
Income Quotes

There are 4371 quotes

"I'm making more at a low-cost hotel than I am at a fancy restaurant building."
"Money should come to you as a byproduct of doing your greatest passion, not from just going to a nine-to-five job and trying to pay the bills."
"A writer can be paid as much as they want, depending on what they write and how far their writing spreads."
"Your happiness doesn't go up much after reaching about seventy-five thousand dollars a year in annual household income."
"Narcissistic people, on average, make more money. They're more likely to be represented in leadership."
"A business can make way more money a lot sooner, a lot faster than a job."
"Optimizing your wealth. This is the stage that you're making money, you've got a significant amount of it."
"Now I'm sitting in an office five days a week making far less money than I ever made before, but it makes me far happier."
"Everyone knows there's a threshold above that point you're not going to be any more happy by earning any more money."
"In today's economy, most people cannot survive on just one income."
"Increase your income to take advantage of the wealth transfer."
"Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income."
"We are making five thousand nine hundred a day."
"The harder you work at it, the more money you make."
"The total amount of income that an individual makes or has, does not seem to directly relate to their level of happiness."
"Making nine thousand dollars a month as a high school student, I was making more money than my parents, more money than all my friends."
"Imagine running multiple different niche channels all bringing you in predictable income every single month."
"Your income is your most powerful wealth-building tool."
"Over a million followers makes him over a million dollars, ten."
"There's plenty of people living lives earning 40 50 60 000 a year that are living tremendously awesome wonderful lives."
"A recent study found that happiness actually does not plateau, and in fact, you do get happier the more money you make."
"Your income will always be at whatever level your self-image is."
"Does it really matter if you're earning more than six figures a year if by the end of that year you have nothing left to show for it?"
"The more you learn, the more money you make."
"Even on the low end, there are lots of jobs offering $74,000 to $94,000, so basically, less than 20% of people make less than six figures."
"This portfolio is generating over $500 a month in income and this is so important for anyone that is pursuing financial independence with the goal of retiring early by living off of your portfolios."
"If you situate your investment right, you can actually generate dividend income every single month."
"The most powerful wealth-building tool is your income."
"Only half of children born in the early '80s were making more than their parents by age 30."
"Last year, however, at age 31, I made $27,000, which is actually less than I earned at 18, but... I experienced life, real life, more than ever before."
"Cost burdened in housing market lingo means they're paying more than 30% of their income toward rent."
"Everybody gets some type of money, so no matter how much money you're getting, it's what you do with your money that's going to change your outcome."
"Passive income is a type of unearned income that is acquired with minimal labor to earn or maintain."
"She made 55 million dollars off Only Fans. I said she made 55 million dollars off 160 pieces of content."
"The amount and percentage of people's household income that is going towards debt payments each month is ballooning."
"In order to live comfortably in 99 of the largest U.S. Metro areas, you need an income of at least $93,933 a year."
"Investment income or entrepreneurial income... they do change how your effort is rewarded but they don't eliminate that effort requirement."
"Being a millionaire is the wrong goal... I don't pay my bills because my net worth is a million. I do so on income."
"Income and wages, that's the limiting factor on the U.S. housing market."
"The propensity to consume depends on income; a high and stable income will naturally lead to a high consumption propensity."
"I've made 2.5 million dollars in the last 10 months from personal branding."
"If you get a trade instead, you can get paid for training and you can earn an above average income as soon as you are qualified."
"Don't lower your standard of living to meet your income. Raise your income to meet your standard of living."
"The vast majority of affiliates make no meaningful income off of these systems."
"Learning to work primarily on yourself. How do you develop an above average income? And the answer is become an above average person."
"Why not have a tax code that basically treats income as income?"
"Making easy money online, it's like those cringy ads from 10 years ago, but it's true now."
"The amount of money you make is proportional to the amount of leverage you employ in your life."
"Pathology is known for having a great lifestyle with the average pathologist making approximately $334,000 per year."
"It's not socialism; it's capitalism where income doesn't start at zero."
"Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'The best solution to poverty is to abolish it directly through a guaranteed minimum income.'"
"That is what you earn, what you spend equals your income."
"The only thing that determines how much money you make is how much value you can provide to other people's lives."
"You don't actually need tons of views and subscribers, or your channel even to be monetized, in order to make a significant living on YouTube."
"Affiliate income is no joke, and there are so many people making six and seven-figure incomes just from their blogs."
"I received a check from Etsy for my painting... nearly double my rent."
"Start a business or start some sort of freelance side gig... You need to get your income up."
"I don't foresee a scenario in which you make 120k combined income and you're struggling unless you've made some really poor financial decisions."
"Specialists win almost all of the time. Specialists make more money, they get treated better, they have better job satisfaction."
"Take this as an opportunity to re-evaluate your spending, work on your credit, work to increase your income, look in other areas you didn't consider, and look into buying a multi-family property."
"Focus on passive impact, not passive income. The more people you impact, the more income will come."
"With inflation and cost of living going up... if your income stays the same year after year, you are getting 3% poorer every single year."
