
Reading Benefits Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"New learnings is big. Reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body."
"The real value of books is to sort of trigger an introspection."
"We are so absurdly lucky to live in a world where people have distilled a lifetime of experiences into a palatable, let's say 300-page novel."
"Reading exposes you to a wide range of words and phrases and expands your vocabulary."
"Reading... can actually enhance your vocabulary and the way that you speak."
"Over the years, I learned to read critically, and here's why that's great: You'll be able to form more coherent opinions and understand your own thoughts more."
"Reading can make you more empathetic and help you learn things about yourself and about others."
"If life were a video game, then reading is like cheat codes."
"The subtitle is the statement under the title that tells me what I will benefit if I read this book."
"The value of reading these books is that once you start to read 20, 50, 100, 200 books, what starts to happen is that...a lot of stuff gets interconnected."
"Reading... opened my eyes to what I've been wanting and missing out on."
"If physical media makes it more likely you spend your time reading books and watching movies... it's also exposing you to higher standards of language."
"I think reading, if it's available to you and if it's not something that you find burdensome, reading is really powerful."
"I think a book is good if you gain something from it whether that be enjoyment or a heightened appreciation for your own reality."
"Reading is one of the best ways to get used to different writing structures and formats."
"Get off the internet, read a [__] book like seriously that will help a lot of younger Generations problems."
"The most powerful thing you've taken away from reading is empathy."
"I just feel better and I have a better like night's sleep when I'm reading."
"Reading opens your world. It allows you to express and see yourself in places you can never imagine."
"If you haven't yet started reading audiobooks, I can wholeheartedly recommend."
"Reading helps to improve sentence structure and grammar. Yes, it does."
"Books hold most of the secrets of the world, most of the thoughts that men and women have. When you're reading a book, you and the author are alone together, just the two of you."
"Read a book and you're able to remember what you just read and you're able to, you know, give out the information that you just read so that book becomes the best book for you."
"Read them a lot: facts, ideas, geography... Fiction, reading, reading, reading."
"It's one thing to read these books, it's another thing to actually act on them and implement them in your life."
"More of the story reading is a pretty good habit."
"Improvisation skills and reading a lot of books will naturally develop your ability to prepare less."
"I think there is nothing more profoundly healing than the act of solitary reading... provided that what is being read is indeed permanent, deep, lasting work."
"It's just God's gift... if you're into self-education there's nothing like reading."
"This is a book that you can just get like an infinite number of things out of."
"Reading living books to my children every night has improved our relationship and so much more."
"It's just interesting to read books that kind of explore ideas of what could go wrong in the future... Dystopians are the kind of books that everyone should read, especially if you got into reading because of dystopians."
"Peace and tranquility. More books for everybody."
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't."
"Practice mindfulness, reading fiction, and writing to improve social cue understanding."
"Reading books like this and the other ones that I'm mentioning, they're just such an easy way to kind of stay connected with the positive and the happier things in life."
"Reading as a form of relaxation actually beats out drinking tea, going for a walk, or listening to music."
"Life to me, I read not just to be rich. I want to know."
"Reading is a very good way to maintain a foreign language."
"Read with children so that they read better."
"Educating myself... just reading in general is such a vital way for you to... put your energy into the things that actually fulfill you."
"I always read in bed just before I go to sleep because I feel like it really helps my eyes get tired and it just relaxes me."
"You'll be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read."
"Reading helps you with general comprehension, not only of the language but also of the subject you are reading."
"Reading helps you with a conversation. The more you read, the more your verbal skills grow."
"Reading just gets me off my phone, gets me out of my own head."
"Reading books in a foreign language helps to expand vocabulary and improve comprehension."
"Physical books allow for active engagement, note-taking, and a deeper connection with the author's consciousness."
"Reading is just in general such a great thing to spend your time on."
"Books tend to help me when I'm feeling down and make everything so much clearer."
"Reading one book a week can save you significant time."
"Being a voracious reader helped me build a billion-dollar brand."
"Reading is one of those things that actually expands that intention span a lot."
"Reading can lower the risk of dementia, increase emotional regulation, and increase verbal recall."
"You can start accessing these benefits as an adult who's just now getting into reading."
"Reading books can give you wisdom over time."
"Reading is powerful, that's why reading, especially reading stories, can be such a great way to learn the language."
"Read for 15 minutes read for 30 minutes ponder it think on it apply it in your life."
"Reading books regularly can help you widen your vocabulary."
"Read more; reading is to your mind what exercise is for your body."
"Reading books is weightlifting for the brain."
"Reading improves your ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others."
"I've talked in uh enough weird metaphors now let me just say it like this you could spend 40 euros on like a theater show or you could spend like 15 euros on this book that will give you hours and hours of the same experience."
"Every person who I speak to who is absolutely killing it or is extremely successful or intelligent they all read like they literally all read so I don't want to get left behind."
"Solar sails work by having a large sail that used the energy of sunlight to propel itself."
"You can never go wrong with reading to your child."
"Reading both fiction and non-fiction have changed my life... it allows you to learn pretty much anything that has ever been written down."
"Keep your head in the clouds and your heart in a book."
"Reading is the strongest signal for success in the future." - Oprah Winfrey
"Books are by essence prescriptions. People read books because they want prescriptions. This is so common sense."
"The one upside about it, the one upside of less travel, less meetings, less dinners out with friends is that it has been more time for reading."
"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it."
"It feels good to be able to read that I'm helping people out."
"Reading is peaceful. It puts you in another mind state."
"Reading is relaxing. It settles your mind and makes you smarter so do it."
"Books were no longer a chore but an opportunity."
"Read more to understand the perspectives of others."
