
Human Body Quotes

There are 853 quotes

"Ever wondered about the astonishing world inside our bodies? A vast network of nerves communicating messages from our brain to every single cell, tissue, and organ."
"Your extraordinary health is really normal. The human body shouldn't just fall apart."
"It's time we take a step back and look at the true nature of the human body; we've lost the forest for the trees."
"The human body is a picture of God in a frame, hung in a beautiful garden."
"What the body does, the lens of the body, is it focuses our attention into a tiny range of frequency that science calls visible light, which is so tiny it's almost laughable."
"Did you know that there are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body?"
"Thermal cameras are specifically designed to take in photons, such as the photons that are given off by the human body, and display them in a format that the human eye can see."
"Your heart produces enough electrical energy to create a magnetic field surrounding your body in 360°, extending beyond the skin out into space."
"Your body is first and foremost made out of energies, just like everything else in this universe."
"You're about one inch taller when you sleep than when you stand up. My grandmother was right."
"I now consider butyrate to be one of, if not the most important health boosters in the human body."
"The human body has incredible capacity to heal itself if given the opportunity."
"This show is a primary example of like expert level humans who know how to move in period clothing and all of the amazing things that the human body can do despite wearing period clothing."
"Inside every one of us, there's an immensely complex system of tubes that transports blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells in our body. This system is 60,000 miles long."
"If you were to pull out all the blood vessels in your body and line them up end to end, you'd form a thread that would wrap around the earth twice."
"The body has these magical ways that it can restore itself."
"Every 10 seconds we make a million new white cells, 20 million new platelets, and 30 million new red blood cells."
"Skeletons aren't scary; we're filled with this pulsing, oozing meat, and you think the skeletons are scary? The meat is scary."
"You are made up more of bacteria than you are of human cells."
"Your body is constantly recycling and regenerating itself, which means that physically you will be a new person in a year from now."
"So does a human head remain conscious after being separated from its body? It sure does."
"Our eyes are amazing, seriously, they're incredible."
"Your body's conductive, your body's electrical first, chemical second. So, everything in the body is electrical."
"The human body is an extraordinary piece of engineering, honed over millions of years of evolution."
"The entire human body exists in the quantum medium."
"Humans are regenerative beings. The human body heals itself provided we give it what it needs and that the human body gets the signal to go and repair and replace dysfunctional tissues."
"Yawning is your brain's natural air conditioning system, bringing cooler blood to chill out your overheated, overtired grey matter."
"Microbiota are the living organisms on and inside of your body."
"It's just the sheer complexity of the human body and the way it's interacting with this ecosystem that we live in."
"You have 10 times more microorganisms in your body than you have actual cells that make up your body."
"I have always been fascinated with the human body and how our bodies work."
"Angiogenesis is how our body grows blood vessels, a super important process because blood vessels form 60,000 miles of channels, our highways and byways of our circulation."
"You have about 40 trillion bacteria in your gut, which is about the same number as the number of cells in your body."
"Our bodies are literally designed not just to survive but to thrive and adapt."
"The stomach lining gets replaced every 3 to 4 days to prevent the organ from eating itself."
"If your eye was a digital camera, it would have a resolution of 576 megapixels."
"The human eye can distinguish up to 10 million different colors."
"The average human grows 590 mil of hair in one lifetime."
"The human liver is the busiest organ of the body, with over 500 functions."
"Each of us has a different and unique tongue print."
"Our teeth are the only part of the body that can't heal itself."
"Your liver is responsible for 500 individual functions."
"The miracle that happens in a person every second of the day is just brilliant."
"The average human stomach can expand to fit about four cups of food."
"There are many ways to control the human body that go far beyond just the simple positional game of jujitsu."
"Your central nervous system is the most complex electrical system in the universe."
"Human body is so fragile but also so persistent."
"Our thresholds have completely disappeared, yet pain acts as an important warning system for our body that we simply do not have anymore."
"You take a step back and you just realize everything that matters in human health, these microbes are playing a part in it."
"Our body's operation is all electric – my hand moving, my muscles, my brain, my thinking – it's all based on electrical signals."
"The human is an incredibly adaptable machine and weightlessness is really, really well suited for us."
"You don't have a skeleton inside of you, you're a brain. You're inside of a skeleton. You're piloting a bone mech that's using meat armor."
"Our bodies through so many things that people didn't 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago."
"The human eye... can handle 1.5 million simultaneous messages. The eye is also self-cleaning with built-in wipers and cleaning fluid."
"Our bodies are somewhere between 55 and 60% water."
"The world is optimized for the human body type."
"Your body depends on these electrical signals to do just about everything."
"The human nervous system relies on electricity to function."
"Our bones actually glow anyway we can't see that with an unaided eye because the light we emit is one thousand times less intense than the minimum level we can perceive."
"Your body has been fashioned to carry the miracle that is human consciousness. Your brain is the most complex structure in the universe, comprised of a hundred billion neurons."
