
Life Extension Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The pursuit of constantly challenging our minds to expand might not shorten our life. Engaging in activities that stimulate neuroplasticity could potentially extend it."
"The longer you live, the longer you get to live... every year you live, you get another three months extra of life."
"Every year you live, you get another year to live. That's like Moore's law for human beings."
"We could easily approach a time where every year you live, you get another year of life. And that's when the world becomes super interesting."
"Imagine a world where you could extend your life... It's not about living forever, it's about living healthier and longer."
"Life extension is definitely really important to me."
"Spend 20 years working in life insurance predicting when people were going to die to the nearest month and now he's on a mission to extend your life."
"It is the 28th of August, 2014, and the Alcor Life Extension Foundation is receiving a new client. You can't call this person a patient, however, as they are deceased."
"The chance to come back and live for who knows how long, hundreds, thousands of years... you could always check out, so it's an option."
"It's pretty cool. There's actually life extension that's happening because of stem cell research."
"It's been liberating for them; it's adding years on to their lives."
"I'm not scared of dying... but would I like the opportunity to live on? I would like the opportunity to live on."
"I'm a teacher. I've always been a teacher. That's all I do, and almost everything I do in my life is an extension of my teaching."
"The best examples of the pharmaceutical industry not only helping but significantly extending life."
"This is the big thing about radical life extension. It is not necessarily an incremental approach... It can, and indeed probably will be, something where almost overnight the human lifespan suddenly leaps to be 3 or 400 years."
"So what would that be like? How would that alter our civilization?"
"It’s kind of mind-boggling to contemplate the degree of expertise someone can acquire working in a field for centuries."
"How can we at least make a real attempt at living forever forever forever?"
"You know, zombie Gray always likes to say on this: all science, all medicine is life extension technology."
"It's two different things, right? So the transhumanist agenda for those that can afford it is you're going to be able to remain in your biological body and the advancements will allow you to at least double your lifespan."
"Everyone’s got a right to their own perspective but the usual reasons for not trying are that it’s unethical to extend our lives, because it’s unnatural, or that we’ll get bored."
"The spice extends life, the spice expands consciousness."
"We will use AI to probably cure most forms of cancer or figure out the secret code to life longevity."
"A good man thinks about prolonging life for his family."
"He presents a very reasonable and and reasoned line of thinking I don't know what to call it that proposes that we we don't have to die when we do and we don't have to age the way that we do."
"It's just like unplugging a computer from the wall, basically. The system shuts off and in principle, we could live forever if you just figure out how to repair this body."
"Technology seeks to end aging, disease, and death."
"A civilization in the 22nd century is very likely to have radical life extension technology as well as stasis options like freezing, they’re fairly interconnected tech that are likely to be something where you have both not either."
"If we all basically lived... twice our current length... I don't think I would ever have wanted to argue with anybody about canonical matters."
"Life extension: Don't expect to get bored." - Longevity and boredom
"If you made it through quarantine, you can add an additional three to five years to yourself."
"As Preppers know, it is better to be prepared than to be scared. That applies whether you're trying to extend your life or whether you're coming to grips with your own death. Preparation is important."
"The doctor’s primary mission in life is to offer humanity’s greatest minds a way to extend their life and fulfill their full potential."
"If we extend Life by one year... we will add about 37 trillion dollars of value to the economy."
"If you cured all the age-related diseases... you could see a 30 or 40 year life extension."
"Meaning and purpose in your life... you have a seven-year life extension."
"You know I'm lucky as a physician I've got this new drug that actually extends life for everybody."
"Metabolic therapy can't cure cancer, but it can allow the patient to live longer."
"I still think that we should try to extend life beyond Earth and have a base on Mars."
"Advancements in medicine will ultimately defeat cancer and other incurable diseases, thus significantly elevating the longevity of human life."
"Getting your blood pressure under control is one of the few things you can do, without question, to extend your life."
