
Cooking Quotes

There are 26216 quotes

"Let your kitchen become your canvas, where you paint with colors of fruits, veggies, roots, and leaves, each stroke contributing to the masterpiece of your well-being."
"Cooking for your community should be about maximizing joy."
"The gift... it's actually one of my most powerful life lessons is, we have to eat. So, let's make it a good one."
"Don't be afraid, get excited and cook with love."
"Tastiest food doesn't exist; the best program for arms doesn't exist. But with food and cooking, there are dependable rules on how to make food that usually will make it taste better if you follow the rules."
"The scientific research shows quite clearly that it was the advent of cooking, particularly carbohydrates, which fueled early brain growth hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"Watching a man prepare dinner is like porn for women."
"We are done with microwaves. We are done with frozen food. I am buying everything fresh."
"Embrace a balanced lifestyle with HelloFresh's commitment to affordable, convenient, and delicious home cooking."
"Cooking dinner together... there's something satisfying and nice. It's some of my favorite time we spend together."
"You can't be scared. Keep blending. It's going to come together."
"Learn how to cook... or master a new recipe that you've never tried before."
"Cooking with Chef Ramsay made me feel like I was cooking in the old days, the way I had passion about doing things."
"I married a woman that can't cook, but we learn how to cook together."
"There's something real special about cooking together or heck even on your own, knowing that care has gone into what you're consuming."
"Popcorn pops best at 450 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Cooking and trying out new recipes is something I really enjoy, but planning all the meals and going to the grocery store can get very time-consuming."
"I like to cook. It's a great way to unwind after a long day."
"There's something really rewarding about cooking food yourself and it tasting amazing versus doing expensive, unhealthy takeout."
"Squirrel noodle soup, I'm just gonna go for a little squirrel action right here."
"It doesn't even taste like squirrel; it tastes just like chicken."
"I managed to make a delicious pork tenderloin with a creamy dill sauce and couscous in about 30 minutes."
"I hope you enjoyed watching and learning how to make these simple Christmas cookies, and I hope you guys give it a try this Christmas season."
"And boom, done. Who's ready for a taste? I'm gonna need somebody very special to say 'ah.'"
"I enjoy cooking, but if you don't, it's okay. You can use your stand mixer."
"You can serenade the cooking process and dance with each other. You know, friends, it's all about enjoying the moment."
"We're talking tender, tender, tender fall off the bone."
"Food always tastes better when someone else makes it for you, and I said, but I made it, and it's a better lasagna than you've made for a year."
"Cooking makes you more aware of what you put in your body."
"Let's get cooking, y'all. We have no time to waste."
"I'm the guy that cooks for the whole family, oldest out of seven, so provider."
"Barbecue is one of the oldest cooking methods on the planet."
"Arborio or Carnaroli rice is the best type of grain to use for risotto."
"Thank you for cooking that chicken soup for me last night; it was delicious."
"It's a great way to become a better cook, great way to get out of recipe ruts."
"One of the things that struck me recently was that as an only child without me cooking these recipes, without me passing them on, they disappear."
"I kind of owe it to myself and my grandfather, to everyone before him, to keep those recipes alive, cabbage or no cabbage."
"These aren't just ingredients put on a page. They're a family legacy carried across time."
"I feel like something's cooking in the kitchen, and it smells real good."
"Cooking is really fun, dude. It's like chemistry but you can eat it afterwards."
"It requires a lot of like time and patience but there's something very zen about that."
"Cooking is romantic, so for that reason, I love it, even though I am personally impressively bad at it."
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you first have to create the universe."
"It was our ability to cook that really created like a quantum leap in the evolution of the human brain because we're now able to extract more nutrients and calories from our food."
"I really enjoy making Mochi because it's like pure carbs, and it's gooey, and you put jam on it, and it tastes great."
"Cooking and chores can improve one's mental health."
"The three herbs I would grow are basil, parsley, and maybe mint because they're relatively easy to grow and they pack a lot of flavor."
"In my heaven, I will be making breakfast for my daughters and their friends. That's my favorite thing I've ever done in my entire fucking life."
"I lose track of time whenever I'm in the kitchen for several hours in a row."
"Shout out to the meatball squad; anyone making meatballs today?"
"Say hello to your most delicious year yet with farm fresh ingredients, seasonal recipes at a price that you're going to love."