"Some of you making new money, new ways of making it, or investments paying off."
"If I'm making $100,000 a year and you're making a million dollars a year, we have a bigger wealth disparity than if I am making $10,000 a year and you're making $5,000 a year."
"Making $100,000 in New York versus $100,000... it depends on where you live."
"Most people earn nothing because most people don't do anything."
"I see an increase in pay or finances, but I also want you to stop spending money faster than you make it."
"You think there's something in your mind where you think if I make more than this amount of money, that's more than I deserve, and you will self-sabotage."
"Yeah, but now we're making money and making a difference in people's lives."
"Having to pay a higher tax rate is a good thing. That means you made more money."
"You may know her from The Sopranos, Drea De Matteo says that she made more in one month on OnlyFans than on The Sopranos."
"The median family went from being a one-income household to a two-income household, a significant shift."
"You can make 100k a year guaranteed with the stock market through dividends or bonds."
"Which city has the most $200,000+ earners?...It's DC, and it's not even close."
"It's proven that higher rates of income could in fact increase happiness or well-being without having to Plateau at a certain amount."
"Some hostesses make close to six figures, or even more, per month."
"She has shared in interviews that she makes up to and over $100,000 a day from selling her digital courses."
"If you think you're gonna go out and make more money but yet you haven't solved your debt problem, then you're never going to get out of debt."
"It doesn't really matter how much money you make; it's what you do with the money you make."
"In America, you should be able to raise a family on one single income."
"We seem to forget that spending equals income; every dollar spent is somebody's income."
"I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars."
"You could make a few extra thousand a month or up to five or six."
"I make money because people voluntarily give me five dollars a [ __ ] month."
"Earning more is subjective, but over time, anyone can make a good income doing what they enjoy."
"I made like $5,000 which back then was the most amount of money I had ever made in a single day."
"It is about as much as Tyler1 is getting just playing league of legends at a computer by himself in Korea."
"The most I made in a day was probably like six or seven grand to my account."
"It's highs... it's mid to highest five figures per month."
"I wanted to quickly show you guys the crazy amount of money that we are now making."
"Education plays a massive role when it comes to how our incomes shape throughout our entire careers."
"Affiliate programs are a popular way to earn passive income."
"They'll generate more money so we'll go from plus 34 income to an even higher number."
"Unexpected income could be on the horizon for you. Stay open to opportunities."
"Picture yourself happy because now you're making money in your bedroom."
"You want investments that pay you to own them."
"There is dignity in earning an income. There are people who want to work for a living."
"You're earning hundred thousand a year because they're not aware of how to earn a hundred thousand a month."
"It's also a fantastic way to create an additional source of income where the sky is the limit."
"My income is the biggest store in the world."
"Making a hundred thousand dollars a year is validation that you're doing something right."
"In the vast sea of independent musicians, I kind of came into the streaming Spotify world very well equipped with a very big back catalog of music that could generate me more income than, for example, Josh from Telephone Tel Aviv."
"It's been bringing in more than 800 a day, almost nine hundred dollars every single day."
"I don't wanna yuck anyone's yum, and I don't wanna be in the way of anyone getting their bag. Folly, do you, get your coin, okay?"
"The creator economy is changing, and there are more opportunities for creators to make a good living, like a real good living."
"Types with one finger makes six figures, that's facts."
"If you search for jobs based on where you live, you're going to limit your income based on the geographic area."
"It's believed he was making over five hundred thousand dollars per month to be more specific from ad revenue and subscriptions streaming revenue."
"It's because he makes more they make more money than they spend."
"The only thing better than collecting that cash flow is doing it every single month."
"You have to make 250 grand a year based on how you spend your money."
"Control your own destiny and make some more money, do something you love, all the above, right?"
"Yes, you can make enough money to support a family with video."
"I love the passive income. The flip was great, but I love that passive."
"No one should have to pay more than 30% of their income to be able to live and have housing."
"Becoming wealthy or financially free is more about what you do with your money after you get paid than it is about how much money you're actually getting paid."
"Your income, like Jim Rohn said, will be your closest five friends you spend most time with."
"You got 150 dollars for existing exactly. I like that."
"They're making good money like, they're and it's all through gaming."
"They should be making $8 million on YouTube a year wow it's a lot of money that's real."
"An extra thousand bucks a month just to promote a program. I like affiliate programs that really respect their affiliates."
"Income minus expense equals your net operating income."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"It's capitalism where income doesn't start at zero."
"Higher household income creates a kind of feedback loop that positively impacts economic growth."
"Supplemental income... always have multiple streams of income."
"We've just made 10 quid in tips. We've only had two customers. That's amazing. Well done, girl!"
"I've met YouTubers who like their entire brand is teaching people how to make YouTube channels and they make six figures from TubeBuddy alone."
"Honestly I've made over 10 grand from CPA marketing using Max's bounty."
"Figure out how to get paid in crypto and like Crypto Dog said, you'll never find any other industry on this planet where you can go from four figures to nine figures or eight figures in three years."
