
Medical Innovation Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"What if we were able to treat injuries and impairments in an entirely new way, by hacking into your brain's ability to rewire itself."
Don Vaughn
"Ultimately, if and when the technology for spinal cord, nerve, or muscle stimulation gets far enough, ultimately it could be used to restore that individual's control of their own body."
"If all we do as a sort in our medical world is invent new things to throw at old diseases, then we're chasing the tail of a beast that we'll never catch."
"We could stop the cancer. We could stop the heart disease. We could stop the dementia."
"If we can restore eyesight, what else can we reverse?"
"But I think probably the most lives that saved is because you can coat stents in rapamycin."
"We focused on the eye because we thought reversing blindness would be pretty cool and could be a drug, a very quick drug to develop relative to the whole body. And it worked."
"Now we are within striking distance of developing medicine that really brings aging under the same level of medical control that we have today for most infectious diseases."
"It's just radical what you're saying is, you know, we've got century of medical innovation and drug development and technology innovating care and what you're talking about is that food is more powerful than all of those things."
"If stem cells, fetal stem cells, ever become widely used, it will change the entire profit picture of the pharmaceutical industry. They don't make their money on well people; they make their money on sick people."
"Scientists worldwide are developing 3D printed hearts that can have the same shape and build as the heart they're looking to replace."
"NASA is testing out a surgical robot on the International Space Station."
"Instead of using medicine to make us average, we can use medicine to make us evolve."
"I've developed medicines, five of which are FDA-approved products today. One of which is a life-saving therapy in kids."
"Using the body's own immune system to fight cancer has advanced towards a cure for cancer."
"Well, we've done that, and it's actually one of the mainstays of cancer treatment today, but the more exciting thing is we found that when you use the same testing methods that were used to develop these drugs to test foods, there's more than 100 foods that can actually starve cancers as well."
"Neuralink, I think, at first, will solve a lot of brain-related diseases... There's a tremendous amount of good that Neuralink can do in solving critical damage to the brain or the spinal cord."
"Vaccines are probably the single most important invention, medical intervention, I think I've ever learned about."
"It is a really an amazing moment in medicine where scientists and doctors... are trying to connect the dots about diseases that we're really hopeless and now are hopeful."
"What's being worked on now is 3D bioprinting where you can use what's called bio ink, and you can actually print tissue. Definitely by the end of the decade, we'll be able to use 3D body printers to regrow organs, so that'll be a really amazing breakthrough."
"The concept of repairing tissue is very exciting because instead of having to cut things out or instead of having to take drugs to manage symptoms, you can actually repair tissue."
"Regenerative medicine is like the coolest thing you could be doing as a doctor."
"Now we can do what are called intravenous stem cells. They go IV and they go through the whole body and they help to replenish those stem cell stores."
"We're primarily using umbilical cord stem cells, but there are different types of stem cells, for example, from your bone marrow, from your fat."
"I am a healer, exploring the building blocks that make us unique, discovering new threats before they happen."
"Regenerative medicine is all about harnessing that potential to make new cells and to treat and cure diseases."
"I think you’ll see soon that that will also lead to the possibility of a healthier life, what I call healthy aging, where we’re not trying to fix you because you’ve had some disease or injury, but rather just replenish your body to maintain its young and vibrant state."
"The idea that you could walk in with depression and a couple of days later be basically cured is just marvelous."
"Dr. Patricia Bath's invention helped restore the sight of several people who had been blinded by cataracts for up to 30 years."
"Essentially, they create and operate a portable intensive care unit for use on airplanes so they can deliver ICU level care at 30,000 feet while transporting critically ill patients from point A to point B."
"We learned about the first successful double arm and shoulder transplant this year."
"Modern medicine is pretty dope. If my heart is busted, I can literally get a heart from someone else and continue to live a relatively normal life."
"An insanely bold medical scientist... Werner Forssmann is probably the only person who can truly be said to have put their whole heart into their work… literally."
"Startling innovations above and below ground saved lives."
"I'm actually going to work on the medicine of the future."
"There's a medical revolution happening all around us, and it's one that's going to help us conquer some of society's most dreaded conditions, including cancer."
"But what if we could turn back the clock and replace worn out or damaged body parts with completely new ones?"
"In the future, if you suffer from heart failure, a new organ could be grown on a cadaver heart scaffold using your own stem cells."
"Donald Trump did Operation warp speed and got a vaccine made and got it out there in a phenomenal rate."
"Operation Warp Speed and therapeutic advancements were Monumental achievements."
