
Intentions Quotes

There are 2594 quotes

"Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended."
"It's just extremely sad to think that Deborah struggled most of her life, was someone who clearly had good intentions, a good heart, and wanted the best for the world."
"Always do things from the sincerity of your heart, not for any agenda."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"They don't have bad intentions; they're thinking about expanding their relationship with you."
"Aiming to be popular is about what you want from people, while aiming to be influential is about what you want for people."
"I think people look at the outcome of decisions and make these assumptions and make these claims and they don't look at the intention."
"I was young and I was stupid and I just wanted the best for you."
"Not all bad actions have bad intentions. Sometimes the bad action or the thing that someone's trying to conceal is just a negative consequence of something that was otherwise positively intended."
"It's always about the intentions behind your actions. It's okay to feel emotions; it's okay to be angry. It's just the way that you deal with that that is what's important."
"Not everything is what it appears to be, and... intentions may start good but in the wrong hands, they can become extremely misused."
"I never meant to hurt you, I was trying to figure myself out."
"The only thing that really matters in this world is actions. What people's intentions are don't matter; what matters are deeds."
"I swear, I'll look at a person and kind of catch their vibe, and I'll know within a month whether if they have good intentions or not."
"Be careful of people who say the right thing for the wrong reason."
"All that matters, when it's said and done, is intent."
"Expect positive outcomes to flow from your honesty and pure intentions."
"A man with intentions will state his intentions, be a gentleman, not push boundaries, and handle you accordingly."
"Give yourself some credit for your intentions."
"Evil never starts off evil. People generally have the best of intentions."
"It's not the intentions that matter; it's the impact."
"They're a very sweet person and they have the best of intentions towards you."
"They have every intention of keeping you in their life."
"If you don't start from a place where you genuinely believe everybody is coming from the best of intentions, everything is already lost."
"You plant seeds of intentions, and boom, one day, the seeds have blossomed into fruition."
"Technology solves this problem, not good intentions."
"I want people to be happy; I don't want to hurt anyone."
"We've become so outcome obsessed that we've forgotten how important it is to have good intentions."
"Focus on your intention, make your intention something that you refine on a daily basis, that will guide your choices in a much easier way."
"I think it's important to note that nowhere do I intend harm, full stop."
"Set your intentions with your heart and soul."
"I am clear. I'm clear about my intentions. I'm clear about what I need, what I want."
"Manipulation is often thought of as intentional; sometimes it's seen as always being intentional, depending on the definition of manipulation."
"What more would you love other than a good personality, a good spirit, and good intentions?"
"Your intentions can be a million percent pure, but if the person was still hurt and still affected negatively, you still definitely should apologize."
"We're not judged by our intentions; we are judged by what we actually accomplish."
"May Allah protect all of us, protect our children, may Allah keep our intentions pure."
"In a world full of selfish people with pragmatic methods and self-interested intentions, Leorio is one of the only in this setting who just wants to help others."
"It's normal to want to change your life, right? It's not everybody's intention, but that's what be going on."
"My goal actually was clarity... I want to try to take them at their word as much as possible."
"It's such a good exercise to reflect on what you are grateful for from the past year and what you are calling in for the future."
"It's the generosity that counts. It's the good-hearted thought that counts."
"Remember, when your intentions are pure, your destiny will blossom."
"We're not here to attack anyone... This is trying to lovingly give you the truth."
"Intentions are really important before anyone wants to come to the social platforms. Why do you want to do what you want to do?"
"The moment you can't see someone's hands, you wonder, what is she holding? What's her intention?"
"It's very important for myself to have the right intentions in what I'm doing."
"They respect you and don't want to do wrong by you."
"Their true intentions are to have a genuine true connection with you."
"The only thing these civilizations are looking for is a pure heart, clear intention, and the great purpose."
"People do things with good intentions, but then something bad can happen that you didn't plan on."
"If we're putting ourselves out there like this, at least know that we're doing it for the right reasons and to be just constructive in a kind way."
"It's very clear that I wasn't looking to hurt Gia. Of course, I would never ever do that."
"Quiet time is your devotions with God, a time to reflect, be grateful, and set intentions for the day."
"Honestly, the best values you can literally carry is just have good intentions and try your best to be a decent person."
"If you think in your mind 'this is the relationship that I want to have,' you're far more likely to set and stick with personal boundaries."
"We don't do bad things because we seek to be bad; we very often get to the worst points because all the way along, we thought we were doing things for the good."
"The most interesting point is the reminder that people don't do bad things because they seek to be bad; they very often do evil things, often not always, often in pursuit of good."
"My only intention is one thing: not numbers, my intention is to see you, your family, loved ones healthy. That's it."
"They are here for romance and nothing but that. This is not someone who wants to be your friend; this is someone who wants to wine and dine you, have a bit of fun with you."
"Most people want to care about people; most of them don't believe that they're doing harm, but instead believe they're doing good."
"Before stepping forward, it would be wise to refocus your intentions and look within."
"As long as you are clear about their clear intentions, just know as soon as they don't get what they want, they will disappear faster than you can blink."
