
Asset Quotes

There are 404 quotes

"Your mental health is the greatest asset that you will have."
"Embrace what you don't know, for it can become your greatest asset."
"Your mind, your consciousness, is your greatest asset."
"One of those key assets in life is availability and being there."
"Your willingness to learn and adapt is your greatest asset."
"Understanding the mechanisms of the change is gonna be one of your greatest assets."
"Failure is actually an incredible asset; you can learn from that immensely."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate decentralized asset."
"It's the most important asset that you can have in this decade hands down."
"Bitcoin is the purest treasury reserve asset."
"The biggest asset that you have is not the money that you're making... but it's the skill set that you're acquiring."
"Bitcoin is not tech, it's the hardest and most scarce asset we have."
"Allowing Donald Trump to speak is one of his best assets."
"If any of these scientific models... are even halfway right, it's definitely worth holding some of this pristine asset."
"Have patience, patience is your greatest asset."
"I do think she can be a big star, I do think she can be a big asset."
"His unwavering belief, that's his best asset."
"You are your greatest asset. It's time you start investing in that."
"Your curiosity is going to be your best asset."
"Futaba quickly goes from an anonymous threat to one of your most important assets."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate long duration asset."
"Bitcoin's the first asset class that we've seen in a generation that's property."
"Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset."
"There is no greater asset to any business owner than their brand."
"Intermittent fasting in our program is a valuable asset but it's not a primary doctrine."
"If you can specialize in something, whether it's medicine, trauma, drone operation, navigation, whatever it is, all of a sudden you're an asset."
"Time is your most precious asset."
"Communication is the greatest asset when it comes to people."
"Being strong means you're harder to kill; you're more of an asset overall."
"Proves itself as an indispensable asset in the hands of elite forces."
"If you're looking for a way to be valuable to your community... can this tool make you an asset to others? Yes, then it's worth it."
"I think Bitcoin is one that's going to be on its own, it's not really correlated to any asset at this point."
"Your home is probably one of the biggest assets that you have."
"You're a great asset, someone who's passionate, attractive, but well-respected."
"An asset is something that generates money for you or that can be used to generate money for you later down the line, and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket."
"2024 marks a new era in Bitcoin's existence as an asset."
"The best part is you can eventually build this up to a five to ten thousand dollar per month asset."
"Paulie has been an unbelievable asset to the band."
"Being sensitive can be such an asset if we can just figure out how to manage it."
"The new children's hospital can be a medical asset."
"Data is the world's most valuable asset."
"Difference is such a valuable tool, an enormous asset."
"Gold is an analog asset in a digital age."
"Bitcoin is the greatest asset that we have, the hardest asset we have, the most scarce asset that we have."
"It is one of our greatest assets and it creates this potential that we just haven't taken advantage of in a serious way."
"Bitcoin is the prime Premier apex predator asset that has ever been created."
"Relationships can end. Businesses can go under. Money can be lost. We are the only asset that is always going to be there with us every single day."
"Bitcoin is the longest duration asset. It's the granite under Manhattan."
"Your beauty is what's going to make you a lot of money, you're very beautiful pile number three, you have very beautiful look to you that a lot of people are going to be drawn to it and that is your biggest asset."
"Your peace is your most valuable asset. If something in my life is causing me to have to spend my peace, it's too expensive for me to be involved."
"Understanding this is a huge asset."
"I look at this team as like a Community Asset and I'm never going to sell it."
"The minute you own it, the day you own it, if you're not spending vast amounts of money on it, it's going to be worthless very quickly. That is a horrible asset to own."
"Bitcoin is the safe haven asset. Bitcoin is the risk-off asset. Bitcoin is the censorship-resistant Network."
"Your biggest asset isn't some stock portfolio or your house, it's yourself."
"Therapy can be an incredible asset to your mental health even if you don't think you need it right at this moment."
"It's insane to not give access to this top 10 asset in the world."
"The most important asset a person can have is their reputation."
"The strongest tool at their disposal, their best asset."
"I found these characters on the unreal Marketplace, they're like homeless characters but they work perfect for what I'm going for."
"Sentry's immense power and unique history make him a valuable asset for The Avengers, especially as a heavy hitter on Earth."
"It is an asset that is needed in so many ways, in terms of green and digital applications."
"Attention is the most valuable asset in the world."
"Bitcoin itself is the pure asset. It's the atomic level asset. The most global, most timeless asset with the most optionality and the least counterparty risk."
