
Cuteness Quotes

There are 7002 quotes

"I love these little guys; they're kind of cute."
"If seeing a fireman rescue a kitty from a house fire is too much cuteness to handle, sorry about that."
"She proceeds to take the cutest bite of pudding, leaving everyone present completely enamored with her."
"That's the most adorable thing I've ever seen."
"Sanrio is a Japanese company that owns a bunch of kawaii or cute characters."
"I really love it, I think it's just very cute."
"Here's our fourth rabbit, or is it three rabbits? There we go, we get a super cute wee bunny pet, and he's going to jump through."
"I greeted my newly hatched ostrich, Big Bird. How cute."
"It's so cute. Oh, I wish Romeo was with me. This is so cute."
"It's time to join your loved one. Oh, that's so cute. That's really cute."
"How cute is this? Just a little patching and then we're gonna paint it up. It is going to be so cute."
"I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"Absolutely adorable, she's super, super cute."
"Brace yourselves, folks, because this is almost too adorable to handle."
"Have you ever seen a Pokemon this cute? I doubt it."
"Kitty cats, they're cute, but I'm cuter. Me-wow!"
"Oh my gosh, it's so cute when it's all put together."
"His cards this era are so freaking cute. I mean, of course, they always are, but in this album, they're like extra cute."
"Who doesn't enjoy a good baby animal video? They're always doing something so flipping cute, it's impossible not to adore them."
"If the sight of a baby monkey petting a brood of fluffy yellow ducklings doesn't make you all gooey inside, then I have to break it to you, you may be a psychopath."
"Well, isn't this just the most gosh darn cutest thing you've ever seen? This little puppy and its big duck friend seem to get on like a house on fire."
"Little kids look so adorable in animal food you can't help but smile to a baby in a bunny romper."
"In order for an object to be perceived as truly cute, it must also appear to be dependent on us for survival."
"Oh, it's so cute right? I couldn't help myself."
"They're so little, they're so fluffy, they're so sweet. It's true, baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet."
"It is really cute and good for the whole family."
"I love secret crush. I just think that's the cutest thing ever."
"They're inseparable and adorable and best animal friends."
"The little baby Na'vi with a blanket around it is so cute."
"Look at her face, how can anyone resist those adorable puppy eyes?"
"This game is so cute, it reminds me of Adventure Time."
"There's nothing cuter, nothing more precious or magnificent as a cat."
"Rub my belly for good luck, and we're like, okay, it's literally like a Gerber baby, absolute cutest."
"Introducing my ultra-cute limited edition merch."
"I think they look kind of cute when they're sleeping like this."
"This is the most adorable thing I've seen all day."
"Tiny slitherers like the hog nose make for some pretty adorable pets."
"The patus: one of the strangest animals on Earth, incredibly cute as babies or puggles."
"A hedgehog has a special place in most people's hearts looking at this cute creature curling up like a little ball."
"Tarsiers are among the tiniest and most adorable primates in the world."
"If these are going to be what the denizens of the overworld are going to look like, I might die of a cuteness heart attack."
"Butterflies are pretty fun to catch, calling you cutie, that's adorable."
"That's actually the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"Let's just keep this energy up, they're absolutely adorable together."
"I've never seen a turtle take a nap. He's so cute."
"That little baby raccoon, Rocket, God, is so cute and so sad."
"Baby bunnies are ridiculously cute. I mean, look at these guys."
"Oh hey look, they swim! They do swim! They like full-on swim and they look cute while doing it too."
"Jolteon and Espeon both get to stay because they're both kind of quite nicely designed, quite cute."
"Parents are always trying to push it on us... it's hard, thankless, but worth it when you see them sleeping in their butt all cute."
"She's so small cute I actually can't, she's adorable."
"I thought they did so good, like Phoebe, she was Egon, but cuter."
"I'm a tatum and I'm adorable, and that's all that matters."
"These are so cute, I can't get enough of it."
"Malachi is so cute he's definitely going to be the love interest in this book."
"I love the fact that it looks like a cute dumpling."
"This one's cute, it looks like it has little socks on, I'm not sure what type of cat it is, it does have the little legs so I don't know if it's a munchkin or maybe like a Scottish fold."
"That's what made those photos so freakin' cute!"
"I am so happy with how this turned out it is so cute."
"Oh my gosh, it's sickening how dang cute this is."
"Honestly, spoiled Miho is so cute, it's dangerous."
"The cuteness alone makes this a genius gift."
"That's super cute, come on, you can't deny that."
"She's so cute, she either cries or spits. Let's see, let's see, let's see!"
