
Perspective Change Quotes

There are 539 quotes

"We promise that by the end of this video, your perspective on diet and kidney health will take a fascinating new turn."
"Change your perspective, everything in the future changes."
"Nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective, fundamentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise."
"You want to be a great leader? Start with empathy. You want to be a great leader? Change your perspective and play the game you're actually playing."
"Changing the perspective of one person is the same exact thing as changing the perspective of many."
"It's a question that, if it were proved positive, would forever alter our entire view of the whole universe."
"So if you ever feel average, or stuck in the middle, maybe all you need is a change of perspective."
"When we have those moments where we say, 'I'd like to see things differently,' that's actually a prayer."
"If we change our self within or we change the way we look at the world, the world starts to change."
"We come out the other side with a different perspective, a different way of seeing life, a different way of being in relationship to life."
"You have to change what you see every day because if you were brought up the way I was brought up, you didn't look for prosperity, you looked for scarcity."
"I want God to give you the ability to think differently and when you think differently, you're going to show up differently and everything in your life is going to be able to change for the best."
"Transformation overall is a perspective shift."
"You’re never going to see the Lunar New Year the same way again."
"Acceptance of grief can also be forming an entirely new concept of home or outlook on life."
"If one person watches it, that's all that matters to me. If two people can watch a video and they can gain a new perspective or be helped by that video, that is enough for me to keep making videos here on YouTube."
"Your 27-year-old liberal becomes a 32-year-old parent with a career or a business, and then their perspective shifts."
"Studying beetles in a rainforest could actually tell you something that changes the way you look at the world."
"The most significant talks changed the listeners' way of thinking about an important subject."
"These worlds that it found we never knew were there are changing how we think about life itself."
"Thank you for all those timeouts... thank you for always changing my perspective."
"It doesn't matter your surroundings, it's your mindset. You can change your perspective by choice."
"We're on the brink of a very important set of results that I think will change your perspective permanently on risk and expected return."
"Changing the way that we think about soulmates and the way we think about destiny is one small and relatively easy step towards a brighter future."
"Atlas Shrugged... will change the way you view everything in life."
"This person is going to make you see life in a different way."
"Change your perspective... It's where you are mentally, emotionally, spiritually."
"When you bring people who have means and resources up and you show them that view, when they get back home, because home, Earth is home, then they realize they've got a lot of work to do right here."
"Either way you're right. If you say you can't, then for sure you can't because you don't believe you can. However, if you say I can, then you're also right because once you believe that you can, that's when you grab hold of that Creator's stick, and that's when you're like yes, I can."
"When you start tapping into your spirituality, your whole perspective changes."
"My role is to shift people's views and perspective. That's literally what I do when I'm on a platform. I'm just there to help you see the world differently than how you've seen it before."
"Playing the game now, however, being older, more open-minded, and of course more experienced, I realized how terribly wrong I was."
"See if we learn how to change our perspective, if we learn to walk by faith and not by sight, if we open our spiritual eyes and change the way that we see things, then our mind truly changes."
"There's a world out there. If you see the world as solidified and rigid, you're going to run into a lot of problems growing up and growing as a person."
"Things change, perspectives change, and it's not hypocrisy to change your stance when presented with new information."
"I am certainly open to new evidence and I'm willing to have my mind changed here."
"When you come into space and look back at our planet and see how fragile it is and how thin the atmosphere is, it really does change you for the better."
"The significance this book holds for me has not changed whatsoever, but I do have to view it differently after hearing the experiences of other people."
"It's like you find a way to get a person who is an atheist, doesn't believe in religion, thinks religion is the worst thing in the world, to agree that religion has immense value."
"Thankfully for me, I stumbled across a Prager University video that was titled 'The Inconvenient Truth of the Democratic Party' and it really, really sent me down a path of wanting to be on the side of facts."
"When we understand and realize that and start to think in a Kingdom minded way, everything changes."
"It may be that we come out of this entire experience with a whole new idea of the necessity for international cooperation."