"I assume that everybody has got a good intent behind everything they do, even if the outcome is hurtful."
"If we can align them with our intentions and values, then that would be on our side."
"There's an obvious difference between wishing for harm for someone and celebrating when actual harm has occurred."
"Her intentions seem pretty good...she wants to have a better world really for humanity overall."
"I don't care what you intend; I don't care what you think; I don't care what you wish for... all I and the rest of the 7 billion people care about is how you act."
"Government has no intentions. Only people have intentions."
"Every deed is judged according to its intent, and you will get the reward of that which you have intended."
"There's something that happens when you surround yourself only with people who have good intentions for you."
"New moons are the most excellent time to set your intention for what you want to bring in, create, and manifest in the next 30-day cycle."
"The road to hell is paved with well intentions."
"In a 2018 interview with Weekly Shounen Jump Magazine, Togashi revealed that with Gon he originally planned to create a sort of good-boy type of character that would, and I quote, win every ‘character I would want for a son’ competition."
"You need to stop accepting every gift from people. Not everyone is sent from God nor has good intentions towards you."
"Grounding down today with strong intentions to connect to the Earth, to connect to the big picture."
"Being able to discern between those who are bad faith actors and those who are genuinely concerned is crucial."
"This was a stupid decision, but I did it with the best intentions."
"The worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions."
"Miracles happen. Give the universe your clear intentions."
"Set your intentions to just find the happiest relationship, the happiest partnership for you."
"This person wants something pretty permanent with you."
"The fate of the world does not look bright. Entire consequences can come from a lot of good intentions."
"If you have a desire to create or improve loving and lasting relationships in your life, well, that's our intention here."
"You set your intention, if you stop attaching yourself to how you're going to get it, you're going to be able to receive it from all these different avenues."
"Intentions are coming from a place of actually caring about the situation."
"Intentions are not something you make once. You gotta keep going back. You gotta keep fixing it."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, is all I'll say about that for now."
"Was there sincere intentions behind it or was it intentionally crafted as a parody?"
"You attract what you sow, so sow what you want to reap."
"Good intentions can't compensate for a lack of evidence."
"Check out their videos; they're not mean people trying to hurt anybody."
"I genuinely think they have the game's best interest at heart."
"No one across the counter is like, 'I can't wait to ruin this person's day and make them three hours delayed.' They want you to leave."
"Set your intentions by what you want, and then the universe will bring it to you like magic."
"Just tell them I'm going... usually, they say I'm coming."
"You always make me feel stupid, but I was going to save you."
"Make the intention that you're going to join."
"It all comes down to intent for me. If your intent is right, it's gonna work, it's gonna be better than you thought, and you're gonna have a lot less chaos."
"Justice is coming, and it's going to help with certain intentions."
"Andi, you think someone would write these letters just to play a joke on you?"
"Make sure you are speaking your desires and not your fears."
"Even with great intentions, the little details make all the difference in how the final game feels."
"Epic was doing the right thing, but not necessarily for the most just or noble reasons."
"They definitely want to take the relationship to the next level and they're making moves towards you."
"Intentions you may have been holding for a long time are quickly coming into physical realities in this next year."
"Now is a very powerful time to plant those seeds of intention for a vision of the future of your life."
"I wasn't thinking so deeply into it... it wasn't really meant to be something that people took so deeply."
"I'm sorry... it was not my intention at all."
"You didn't have bad intentions. You just went about this badly."
"Their goal is to create chaos, that is what they do."
"Are you putting out what attention you actually want to receive?"
"The road to hell is paved in good intentions."
"I never want my friends to feel like that, that I would ever disrespect his mother, never, that wasn't where that was from."
"Thrawn was actually well intentioned and he was also a smart individual with a genuine desire to bring peace and stability to the Galaxy."
"What matters most in any human communication is intention."
"This person definitely wants to try things different... they want to spark things up with you."
"Maybe asking some more questions about who's over here, what are their intentions, what are they doing."
"This movie is a great example of the viewer also being able to question the intentions of everyone."
"I don't believe there's a single bad intention behind any of this show. I believe there was a genuine effort to do good, but when something is sending a message, it's important to understand what that message is really saying."
"All manipulation ain't bad. Sometimes you can't drive straight to the destination. Sometimes you got to make a left and a right to get there, but my intentions are always pure."
"This time around, we want to do things differently."
"You cannot in the same moment of thought, want to harm someone and want to do good."
"He's a piece of [__]. He's not sorry, he meant what he said."
"That doesn't mean that every Democrat is culpable, corrupt, or even has bad intentions."
"But I think that the missing piece of the equation here is intent."
"Intent doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is consequences."
"Set some really cool intentions for yourself; you'll be surprised at what could happen."
"It's so good to just ask or rather let's say that you want to do something like this that could be interpreted this way but you actually do mean it to be up here just ask somebody."
"Is that your real opinion, Billy, or are you just looking forward to a long sea voyage with the attractive Mrs. Gelman as your companion?"
"Should you send him gifts to soften his heart? The fact what you said soften his heart leads me to believe no."
