
Personality Traits Quotes

There are 1989 quotes

"Conscientiousness is diligence, dutifulness, orderliness, industriousness; it's the second best predictor."
"Grateful people are good people; they're happy people, well-adjusted people."
"The most successful people are not the most egotistical; they're humble."
"You're bubbly, you have this bright bold bubbly personality, people love it."
"Charisma is not simply physical attractiveness."
"I'm the most outgoing introvert you'll ever meet."
"Courage is a result of confidence. You have never seen a courageous person that didn't have confidence."
"Excess in seriousness is a sure sign of a miserable person."
"He's cool, he's tall, he's smart, he reads books."
"The humble person is someone who has the ability to pay attention."
"Humility is probably my favorite quality in the world. I find it the most endearing thing in the world when I meet someone who has it, especially someone who's very accomplished."
"You're very independent. People admire that about you."
"You know what you want, you're very determined, you're very ambitious."
"You're very loyal and people admire that about you as well."
"I am because, by the way, I love people that have that combo: a lot of self-confidence, a lot of humility."
"Conscientiousness is the most correlated with business success... it divides into four sub-facets: organization, perfectionism, diligence, and prudence."
"He was contemplative and introspective, and his natural curiosity gave him a profound interest in science."
"Being funny, being fun to be around, being somewhat intellectually interesting are the three more important traits for a guy to date girls."
"The enthusiast, the busy, fun-loving type, spontaneous, versatile, distractible, and scattered."
"Abby gets her quirky, silly side from her grandpa and grandma."
"The most interesting person in the room is the most interested."
"You are as independent as you are ambitious."
"With Narcissists, transience is the only permanence."
"I also like bubbly girls and... girls who are caring and loving and have strong convictions."
"Social media is a great way to kind of see how this plays out...scientists are notoriously territorial, obstinate, egotistical."
"A tendency to overreact can indicate that they'll be extremely difficult to work with."
"I don't actually like the labels of introvert and extrovert... No sort of generic label has ever really been able to capture who I feel like I am."
"Sense of humor, loyalty. I love making others laugh."
"With psychopathy, we see characteristics like being callous, unemotional, pathological lying, being manipulative, and being bold."
"The dark triad is comprised of narcissism, psychopathy, and something called Machiavellianism."
"There's a personality trait known as agreeableness. Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, and agreeable people get paid less than less agreeable people for the same job."
"Success in the workplace is predicted by intelligence, conscientiousness, and, interestingly, a negative correlation with agreeableness."
"The strong empath is like a bright star offering endless light to others, while the narcissist is like a black hole."
"Highly charismatic people have to have the perfect blend of two traits: warmth and competence."
"Proactive people are automatically reactive, but reactive people are not automatically proactive."
"The best thing about you is you're so relatable... Never change that ever in your life."
"Libra rising is very attractive and one of the...hottest, most attractive rising signs."
"Sigma males detest superficiality and shallowness."
"A bubbly person is a person who talks a lot and who smiles a lot."
"If you're dealing with someone who is dismissive or you know someone who's emotionally unavailable, they could come across as very cold and aloof, but deep down inside, they do want to be loved."
"The Taurus that I know are some of the hardest-working people I've ever met."
"Actively sociable, warm, harmonizer, caring, enthusiastic, empathic."
"Conscientious, cooperative, appreciative, and loyal."
"Martha Stewart's an ESFJ. Martha Stewart smokes weed. I love that for Martha Stewart."
"There's nothing more dangerous than an insecure, jealous, envious type of dude."
"They're very adventurous, really like to travel."
"Beto is a super cool character. She's chaotic, she's clumsy, she's goofy."
"They're going to be a very stable energy, patient, and protective."
"It's a very different thing being arrogant and being cocky."
"Charismatic doesn't necessarily mean that that person is a good person or a bad person, just that they are very good at drawing people to them."
"Being competitive is not necessarily always a bad thing."
