
Quality Of Life Quotes

There are 2943 quotes

"New learnings: Lifelong learners added years to their life and life to their years."
"How we live influences how long and well we live."
"The quality of our brain really determines the quality of our life."
"The best days of your life happen when you slept adequately."
"I define addiction as a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure, and I define a good life as a progressive broadening of the things that give you pleasure."
"A more nuanced description of health span might be one that focuses on the cognitive, physical, and emotional pieces of quality of life."
"Your happiness levels aren't going to go down because these things aren't a part of your happiness levels; they're just connected to your dopamine."
"Our quality of life is in direct proportion to the quality of the food that we put in our mouth."
"Environment plays a profound role in your entire fucking quality of life."
"The primary goal is to enhance the quality of life for patients and to provide compassionate and holistic care that addresses their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs."
"We live by all objective standards in the best time period to be alive in history."
"We don't just want lifespan, we want healthspan."
"The quality of your life is only determined by you, your thoughts, and your actions."
"Money can contribute to happiness for most people, but it is not the sole determinant."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it's a damn good down payment."
"The quality of your life is affecting the quality of your life, which is something you've probably never considered before."
"We should be grateful for the sacrifices our parents and grandparents made, allowing us to live longer and better lives than they could ever imagine."
"The point of our program is not to help people live longer, it's to live better."
"Health is more than just lab results and weight; it's how well you can move in the world, how your joints feel, and how difficult simple tasks are for you."
"We live in the most interesting of times and probably the best of times."
"The quality of your life is determined by how you spend your time."
"A high quality woman makes the quality of a man's life so much more better."
"Healthy life expectancy, to me, is even more important than life expectancy."
"It's only the miracle of consumer capitalism that means you're not lying in your own s***, dying at 43 with rotten teeth."
"It is just such an amazing quality of life feature and practically eliminates one of the main issues I have with many loot games."
"Abortion is the end of a lot of other problems. There's a lot of things before then, so I would love if for us as a society, focus on providing a better life for everyone."
"We don't just need sustenance; we need quality of life, we need things that bring us joy."
"It's not always about saving a life, it's about improving the standard of someone's life, which I think can have a generational impact."
"Is the goal of civilization ultimately the end game of civilization that you don't need to go to work, you just have a comfortable life?"
"The quality of your life has more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it."
"I've spent an awful lot of my time traveling, particularly on the continent of Europe, and I've noticed that they live a lot better than we do."
"The lives that we lead are not as good as they should be. I still retain a sort of Social Democratic desire to reform the lives of the poor."
"We honestly want more playful and humorous people in the world. It makes the world nicer, more pleasant to live in."
"Things come to you with ease; you're not stressed, you're living your best life."
"Play is a big part of your ability to enjoy life."
"What you mean by happiness and what a good life is, are critical to how you live your life."
"Quality adjusted life years, or QUALYs, and what we do we for every intervention, for every drug we have, for every treatment we're going to offer, we think about how many years of life they are going to add on to a person... and then we weight that based on how good the quality of that time will be."
"It's a great place to raise a family and it's a great place to live."
"Life is about growth, the experience, and the quality of life that you want."
"Meaningful relationships are the most consistent predictor of quality of life."
"These are important issues about the quality of people's lives, about girls' education."
"It wasn't really about dying, it was about living. That the goal was to be able to have not a good death, but a good life all the way to the very end."
"The goal is not a good death, the goal is a good life all the way to the very end."
"What's a long life if it's not enjoyable anyway?"
"When you think about extending lifespan, the important thing is to realize that you don't live longer in old age, you live longer in a youthful state."
"Your success will always lead back to the quality of life you really just want to live."
"Why wouldn't you want to live longer and healthier, you know? Why wouldn't you want to live in less pain?"
"The shangri-la is perhaps less about trying to elongate lifespan and more about prolonging people's health span."
"It really makes a big difference how you live your life every day."
"The beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend on how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves."
"It sucks being ill. It consumes everything else in your life. You can be the richest person in the world, but if you don't have your health, you're going to be miserable."
"The goal is a good life for all; we should settle for nothing less."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, well, sort of. It buys happiness up to a certain point."
"The relationship...is a machine that you jointly operate that adds immensely to the quality of your life."