"Is there any entity on Earth that wouldn't be better off owning Bitcoin? I can't think of one."
"It really is a platinum asset, not even a golden one."
"Information is your most valuable asset."
"She's a huge asset for the future of public education in Florida."
"The only good long-term care insurance is being on good terms with your family."
"Time is the most valuable asset we possess."
"The easiest and most accessible way to generate passive income in your business is to turn your existing knowledge and skill set into an asset that people can pay you for."
"Your greatest asset isn't how much money you have or your house, it's you."
"Recognize what your greatest asset is and then work like crazy to maximize it."
"But it's the garden that has proved to be Cote's greatest asset."
"It's always worth something and I have a cool network, absolutely."
"a perfect example of that Cornerstone asset."
"His appearance had become somewhat of an asset, even if people in his line of work still called him a freak."
"Your greatest asset is between your left ear and your right ear."
"The 335i is like a moneymaker for me. It brings in income, I can use it as a business expense."
"Go out and train, make sure you're the asset and not the liability."
"Bitcoin is a very small asset. Either way, you win when you get a piece."
"Integrity is maybe the most valuable asset you have."
"Your time is your biggest asset. Giving it all you've got in this time that you dedicate to workout because you are worth that and you deserve that."
"All I knew was the value of the asset and the product I was buying. It was a product, nothing more, nothing less."
"Courage is perhaps his greatest asset, so he'll be here for the next three rounds."
"I'll be a great asset to the company."
"Time is the most valuable asset on Earth."
"I think that's her greatest asset is how deep she's gotten into just understanding music and just being able to tell what she wants and what people would like, etc."
"Value your experience as it is an important asset."
"Mastering this art can be your greatest asset."
"Final tips is probably just to learn, and I think the single most important asset we have is the ability to learn."
"My voice remains the most valuable asset I have."
"Because I'm an asset, I'm not a liability."
"I think that's his greatest asset."
"Your greatest asset is your positive perspective."
"Bitcoin is the scarcest asset in human history. It's scarce beyond the physical realm."
"Bitcoin is now going to be in that bucket because traditional finance can own this asset."
"Bitcoin is the first time in history that you have one asset that is the dominant, the apex predator of all of those three functions of money at the same time."
"So anyone that I know that's coming up is just use your money to buy houses invest in land invest in airbnbs invest in stuff that is a tangible asset."
"Bitcoin is a release valve asset."
"Education is the biggest asset that we have to offer up."
"The most important asset that a person has is self-esteem."
"Your mind and your ability to use it is the most valuable asset you have."
"If you can do that then you would have created a real asset for yourself that will pay you for many months and many years to come."
"Energy is the new antifragile asset class."
"Safety of people is the most important asset of any organization."
"Ethereum has become a common goods asset just like Bitcoin."
"Flora Lawrence was indeed an asset the Demitri faction required."
"Building up your personal brand is my biggest asset right now."
"When you grow your personal brand, you yourself become an asset."
"A real asset does something that no currency can do."
"Gold is a faith-based asset, but it's a faith-based asset that has a 6,000-year track record of paying off in times of crisis."
"Kobe uses that gas tank as a weapon. It's one of the biggest assets that he has on his side."
"Our community is our greatest asset."
"Our only other asset was the house but with the decline in the real estate market we were going to be upside down when it was sold."
"Time is the most important thing, your most important asset."
"In traditional discounted cash flow valuation the value of an asset is the present value of the expected cash flows on the asset well you discount those expected cash flows at a risk adjusted discount rate."
"It'd be a great asset to send to someone who is dealing with fear."
"Attention is the number one asset, ladies and gentlemen."
"My peace is my most valuable asset."
"Your email list is the most important asset that you have in your business."
"It's your insurance, it's your security blanket, and it's what you own inside of your business."
"Fear is as powerful as the force, and if you can harness it, what an asset."
"Real estate is the best type of asset to own for tax reasons."
"You have skill, like no matter what, people view you as a very good asset."
"Your team needs to be strong. Your team is your biggest asset."
"Time is the most precious asset, my friends, so you use it wisely, all right?"
"...create yourself a long term asset."
"Bitcoin is increasingly becoming an asset that we want to have a non-zero position in."
"Bitcoin is effectively the strictest, scarcest asset that we've ever invented."
"From algorithm to ownership: once you have their email list, that is a real asset that you have and you own."