"Intelligent and charming can only take you so far, but intelligent, charming, and funny, that's a winner."
"Hashim was a cheeky young man who was always smiling, a handsome man who was beautiful both on the inside and out."
"Lunar Scorpios have exceptional radar that allows them to size up a situation or a person quickly and expertly."
"Each one of those millions of people with their own unique personalities, some brave, some cowardly, some intelligent, some not so much, some kind and timid, some violent and cruel."
"There's no one more dangerous than a person who has no self-awareness."
"I think it's a display of a true optimism that you have."
"How would you describe your personality? I'm hard-working, eager to learn, enjoy working with other people, and I love challenges."
"EPs are lovers of freedom, free spirits. Their worst nightmare is feeling limited or controlled."
"Taurus is an earth sign, so it is what we call a down-to-earth sign, but Taurus people are not greedy or anything; they are more after the good things of life."
"Being a cancer, she's very loving, yes, and she's very sensitive...she always thinks she can clean things up, fix things."
"She was kind, funny, loyal... Everybody who knew Bobby loved her."
"They're smiling all the time, everybody likes to be around them, they're funny, charismatic."
"Narcissistic people just don't make any sense to me."
"First impressions on Jay: He was really nice and funny."
"Interestingly, we can also be incredibly generous, optimistic, enthusiastic, and altruistic."
"Josh has the perfect personality to be the baker in the family because he is much more precise."
"Introversion and extroversion are as profound a part of who we are, as core to our identities as our gender."
"Honestly, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert."
"I'm cold and standoffish until I get to know people, and then I can be very warm."
"The most creative people tend to be introverts."
"Being soft isn't a bad thing...being a soft, kind, and lovely person is something that needs to be appreciated."
"People who are difficult to offend are actually easier to get along with over time."
"Your future husband is going to be strong, protective, outspoken, just, fair. They're going to be a leader and they're going to be valiant."
"I am a kind, gentle, loving person who enjoys connecting on a feelings level with my friends, family, and loved partners."
"Not all beauty signaling is about signaling attractiveness; sometimes, you want to signal underlying personality traits."
"I love how Sino's serious, reliable but he's actually like a big dork that loves trading card games."
"You honestly seem like a genuinely good person. Your personality is very transparent."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life."
"So one possibility is: this 30% of people in the real world who choose Beta are just nice people."
"I've always wanted to be more bossy... to watch Brailey's personality, she is very strong, she's a very independent, she's always been a leader. I'm so proud of that."
"I'm toxic to toxic people and wholesome to wholesome ones. That's my brand, baby."
"Pisceans are the most sensitive souls, extremely sensitive, sensible, understanding, extremely intuitive, and so spiritual."
"I appreciate that I go from cute Raptor, which is not actually all that cute, to good Raptor, to angry Raptor."
"She's entitled. A female narcissist feels entitled to just about everything."
"Papyrus is so full of love that at first glance he actually seems narcissistic."
"Despite all of these challenges that she had been dealing with, she was bubbly, she was kind-hearted, she was the life of the party."
"Strong connection, heavy air sign energy. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius does not have to be."
"Grandiose narcissism features being extroverted, arrogant, socially dominant, and resistant to criticism."
"I'm observant. I'm extremely observant. I'm extremely logical."
"SFs are gonna care about the real world and immediate implications of ethics, values, and relationships."
"NTs are gonna care about logical systems and outcomes related to their conceptual interests."
"If you are in a confrontation with a TP type, one of the best things you can do is to recognize that a large majority of them don't intend to hurt your feelings."
"The best way to handle confrontation or conflict with an FJ is usually to ensure that the outcome will be fair emotionally."
"You love social activity, you love social interactions. You're open, you're out there, you wanna engage with other people."
"All he really truly loved was approval and attention."
"He comes off as down-to-earth, he's self-deprecating, he never punches down, and he always makes sure that he laughs at himself before anybody else."
