
National Strength Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Our diversity is the strength of this nation."
"Together we will make America powerful again, we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again."
"The state of our union is strong and getting stronger."
"The reality is one of the strengths of this nation is our diversity."
"We will recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and we will be stronger as a people and as a country as a result."
"We're a strong nation, we're strong people. The months ahead, we're going to find out just how strong we are."
"We will be victorious and America will be stronger and greater than ever before."
"What makes Britain great, what makes us strong, is not purity; it is diversity."
"We have the world's most powerful military, an industrial base, and an entrepreneurial people that are second to none."
"Our economy [is] stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world. Our military stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world... Culturally, we're stronger than ever relative to the rest of the world."
"A strong country starts with a strong family."
"You can't have a strong America unless there's one America."
"Innovation...this country creates the ecosystem that allows for innovation."
"America is not measured by the strength of her politicians, but by the strength of her people."
"I think American exceptionalism is about demonstrating through our example how America flourishes and is strong when we live by our own ideals."
"The only way you have recovery is if places like New York City in particular, the great economic leader and engine of this nation, if we're strong, our nation can be strong."
"We have to come out of [this fourth turning] resilient and strong as a country."
"America is stronger, at home and around the world, when it is inclusive."
"Germany's strength is fueled by its education system."
"It's not our diversity that is our strength; our strength is what unites us across that diversity."
"China has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence."
"America remains the one indispensable nation. And the world needs a strong America."
"I believe that we need my husband's leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known."
"American strength is the solution to a lot of problems."
"The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy."
"Our country is going to be back from an economic standpoint stronger than ever."
"This country's diversity, albeit underappreciated, is absolutely our strength."
"Our country will be stronger than ever before."
"We're going to build this economy back bigger, better, stronger than ever before."
"The strength of our union has never been found in the walls we build... it's in our diversity and our unity."
"The country is very strong, we've never been so strong."
"You are relatively weak, one of the strongest things in Hearts of Iron 4 is to start off as a relatively weak small to medium-sized nation and expand."
"Our nation is stronger, our future is brighter, and our joy is greater when we turn to God."
"Our economic strength depends basically on one thing: individual initiative."
"No great state can be beaten from the outside if it is not first beaten itself from within."
"Diversity is our strength as a nation and as an army and it's a chance to show everyone what we have to offer in terms of the diverse skill sets that we bring and the diverse ways of thinking we bring into the team to make everything work better."
"We have proven our strength. We have proven we are the same as you." - Ukrainian President Zelensky
"Russia is going to end up much weaker when this war stops than it was before it started."
"Our economy has been stronger because of immigrants."
"Our Republic is only as strong as our commitment to justice and fairness."
"We have now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been."
"America's greatest strength going forward are people."
"What you would do if you are smart and the leader of the United States is you would strengthen America's economy."
"The state of the union is strong because you, the American people, are strong."
"The state of the union is strong because of you, the American people."
"Innovation, it's really the big super what makes us a superpower frankly."
"We're reasserting American strength and confidence and talent."
"By this point, we're a super super strong nation"
"The reason that the United States economy leaps forward is because we're literally the only country on earth that is a major industrial power that has not been completely wrecked all the way to the ground."
"We must fight for economic fairness and economic justice for everyone because that's what makes a stronger America."
"Stronger families. Stronger communities. A stronger America."
"When you have a strong America, you have a strong world. When you have a weak America, you have a weak world."
"Our foreign policy ought to be how do we stabilize things how do we try and reduce tension how do we strengthen this country and the best way to strengthen this country is to get our debt and deficit under control."
"This is the American Midwest, and Michigan is the state where generations of strong, tough, and proud American workers made this into the greatest and most powerful nation in the history of the world."
"If you have a strong America, you have a strong world. If you have a weak America, you have a weak world."
"United we can deliver peace, strength, and prosperity our country needs."
"The strength of our country is in a vibrant, robust middle class... rather than a surveillance state or a garrison state."
"If a nation is not capable of mustering the military and economic strength to hold together and fight off neighbors, then there's not going to be a nation."
"I think the United States will continue to rise. I think China, which is the dipole, is a paper dragon."
"Our involvement in the Middle East has made America weaker, not stronger."
"He feels that America will be stronger by itself so that we can individually negotiate with Russia and China."