"Longevity isn't the right question; it's quality of life that's the right question."
"It really is about quality of life, and it can't necessarily be about longevity alone."
"You have to nail diet for quality of life going forward."
"Resistance training is non-negotiable for maintaining health and quality of life."
"If I knew that all this training I was doing was going to shorten my life by a year, I would still do it purely for the improvement in quality of life between now and the end of my life."
"Good Wi-Fi is a life quality improvement that can dramatically reduce frustration at home."
"Quality of life is very important and peace is very important."
"The health span, the quality of life, is through the roof."
"There's a quality of life that comes with it, the increase in quality of life."
"Our mindset can dictate the quality of our lives."
"The goal was simply the overlapping goal of live the best highest life quality possible."
"What if you could cut the odds of those happening to you radically? Well, a couple of things would happen. One, you'd have a higher quality of life, however long it was."
"A sedentary lifestyle not only impacts sleep quality but life quality."
"Isn't that the whole point, to ensure that generations after us have it easier? Isn't it so bad to improve quality of life so people have it easier?"
"People with Down syndrome are still capable of having rich lives; not that they'll all become wealthy, but they can still have happiness, their families can have happiness."
"Quality of life is very important to me; I don't want to miss out on situations."
"If you're not being forced to give birth to children, your life is going to be better; the lives of your future children will be better."
"There's a beauty to these functional attributes and what allows us to live and have a good quality of life. Destroying that to just look a certain way for some very twisted reason just doesn't sit well with me at all."
"Every year, the United States falls further and further behind its peer nations in crucial metrics like quality of life, wages, health outcomes, and infrastructure."
"It's not all about making money; it's about having the best quality of life that you can possibly achieve for yourself and your family."
"There are fears that I have in the United States that I do not have in Germany... I do not have the fear of being shot, being homeless, or receiving large bills and being in huge sums of debt."
"Money doesn't bring happiness, but the absence of money brings unhappiness."
"I believe our quality of life could rise just as dramatically if we all began practicing emotional hygiene."
"I know for sure what my drive is, that is exactly to get more people to have a happy life, children to have a happy life, a longer, happy, healthy life."
"Accessibility settings aren’t just useful for disabled people. I think a good suite of settings can offer a quality of life improvement even for people who don’t inherently need them."
"Quebec is by far the safest province, has the second most diversified economy, second lowest unemployment rate, the highest average life expectancy, and third highest life satisfaction rate."
"It is quality of life that is more important than surviving."
"Anyone who owns a smartphone or drives a car, or even lives in a house, has seen technology improve their quality of life over and over again."
"Capitalism is the reason there have been massive quality of life increases worldwide in the past hundred years."
"Life that is lived coping is no life at all."
"If Baristas should make as much money as doctors is just a more polite way of asking if Baristas should have the same quality of life as Physicians."
"I truly believe in making people live longer and have a longer health span rather than a longer lifespan."
"This is a major step forward for Cyberpunk 2077. It's not changing the game entirely, but it does bring a lot of great quality of life improvements."
"I don't care if I have to be on medication. It has helped me to be able to enjoy my days, enjoy my son more, be more present."
"It isn't just about extending lifespan, but extending healthspan."
"Research shows that strong, intimate partnerships can have a significant benefit to people's quality of life."
"We should work together to try to pass legislation that becomes law, that will improve the quality of life of the people we represent."
"If you actually look at it statistically, this is the best time to ever be alive."
"Always ask doctors the following question: What evidence do you have that the treatment you're recommending to me is going to either help me live longer or live better?"
"We're probably better off, but there's a very deep philosophical question there."
"If you make this moment right now beautiful and wonderful, that's the best you can possibly do for your future."
"You are living in the best country on the planet."
"Not only will you prolong your life... your life will be better. You'll enjoy things more, you'll feel better, you'll have more energy."
"The extreme pace of technical innovation over the past three centuries has meant that quality of life by almost all metrics has massively improved for everyone."
"The quality of people's lives and the degree of self-actualization they experience is directly proportional to the quality of the questions they think about."
"We have some like pretty banger quality of life changes here."
"Learning Tai Chi empowers us to improve health and quality of life."
"It's a world of difference like an actual tangible, palpable difference in environment, in ambiance, in overall stress levels."
"The quality of your life is essentially determined by how you carry this one."