"Lucy is a kind and friendly and extremely dark little starfish who enjoys strawberry ice cream and functional programming."
"The one thing about self-righteous people is I don't know how they're so dry; they have no sense of humor."
"He's so self-absorbed that I legitimately feel like he would be like, 'Oh well, of course, the mind is the most powerful weapon.'"
"He was quiet, shy, and not particularly opinionated or assertive, so nobody really went out of their way to interact with him."
"You seem like you have a good sense of humor."
"Opposite energy to you but fiery, very passionate."
"Aquarius: deep thinker, highly intellectual, open to different adventures."
"Playing devil's advocate is kind of one of my favorite things to do and I know it's potentially a bit annoying to other people but it comes from a good place."
"It's useful to be disagreeable but you can't be disagreeable all the time."
"Petty Petty is a compliment Petty means you're like you are pissed and you are saying something about it."
"He's like a recluse. He doesn't leave the Bannon townhouse."
"You gotta love women because we can be Machiavellian."
"I love sitting here with people that are competitive. I'm one of the most competitive people you'll meet."
"The most seductive trait in the world is being an alpha male."
"Instability: active conflict versus static trait."
"Harding was almost constitutionally incapable of saying no."
"He's a right blend of swagger, strength, size, and sorrow."
"Cancer rising sign usually are seen in the entertainment, political, and artistic family."
"There's a difference between being confident and being narcissistic arrogant rude."
"An entire cash machine... intelligent... a sweetheart. Girl, I love it!"
"Some men's personality, like the alphas of the world, are just meant to lead."
"That passive-aggressive behavior is their go-to; they're almost always passive-aggressive."
"I believe that Damon is definitely a leader by Nature."
"This kind of energy is incredibly charismatic and attractive."
"Not only does he like to make business deals, but he likes buttering his bread too."
"Your negativity is becoming cucumbersome. (laughs)"
"Have you always been a very like self-deprecating person? Yes, it's that defense mechanism, or you just think it's funny. It's both."
"Extroversion probably is genetic related. Agreeableness is such and so these kind of people, extroverts and agreeable people, they tend to create strong social support and strong social support serves as a protective factor."
"I'm always the person that needs to make people laugh in the room. I'm always the attention."
"But you should never underestimate a goofball."
"Gordon Ramsay is blunt. Gordon Ramsay is vicious. Gordon Ramsay will say it. He's like, 'You're a dumb idiot sandwich.'"
"In terms of the fixed signs, we're looking at Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius."
"We need to see our traits as just different from others not superior just because we're HSP doesn't make us like wonderfully aware or conscientious people 24 7."
"We needed a tough brash New Yorker who told it like it was."
"If your destiny number is 5, you are here to predict the future or predate events, future events, and this can mean sometimes in a rebellious way."
"A happy guy, genuinely compassionate, loving person."
"This person presents as someone who is impressionable or naive or innocent in some way but they also have this extroverted side."
"People that are hungry are rare breed, they're risk takers."
"This person's an interesting mix of like stern and serious I'm getting and plus just really playful and yeah like like kind of a trickster."
"She was always kind of looking for the best in people and she was very eager to meet new people."
"He was fascinated by people and displayed little shyness, smiling at strangers and rarely crying out."
"He really had a dangerous combination of extreme intelligence, delusional thinking, paranoia, and a lack of empathy."
"She's very funny and witty and has wicked comedic timing."
"Aquarius people are very complex beings, complex robotic engineering."
"But I do want to say that he is a narcissist... he has immense issues with manipulation... he can be evil towards the people who love him the most."
"What we have on our hands here with M rolling is a case of someone who is pathologically incapable of ever letting anything go ever."
"I like how authentic and no-bullshit Scorpios are."
"Jack is the one in our family who probably smiles the most."
"Your natural instincts make you a hunter, you're a conqueror!"
"What Trump said may have been a little vainglorious, but that is the future."
