
Assistance Quotes

There are 22902 quotes

"My life mission is to help as many people as I can to regain their health."
"A leader comes and sits down next to you and says, 'How can I help you?' That's a leader."
"I'm always good. I always try to reach out and help people to think for themselves."
"Ask for help if you need it; there's nothing wrong with asking for help from a professional."
"Sometimes in life, you can't fix everything on your own."
"Don't be scared okay, we're here to help you."
"It's okay to reach out and ask for help when that sort of thing happens."
"Instead of saying 'We need to talk,' say 'I need your help.'"
"My agent really helped me out; he did the dirty work of calling the clubs and getting me in there."
"Teaching robots to assist, to watch out for danger, and help save lives."
"If you don't know these things, how can I help? How can you get to joy that energizes?"
"It's not about what I think is cool; it's about helping you reach your own brand so you can become somebody one day."
"Our natural inclination as humans is to help others."
"I'm not meddling, I'm helping. Helping by meddling."
"I'm a type of guy, anything you need me to do to reinforce that security, I'll do."
"I'm crafty corn, can you help me with my painting?"
"If I can help in some small way, then I really should."
"Sometimes strength means asking for help or assistance. That takes the most strength."
"The people I've met that were most successful were people who constantly went out of their way to be of aid to their superiors, their peers, and their subordinates."
"If you can combine effective ways to push a conversation forward and help people at the same time, that's an actionable item."
"The impressive amount of relief vehicles that have arrived to assist Gazans thus far is truly remarkable."
"Make them a casserole and leave it on the door. Things like this, I think, just Australians helping each other out over the next few months."
"It's been at least gratifying to know that you can directly help some people."
"Veronica makes promises to Tabitha and the state of Utah; they'll help them repair their radio transmission equipment if they help us."
"Tom Cruise walks up and he's like, 'Hey, you know I think you need some help. Do you want me to help you?'"
"Who is my neighbor? Anybody you encounter in life who is in need. That's it."
"There's no shame in saying, 'I don't know what I'm doing, and I need your help.'"
"The best thing about me, bar none, is if somebody comes up to me and says, 'I can't stop drinking, can you help me?' I can say, 'Yes.'"
"Live Text is something I find extremely helpful."
"Sometimes it’s about helping in little moments that add up to big changes."
"The Holy Spirit will give you power and authority; He will be your helper."
"Do you actually think snacks are going to help us?"
"We're gonna do a great show today and we're gonna help people because we're good enough and we're lawful enough and doggone it, people like us."
"In the near future, there will be billions of robots to help us do things."
"Asking for help because sometimes on us can just make everything feel so much less overwhelming."
"I've come not to ask for your help, but to plead for your humanity."
"If I have to choose between getting help right now to Americans who are hurting so badly and getting bogged down in a lengthy negotiation or compromising on a bill that's up to the crisis, that's an easy choice. I'm going to help the American people who are hurting now."
"We're cooperating; we have to help each other."
"If you can't help the situation, please don't distract from it."
"You're affecting change; you're really helping a life."
"The history of Britain and India presents a unique opportunity for Britain to help India."
"Oh man, I didn't... I'll do it, I'll help, let me help."
"To deal with something and to help people with a problem, you have to know what the truth of that problem is."
"Seems we drove them off. You've my thanks for aiding us."
"If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."
"People with disabilities just want to be seen as normal people; their dogs do the things that they need to help them navigate the world as normally as possible."
"I want to help anyone get over all the hurt that I have come over, to get over all of the self-doubt, the insecurities."
"This will allow them to soon reduce their payments upwards of 25%."
"I love teaching and helping as many people as I can. The purpose of what I do is to help you guys, professionals, to pursue the careers that you really want to do."
"I have locked myself inside of a surveillance room, that way I can help without being a danger to you."
"Go nice and slow, get them all right. This is about me and you. It's about you, actually. It's just about me helping you."
"America first instincts right there. However, you're also supposed to put oxygen on other people so they don't get [expletive] over."
"Let me know if I can do anything to make your day easier."
"With Wu Shang's abilities, she helps Cai Yue to recover her memories."
"The guardian angel in this story could have easily just looked the other way but instead, he chose to help."
"I want to help; I don't want to see you upset."
"AI is one of our greater tools. AI is going to help us."
"We've got to lower the threshold to help other human beings."
"Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
"Our government has been focused on getting people the help they need, as quickly as possible."
"True nature is basically, I love, I care, how can I help."
"But sometimes you gotta think about other people. Sometimes you gotta look at the less fortunate and take them out of a difficult situation."
"Every time a student asks you for help, you're being offered the opportunity to demonstrate to every other one of your students that we do help one another out, that we don't leave anybody behind."
"If something is ever too much for you in life, ask the universe for help."
"Marketing is the generous act of helping other people achieve their goals."
"Take care of your heart, ask for spiritual assistance, and it shall be granted."
"Adam Warlock is here to help save this reality from the insanity of Thanos."
"Let's get one thing right, you asked me here, and I'm here to help, so let me in."
"Our job is always to help people, right? To do no harm first and then to help people."