"The human body is a miraculous machine that has been created to heal itself."
"Collagen is a family of proteins found throughout the body, including in the skin. You can think of it as kind of the glue, if you will, of different tissues. It really provides a lot of structural integrity in tissues."
"The secrets of our body: What new things has it prepared for us this time?"
"Dead Space: 'It's not just that the flesh is crazy or that the flesh is untrustworthy, it's that the flesh is a commodity and yours is going cheap.'"
"Rigor mortis is caused by skeletal muscles partially contracting, and since they’re unable to relax, the body becomes rigid for a brief amount of time."
"The human body is an amazing thing... every single human is unique."
"His paintings offer us a new perspective on mortality and the human body."
"The human body is a machine. Therefore, it's reasonable that we could extend the healthy, fully functioning longevity of the human body."
"It's just like unplugging a computer from the wall, basically. The system shuts off and in principle, we could live forever if you just figure out how to repair this body."
"You can actually see what happens to the body."
"I think it's so bad ass that our bodies literally make calluses to protect themselves and to like build up like basically a coat of armor."
"It's amazing what the body does if you give it half a chance"
"Our bodies are made from billions of atoms which are all billions of years old."
"Your bones are pretty much stronger than steel."
"Your heart is the strongest muscle in your body, right? Of course, it's good to have muscles, but nothing is stronger than your heart."
"Of course, the human body is the supreme example of the spiritually infused corporeal substance."
"Our bodies are capable of a tremendous amount of adaptation."
"The body's a sculpture that's living and breathing and bleeding. Think about it."
"Your body is made up of those trace minerals that we need. The human body needs those."
"The greatest Miracle exists within the human body. The Ascension is happening inside."
"We have a lot more ability to heal ourselves than we're led to believe."
"Your sense of touch, your tactile sense, is absolutely incredible."
"The human body is just amazing in its complexity."
"The baseline setting for human health is good, vibrant health. You only muck that up if you're putting things in the system that shouldn't be there."
"Fear makes a human body start protecting arteries."
"There is nothing wrong or shameful about the naked human form."
"The human body is elegantly designed to thrive on just adequate nutrition."
"Ears are meant for hearing, eyes are meant for seeing, genitals are meant for generating."
"Scars are the body's response to an injury, trying to heal or regenerate injured tissue."
"Our bodies are like really brilliant machines, and they always keep busy."
"There's bugs living in your eye and your eyelashes right now."
"The human body is remarkable. It's like a small Universe."
"Every aspect of our being reveals the signature of an intelligent and purposeful design."
"The face is the most vital part of the body. We take food through here, we breathe through here."
"It's like this super accelerated test bed for the body."
"Cathoga actually ended up solving a lot of horrible design flaws of the human body."
"Oxytocin is important for lactation and childbirth."
"The human body is capable of a lot more than we think."
"Medications really don't fix problems; there's a subset of patients for whom they have a significant benefit."
"Diet is huge because you are an organic machine."
"Astronauts can grow as much as about five centimeters or two inches taller in space."
"Spending time in space can change various aspects of the human body."
"The body is fascinating in that it can heal itself within reason when given the opportunity."
"Your brain is the control center for your entire body."
"Your skin is the largest sensory organ of the body."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"It is considered normal to fart between six and twenty times a day. An average person farts fifteen times a day. Fair enough."
"She proves that the human body is truly a work of art."
"We have no idea how your brain can make your body do exactly what you want in only tenths of a second."
"How does your body create consciousness? We have absolutely no idea."
"Stretch out DNA from all cells, and you get a line 6 feet long for each person."
"So you are more bacteria than you are human."
"Natasha Demkina claims to have the ability to see inside of human bodies."
"I went on a journey to try to discover how efficient the human gut is."
"Your body, your eye is more complex than a camera."
"Something so beautiful as the human body, I had no other explanation other than an artist, a creator."
"The idea of the body being needed after death is age thousands of years ago."
"The miracles of the human body have made me clearly see that there must be a god involved in the design."
"If just looking at the human body, I can pretty safely say that I'm confident that there was not a perfect deity that made the human body."
"Your real body is a process. It starts when you're born and moves forward until you die."
"The body does have an incredible ability to regenerate itself."
"Supplementing for deficiency, that's when magic happens in the human body."
"The most important technology that exists on our planet is not the iPhone or the computer; it is this human body."
"Favorite subject? I realize why I like biology, human body, nervous system, neurons, all that stuff."
"The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate completely."
"98 degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature that feels hot even though the human body is of the same temperature. Well, actually, this is about the average temperature of our core."
"Nothing in our body stays the way it is for very long."
"The heart, the most important muscle in the body."
"We forget how incredible our fingers can be."
"Your body is the 3D printer of your reality."
"Everyone watching deserves what we were born into: healthy bodies."
"The body has this tremendous ability to heal."
"Your hair literally scans the environment, brings signals back to alert certain types of amino acid structures. It's an extension of your nervous system."