"If you focus on quality, all the rest takes care of itself – diseases, weight, metabolism."
"Someone with severe eczema... they just want to feel normal."
"I would rather be a homeless person in the United States than the average working-class person in any other country."
"Quality of life is so important, and being able to create your own schedule... I'm going to do it like I have that ability."
"The difference in happiness and quality of life between $300 million and $100 million is actually negligible."
"The definition of price stability is if people live their lives without having to think about inflation all the time."
"Your overall quality of life is dependent on you healing and releasing that negative energy."
"Good habits are really sort of the essence of a good life."
"The American Dream does have to do with making things and has to do with creating a better quality of life."
"It deprives people of opportunities to have healthcare, education, security, justice, and essentially a fulfilling life."
"Denmark is the single best country in the world to live in right now."
"Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way."
"Procrastination totally robs you of your mood, your excitement, and just the joy of life and your happiness."
"This is a great place to live, it's a great place to work, it's a great place to raise a family."
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
"I would rather just see more modest, almost boring growth over the next couple of years because I think that would be more sustainable and generate better returns and a better quality of life for everyone in the United States."
"Living in this little community is wonderful, and the owner has made it be wonderful for us."
"It really helps in life to have something you enjoy to go to. It makes your life so much better."
"These trends — appealing as they may sound — are actually symptoms of a much larger economic problem."
"Infrastructure is the foundation that makes it possible for people to live and work well."
"The more you can control these factors, the more that you're going to be able to control your ability to not just burn fat but control your metabolism, your quality of life, and your level of health."
"Everybody wants a big house... but we always spend time developing the quality of the house, what about the quality of the lives of people living in them?"
"Health is one of those goods where, generally, if we have good health, that enables us to enjoy everything else in life."
"Money can buy you a bed but it can’t buy you a good night’s sleep."
"What matters is our view in life, the subjective view, and I think it's very important that we treat each other well, that we live a good, rich life."
"Science is a wonderful thing; it has improved our lives, lengthened our lifespans, and given us reliable tools to understand how the world works."
"Maybe it's time to increase your quality of life...maybe it's time to upgrade to the exit row or business class."
"What we actually care about is people getting the help they need, figuring out their own minds, and living a better life for it."
"There has never been a society in all of human history that has managed to just ignore the consequences of poverty."
"The quality of your life, the quality of your marriage, the quality of friendships is determined by what you refuse to say, what you refuse to do, where you refuse to go."
"Capitalism is supreme, is dominant when it comes to being able to improve the quality of life for those who are rich and for those who are poor."
"People in general want to hang out, spend time with their family, they want to feel like they have the tools available to them to, with dignity, take care of their lives."
"The quality of our life is made up by the quality of our emotions, and our emotions come from meaning."
"At equal levels of economic development, socialism has been scientifically found to consistently provide a higher quality of life for its people."
"The quality of your relationship with yourself...is an incredibly important variable in your quality of life."
"We're living in the best time humanity has ever seen. Ever."
"You don't need a long life, you just need a happy life."
"Gratitude destroys the two emotions that wipe out most people's quality of life: fear and anger."
"The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions."
"You don't have to wait for a greater life to feel grateful; you can start feeling grateful, and have a greater life because what we appreciate appreciates."
"I knew I had a good retirement check coming every month, and we'd be able to just kick back, enjoy life, no more working midnights, live like a normal human being as we call it, and spend quality time with each other."
"In a democracy, you want to live in a country where the middle class, normal people...can lead productive, meaningful lives unbothered by the people in power."
"Money helps with happiness... but does it buy total happiness? Absolutely not."
"The quality of our life would increase if we allow the quality of our healing to increase."
"For those that are already facing these diseases, we want to make sure we're improving their quality of life as much as possible."
"Some of the things that I'm going to talk about today are going to make people's quality of life quite simply better."
"A better understanding of female physiology by everyone, including men, will mean a better quality of life when facing periods of caloric restriction for women worldwide."
"The goal of economic life is absolutely not to look good on paper; it's not to have a high GDP."
"The body's main purpose is not only to survive but to maintain a quality of existence at certain levels, and that quality itself promotes health and fulfillment."
"Practical frugality isn't about cutting back on everything; it's about making smart, sustainable choices that enhance your quality of life."