"Baby Yoda using the Force broke my heart, but then he's so exhausted he passes out. Adorable."
"Every new Star Wars makes me want to own a live creature/robot as a pet. Baby Yoda is so frickin adorable."
"These little cars here are killing me with their cuteness. So cute!"
"It's so cute. Oh, my God, I can't get over it."
"Look at that little guy... he is pretty cute."
"Honestly, Ganyu and Chongyun... That would be pretty cute, right? They both like ice."
"What in the world is going on? Look at all these Pokemon, they're so cute!"
"There is nothing more adorable than puppies."
"Cuteness, wholesomeness, that's what we're doing."
"This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I am so happy for what I've just seen."
"If my toddler and pet can match, then damn, that is adorable!"
"That's just adorable, maybe this isn't so bad after all."
"I think that this was a really really sweet and cute collection."
"That's it, I can't, I'm about to fade from the cuteness overload."
"Both together and they're holding hands and they're adorable. Oh, this is something I love."
"Some of them are even adorable, some might say."
"Oh, what a cute cat. Look at this guy, just look at him."
"I love blush on the nose and it's just really fucking cute if you ask me."
"They play Mario Party together. That's just really cute."
"I hate how much I love the yellow lizard... they are so darn cute."
"This is such a cute photo card, oh my god he's so adorable."
"It is so super cute. I really love how this one turned out."
"Whoa! This is so cute. Wait, I'm obsessed. I love that."
"Look how cute I think it just really finished it off."
"She blushes a bit from beneath your mask. It's cute on cute if you ask me."
"Look at her oh she adopted the bridge oh how cute."
"I love cute things, they're so cuddly and adorable."
"That's just the cutest thing I've ever seen."
"Crafted world is so dang cute and so dang satisfying."
"If Nintendo ever figures out a way to weaponize the cuteness of Yoshi's crafted world we are all doomed."
"It's happening! Put Olive on the dang camera because she is cute. This is the longest she's been in my lap in a long time. She's so cute, she's getting used to it, and purring, might I add."
"You could tell it was their first [kiss], it was cute."
"Kit's character growth is just adorable at times."
"He's so cute, like what the heck? It's like he just hatched."
"I can't get over how cute this is, like, seriously."
"Baby Eater, cuter and follows you, doesn't hurt you."
"Look at that, that's cute as well, that's the cutest thing, that's cute as well I've ever seen in my life."
"I love them so much. They're cute right Niko? They're so cute."
"Axolotls: the cutest predator you'll ever meet."
"There are also a lot of really cute interactions in this pack."
"These are adorable when they come, so I have to just show you these before we start."
"For now, only factory workers will receive shipment, but once they're able to use the naturally infused cuteness."
"Can it get any cuter today in a rather ordinary day without any holiday whatsoever?"
"Die pitch out with the and we made sure I like the design for the Sandman guy a lot, he's cute."
"You got to remember that even deceitful, megalomaniacal (when they're hungry) creatures like Marx are also, in fact, super cute."
"I too would also risk it all for an adorable kitten."
"Would you know huh what'd you do it's [ __ ] cute."
"The little guy was cute whenever he played like that."
"This girl and she's just oh, oh that's so cute, these are people around the world at the same time as me taking a bunch of chicken really cool."
"Look at us, I love pandas, me too. This is cute about them, I'm just obsessed but that is not functional, nope."
"This craft without a doubt hands down is the cutest craft I have ever made. It actually brings me joy when I look at it. I feel joy. It is so cute."
"She's literally the sweetest cutest little kitty."
"It just brings me right in and the face is adorable."
"The roller skating fail between Millie and Noah is just clumsy cute absolute ridiculousness on wheels."
"Oh my actual god guys look how big he is, he is literally as big as the reindeer, he's so cute."
"He's actually adorable, what should we name him guys, let me know give me suggestions."
"Kirby from the Kirby series... Speaking of adorable, with noises so cute they make us forget all troubles, Kirby fits the bill and then some."
"With Whiz Bang, I was thrilled to see it'd be such a cute monster. I think this is a really cute one and I love the fireworks that it makes."
"I don't know if this is really juicy, but I got a crush on my guy friend. That's so cute though."
"I think it makes his character look just so adorable."
"Any suggestion I throw at you, you always make it cute."
"He was being cute with it yeah he's a cute robot he is he's a very cute boop him."
"Cats are probably one of the most cutest things and you ain't gonna have to take them out for a walk or anything you just gotta give them food and then you're good."
"They just wanna chill and eat bamboo and just be cute."
"Dialogue? Who needs it when you're this cute?"