"May I always have the faith to know that if I call out to you when I need help, you will answer me."
"My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." - Psalm 121
"There have been requests for military assistance by both Ontario and Quebec, which, of course, we will be answering. Our women and men in uniform will step up with the valor and courage they have always shown."
"Effective leaders have a leader's head, understand people; a leader's heart, love people; a leader's hand, help people."
"It's not a matter of correcting their errors but helping them know how to adjust if there's been a communication breakdown."
"Let's just stop this, alright? Let's try to get help for everyone and move on."
"A tyrant will eventually stop attacking you... but somebody trying to help you will never stop because it's for your own good."
"Cyril expresses gratitude to both of his dragons for their constant assistance."
"The most gratifying work that I do isn't with huge numbers. It's talking to one person at a time. I want to help you, whether the internet is watching or not."
"Before you attempt to help somebody else, make sure you fix your own mask first."
"I believe that the United States has a moral obligation to help Laos heal."
"When you see Tank coming down the road, you know it's a good thing. He helps people."
"You don't have to be upset with yourself because I'm here, and I'm going to help you."
"Ask for help, not because you're weak, but because you want to remain strong."
"I think there's a lot of people out there who don't have access to this knowledge... and what you're doing here really helps people like that."
"You don't need to struggle alone. Better Help is available."
"Hopefully, you found this video to be helpful and thanks for watching."
"If someone needs help, we help them; if someone needs hurting, we hurt them. It's not hard."
"I hope that everyone who needs it can get the help they need and are able to get back on their feet."
"Please take it, I'm doing it from the bottom of my heart. You can pay me back when you can, and if you don't, it's okay too."
"I'm just trying to get you back on the road; why are you fighting me?"
"I wouldn't class myself as a criminal. I'm just a helping hand helping people to be happy with the way they look."
"Dogs have been described as man's best friend for literally thousands of years. As well as playing an important role as a constant companion, they also hunt, herd, pull loads, protect, assist the police, military, and the disabled."
"Upon being freed, Shukaku started to recognize Naruto despite showing reluctance to Gaara's request for its help."
"It's through those experiences that you will be able to help other people."
"Not only were the traffic police delivering hot water, they were even helping ordinary citizens push their cars."
"My name is Ben Tennyson, or more famously, Ben 10. Look, I came here by accident, now I'm just trying to help."
"If you can't get through it on your own, ask for help. It's okay, it's a good thing."
"They've been known to follow people around and to even help you complete tasks."
"I'm not here to sell you something. I'm here to help you change your life."
"Always be prepared, ladies, because even if you don't need this, somebody might."
"The Bravery of that little guy...to bust out of that house, whatever he had to do to get out, and he knew he needed help."
"A group of pro riders, including Sagan and Michael Gogl, came to the rescue. So cool."
"I think there's a difference between helping and saving. I don't think I need to save black people, but I would tremendously love to help and make sure everyone has equal opportunity, which in my opinion, we do not have in this country."
"Life isn't easy, but if we can get ourselves to a high place, a good place where we can start helping other people, then I believe that's where you can get that little sense of bliss."
"There's a lot of support out there for people now."
"Whoever facilitates or makes something easy for one who is in hardship, Allah will make things easy for him in this life and the next."
"What I do have is a history in Ukraine, a grasp of the language, and a clear-cut view of what the Ukrainians need, how they need it, and how to best deliver it to them."
"You live in a benevolent universe that is constantly trying to help you, is constantly assisting you, and is constantly working on your behalf."
"We want to ensure that assistance gets to the people who need it."
"Protecting civilians, getting people the assistance they need. That has to be job number one."
"The rescue team has been alerted and they will come to your location now."
"We're providing the necessary answers to communities and families and friends of lost loved ones."
"I just did what anyone would have done if they could. I'm just grateful that I was able to help her."
"The Holy Spirit is an ever-present help when we are in trouble."
"If you're hungry, I can give you a fish, or I can teach you how to fish."
"I'm here for you, for what you need, to lend a helping hand."
"When you tell somebody what they need to hear, you're helping them."
"They know they have a moral obligation to help, or at least they feel a moral obligation to help."
"We should help those who are struggling in our society."
"Even a dollar can help. Five dollars, whatever you have, can help a child receive a hundred percent free surgery."
"You cannot help a person who doesn't want to be helped or who doesn't see that they need to change."
"We're also doing what we can to help smaller packets of grain go through land routes."
"After speaking to him, he realized that he was not well, and the hiker helped him get back to the city and visit a mental health center to get his medication and his life back on track."
"Help me, please, in this difficult task, for I ask it in Jesus' name, Amen."
"You do not need help for the whole journey; you just need help for 10 to 20 percent of the journey."
"I was known as a guy that could help them with their songs, writing them. I could play their parts if need be, if people couldn't play, and I could record and mix the record."
"In this moment of crisis, we need all the help that we can get, and we're giving all the help that we can offer."
"I don't think I need to save black people, but I would tremendously love to help and make sure everyone has equal opportunity."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help. I know a lot of people are proud and they don't want to bother people but in my experience when you ask people for help even people you may not know well, I'm going to say 99 plus percent of the time, they're willing to help in some way."