"We now have the science and technology and medicine to upgrade your biological software and reverse chronic disease."
"Medicine is our great weapon to fight back against invisible, unthinkable death."
"A historic groundbreaking initiative in our ongoing effort to rapidly develop and manufacture a coronavirus vaccine."
"Operation Warp Speed's mission is to enable and accelerate the development of vaccines and therapeutics to help control the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives."
"Let's change the paradigm, stop reacting, go out know the viruses before they know us."
"Options again are nanobots, specialized vaccines, targeted viruses, specialized toxins that bind only to non-functioning cells, and so on."
"This is our time is now and I believe psilocybin is a new medicine."
"We're starting to move into think about therapeutic and interventional ways in which we can modify the microbiota."
"To have this facility where a new antigen comes in and 100 days later a vaccine goes out could save billions of people."
"Scientists can create human bio-tissues with the help of 3D printers. In one lab, for instance, they made a human ear from the patient's cellular."
"A major update in the Neuralink story is, of course, the approval for human trials."
"If somebody even has a severed spinal cord they will be able to walk again naturally."
"We're talking about healing the blind, people who were born blind are now going to be able to see."
"The future of gene mutation is here. Gene therapy, which is the thing that's going to bust open longevity, is here."
"The future of medicine is personalized medicine."
"Developed in France in 1980, under the name RU468, medical abortions are less invasive, safer, and more private than surgical abortions."
"Stem cell therapy is here today, it's a reality but it's complex and it's a very challenging process."
"A breakthrough therapy for leukemia, bringing hope to refractory patients."
"They could grow livers in sheep that were 20% human."
"Whoever develops the cure for coronavirus should be a trillionaire."
"His legacy continues to inspire generations of performers and entertainers around the world. News 5: Breakthrough in organ transplantation pioneer in pig heart procedure shows potential."
"It is crucial to expand the country's arsenal of COVID-19 therapies."
"The FDA has now authorized the first at-home coronavirus test."
"Our approach revealed this amazing molecule, which is arguably one of the more powerful antibiotics that has been discovered."
"We wanted to develop a platform that would allow us to harness the power of artificial intelligence to usher in a new age of antibiotic drug discovery."
"The vaccine manufacturing teams are capable of adapting to new mutations that are coming along."
"The potential of the Youth of the world is Limitless."
"The compound Ivermectin was developed into effective treatments against parasitic diseases that affect humans, particularly among the world's poorest populations."
"This is a very, very promising novel class of medications."
"Nanoparticles detecting cancer inside your body: not science fiction."
"AI is the answer to solving medical problems."
"I do believe that we are on the threshold of cellular medicine becoming the most logical, the most deployable, the most impactful way of treating disease."
"The inventor of the polio vaccine Dr. Jonas Salk could have made billions patenting his vaccine but instead gave it away for free so that human suffering could be prevented."
"I want to focus on preventing and coming up with better methods for treating people and just preventing the cancer itself."
"I believe that the medicine of the future will start to understand the preventative capacity of monitoring the microbiome in all your organ systems."
"If we could reverse fibrosis, we could unlock a lot of resilience in our organs and tissues and that could actually reverse some of the diseases of Aging."
"We want to see advances in health and medicine, where AI can be a force for good."
"This is actually a super exciting Discovery for a lot of medical Fields."
"Medicine has historically been something we put in our bodies, but what if we could alter the body itself to heal or even improve ourselves?"
"It's got the potential to save... many millions of lives."
"He refused to put his name on the patent; he thought it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives."
"Never before in medicine have we had a tool so powerful in our toolbox."
"By cutting red tape and unleashing America's medical genius, we've reduced the fatality rate 85% since April."
"Halting chronic conditions is another pillar AGI will help with."
"For this, Quest Diagnostics received the first emergency use authorization in the US from the FDA to implement a technique known as 'pooled testing.'"
"Vaccines, in general, have been a massive boon to humanity."
"The speed of development for antiviral antibody and immune therapies is at a level that nobody thought even possible."
"Tonight, a new vaccine that specifically targets Omicron may be just months away."
"Nanotechnology can also improve the way vaccines are delivered and how successful they are."
"MRNA technology is incredible - it's a new kind of vaccine."
"America produces the first safe and effective vaccine."
"Liquid biopsy is headed towards detecting a lot of stuff, a lot of information."
"Exact Sciences' mission statement: 'We aim to eradicate cancer and the suffering it causes through tests that help prevent cancer, detect it earlier, and guide treatment.'"