"he's a talented young man as he's matures he's definitely going to be an asset"
"This van here, it's worth just over 50,000 pounds."
"People are the most important asset of any business."
"Your current customer base is the best asset that your store has."
"Our greatest asset is our curiosity."
"One good asset in property management is where the money is really made, and that is one of the biggest challenges that you have in small markets."
"Your attention is the most important asset that you have."
"Respect those who have failed, failure is an asset."
"Failure is still an asset, don't throw it away."
"If you don't have the quality workers around you, your business is going nowhere, right? You know, we lightly say, 'Oh, the worker, your biggest asset,' but sometimes we say it without really believing it, right?"
"That's why you think it can be a 100 billion asset."
"If you have an asset that's going to go up in value, it's just a good rap."
"The most valuable asset you can ever have is time."
"Your most important asset and tool this month is your communication."
"You are the most marketable asset of this restaurant."
"Your trading skill is the number one asset that you have."
"You're utilizing something that every person typically lose money on a car right now you're making it aware this is an income generating asset for sure."
"Relationships are your biggest asset."
"He was a great, great, great asset. One of the greatest champions of all time."
"Twitter is an irreproducible asset."
"Anything that's creating value when you're not in the room is an asset."
"Your personal brand is a very valuable tool."
"There are major benefits to real estate it's a real asset they can't print they can't print an apartment building."
"Organizational knowledge is one of the most important assets of the organization."
"Data is the new kind of killer asset."
"Real estate, I feel like land is gold."
"Having a loan on an asset like an investment property is not bad debt because the property has the ability to go up in value."
"Suddenly you're too valuable an asset to lose."
"How are we supposed to effectively care for and maintain such a valuable asset without clear guidelines?"
"Your biggest asset in life is your health."
"Healthy skepticism is a valuable asset."
"Your marriage can be your greatest asset or your biggest liability."
"Equity in your house is a very powerful tool. It's like money that you're not really using at all and that you can't access."
"...they're buying gold, the ultimate Safe Haven asset."
"I think it's an asset that should be in every investor's portfolio."
"A really good piece moving forward for Minnesota."
"D5 has got the strongest asset Library."
"The flexibility is the asset, but only valuable when we recognize and utilize it."
"Bitcoin is the best asset. You agree, and there is no second best asset."
"Identity is a terrific thing but not if it becomes a prison rather than something of an asset."
"That curiosity is going to be a huge asset for you for the future for this next Pluto in Aquarius cycle."
"You don't need no money to come up, all you need to be is an asset."
"Time is one of the greatest assets that we have. It's the one thing that we cannot get back."
"Money is a crucial asset that enriches our lives, protecting that asset is a responsibility of each and every one of us."
"just be an asset a set of a liability if you could be an asset set of a liability towards life that's a huge thing to break it down even further"
"A young investor with many years of future earning power has an implicit asset that is relatively safe."
"He doesn't hold back, as I said earlier, that's one of the great assets."
"Our best investment is land, it's a physical thing people just in general, real estate."
"The only thing that really has value is gold."
"Join the millions of people who are seeing what therapy is really about, it's always a good time to invest in yourself because you are your greatest asset and I truly believe that."
"Hard money means they are looking at the hard asset, the property, the hard tangible asset they are lending based on that asset, not on you. That's what hard money means, okay?"
"Your email list will become one of the most valuable assets in your business."
"The most valuable asset you can never own is your time."
"The M10 has been an asset for me."
"You would be an asset for the right person, you're fulfilled, in a good place with yourself."
"Beast is a really invaluable asset."
"Awareness is the number one asset."
"Crush's greatest asset was her strength in the force."
"Say what you want about his quickness, his ability, but I think his best asset is his determination."
"Having the number two overall pick is an unbelievable asset."
"We all tend to see things slightly differently, and when facing uncertain situations, one of the best assets we've got is the fact that we see things differently."
"Nezuko is an insanely valuable asset to the demon slayers, making the team stronger in every battle."
"...Optimus is the Autobots' single greatest asset."
"If it's an organic asset, I would only use Mari."
"We need to handle the data or information as a strategic asset."
"Her Mastery of water made her a formidable asset to the group."
"Private label is a much more rewarding business model because not only does it give you complete control over your business, but it also means you're creating a sellable asset."
"Your most valuable asset is your reputation."
"Time is actually the most valuable asset available on Earth."