"You're doing the cooking every day, Dad, or you're doing the cooking every day, Mom, why don't we try to introduce more vegetables?"
"Time to break out the fancy cookware, this one's gonna get hot."
"That whole time I was trying to cook up a good food pun, but everything I came up with just sounded pretty half-baked."
"Pie eaten, absolutely delicious. Well done, husband."
"With HelloFresh, you have foolproof step-by-step recipes ready in about 30 minutes or less, and they're delicious."
"Being creative, pushing ourselves, overcoming obstacles, and just enjoying being in the kitchen together."
"What's the worst thing that's going to happen if you mess up something in the kitchen? It ends up going to the chickens, or if you don't have chickens, it ends up being a learning experience."
"Well done. You're a great mixer. We're going to make a lovely salad with these vegetables."
"I showcase innovative dishes, Southern dishes from what I know, what I love, how I grew up, but I modify them for today's healthy lifestyle."
"The quickest way to anybody's heart is always through the table."
"When I first met my wife 25 years ago, my thing was, 'Can I cook for you?'"
"At the end of the day, if you're in the kitchen and you're cutting an onion, and it cuts you, are you going to stop cooking food? No, you have to cook food; you just have to learn how not to get cut again."
"Lewis turns out to be a pretty amazing cook."
"It's time for the king of cheese dishes, the pizza."
"It is the most fulfilling thing to be able to go to your bed, go to your garden, pick something and make a wonderful meal."
"I hate to toot my own horn, but my shrimp tacos are really good."
"Despite the many limitations of this challenge, we wanted to create dishes that were both healthy and flavorful."
"If it's a traditional dish from a culture not my own, I will research the [__] out of it."
"I try to earn my share and that may involve adapting the recipe somewhat to make it more feasible for someone in my part of the world to do."
"The gourmet breakfast cost $100, and I think I just made the same breakfast even better for less than 10 bucks."
"I don't think there's any rules in cooking. I cook what I like."
"I've got an axe in one hand, and King Kong in the other. Just a standard day in the kitchen."
"Anyone is wondering the shakshuka I made was delicious, and I'd love to share the recipe if anyone's interested."
"We're seeing people turn and learn their ingredients, which I freaking love to see."
"It's a thin line between cooking and starting a fire."
"We decided to change our diet and start incorporating more cooked foods."
"Veganism can and should be fun. You get to recreate your favorite comfort foods but in a better-for-you way."
"Veganism is not just about eating differently; it's about exploring new styles of cooking, new ingredients, new cookbooks, new recipes."
"You will feel super empowered and super proud of yourself if you can up your own broth and have that on your pantry shelf."
"This food preservation thing can be a lot of work, but then when we go to cook with it, it makes winter cooking a lot easier."
"Just by cooking from scratch, we saved an astronomical amount of money."
"So, I thought I would make some little broccoli tarts to have with some salad bits."
"I'm going to stay home, and we're going to cook some nice home-cooked meals that are going to be healthier, by the way."
"You don't have to be a fancy chef; you don't even have to have a fancy palette. If you can fry an egg, you can actually cook healthy food."
"Cooking brings family together. That's real. That's real as hell."
"I really like it. We have a full kitchen that I know that we could entertain in and cook in."
"I really hope that's drinking water. I mean, you're gonna boil the hell out of it anyway."
"Oh, do you smell that? What? Italy. It's Italy in your kitchen."
"It's definitely the best way to somebody's heart, you know, through their stomach."
"Get you a man that can cook. Yeah, me. I'm the man that can cook."
"I've actually wanted to learn how to cook for a while now."
"I found my wife, guys. I just had to make some tacos."
"I love to cook for people... it brings me joy."
"Stir on a low heat with a wooden spoon constantly, stirring you want to get that thing kind of a little fluffy and full of bubbles."
"The longer the dough rests, the more flavor it's going to develop."
"And remember, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Every cook will tell you that."
"The best part about this stew is, you can't go wrong with the add-ins."
"You can't underestimate the effect of the gas cooker; for the Victorians, this was absolutely amazing."
"With HelloFresh, you can skip the extra trip to the grocery store and spend more time doing the things you love."
"The chef drizzled the syrup over the pancakes."
"Who would've thought that tears could be used to create the perfect salted chocolate chip cookie?"