"Hope that America's strength will overcome the obstacles that almost brought us to our knees."
"The number one asset we have in the United States is our flexibility."
"Our job is to work for you, not go after you. Our job is to make America stronger. We believe America is more than a country. America is an idea."
"The Ukrainian Army will be completely victorious in a relatively short time."
"One of the greatest strengths the United States of America brings to this effort is our unmatched network of alliances and partners."
"American diplomacy matters. American resolve matters."
"Russia emerges stronger, bigger, more successful."
"If we can come together, we'll be a stronger country."
"The enduring relationship between our nations has never been stronger than it is now."
"With your continued support, every day between now and November 3rd, we're going to make Arizona and America stronger than ever before."
"The American economy is by far the largest in the world."
"If America really wants to be strong... we need to be self-reliant."
"Russia is in a very strong and healthy position."
"I want America to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room on the global stage."
"His number one priority was peace so that the nation could be as strong as possible to fight the incoming threat."
"I want our country to be strong, I want our future to be strong."
"If you have a strong America there will be a strong world if you have a weak America you there will be a weak world."
"India's gonna have to stand firm and I feel India will win in the end."
"A strong America -- militarily, economically, and diplomatically -- is vitally important to this region and all who call it home."
"Russia is going to be one of the strongest economies in 2024."
"America is being weakened to make it easier to enforce something."
"We are not going to be defeated from the inside... America is resilient." - Angela
"Our strength has never come from the White House or the Capitol, it's always come from our people."
"When those things interlock and simultaneously compete and collaborate, we are unbeatable."
"The United States is stronger, safer, and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago."
"We need to make sure our country is strong, our economy is functioning, and we're reputable in the world."
"A nation is strong when it cares for the weak, it is rich when it cares for the poor, it is powerful when it cares for the powerless."
"Now Malaysia is quite the powerhouse player when it comes to Southeast Asia."
"It can be strong enough to defeat its enemies who have only bad intentions."
"The diversity of Chile is one of its greatest strengths."
"They wanna outsource our energy to China. Everything about their policies makes us weaker."
"He knew, as do I, that without sovereignty, nations are weak."
"The message we're sending to the world right now is a message of strength and solidarity."
"Germany is not a weak country; it is highly populous and economically very strong."
"The Russians are winning, they've shaped the battlefield to the point where they're achieving all of their objectives."
"If we can revive those common ideals over fractious group identity and grievance, then nobody in the world is going to defeat us."
"The real strength of America is to be found in America's families."
"It will be up to them to earn it for themselves while knowing that when the United States is strong, we set an example of what is possible."
"65% of the population of India is under the age of 35. This youthful energy is our greatest strength."
"Germany quickly surpassed its competitors in economic, financial, industrial, demographic, and military strength."
"America is stronger than ever before, and we are respected again."
"We will achieve victory over the virus, and America will emerge stronger than ever before."
"America's power abroad really depends on unity here at home."
"The state of the union is strong because the people are strong."
"Its almost intangible, but it is very real, one of our greatest strengths as a nation is that we have a system of democracy."
"Our nations are strongest when we uphold the equality of all our people -- and that includes our women."
"No, I will tell you that we've never had a country so strong."
"America is a very strong country, but we have to be destroyed from within."
"A strong and independent United Kingdom, like a strong and independent United States, is truly a blessing on the world."
"Because democracy is built not bought by the strong and the free."
"Our country is stronger than ever before because we are proudly putting America first."
"We have the strongest country we've ever had, we have the best economy we've ever had, we have the best unemployment numbers we've ever had."
"Let me tell you something, the country is only as strong as the people. Don't get it twisted, a country is only as strong as the spirit of the people."
"If Russia was gone then China makes it... it makes China weaker."
"No other nation can touch us. We can lead by the power of our example, not just the example of our power."
"You cannot have a strong American presence in the world without a strong American domestic economy."
"A nation that is able to feed itself is a strong one."
"We're not anti-regulation, we're pro-regulation that makes both innovation and the country strong."
"We would be a stronger country if we trained more analytically capable people."
"Our policy is to wage war by sea, land, and air with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us."
"No nation is stronger than its spiritual forces."
"Our ability to create and produce, to design and manufacture, this has always been one of our strongest assets as a nation."