"British researchers are trying to find out if dogs can be trained to sniff out people infected with the CCP virus."
"Elon Musk hints at a breakthrough in cancer treatment."
"This should work against all the different variants is what they're saying, which of course is remarkably encouraging."
"This concept has the potential to revolutionize huge aspects of respiratory medicine, potentially saving millions of lives."
"One thing that helps is that dozens of vaccines are being developed and more than half a dozen are already in use." - NPR's Richard Harris
"There's a promising new topical cream that could help with skin cancer."
"We can literally eradicate cancer with the blink of an eye... but we're so concerned about biopharmaceutical companies making massive billions of dollars."
"From today, plasma can be taken from blood donations in England to produce life-saving medicine."
"The first genuine anti-cancer vaccine on the planet, and its efficacy is absolutely, I'm getting goose bumps even thinking about it."
"Charles R. Drew, creator of the blood bank, pioneers medical advancements despite racial barriers."
"Neuralink achieves a significant milestone obtaining approval for its inaugural human implantation."
"Witness the unequivocal good it brings, offering hope to those severed from the brain-body connection."
"If we could leverage the eye to inspect your body on a regular basis without even a doctor in the room, maybe when you take a shower or have you, I know this sounds creepy, but then we might be able to save millions and millions of lives."
"An individual would now know with high specificity if a medicine would work for them."
"The next generation of cell therapy will allow us to treat many medical conditions."
"The pills cut death risk by nearly 90 percent."
"Ghost hearts... building tailor-made human organs."
"We found this virus. A vaccine for most of us."
"There's just an incredible amount of opportunity, many unmet medical need diseases there that we can make an impact on."
"This is not improving someone's life by three months or modifying some sort of signal by 10 or 15, no, this is correcting the disease."
"College is cool sure yeah, I'm going to be a college to I'm class of 2028 yeah I'm still thinking about it even though I'm 100% committed."
"The developers of these mRNA vaccines may receive a Nobel Prize for this."
"Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail contract: a bioengineered version of convalescent plasma."
"We develop a perfect antiviral serum and cure cancer medicines tailored to your DNA."
"The Covid-19 pandemic provided this incredible proof of concept for messenger RNA."
"Another way to stop a virus is to create a sterilizing vaccine that actually prevents the spread."
"Unprecedented achievement in the treatment of multiple myeloma."
"The health breakthroughs that are going to come from you know AGI type systems."
"Ozone therapy... undeniably effective... it's going to take the world of Medicine by storm over the next five years."
"A French cardiologist said that he had cured alcoholism by inventing a pill."
"This is a powerful therapy... to help treat patients battling a current infection."
"Microdosing psychedelics as a medicine has the potential to become groundbreaking."
"This is really personalized medicine, personalized nutrition, and it is very sophisticated, it's very effective."
"Scientists in Germany have developed the first diagnostic test to identify the new virus."
"Big Pharma helped out developing the vaccine, they probably accelerated its development faster than any other vaccine in history."
"The number of lives saved by medical advances from war may surpass the number lost in war."
"This teenager has changed the future of medical science with her simple but genius invention."
"In the 1900s various other opioids such as oxycodone were synthesized and remain in use today."
"I am magical. I am magical. I live, breathe, speak magic, and everything that I dream and feel can become real."
"An effective antiviral could really be the holy grail that if properly implemented and distributed could halt this pandemic really quite quickly."
"Eventually printed liver cell layers will be used to create transplant organs."
"We are very excited about chloroquine... something really incredible."
"Instead of waiting for months, you could actually within two to three weeks declare a vaccine to be effective or not."
"One of the areas scientists are most interested in is using nanobots to potentially repair brain tissue neurogenesis with a cybernetic twist."
"Regenerating new tissue in the brain might essentially do a factory reset on a person."
"We had all the advantages that Americans didn't have in 1918. We had a record-setting vaccine, as far as time goes, to get a vaccine out in less than a year. Nobody expected that to happen."
"That was happening instantaneously like within a week people could come off of hundreds of units of insulin it was crazy."
"Nobody has built the medical device for the lower extremity that is patient-centric."
"UCLA put her through a minimally invasive surgery to repair the SCD, in which they plugged the hole in the inner ear via small incisions in Pyne’s skull."
"This breakthrough therapy... will change the way we treat the pandemic."
"The first known use of concave lenses to address nearsightedness were created for Pope Leo the 10th."
"AI is going to start suggesting cures for major diseases including cancer."
"The remedy for the most lethal pathogens can be found where we'd least expect."
"Let's make a good kit that actually saves lives."