"Libras very much are the mediator of the group... They're very good at calming down situations or feuds."
"They're just very sensitive and so soft but they have this wild side like totally wild and fierce side in them that will just tear someone apart if they make any move to harm you."
"Here we are four hours later, and you've just been so open and giving on every subject."
"She's always been full of sunshine. It's not any different now than it has been."
"Rich and powerful is not a personality goddammit!"
"The world's richest man just can't help but be petty as [ __ ] and create endless problems for himself."
"China's coming in with just crazy relentless ambition and confidence like full decaf mode."
"The crave for power and control is very real and it's a very sad characteristic."
"He wants to take the credit where he can take the credit and shift the blame because that's who he is."
"Why would you want to hire me? I'm exuberant, I'm lively, I'm caring, I'm creative, I'm a very happy bubbly jolly person who's incredibly hard-working and driven."
"Kit has become kind of a hoarder, they love collecting things."
"I'm more free, spontaneous, and erratic. It's what makes me funny."
"What the world needs now is more Hufflepuffs."
"All narcissists are very psychopathic; they are out to get narcissistic supply."
"He’s ambitious, intelligent, morally complex, and, yes, narcissistic."
"Capture the same amount of down-to-earth personality that was present in Avatar."
"Charm and dependability so seldom go in one package."
"I've been saying that forever. It's pretty endearing, isn't it?"
"Vulnerability is attractive when paired with an alpha personality."
"Mushu is one of the most memorable Disney sidekicks of all time, and as much as he’s charismatic and lovable, he’s also careless and selfish."
"Far from being prim and proper, she loved life in all its richness."
"I always like people who are sassy in the face of danger."
"He's a bit of he's a bit of a meme he's a bit of a meme this is loud short running around being angry."
"Men like Tyson that can truly compartmentalize their emotions... tend to be more successful."
"Although they prefer to be in groups, they do not want to be the center of attention; they are reserved and quiet."
"Cody was not an aggressive person unless he needed to be."
"There's a childlike quality to all Aries sun people, and it's often quite charming."
"Everyone is selfish and insecure. I'm selfless and curious. And confident as fuck."
"Frequent and Compulsive Lying: Once you get to know them a bit better, sociopaths often seem shady and dishonourable."
"That's what special Jackson is, that's exactly what he is."
"Your soulmate is going to be loyal, dependable, and reliable."
"Perspective taking is one of the superpowers of an HSP."
"Aquarius is like I'm just me I'm just crazy I'm just quirky I'm just different I'm original."
"He's been insanely consistent his entire life"
"I'm dominant. I'm a Libra and I'm dominant in relationships."
"It's an intrinsic quality of personality trait. I know you're not supposed to say that. Everybody's supposed to believe you could become a salesman."
"He's an Aries, y'all, and y'all know the Aries like to tussle."
"Also, some people are just assholes, they really are."
"I'm not a judge, I'm like the least judgmental person."
"Cats in general are individualistic creatures."
"He's an incredibly charming and charismatic person."
"Sometimes there's nothing wrong with being silly."
"Remember what I told you about Andrew Tate months ago? His downfall will come from his narcissism."
"You're gonna feel like damn do they have anything could be a leo too or a air cycle air sign leo or fire air air fire possible capricorn with the devil there all right."
"Jubilee is loud she calls herself Jubilee because with her quote every day is a celebration."
"The beauty of Dave Chappelle is being Unapologetic."
"People are too nice. I like helping people. I'm just supposed to be that president, not their friend."
"Competition, I think Avery is very deserving of it, and I just think Avery's a very genuine person."
"He's a smart ass, he's a toxic, he's hilarious."
"The lone wolf prefers solitude over compromise."
"He's extremely soft-spoken. He wants to engage you in an intellectual discussion immediately."
"I'm going to tell you Marcus he got a lot of good qualities but my favorite thing about Marcus is his joy."
"Stop looking for nice. Start looking for a backbone."