"Reincarnation doesn't change the tragedy, but it changes our perspective."
"Do you become high vibrational and change your perspective?"
"You can absolutely change someone's perspective 100% on self-defense."
"I want to make you wake up tomorrow morning and have you look at the world in a permanently different way."
"Why didn't I see this before? It's like a whole shift of perspective."
"Seeing Declan be put to sleep, that kind of made a big change to the way I think."
"Success is things so if I get my degree that's a success if I if I you know get that job that's a success that bank balance that's a success this body that's a success."
"Give yourself a chance to see the world differently and see how that feels to you in this moment in time."
"There's always going to be room for a new idea to come in and change my perspective."
"This is a powerful enough force to make a major change in Rick's perspective."
"It's really sort of made me see a lot of things in a different light it's it was really like insightful but terrifying the same same breath."
"A deep story might fundamentally change the way you view everything."
"This course changed the way I look at everything."
"Put the contacts in, it doesn't matter how you see the world after that point."
"Your entire perspective on life is going to transform in an amazing, radical way."
"You might get a new perspective and you might realize that you have feelings for them too."
"Fear... it's perfect... changed my perspective on things."
"The Witcher 3 had a lasting impact on me, changing the way I look at every single game in the industry."
"Great movies will change the way you see the world, but the truly elite special movie will make you want to change you."
"Reframing is where you take that frame of an event and change the way you look at it."
"It's bad, it's actually in my mind I actually think worse than what I had originally said."
"They see things differently now, they see how beautiful this connection is."
"So you have to really kind of like change perspectives."
"I think that to me that is a movie that again you you will look at that movie very differently you probably will look at life very differently for the rest of your time on this planet."
"Because if you were listening earlier I changed my view on something that's something fantastic."
"Astronauts have talked about how seeing the world from space changes your attitude dramatically."
"The flip-flop that I did, a large distance right, that I did between this game from when before I played it and then after I played it was the largest out of all."
"Every time I have a near-death experience or think I'm gonna die, I definitely live better afterwards."
"Whatever is ending is a blessing in disguise."
"You changed their perspective of the world as well, and also their self-esteem."
"Wrong, you were wrong back then. I am just far more correct now than I was then."
"Life would suddenly seem a lot more precarious than it did yesterday."
"What was a setback turned into a setup when it was time for it to open."
"Seeing things differently... ready to make new memories."
"If you can't change the situation, change your perspective."
"We're often told Art can't change anything Lang argues that it can it changes how we see the world."
"Being a red pill for people that are still in the blue pill world is valuable."
"This person with the four of cups in reverse i feel like this person is seeing things in a new light okay i feel like they're looking at it in a different way and i feel like they see you as the person that got away."
"As we grow as people, the way we see the world changes every day."
"Exercise seeing the glass as half full, not half empty."
"Dams don't just blend in as part of the landscape to me anymore... knowing what I know now, it's impossible for me to look at dams the same way I did a few years ago or even rivers for that matter."
"It just makes me sad if people are feeling bad and they don't realize that the world can be a little bit different."
"It's all a matter of perspective. What if I could transform my weaknesses into strengths, opportunities?"
"That's what I'm trying to do on my channel, to get people to think outside. Several people have come to me and said I once believed X, but because of your videos, I now believe Y, which makes me feel good."
"I hope that people pick up this book and they laugh and they smile and really think differently about the world."
"It's definitely a game to play... it's definitely something to experience." - "It might just completely reframe the way that you think of gaming... this game will also reframe a lot of people's ideas of what gaming is."
"It's completely frame-shifting and I think that it, I feel the same way. Like, let's get that guy a steak, let's get that guy some liver."
"However, if it's difficult for you to hear, you should take it as good news and a blessing to have seen this from a new angle."
"When you meet somebody and you actually talk to them person to person, it will always totally change your perspective of them."
"Wise, I found the wisdom needed to change my perspectives."
"Shift your perspective to look at whatever it is that you're going through right now as something that is strengthening you."