"The crust is amazingly fluffy, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside."
"Making food yourself is almost a spiritual thing in a weird way. For me, it is."
"Banana nut loaf and blueberry muffins, maybe I'll make them both."
"All you need is love and maybe a little bit of lemon rind."
"One of my claims to fame is the recipe that I submitted to the St. Louis Post Dispatch... made it as the recipe of the Year."
"I can't not change a recipe, but I'm trying to resist that urge because a lot of times it's just perfect the way it is."
"The blueberries are like little jewels that don't sink to the bottom."
"Cooking it down for four hours, it eventually becomes super creamy, almost as if it's like a cream sauce for the pasta."
"The key with sweating down your leeks: you're not sautéing them, you're not aggressively cooking them on high heat...we don't want any brown color, we just want to melt them down so they're tender and delicious."
"We are making two desserts, two main dishes doubled, two sides, a bread, and an adult punch."
"For the sweetness component to our blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, I'm going to add about a cup of strawberry jam."
"Being resourceful in the kitchen really does come in handy and it helps to avoid wasting things."
"Thanks for joining us today on 18th Century Cooking."
"Sometimes when you're really tired and you're cold... this is an amazing meal because you've made it yourself and you brought all the things along with you and there's just a very, very few ingredients."
"I'm hoping that all of the learning that I've done around using my outdoor oven will pay off today with delicious fresh baked sourdough."
"My sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that is inoculated with wild yeast and bacteria that just like exists in the air."
"Traditional cooking channels may focus on gourmet dishes or expert technique; Chris's approach is refreshingly unpretentious."
"The act of cooking is an act of love, an offering from the heart to the plate."
"She was so sweet, she's passed away, it's called Great Depression Cooking or Cooking for the Great Depression."
"It's like if you learn how to cook, the first meal you make is not going to be freaking amazing."
"I've cooked a lot of Indian food before, so I'm thinking, dude, I can knock this one out of the park."
"I'm stoked. I love Greek. I can work with Greek olives, feta, mint."
"The only reason I want to buy a house with a backyard now is so I can start cooking underground."
"You need one good knife and it can last you a lifetime."
"It's getting hot outside, and everyone is starting to fire up their grills."
"How could you make roti if you have no flour? And how could you make prasad if you don't have ghee?"
"Sometimes the act of cooking itself is also something that is very calming, it is meditative."
"Art is gonna make the buttery keto biscuits, just because we don't need that much extra gluten and carbs after eating the fried chicken."
"And then we're going to deep fry it in the most heart-healthy, neutral flavored oil on the planet: avocado oil."
"But when she tasted the dish he cooked for her, she was completely astonished because the taste was so delicious that words couldn't express it."
"Soma's refusal to quit and his dedication to cooking for someone he truly cares about are the elements needed to satisfy the God Tongue."
"With this recipe, it's all about all fresh ingredients, you know, straight organic, no GMO type stuff."
"She first found her love of cooking through her mom and garden salads."
"Cooking, it's also a hobby. Cleaning the fridge, it feels nice to throw things away."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, please let me know what you think of the ultimates I cooked up today in the comments down below."
"To make a top-quality Bolognese, we need top-quality ingredients."
"You are the mother of this Dutch baby, and you'll be the one that decides what's best for this delicious child."
"And that is it, our Nashville hot chicken is done and looking absolutely stunning."
"There's no such thing as the garlic shrimp recipe, but this is my garlic shrimp recipe, and I think it's extremely delicious."
"Fantastic for pretty much all use in the kitchen."
"Nothing quite makes you feel grown up like being able to prepare a nice meal for yourself and your loved ones."
"When you make cooking, you have to be patient, really patient because you have to wait. It's all about the waiting game."
"I have to offer really good conversation... and I can cook."
"I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over."
"Cooking means something I don't often do, but people might." - Simon
"Sometimes, like for the dressing he made with tahini, he doesn't use oil because the fat from the tahini is enough to build body and carry the rest of the ingredients."
"I am the chef here and I do not like nicknames. Please enjoy lunch."
"Cooking is so hard, that's why I hate the holidays. It's always just so stressful being in the kitchen."
"Rice is very forgiving in that it can take on a lot of heat."
"Let those flavors get to know each other, wake up a little bit."