"The gene-editing revolution has arrived... promising cures for terminal disease."
"These are regenerative... It's very promising."
"We've used this to find cancer, and it's really amazing."
"Some scientists say they have a drug now that could rejuvenate aging muscle and brain tissue."
"Over time, it’s possible that gene therapy could be as common as chemo and radiotherapy in treating genetic cancers."
"This is actually healing people, so it threatens the industries."
"In order to keep the level of damage in this person's body down to the level that would naturally exist in a 30 or 40-year-old, all we need to do is progressively improve how comprehensive the damage repair therapy arsenal that we have is."
"Imagine you had a big chunk taken out of your arm. You inject stem cells in that area and they will create new and healthy tissue."
"The short version: curing cancer would be a five-minute job if you actually had the ability to engineer a virus to do something that you wanted."
"It's not just one lone doctor with a crazy idea. There's a whole movement going on here."
"We live in extraordinary times right now where medicine has realized that one size doesn't fit all."
"Pfizer says its experimental vaccine was more than 90 percent effective."
"We now have the technology to actually take on other types of diseases."
"The cluesive dressings BAM just with those two three man you were raising mortality rates by 80% brother 80% on a battlefield right."
"Frankly, the therapies to me are the most important because it takes care of people right now."
"It's a real triumph that we've gotten the vaccines as fast as we have."
"It seemed as if science had stumbled upon a miracle cure that was going to change the face of medicine forever."
"Ukrainians have also been huge on inventions and accomplishments they things like CDs bloodless blood tests vaccines against the plague and cholera postcode kerosene lamps and the first kidney transplant was performed in Ukraine as well."
"At Neuralink, we want to create an entirely different patient experience something more like LASIK no scars no big scars no hospital stays very short procedures and of course in the end you get to keep all your hair"
"Imagine if we could reduce or even reverse asthma, anxiety, psoriasis, and much more... all by changing a single habit."
"This sort of saliva-based non-invasive cheap testing could be a complete game-changer."
"It'll be controlled through an iPhone app. You won't have to go to a doctor's office."
"Alice Ball: Developed the first effective treatment for leprosy, changing the lives of thousands of patients worldwide."
"This blew up in their face. They did not want this for a second."
"We are generating cocktails of phages that are targeting the same bacteria through different receptors or different mechanisms, and together these phages are killing the bacteria without allowing it to develop this antiphage defense system."
"The doctor’s primary mission in life is to offer humanity’s greatest minds a way to extend their life and fulfill their full potential."
"Monoclonal antibodies offer promising therapeutics."
"We are doing some really amazing and kind of groundbreaking work around treating mental illnesses like schizophrenia."
"A very exciting phase in gender affirming care where we're learning more and more all the time."
"Heart transplantation took off like wildfire."
"Norm Shumway, who I mentioned earlier, almost single-handedly kept the idea alive."
"Complex system vaccination... it's a beautiful, beautiful invention of humans as a way to effectively trick your immune system."
"If you cured all the age-related diseases... you could see a 30 or 40 year life extension."
"FDA is working on an antibody test that could add 20 million new tests."
"Genetically engineered immune cells are saving the lives of cancer patients."
"Medical shows this amazing potential to change lives."
"We will have astronauts who have cured cancer from space."
"This is going to make the medical field more powerful and we're going to heal things together, heal the Mind, heal the body, heal our society in our world."
"mRNA vaccines for cancer could be available by 2030."
"One treatment for cancer is actually putting people in hyperbaric chambers, which have been shown to raise the oxygen level in your blood."
"Artificial wombs represent a groundbreaking development in reproductive technology and neonatal care."
"During his surgical residency, Dunch teamed up with two Russian scientists to explore the commercial potential of stem cells."
"That's the greatest medical product ever made in human history, a 95% reduction. It's too good, it's too big."
"Genetically modified T cells have been observed destroying cancer cells."
"AI won't replace doctors, but doctors who use AI will replace those who don't."
"We wouldn't be where we are if it weren't for Baby Fae. We're not as crazy as everyone believed."
"The goal of the aging research is ultimately to make aging a modifiable risk factor."
"The main treatments now being developed for malignancies are immune system based."
"When we get to self-sustaining PODS of the capacity to do surgery on humans, where you don't even need a doctor to be present."
"It can really change the face of medicine as we know it."
"She's essentially created a tool that will revolutionize pain management."
"Within five years we're going to see testing of Crispr technology related to knees and cartilage."
"The dream of creating universal blood has floated around the scientific community for decades."