"Gratitude can change your attitude or your perception of what's going on."
"The path of thinking from is both simple and profound. It invites you to shift your perspective to see the world not as it is but as it could be through the lens of your desired fulfilled."
"The sky is no longer the limit for us... we are changing the way humanity views space." - Virgin Galactic Representative
"We are changing the way Humanity views space, taking the impossible and we're making it inevitable."
"You can definitely change your perspective. You can be a pessimistic person or an optimistic person, and you think that can change."
"Introspection, changing perspective, trying new things."
"History is littered with discoveries that change the way we see the world."
"You need a different way of thinking, a new perspective in a sense, and that's provided here by the diffuse mode."
"As long as you remain open and keep an open mind later on down the line, you'll look back on this situation and feel very different about it."
"It changed everything that I knew about Alec."
"The big picture can completely recontextualize the little picture."
"I'm passionate about helping people... change their perspective on the world."
"Human beings living their lives are not objects for you to come and see so that you can change your perspective."
"Once you're conscious of it, it changes the way you approach things."
"When you let go and let God, you see things in a new perspective."
"What has come out of this for me is a fundamental shift in how I look at every single thing."
"They're learning how to see through the eyes of love rather than through the eyes of hatred or the eyes of scorn."
"Changing your perspective isn't something any of us can do overnight, it takes dedication, hard work, and deconstructing some of the erroneous beliefs we hold."
"The harrowing experience left her with a new perspective. I'm very thankful for all the wonderful things that I've experienced since I was supposed to succumb and I'm glad to have had those years."
"You're starting to see the big picture of a situation you may have not seen the big picture before but now that you're starting to see it you're recognizing maybe that's not necessarily what i want to be in alignment with."
"Forcing us to totally rethink not just Richard but every royal."
"Little did I know how radically this half-baked idea was going to change my perception of this case."
"It's like you're gonna see things with like fresh new eyes."
"Once you see something and you understand it, you can never change that perspective, you can only grow from it."
"I have gotten thousands literally thousands of comments of emails of in Twitter and in Instagram that tell me that they have they're looking at the world looking at people in totally different ways."
"What Jesus is offering us... is the opportunity to see differently to see with new eyes."
"When we change our attitude, when we change our perspective, we can find the beauty in everything."
"Would you consider tilting your perspective and opening your minds to the possibility of the monogamish?"
"Once you've seen a movie that has opened you up to somebody else or a different perspective, you can't unsee it."
"When you change how you look at a situation, the situation changes."
"Facing up to suffering... a different vision coming out."
"It's like going from the Flat Earth to a spherical earth."
"You need to change your perspective on things."
"Maybe as a thinking human being you can change your views."
"Just trying to get my mind to see things a little bit differently."
"That's the basic principle. If people start thinking about that way it'll alter their whole way of looking at the world at large."
"As soon as you leave Earth, you realize we're all on the same team."
"We are innovating our perspective, we are flipping the script, we are rising to a new level of values and manifest potential."
"Jupiter turning retrograde means internal shifts in beliefs and perspectives, leading to a more expanded vision."
"We are being forced to see things through another perspective."
"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at begin to change."
"You can't change what happened, but you can change the way you look at what happened."
"Changing your perspective on a certain situation."
"It's a life changer, it's something that really shifts your perspective."
"Change in perspective it's just extra data never be afraid of going in the hermit or the hang position because you always come out with extra data"
"I'm gonna go for a walk it can do that tiny tiny shift to change the way you look at things."
"I went from the bottom of the class to the top of the class and began to have a much different view."
"Keep an open mind. You might meet someone who changes your perspective on relationships."
"He saw it as less of a burden and instead as an opportunity to educate others."
"For those of you that are single and happy, change your focus again and look in different directions."
"Been watching a bunch of your shows and a few people like Peter Bagosian to see all points of view and my mind has been changed from a lot of things."
"New worlds open up when we see things in different ways. That's the guiding design philosophy behind the realme 10 Pro 5G."