"Turn junk mail into cash with Small Business Knowledge Center!"
"Now moving onto the third income stream that I have, and this is an obvious one."
"The beauty of the clothing line business is in the income side."
"If you're serious, you want to turn this into a career, and not just a hobby, something where you learn these skills and then actually also can use to go out and make an income."
"There's really nothing I can complain about. He's making 50 million bucks over four years probably. Set for life."
"She was finally getting her own income, she was doing things for herself."
"A dividend stock is basically a stock that pays you dividends. Dividends are a way to provide extra income even when the stock price doesn't go up."
"Now when you make money, you're making money with the goal of buying assets."
"Making 10,000 a month is literally just as simple as doing that for enough people it is not rocket science promise you it's not."
"The money just freakin rolls in. It's kinda crazy."
"Assets are things that put money into your pocket."
"View every dollar as an employee constantly working for you."
"I feel like there's this misconception between making a good salary or earnings or whatever means that you have to buy more stuff, and I just don't think that's true."
"You don't have to make a shitload of money to qualify for a one million dollar mortgage if you making eight hundred thousand dollars a year you can qualify for a million dollar mortgage."
"This is absolutely insane. This is like an absolute ton of money to be making."
"The average grunt in the United States Army makes just over twenty thousand dollars a year."
"It's about providing more value to your boss or to your own company and having more certifications or licenses to justify more income."
"The amount of money you earn is in direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty of replacing you."
"You can literally turn your annual income into a monthly income."
"The $70,000 base salary... talk about a life upgrade."
"Like I said, my peak, the most I've ever made in one hour is probably $100,000 or $200,000 in an hour."
"Now as far as reasons to own this stock, well, one of my favorites is the fact that this isn't just necessarily a growth investment. It's also an income investment because this is a dividend payer."
"May God grant you multiple streams of income."
"May your income always be greater than your expenditure."
"I believe that no matter your age or interest you can find a way to make money on social media."
"Every time you get a paycheck it's important to know what to do with that money."
"This is when I first discovered passive income; I'd never thought this was really possible for me."
"You argue with people for a living, just for less money."
"Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not to the economy."
"It's what allowed me to quit my job, it's what allowed me to have a very good income."
"The more skills that you develop typically the more that you earn."
"Creators need to make a living, hashtag join Patreon."
"Income gains strongest at the bottom of the economic ladder."
"If you want to make more money, you can build more business and do a lot more things."
"It shouldn't be the case that you feel like your primary source of value to the world is whether or not you can double your income over the next five years."
"Combining and selling gems can be a steady income source."
"I kind of hate that that is the only metric that matters for that portion of my income."
"If you make $57,000 a year and have the work life balance that you want, you're happy as shit, you fucking won."
"No American making less than $400,000 will see their taxes go up."
"Families that make more, families that are sort of above toward the higher end of the income spectrum, they have to spend up to seven percent of their income."
"Modern women, we do work and we most of us make more than our husbands."
"For example, this YouTube channel called Sockey Tech has gone over a million subscribers and gets 2.4 million views per month. That could be as much as $10,000 to $20,000 per month."
"But while it may not make $1,000 a day overnight, something that it does do is it makes passive income."
"The American median household income froze, started declining we haven't had an uptick since the year 2000."
"The hard work doesn't generate money, my imagination is what's generating the money."
"QYLG offers both growth potential and monthly income."
"My favorite source of passive income... dividend growth investing."
"I made $90,000 this year on YouTube... having under sixty thousand subscribers."
"Time to move now towards earning money again or flowing towards creating greater earnings resources for yourself."
"The top streamers' incomes were leaked, with the top guy pulling in just short of 10 million dollars a year."
"You can make up to $5,400 with one sale, with one lead, with one click."
"If you're earning a million pounds, this budget will make you 55,000 pounds richer."
"I literally made my daily average wage in my country in three seconds."
"Twenty-five bucks an hour was some good [__] money."
"If I fill a class I get 10 people to pay me 10 dollars for an hour-long class that's a hundred bucks an hour."
"You're almost there. Save money and build your income."
"Being a content creator...I brought in 20,000 from YouTube."
"Why is it that as a black woman's education and income goes up, her marital prospects go down?"
"Focus first on something that will give you the fastest results in terms of income."
"Sustenance support - earn $20+ per hour with Instacart, an on-demand grocery pickup and delivery service."
"My current projected annual dividend income is three thousand sixteen dollars and 53 cents."
"Since the inception of this account, I've earned seven thousand and eight dollars in dividends."
"So then that factors in as well to getting you more money overall."
"Control equals income, control equals protection, prediction, confidence."
"Operating income over annualized is eight billion dollars which is crazy."
"In one year of trying to make a million dollars, I made it to 147,343 dollars."
"That's a very good salary for $174,000 almost $175,000 a year of household income."
"Having good credit doesn't mean having good income."
"I still sell real estate because that's new cash coming through the front door every single day."
"Americans get paid, they see what their paychecks look like, you can't keep lying to them."