"Some women's labias are like tucked away and neat and some are out and some are dark and some are pink and some are light in a way they're exactly like faces everybody looks completely different but that doesn't mean that everybody's ugly."
"More or less it can be said that there are the same number of atoms in every human body right now as there are on the surface of the earth."
"Epithelial tissue serves functions of protection, secretion, absorption, and sensation."
"Every second, you make 25 million new cells."
"If someone managed to uncoil all the DNA in the human body, it would stretch out to around 10 billion miles."
"At any moment, 50,000 cells in your body are getting replaced by new ones."
"The human body is a miraculous thing capable of incredible feats of strength, dexterity, endurance, and agility."
"The ability of our body to change is incredible."
"Our bodies are more intelligent than we are."
"The skin remembers the largest organ of the body. It's about ten pounds."
"Living in microgravity for a very long period of time is very hard on these human bodies."
"Your body is about 65 atoms that hydrogen while the Sun is some 90 a 10% hydrogen."
"Blood has numerous functions, not just circulating fluids. It's the transport of nutrients, sugars, proteins, lipids, vitamins, etc."
"Our bodies are essentially just a shell to house us."
"Our bodies are so good at repairing and regenerating that we take health for granted."
"Human bodies are bizarre, beautiful, magical."
"It's nothing short of a miracle that we can change something in the human body that was once unchangeable."
"The Human body is a marvel of natural evolution."
"Our bodies really are magical for doing everything that they do."
"70 percent of our body is actually made up of water."
"Your body contains enough blood vessels to wrap around the planet two and a half times."
"Our hair strands are strong enough to support weight."
"Wisdom teeth aren't that useful either, they used to come in handy whenever our ancestors lost some of their teeth."
"Every part of your skin is predicting what it's going to sense"
"Your body is star stuff that has learned to self-regulate itself."
"Your teeth are the only part of your body that can't repair itself."
"Out of all those cars on the grid by far the most impressive machine is the human body."
"Your hair is the fastest growing tissue in your entire body and it can grow just about anywhere, except for the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, and on your lips and mucous membranes."
"Sensory stuff it's in play all the time skin is our body's largest sensory organ we feel hot we feel cold we can feel pressure you take it for granted obviously if it's there it's very subtle you can do a lot because of touch."
"The surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court."
"Our bodies... have mistakes which no designer would ever have perpetrated."
"You share your body right now with six or eight other kilos of other life forms."
"PSA: It takes exactly seven years and seven days for the human body to change each and every single cell with a completely new one."
"Imagine what this does for your human body for health."
"The human body is made of meat, but does that make it uninteresting?"
"People have more than five senses."
"The universe is set up just like the human body."
"We've got 60,000 miles worth of blood vessels packed into the average adult body."
"You can hold your breath for about 3 minutes, you can also last for about 3 days without water before your body starts devouring itself from the inside out."
"It's a miracle what our bodies can do."
"It's just what works for the human body to get where it needs to go as efficiently as possible."
"Feet are even a more important part of the human body than tires are to the car."
"Growth hormone in a human being is pulsatile."
"Humans are home to an absolutely staggering number of bacteria."
"It's just something we do, we just kind of keep moving on, yeah, the human body is amazing."
"Ruins shows the human body pushed to its absolute limits and beyond."
"The eye muscle is the fastest muscle in our bodies. We can blink five times per second, and even more."
"It is safe to be in a human body. It is safe to wear this human body on planet Earth. I will not be persecuted, I will not be hanged or beheaded or tortured or imprisoned in this lifetime for speaking my truth or channeling or being myself."
"The human body is a beautiful thing and no part of it is ugly."
"10 times the number of microbial cells in our system than there are human cells."
"The human body is so robust, so resilient, so incredible at adapting to the demands you impose on it."
"There is an intelligence in the human body which is so far going to outweigh anything that mankind can achieve."
"A human body has a huge number of little tubes called blood vessels with blood flowing through them."
"When a human is at rest, his heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute."
"Okay, I'm gonna start with human body."
"This is not a drive like a traditional Cannonball where it's just out and out speed. This is actually a competition against the human body."
"It's so cool to see how the body responds when we treat it properly. What an amazing machine."
"Captured both the weight and the elegance of a human body."
"The human body is an amazing design. The miracle is that the body can tolerate all the atrocious foods and terrible lifestyle for decades."
"Your body, comprised of over 80 trillion electrical cells, is the most effective electrical machine ever conceived."
"I like that let's find out who's truly the best with no parameters nope let's see what the human body is capable of."
"The human body is a work of art. It is Mother Nature's magnum opus, a masterpiece of design."
"Some people can make their eyeballs vibrate."
"Albrecht Dürer's seminal work is an illustrated exploration of the human form through all stages of life."
"No, you don't realize how amazing the human body is for being a petri dish for ingredients."
"The human body is incredibly resilient even in the harshest environments."
"The average maximum life expectancy of the human machine, your body, my body, everybody listening right now, is about 95."