"Reading is therapeutic and relaxing. A break from all social media."
"Reading I think it's really like therapy Dec and you can really just switch off for a bit which is something I don't often do but yeah thank you for watching as always bye for now."
"The more that you read, the more places you will go."
"Reading improves your own vocabulary, your own intellect, and it keeps your mind sharp."
"Reading activates a different part of your brain. Read every day."
"Reading is still viewed as one of the most relaxing and beneficial hobbies or habits that people can easily pick up."
"Books are amazing and we can't stop preaching about reading since it's also a habit of rich and successful people."
"When you read a book written by somebody... you can absorb 50 years of knowledge education and experience in one book."
"Read during downtime to improve comprehension and speech patterns."
"Reading a book is like a healthy and nourishing four-course meal compared to junk food for the brain."
"Reading is a transformative endeavor that broadens your horizons and sharpens your intellect."
"The more things you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you will go." - Dr. Seuss
"Reading is one of the greatest things you can do."
"Read every single day. It will change your life."
"Read a lot. It will enlarge your mind in so many ways."
"Books are a really large source and wealth of information for me."
"Reading is on the way to gain more and more knowledge."
"Write down all the takeaway points and lessons from the books you read."
"Books and not just random books, business books, personal development books, those sorts of books are going to have skills in them and allow you to win."
"Reading is important guys yep and Mom says when we read it's like we're going on an adventure in our brains wow."
"Reading is extremely important... intellectually if you read a lot of books you will definitely advance... become smarter and... see the world through a different lens."
"Biographies have been the most useful thing I've ever invested my time in."
"Reading is where people who write really take the time to craft beautiful sentences in the language."
"So, books matter more for high attendance, they matter the most."
"There's no such thing as a successful person who isn't constantly reading."
"I've been reading books recently to help my sleep, and it has been working."
"creativity comes from unexpected places it doesn't come from the places that you frequent the places you go to of books give you a little window into new world"
"If you're looking for contentment, just read the Quran."
"Reading is just really good it really does kind of calm me down there's no technology and it just like put your mindset in the right state of mind before falling asleep."
"Reading opens so many doors and I think that by opening those doors have a more battle we can have a better world like come on everyone pick up a book."
"I love reading because it gives me a healthy mental escape from my reality."
"Read every day; it's therapeutic and stimulates the mind."
"When you actually read this stuff, you actually have a different understanding."
"Get this book. Read it. It will absolutely change your life."
"Anything that makes you think is good enough to read."
"Anything can be achieved by reading books and doing things that readers do."
"By the end of the book, it's like my ability to process language into comprehension becomes so much better."
"It's such a personal, intimate experience and sometimes the intention of saying I'm gonna sit and read, which obviously takes a little bit of brain power, is an important place to introduce into your daily habits."
"The decision to make time to read is the single greatest investment."
"Reading is like participating in a dialogue with the greatest minds."
"Just encourage them to read and if they're not old enough to read themselves read to them. That is like the bottom line most important thing you can do for your kids is give them a love of reading."
"Reading is really the one thing they can do for fun that's going to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary."
"The more you read, the better you read."
"I value reading as my primary source of self-development for virtually no cost."
"The main thing that we lose by not reading novels is a lack of empathy."
"I always turn to books for solace and that's something I always really hope to give my viewers on this channel is just that joy and comfort of books."
"I think one of the superpowers that books have that is that people desire now is being able to cover something in great depth and breadth."
"You've got to read good books... it just gives you the edge."
"Read more... It's like an untapped source of wisdom or knowledge and secrets waiting for you to absorb it."
"The importance of reading, sometimes the problem you are going through, it is because of maybe you and your mother or your father."
"Every leader is a reader, and every committed reader is a potential leader."
"A man who doesn't read only lives once, the man who reads lives a thousand lives."
"The more you read, the better you will be."
"You want your guys to be reading books because you want them to develop and be thinking in a different way."
"Books are great, but I think the best thing about books is that it can take you from zero capital to living good."
"Read as much as you can. The more you read, the better."
"The problem with being too busy to read is that you learn by experience, or by your men's experience, i.e., the hard way. By reading, you learn through others' experiences, generally a better way to do business."
"Read man read... when you're reading like you're training your mind to become better at thinking and to become better at visualizing."
"Reading is good for you, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, it's good for you."
"Reading is a wonderful way to learn and to bring joy into our lives."
"That's why people should read the classics."
"I've been feeling really burnt out lately and something that just brings me peace of mind is knowing that I can get into my bed at night and read a book."
"Reading is a superpower; it improves writing, vocabulary, focus, and communication skills."
"Reading is such a fantastic thing; it trains your brain, it expands your vocabulary."
"It's good to read, man. It sharpens your mind a little bit."
"Young adult books allow us to see the joys of reading."
"Can a book give me X-ray vision?" "No, but reading books makes you smart."
"Reading books makes you very smart."
"We need more people reading and people spending time sitting on their ass watching TV and other [stuff], so read a book."
"People who read books regularly actually have longer life spans, lower disease risk... it's stress management basically."
"At least I read to improve my brain, not just to entertain it."
"Choose things that you find interesting on any subject and enjoy the experience of reading."
"Reading is the best kind of mental exercise for you."
"Reading books is food for the soul."
"Reading is a strong tie that impacts all other areas of learning and helps improve friendships, mental well-being, and even physical health."
"It's just good to have books like that, and they're actually so cool."
"I ought to start reading again too, maybe not all day, but a little here and there, just to keep my own brains flexible."
"Reading means a lot to me. Reading to me means escape, it means education, it means growing, it means becoming a better person."
"If you're not reading these and feeding on them, you're really missing out."
"It really helps me read more and sleep well."