you where you're meant to go."
"Their thoughts and imaginations became their actions, their actions became their habits, their habits developed their character, and their character became their destiny."
"This is the true love that you seek and this is the person that you are meant to be with."
"You have been training for this for lifetimes."
"Whether our destination lies before us or behind us, the decision is ours to make."
"Banish fear, look at that freedom of fear and surrendering to your destiny, the universe, your fate. Things that are better for you are coming."
"You're not going to let anything stop you from your wish fulfillment because this year is all about wish fulfillment, destiny, your dreams coming true."
"Hayak Kimaru began to leave when Doro asked him where he was headed, he told her that [__] was the last demon and that he needed to kill his father to finally become human."
"Everyone has a predestined path...and this is the path that your soul has prepared for you."
"Your feelings create the destiny that you want."
"As you step through this 11 11 portal, you know your path, you know your purpose, you know your destiny."
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny. - Mahatma Gandhi"
"Who you are, who you're destined to be, is your true vision."
"The winds of change will always catch up to Destiny."
"Your destiny is determined by your decisions."
"We are not trapped on any destined path; at any point, we can change that, we can make a different choice."
"You must take your place in the circle of life."
"Your dreams are woven into your DNA. They are preset. There is a life that is meant for you."
"Destiny isn't set in stone. It's not as restrictive as 'this is what's meant to happen.'"
"I know that God has an extremely amazing plan for your life."
"Finally getting into alignment with your purpose, getting into alignment with your destiny."
"We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
"God has purposefully positioned you for such a time as this."
"If you are meant to be with someone, the universe will find a way to put the two of you back together at the right time."
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
"This year is about moving towards your destiny, your individuality, your independence."
"Master your destiny by discerning, having clear vision, and focusing on the details."
"You two were brought into each other's lives for a reason, that it was divinely led or guided."
"Everything that has happened in your love life is in alignment with your destiny."
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
"With all the extra time being divorced from Destiny provided, I've been able to start focusing on myself in a far healthier way."
"God has a plan for all of us, and that was the plan He had for me. I maximized my ability based on the plan He had for me."
"It almost seems like fate is inevitable, but it's not tied to a person."
"If you clicked on this video, it is because you were meant to see this message."
"This conflict has to happen for you, Virgo, because this conflict could lead you to making the changes necessary in your life to start finally pursuing your destiny, your legacy, the reason why you are here."
"Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here."
"Man is the master of his own destiny, he is the captain of his own soul, and it is up to him to steer this vessel of himself toward the ultimate Harbor which we are all seeking to find."
"Destiny may be a tapestry of many colors, but each of us has the power to choose which thread we follow."
"You can't outrun destiny just because you're terrified of it."
"Your destiny is greatness and you know this on the inside."
"Our thoughts have something to do with our destiny."
"Don't run from the girl in the woods because she's your destiny."
"We're not so different, you and I. We're both survivors, marked by destiny."
"Until you make the subconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate."
"Dreams are dots on the map of your life that pull you in a direction you're meant to go, but you might never end up there because you're meant to end up somewhere else."
"It's Karma, and when I say Karma, this is like what's meant to be, this is attached to soul contracts as well, and you've done your part."
"Nothing is too big if it's been given to you to manifest."
"If Bungie has a reputation for something in Destiny, it's throwing a hail mary and saving the game from going down a bad path when absolutely needed."
"We are what we think about. Our minds, our thinking, controls our destinies here on earth to a degree totally unsuspected by the great majority."
"The story of Harry Potter is not about a young abused boy changing the world for the better; it is about a young abused boy destined to defend the world, flaws and all."
"You and I have a date with destiny, but so it is with assassins and emperors."
"Do you believe in destiny? That even the laws of time can be broken for a single terrible purpose?"
"You are being assigned to something that others aren't because you have endured what others could not."
"Everything that's for you is going to come your way."
"You are the master of your own destiny and have the power to create your own future."
"Every step of the way, you've been exactly where you're supposed to be."