"I would tremendously love to help and...make sure everyone has...equal opportunity, which in my opinion, I feel we do not have in this country."
"With a little help, you found new answers, discovered new places."
"You cannot help somebody that does not wish to be helped."
"You don't have to feel this way anymore. There's no shame in having a little help. You'll be so happy and at peace."
"The name's Gage. I'm busting you out of here."
"You cannot assist a non-receptive mind. You can't convince, you can't convert. You just love them."
"Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me."
"Look, Maya is having a hard time with this villain, Frostbite, and I think Athena can help."
"Giving a helping hand to the less privileged is something I do with alacrity."
"The battle with hoarding can be a lifelong struggle, but today, help is on the way."
"This video will help someone; it may not be you, but it will help someone find where they need to go."
"The West needs to have a Marshall Plan for Ukraine."
"Our knowledge bases continue to expand, and we can really use this as an intelligent assistant to help guide us."
"I think that people should help each other out if they have the resources to do so."
"It's just cool how many people I'm able to help."
"Everyone makes mistakes, so just try to find something you could do to help."
"Don't hold any grudges... if you even have to help them, you help them along the way."
"It's not a loan, and you don't have to pay it back."
"I do want to understand and I do want to help people. I know that sounds quite sarcastic and arrogant, but I want to understand where the hate comes from."
"Eros was the son of Aphrodite, goddess of love, and was always at her side to assist her in her matchmaking endeavors."
"Dave is a fantastic resource and he's super open and willing to help people."
"Deliberate practice makes perfect... it's okay to get help from someone else, it's okay to not finish it 100%, it's okay to even start over if it doesn't go anywhere."
"Accountants can at least help explain where the money went."
"I'm here to help... those five stocks and I only knew two of them to tell you the truth."
"She was there to assist Harry in his fight against Voldemort every step of the way."
"It's okay to say you don't know. It's okay to ask for help."
"Furthermore, we want Social Security beneficiaries to know that if they are typically not required to file a tax return, they don't have to file one in order to receive the direct cash payments that will soon be distributed to American citizens."
"Please, if you can donate, it'd mean a lot. Thank you."
"Support is on its way in various forms. We are going to help them get through this."
"I'm here to help and I'm here to hopefully make things healed or better. I am NOT interested in capitalizing off of things like that."
"We go over there helping out... we don't go over there calling people names... we just don't."
"I just hope that you'll be able to help me on this journey."
"If you're trying to do a thing, smoothers help you get to that thing."
"We're so preoccupied with the struggles... that we don't really think about those on the come up who deserve our assistance."
"It's not about learning and being great in this field, it's about helping people and changing that story."
"It was like a no interest loan, that was exactly what it was like."
"They always ask for help... and I don't mind at all."
"Emergency shelter blueprints added to your databank, thank you, much appreciated."
"The ultimate goal of these videos is to assist people and to help people."
"I'm not from this area. I was just trying to ask what time the local bus gets here."
"But I need your help to fix that. You have a deal."
"It showed up maybe a minute or two after the fall so hopefully the lady and her baby weren't waiting too long to this day."
"Ghosty realized she would have to face her fears to help her new friends."
"Please, anything, no matter how tiny, just please, just come forward with it please."
"Dolphins can survive for a little while without water, but they need help to avoid dying if they are beached."
"It ends here, Rainbow Girl, someone help me!"
"Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult."
"If you need the help, it's okay to ask for it."
"Welcome to the internet my friend, how can I help you?"
"Homer pretends to be his sister-in-law Selma's husband to help her adopt a child in China."
"Be okay with asking for assistance or help; there's no shame in asking."
"Find refuge and a helping hand in challenging times."
"Having a friend in an MLM is unfortunately a very common occurrence but being the kind of person who can help someone in a bad situation get out without shame or judgment isn't so common but it's something we can all do."
"With Shiva's help, I staggered the boss, allowing me to slash at will."
"Hopefully I shared something that could help somebody."
"What can I do to help? How can I get involved?"
"I need someone to get my video release schedule back on track."
"When you tell the world what kind of a woman you're looking for with specific answers, you help everybody in your life find that person for you."
"I chose to help because that's what I want to do."
"You might as well come in here and repair this."
"Someone is gonna lend a helping hand to you, they most definitely are."
"There is always someone out there that will help you, that will be there for you."
"What can you do today? Who can you help today? What difference can you make right now?"
"Being humble, you never know when it might be your turn looking for help."
"Asking for help is never a sign of weakness, it's always a sign of wisdom."
"Rest assured that when the time is right, you will have my aid in the fight against N’zoth."
"Rather than ask whether we do or not, how do I help determine that we do?"
"Continue what you're doing and it'll all make sense soon."
"It's amazing what humanity will do when you just simply ask for help."
"Cities need assistance...all they have to do is call."
"It's the whole idea of a free sample. The one that tastes best is generally the place I go to. America could start giving away free samples, meaning we help you, we get you fixed up, and then business will come our way."