"The correct message, the true conservative message is that you are an American, we love you, and we're gonna do whatever it takes to facilitate the best quality of life for you and for your family."
"You spend half your life in bed, so it's important to have a good mattress."
"The level of the increase in quality of life that AI can deliver is extraordinary."
"You don't need a lot of money to have a good life, to enjoy the good life, to enjoy life. You need time."
"If you go out and work for a living, you should be able to take care of your family, you should have a health service that can look after you, you should be able to retire in dignity, you should be able to get your kids educated, you should be looked after when you're sick. I don't think there's too much to ask for in one of the most advanced economies."
"It's one thing to live a long time, but you don't want to just say that you've reached a certain age and then the quality of your life in those later years isn't good. We want to have a great health span."
"The avoidance of pain and the maximization of pleasure for all people, not just individually but for everyone. Life is short. We should enjoy things, allow ourselves to enjoy things, and we should help others in that similar pursuit."
"Instead of cheaper, better, faster, we're rapidly transitioning into a world that's pricier and worse and slower."
"My quality of life has just skyrocketed since then."
"If you're conscious, if you can think, if you're engaging with the world, life should be made good for you."
"I think acknowledging the fact that balance is never gonna be perfect, I think time should be put into making the quality of life good."
"Having financial literacy is what's going to allow you to make good financial decisions and ultimately live an amazing life of your own choosing."
"Finland is broadly applauded as one of the most successful societies in the world, prized for its quality of life, economic prowess, and social equality."
"The reason I live with less, is that I can live with more so that I can spend time with the people that I love."
"The tiny choices we make over and over create our character, they influence our mood, and they determine our quality of life."
"Look, it's a truly great time to be alive right now. There's no doubt about that. We're living longer, we have access to information, technology, and resources that we've never had access to before."
"There's no cure either. There are some treatments that might help change the disease's progression or alleviate symptoms, and improve a patient's quality of life, but you simply can't just get rid of it."
"The abundant life is eternal life, which is not a time because it's eternal; it's a quality of life."
"The very beginning of this conversation is what's it worth to you. What is your quality of life equation?"
"We don't shut down society because there's a massive cost of that. I'm not talking about financial; I'm talking about life's lost, years of life lost."
"Quality of life is not about needs. Quality of life also involves wants."
"By applying some very objective measures, infant mortality, life expectancy, likelihood of dying in a war, number of people living in abject poverty, things are better than ever."
"People strive for an easier and safer life, and why shouldn’t they get it?"
"For better or worse, economics is intertwined with politics, personal opinions, and our quality of life on a personal, national, and global level."
"Life is like a play; it's not about how long it lasts, but how good it is."
"Life is not cheap, and the good life costs even more."
"I'd rather have manna and be free than have the best delicacies of life and be enslaved."
"Freedom from Want... means economic understandings which will secure to Every Nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world."
"Quality of life gets better as we get older."
"You deserve to sleep on a high-quality mattress that you love and that helps you sleep great so you feel great and you're ready to take on your day."
"People often assume they're adopting a lower quality of life by owning and buying less. We need to flip this narrative around and emphasize how sustainability is actually enhancing our quality of life."
"You should only be afraid of one thing, and that's living a crappy life."
"If we breathe better, we're going to live more."
"It is not pleasant, happy, or most importantly, hopeful to live in a country where power is based on fear."
"We live like gods compared to most of the human beings in history."
"Bipolar disorder is can be a difficult illness but it also can be treated, you can still live a good life."
"This is the only way for us to carry out the paramount mission of our organization and provide a decent life for present and future generations."
"The only thing stopping us from having full democracy and having a better quality of life for everyone is property law."
"Your level of mind dictates your quality of life."
"The goal of medication is to let your brain be calm so that you can enjoy life."
"Infrastructure has the power to shape millions of people's lives for the better, but only if it's built right."
"Sustainable cities invest in infrastructure and green policies to enhance quality of life for all residents."
"What you need for a high-quality life: friends, intimate relationships, meaningful work."
"When you master your emotions, life becomes very beautiful."
"My entire point always is to improve workplace conditions for everyone so they can also have some free time and pursue a life of dignity and find dignity in their work as well."
"I don't care what people say, money makes life easier."
"Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality of life."