"Man is the doer of his own deeds; as such, he is the maker of his own character, and as the doer of his deeds and the maker of his character, he is the molder and shaper of his destiny."
"The character of the asset's owners determines the destiny of the asset."
"Destiny is nothing but the sum total of the actions of the free will up to this point of time."
"The actions of your free will right now become your destiny tomorrow."
"This may just be the universe's way of directing you straight towards something better."
"Beliefs create your thoughts, your thoughts create your actions, your actions create your character, and your character creates your destiny."
"When Radan arrested the movement of the stars, he halted Ranni's ability to act in accordance with her destiny."
"I decide the destination of each person not on the basis of age, seniority, amount of suffering, or degree to which they invite pity, but according to whether they possess the truth."
"If you follow your true path, the universe will support you."
"For liberty, the right of countless countries to choose their own destiny and the right of people to determine their own futures."
"A thought reaped an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."
"We have to start with the fundamental truth that our fates are united, that we have a common destiny."
"Don't rely on destiny. You create your own destiny."
"You are not beholden to some sort of will of the universe. You have free will each and every day."
"Change is always possible, so you make your own destiny."
"Don't be nervous, there's nothing to worry about. You were meant to do this."
"Everything that happens to you is God preparing you for what you ask for."
"Your desires are going to be growing, and you're going to be in sync with your destiny."
"Sometimes the potential is an illusion, sometimes players are just destined not to make it."
"You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author of your autobiography."
"Sometimes it is not until we face difficulty that we become what God always intended for us to be."
"You control your own destiny, you control your own fate."
"Like God has a plan for me; take it, that's my calling to do."
"You will in divine timing find the right relationships that are meant for you."
"You are constantly being moved towards what is meant for you, and life's unconditional support is not only unwavering but also unending."
"Everything that's truly meant for you, you don't have to force."
"Do we truly have free will, or are we enslaved to the whims of destiny?"
"Everything that should not have left me but was taken away from me, I decree and declare: return back to my destiny."
"Failure must be seen as a detour, an interruption in your life, even an attempt to cancel destiny, but you can get back on course."
"Your destiny is not canceled by failure; it's canceled by your inability to deal with failure effectively."
"Everyone does have a destiny and something great waiting for them and like you just have to persevere and chase it and find it and don't give up on them."
"Whatever is meant to happen will happen, so whatever happened must have been meant to happen."
"What God has for you is for you. What God has planned for you is for you."
"You will find a friend that you are meant to have in the future. I promise you, it doesn't matter how long it takes."
"Great men and women are only born at the time they're needed the most."
"We were born for this. God knew the point in human history to send us into the earth."
"For whatever reason, if there is a reason, if there is destiny—I am a fortunate man."
"Remember, when your intentions are pure, your destiny will blossom."
"It's like we were meant to be with each other or something."
"Your life will change and will go towards what it's meant to go to; your life will start to become how it's meant to become."
"The future is not just something to experience, it's something to manifest. It's inside of us, not just in front of us. It's our decision, not our conditions, that determine our fate and future."
"Behold, before you sits the rightful inheritor of the Dragon Throne, chosen by the dragon as its enemy."
"The Sabbath is a practice of faith that ultimately my destiny is not dependent on what I do."
"Align yourself with your destiny and with spirit's will; this is when miracles start to appear."
"Meditation determines your destiny. We're always meditating; your thoughts and feelings control your destiny."
"What you will, my path will be laid before me, and all I need to do is show up as myself and be authentic."
"We have choices here; it's not our genes are not our destiny."
"It's very important that you remember this phrase: What is meant for you will find you."
"We are compatible; we are meant to be together."
"We've been together forever. I know in my heart we're meant to be together."
"With Jupiter, this means making a lot of money doing your life purpose and your destiny."
"You are going to reach the full potential of your destiny with this business partner or with your romantic partner."
"There's a pretty good chance that the right kid who you're meant to carry the next leg of the journey is gonna cross your path."