"The grilling process requires meticulousness, you need to turn all sides evenly to ensure the meat is cooked evenly and the flavors are absorbed."
"I need this kitchen to feel social. I love to cook for my kids, for my friends, for my family."
"Food Theory fourth child, sweet but dumb, since the cinnamon bun loves cooking for her sisters and using them for her food experiments."
"The fragrance the basil in there the water crush the garlic and just a little bit of olive oil i'm sure."
"I've spent many many years trying to figure out like how I like to eat and I realized I like to eat the best food in the world every single day but I don't like to spend more than five or ten minutes cooking so this is basically how you do that."
"Cooking from scratch, using real food that man didn't have any hand in at all."
"Start cooking from scratch, do not use any boxed items or things that are processed."
"Anyone can wander into a kitchen and, so long as they're willing to accept that it might take a few tries to get a dish right, anyone can be a damn fine cook in their own home."
"This a incredible fragrant powerful combination the olive oil makes it so rich the garlic and the lemon oh it's so fresh and so flavorful I love it."
"I'm going to start chopping up my herbs for layering in this beef."
"Cooking over a live fire makes my life more difficult and more fun at the same time."
"My dad cooks for my mom. If you love her, you love the [ __ ] out of her."
"When a woman cooks a meal for me, I can taste the love."
"HelloFresh: spicing up recipe boredom since forever 🌶️"
"This came out so so good it had so much great flavor."
"Crime Scene Kitchen: where baking meets true crime."
"Having a drink in your hand makes cooking fun, no matter how bad you are at it."
"It's like a little kick to the Salt, right? It has a spicy mayo flavor."
"Enormous sandbox of ingredients to bring to bear."
"Be smart, be innovative, and cook from your heart."
"Good quality ingredients, you can't beat anywhere."
"When meat is removed from heat and allowed to rest, the muscles relax as everything cools down and the juices redistribute throughout the meat."
"I suck at making food, but I want to make more and I actually want to try in the future."
"You want meat that has a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue which will break down over the low and slow cooking period leading to chunks of beef that are tender and flavorful."
"High school chemistry teacher turns to cooking and selling."
"These asparagus cheese tarts turned out incredible and they were so easy and I will absolutely make this again multiple different ways using different produce."
"This smart griddle pan by Jean Patrick makes it effortless to grill, sear and Sizzle Meats to Perfection every time."
"I love making yummy food and I'm just grateful that you take time out of your day to spend time in my kitchen with me."
"They're both perfectly delicious but it's up to you to make this pizza"
"I think if you're out there message jobs at timcast.com you do cooking Health all that stuff."
"If I was in a house full of delicious fresh food and I opened the freezer and saw that, I'd cook that and eat it happily and have a great time."
"That's why we do it, to feed the people and just to get the reaction of nourishment and good food and hospitality."
"Remember, it's not like we are going to some Italian food competition where we have to make it exactly like their grandmother used to make it. We're going to make it the way we like it, and I promise you, you're gonna love it."
"Juicy goose with super crispy goose skin, a perfect balance of savory-meets-sweet, melting on the tip of your tongue."
"This was really, really easy. It came together really quickly."
"Risotto is a meal and a cooking method all-in-one. Next time you're in the mood for a self-saucing rice dish, we hope you'll take some of these tips from our three amazing chefs."
"If you're afraid you're gonna get bored, get a cookbook. Maria Emmerich has an entire carnivore cookbook."
"That was incredible, okay, the fish right out the oil, sizzling still, like, on fire."
"Are you gonna put some mango in under now oh I forgot about that thank you yeah the recipe I found online calls for angostura bitters which I didn't include in my first build here because they didn't exist until 1824."
"When Mom told me she was gonna make them, she said, 'Have you seen those like TikTok cinnamon rolls?'"
"I'm always amazed that the meat doesn't fall off."
"Egg casseroles are great because you can make them your own."
"I'm proud to be Nigerian and I'm proud of the dishes I cook."
"Your chashu will not only give it that smoky crispy layer, but it will also reheat your pork."
"So the big swap here is we've drastically reduced the amount of minced beef in the dish."
"Welcome to my kitchen, somebody's been cooking."
"It's super easy to use, super simple, you know, you can customize everything to your liking and you can make meals within 20 to 30 minutes."
"Maybe it's time to step into some real gaming."