"Japan is definitely one of the strongest countries, if not the strongest in the world."
"The ultimate aspect of western strength was the possession of colonies and the Japanese government was keen on joining this club of powerful nations."
"We will be producing a modern industrial strategy that will show how we can encourage the strategic strength of the United Kingdom."
"No Act of Terror can match the strength or the character of our country."
"The best thing to focus on is ensuring that Canadians can come back from this strongly."
"Tonight then, we're strong, prosperous, at peace, and we are free. This is the state of our Union."
"Help us always to trust in thee to honor and to value highly the qualities of faith, character, and moral integrity that provide the ultimate source of our strength."
"And America always comes out stronger and better, as long as we make decisions together that are designed to seize the future instead of run away from it."
"We will make America powerful again."
"This nation is mighty enough, its society is healthy enough, its people are strong enough to pursue our goals in the rest of the world while still building a Great Society here at home."
"Things have never been better; the nation has never been stronger."
"We're in a very strong position, if we would just realize that."
"The United States and a strong United States is a vital part of Global Security."
"A Country Strong at home, confident abroad, and with a better future ahead for all our people."
"...our relative position in the world is going to diminish... we're still going to be an extremely powerful nation."
"We've made it stronger. We've made it more efficient."
"It reminds her of the hardship that we've gone through as America and how that's what makes us stronger."
"Tonight America is stronger because of the values that we hold dear."
"We must be able to criticize our own country... it doesn't undermine it in any way, it makes it stronger."
"We want this country to be strong, to have our own system, to value ourselves."
"The strength of our nation is our Army. The strength of our Army is our soldiers. The strength of our soldiers is our families. And that's what makes this Army strong."
"No country can survive with just being strong in one sense, for instance, militarily."
"If we want to have a stronger country and if we want to have a better country, fundamentally we have to become better people and that is our choice as a society, not up to those who govern us."
"Following its unification, the Fire Nation became one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world."
"They also had offended themselves as a new, strong, and independent Poland, one the world had not witnessed in centuries."
"America has been the strongest country, the strongest nation in the world."
"Britain is not immune to slowdowns and shocks, but nor as a nation are we powerless."
"Free movement for a free people from ocean to ocean, all dependent on the strength of a true union, one nation and not fifty bickering nations."
"We have to come out of it resilient and strong as a country."
"And it has been your resilience, your effort that has made it possible for our country to emerge stronger."
"Technology is the driver and the strength of a country."
"It's that full range of technology that makes a country competitive."
"Our message, the fact that Israel has might and might as military and other, is known across the world. We don't have to advertise; this is a well-known brand name."
"America is still going to be the strongest economy in the world."
"The United States and India will make our nations stronger, our people wealthier, our dreamers bigger, and our future brighter than ever before."
"Britain has a huge capacity to be strong, free, prosperous, and respected."
"Our greatest strength of all is the talent and diversity of our people."
"The strength of the nation does not come from the false glory of a tyrant; it comes from the true and powerful glory of a strong and great people."
"The most important thing is the family; that's what makes us a strong nation."
"The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free."
"No nation is stronger than the families of that nation."
"This is a strong country, and this is not nearly enough to bring us down."
"Despite being a poor country, Cuba has one of the strongest healthcare systems in the world."
"A country's agricultural sector is a vital characteristic of its strength, and it symbolizes a nation's ability to sustain life."
"China's National Day... is a profound demonstration of China's national strength and unity."
"Our greatest Presidents all understood that America must have a strong, vibrant, and independent manufacturing base."
"This is our task in the simplest term: to strengthen the United States of America."
"One core belief I have always held is that our strength as the indispensable nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive systems of alliances and partnerships."
"Our strength abroad is anchored in our strength here at home."
"I hope that made us stronger so that our country can last longer."
"A nation can be strong because of what it has chosen to associate with."
"Immigration is a strength for Canada, for its economy, and for its diversity."
"America's farmers have always been there to keep our country strong and independent and free."
"The United States is well-positioned to rebuild our productive capacity in key sectors and to strengthen our innovative leadership."
"We open the mechanical weaving bureau to make our nation strong and our people rich."
"Our top job as a country today is to make sure that we are strong at home while standing for our allies."