"Overall my family got closer because of this incident... It's amazing to see... making them change their ways and really consider it all in a different perspective."
"This trailer's amazing. It just feels like a classic Star Wars story."
"At each stage we not only change physically but our point of view changes."
"I really hope you get a new perspective on an old classic, an old favorite, something you've seen a hundred times."
"If this is real and if this happens a lot, this completely changes my view of the universe."
"He permanently changed my heart, permanently changed the way I see animals."
"My perspective on this has changed considerably over the past near three years."
"I think it's time for people to really understand, they don't prefer you. I think that's a powerful realization. Instead of looking at it one way, a new way to look at it is: they don't prefer you."
"When you get her to understand that one sentence, her world will change."
"That was one thing recently that has changed my outlook on just how I view life now."
"It really changes the way you look at things when you have a child with a terminal illness."
"They felt like the only way out until I had a moment, a bird's eye moment, which is probably what changed my whole life and trajectory."
"Current Viewpoint of suffering will cease to exist, there's a path for healing you have yet to recognize."
"Change the lens, change your happiness, change every single outcome."
"Change your perspective; what's gone is gone, focus on what's ahead."
"Suddenly there's like an epiphany moment and suddenly you see something in a new light."
"I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone undergo a full change of perspective just fully blown in real time. Oh my god."
"When you go back, I don't want you looking for what you left, when you go back, I don't want you looking for the same situation that you left expecting."
"I dare you to go back looking at situations differently than you were looking when you got into that room."
"An unexpected opportunity may require a worldview change."
"Now that we're a little bit further away, everything looks a lot more proportional."
"Looking back at all the content I used to watch, all the alt-right type content, it all looks silly in retrospect."
"Jupiter in Sagittarius lifts you up out of the depths of Scorpio and asks you to see something differently, to feel more optimistic, to feel more open to your choices."
"Once I began to see the world differently, I started to see opportunity."
"Maybe after watching this video many of you will go ride the Beast with a different perspective."
"It's time to be called out, you need to expand the way you see things."
"Things change as the day goes on, and you have to be open to the idea of new information changing how you look at things."
"It's going to change the way you see the world. It's going to change the way you operate in the world."
"House of the Dragon has unexpectedly been able to change my perspective on how good of a king Viserys actually was."
"It's like every day you are going to look at this a little differently and think about this a little differently. So don't make a snap judgment or a snap decision."
"That guitar overall really changed my perception."
"You need a paradigm shift, your paradigm is your way of looking at things, the lens through which you look at the world, your worldview."
"When you change your aperture, you don't just zoom in on something, you literally see different things."
"Protesting strategy makes you change your policies, but partnership should change your perspectives." - John Hope Bryant
"The magic is in somehow changing everyone’s expectation."
"You really just connected the dots that opened my eyes."
"It's about changing the way that people relate to the world around them."
"This video completely changed how I think about onions."
"This video will completely change how you think about onions."
"While we may have seen it all so far on the list the work of brick builder Arthur gue Jake has since served to change our perspective when it comes to looking at Legos as art."
"More than that, I hope we've encouraged someone to rethink their views about God and about atheists."
"Actively forcing a new perspective on yourself is the cheapest and easiest way to change how you feel about your situation."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart are the things that open your eyes."
"When we change our minds we literally begin to see the world with new eyes."
"Seeing your ex through the adoring eyes of another can be extremely powerful."
"If you could learn to see the world that way you will end up having more success in all of your business ventures."
"This feels to me like you are in a process of refreshing the way that you see the world."
"When it comes to something like death, you just gotta hear something once to change your perspective."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole life changes in that moment."
"Don't give up, there's a completion taking place."
"Someone is coming in to bring you joy and fun and make you see things a different way."
"You have the chance to see things differently."
"You're going to need to look at things from a new perspective."
"Your input shapes your outlook. When you start surrounding yourself with new people, you're going to have new thoughts."
"Be ready to change things, look at things differently."