"Flurry is kind of adorable, I kind of want to pick up Flurry."
"This is absolutely adorable, look at his little eyes, it's so cute!"
"Even if you don't love the Pixar shared universe fan theory, you have to admit the idea of Boo and Bunny is pretty darn cute."
"I love this, it's such like a laid back and cutesy style."
"The image of the day: take a look at this adorable kid."
"My heart is melting, her cuteness is melting my heart."
"How cute is that? Put them all over the table like this."
"Conveyor belts can go diagonal - that's really cute."
"Look how chubby she is! I love chubby babies!"
"I just love looking at baby glasses cuz they're so small and cute."
"These little leggings look like just a t-shirt wrapped around her little chubby legs."
"Toddlers can pull off anything, so I approve of this message."
"This hair makes me want to die a bit because it's too cute."
"It's so cute about this girl who is obsessed with video games."
"It's a very cute recent series that started publishing. I have the first three volumes of this."
"She is just adorable, top to bottom, this is just such a good character design."
"It's really simple, I think it's really cute."
"She's adorable... she definitely looks like a VTuber." - Lavender Town
"It is the most adorable thing on four wheels."
"Cuteness overload: a lion cub raised by a dog!"
"They are the Berry Cute snacks, they are very cute."
"They took Bewear, a cuddly bear, made it even cuddlier."
"You can't get over the cuteness and the vulnerability and the potential of a new puppy."
"People on the internet don't often agree on much, but I think that we can all agree that red pandas are freaking adorable."
"Look at this little guy! So goddamn adorable."
"Dolphins are adorable, but they could be cuter."
"Octopus very adorable but it's very deadly..."
"How cute are these? They look complicated but they're really not."
"I love such a perk though, this is really cute."
"Okay, they're all playing together. This is so cute."
"These guys make the cutest babies, I swear, literally any of these angel children could have played Cinderella."
"I think I just love otters now, they're kind of sweet, they hold hands."
"This is friendship, this is cute as hell. It's perfect."
"Those things are cuter than you'd think they are, the wild ones."
"I love Palmon's voice, it's so good, so cute."
"Penguins are super cool. They look like they're wearing tuxedos."
"Look at those chubby cheeks, that's so cute."
"I'm already obsessed with her. She's so cute."
"It's just all super adorable and let's start on that next."
"I wanted to try this gummy hamburger, it looks so cute."
"This is the ultimate cat moment, this is so good."
"This hoodie is literally the cutest hoodie ever."
"I love the little pose she's doing with her hand, oh my god that is so adorable."
"Doing something cute is a good way to get votes."
"Who doesn't love an otter? It's basically a big wet puppy."
"I want one I want ten god that's cute and there's a blue one a little guy how you doing come here and what are you doing."
"The only funny business they're getting up to is being freaking adorable."
"Oh man, look how cute the animation style is."
"Look how cute they are, oh my gosh, a happily ever after if I do say so myself."
"Look at him this is cute this is great this is freaking cute I'm getting mad it's so [ __ ] cute."
"Otters have been known to hold hands while they sleep in the water."
"Chopper has always been the center of cuteness in One Piece."
"Oh my god, it's so cute, look at the little cuddle fish!"
"Everything with Pan is adorable, I loved her."
"Look at Charlie in her little dress. Have you ever seen anything more cute in all your life?"
"Okay, she's done, she has all grown up into a very, very cute little grown-up madam."
"Look how cute she is, guys. She is such a little sweetie."
"My mom just learned how to text this year. She's using Kakao Talk, it's super cute!"
"Queen Bounce Celia is done and she looks adorable."
"How cute, it's like a little baby in a bun in a bassinet."
"Look at how freaking cute they got us mugs from their Hometown."
"Chickens are so cute, like, I'm sorry, my brain, you ever look at an animal so long you're like, 'What is this?'"
"This really, really takes the cake. Really so freaking cute!"
"I mean, look at these guys! They're one of the cutest frogs in the whole world."
"This thing is the cutest darn little thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It is just too wholesome and too cute, and we have to protect it at all freaking costs."
"Baby foxes might be the cutest mob in the entire game."
"That's a unicorn! Oh, I love the face, look at this little face, it's so cute. Good job, that's so cute!"
"This is possibly the cutest kitten I have ever seen ever and Sims 4 oh dear this is a lazy aloof a talkative little one that we are going to name Yago after actually the higher the parrot from Aladdin."
"let's hope Stitch can come out looking something in this realm of cuteness"
"It's like going to the vet to put your friend down - you've got to be there for them."
"We need some joy, okay? Do you see her cute level off the charts? That's a certified cute dog."