"I'm gonna be a better person and I'm so grateful."
"I wanted to make this video just to let you know that I'm gonna be a better person."
"Kyle Rittenhouse wasn't there for the right he wasn't there for the left he was just there to help he didn't want fires he didn't want destruction and he didn't want those protesting to get hurt either."
"When you give it should be like even though you're giving an offerings or to help others you give it like you're giving it to the Lord."
"The road to hell is always paved with good intentions."
"If you treat me good, I'm going to treat you better; treat me wrong, so if you approach somebody like me with good intentions you're never gonna have a problem."
"They want to properly date you, court you, and not just hop into bed with you."
"If our intention behind it is really a kind one then people are gonna kind of forgive us."
"I've always had a good gauge on like people's intentions."
"Hopefully in the name of love and positivity."
"Make sure they have the right intentions and always make your partner feel comfortable."
"Not many people set out to make something bad."
"All magicians are said to reside in one of these two opposing divisions depending on their intention towards the magic and what they're using it for."
"I'm sure many within the black lives matter leadership didn't wish for this."
"Good intentions without wisdom usually leads to evil."
"Parents screw up their kids in all kinds of ways, but they're doing their best."
"She genuinely believed that she was saving people."
"She genuinely believed she was doing the right thing."
"We don't care where you come from... as long as you're coming into crypto with the right intentions."
"The magic of a lunar eclipse lies in its ability to amplify our intentions."
"When we talk about body language we also talk about intentions, so decoding intentions should be our priority."
"My intentions were never to harm her, let alone take her life."
"What they want with you is to get some more information off of you first before they come towards you with some sort of stable offer."
"Their intention is to move it forward and to be on a mature level with you."
"Anthem is a perfect example of the road to hell paved in good intentions."
"All I can do going forward is try to live my life in a way that shows you these aren't empty words."
"Despite looking like a slap Dash mess, what if we saw that this whole mad scientist Act was not at all for himself but actually a very genuine Act of care for his friends?"
"They're feeling they want to make it right with you."
"They really might have wanted to make a family with you."
"Thoughts become things so if you're manifesting love, don't be just asking the universe, 'Dear Universe, I would like some love please' because that can manifest in many different forms."
"Be honest with what you're looking for... Transparency, honesty with what you're looking for, with what you need to do."
"I'm really mostly interested in honorable intentions."
"Control what you can control - your intentions."
"All that really matters in this world is your intentions being pure and good."
"Ultimately, the goal was never truly you know kind of play with anybody's feelings it was more so, you know, I just try to you know find who I am continue to keep going and identify myself."
"It's a really weird move... what reaction was he looking for?"
"Sometimes the greatest damage done is done with the very best of intentions."
"Trusting powerful intentions with faith for manifestation."
"At best, these people have no idea what they're doing. At worst, they know exactly what they're doing, and they're evil."
"Anything that comes out of my mouth, it's not to play us, it's to show how much love I had."
"In these stressful and tumultuous times, it is my intent to navigate in harmony with my core values: beauty, compassion, and love."
"If you're playing the game for the wrong reasons, you should probably quit now."
"Your intentions no longer matter here because nobody can trust you. Nobody can trust that these were actually your intentions. They can only see your actions, and your actions make you untrustworthy."
"What they don't tell you is they want to marry you, they thought about marriage with you, they thought about long-term commitment with your ass [ __ ] all right they're taking it slow."
"It really does seem like they actually just want that to be a better, more positive experience."
"What makes a person good is about the intentions or the genuineness behind the actions that you take."
"They will probably end up being embarrassed as badly as they wanted to embarrass him."
"This friendship is leading to more, and you're wanting to progress it."
"Implementation matters more than your intentions."
"Setting intentions is probably one of the most powerful things in the world."
"Clear your head, state your intention...it's time to make it happen."
"I'm trying to get people to understand, I'm not trying to raise money for me to go buy an island somewhere."
"I think it's super important to realize people's intentions."
"This person really wants to get back together with you, and that's why it's coming up."
"You want to be able to hear, see, know their clear intentions."
"It really is just we've got so we've again I've been I hope occasionally light and funny and whatever but I'm being deadly serious in this."
"I believe in structure and I have spanked her but not intentionally hurting a child."
"Virginity is a heart posture, it's not what you do only, it's where your heart is."
"There should be more guys saying my intention is marriage."
"There's no such thing as a perfect man, just perfect intentions."
"Who says something like that and actually has it be to serve the greater good?"
"The Sabbath is about motive, not performance."
"There's a fine line between good intentions and bad intentions."
"I just want a really nice, respectful guy who doesn't lie, who is okay with just being intentional when it comes to dating."
"Even if you're genuinely wrong, I'm okay with it if your motives are right."
"I hope that they understand I was not trying to hurt them, I was just trying to live by my beliefs."
"Give us the benefit of the doubt, mistakes aren't happening maliciously."
"These phrases which are as far from peace as possible provide us with as much information about what Russia intends to do as possible."
"It wasn't even that they were planning to do something."