"This will let you live 20 amazing years longer... trust me, it works."
"The therapies that I've told you about so far, I believe, have a respectable chance of giving us an additional 30 years or so of extra life."
"Radical life extension really doesn't make any sense because unless you extend our ability to use that radical life."
"Those who own a dog drastically and significantly extend their lives."
"Just because of that one trial drug, we got an extra year and a half with my dad."
"I think happiness is a big part of your longevity."
"What if you could radically slow down or even suspend the aging process and live for much longer?"
"We can increase lifespan by 10 to 15 percent, sometimes more."
"Life is a contract. If you stay healthy, you get to renew your contract to stay here a little longer."
"If we're going to have potential survival as a species, we have to extend the wall of life."
"I'm trying to figure out how to extend 100 years. That's really the number one thing that interests me."
"It is his chance to extend his life."
"The Horizon looks bright for age extension and life extension and biological extension."
"Life extension continues to make progress."
"Longevity escape velocity: for every year that you're alive, science is extending your life for more than a year."
"You can delete senescent cells, you can take someone else's organs or grow your own in the dish or have a pig grow you're on with all that put down if that all worked I would challenge anybody to say that that wouldn't allow people to live a lot longer."
"Every additional month of life is offering a week of additional life extension just based on the technologies associated with it."
"They live so long and they may live thousands, they may live tens of thousands of years, they may never even really die and go from one maybe cubicle body to the next because the technology is such."
"What this treatment means for me and other patients who need this option is hope, promise, and most importantly, time."
"Isn't it ironic that you're so obsessed with trying to help people live longer and yet you're putting no effort into being less miserable?"
"But is it going to be the elixir of life? I'd say no chance."
"We extend people's lives, that's what you're doing."
"Imagine a world where you're going to live a great deal longer."
"You're gonna live for thousands of years. Do you understand what that means?"
"It would be nice if we could extend lifespan without deterioration, but seems somewhat unlikely."
"I wonder a whole summer if you can, time will not be taken from the sum of life; instead of shortening, it will definitely lengthen it and make you truly immortal." - John Muir
"I think I've actually made your life longer."
"If you're for universal healthcare, you better be for life extension."
"Life extension technology... really de-aging and repairing the human body so that physiologically you could live for an indefinite amount of time."
"It would be a shame not to extend my life, if I could."
"Having a cat living under your roof easily extends your subscription to life."
"I tried everything I possibly could to extend his life and give him a better comfort of life."
"Calorie restriction does not make aging go in reverse; it slows aging down."
"I'd like to live a bit longer, please. Just a couple of years, just long enough to see the people I love settled and happy."
"It's extending people's lives, it's also helping people with an income."
"When we talk about a treatment that can add 10 to 18 months to a person's life, we're also talking about more time that 19 children could have with the grandmother they loved."
"In this context, a drug that extends life, whether by 6, 10, or 18 months, has more than demonstrated sufficient evidence of effectiveness."
"In every country, every continent, you get about a two-year life extension by raising serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D levels."
"Life extension is good, and more muscle is good, and the whole Icarus narrative is wrong. The Wright brothers are right; Icarus is a myth."
"With the right therapy, even what we have now, you could probably live to 120, 130."
"Life can be prolonged by the strength of will alone."
"An hour of running may add seven hours to your life."
"The operation can be done, that it actually prolongs life indefinitely, and that I alone know the secret."
"The real question that we're all trying to answer or ought to be trying to answer is what is it that can slow aging."
"I'm trying to be the first man to live to 150."
"I would like to live an extra 15 years, healthy 15 years, and just continue my life knowing what I know now."
"Getting close to nature is a way to extend one's life."
"Provenge has been demonstrated to prolong life in people even with very advanced cancers."
"The number of things we do that extend life, make people live longer, feel better is really unprecedented."
"Caloric restriction is the only documented proven life extension that seems to work."
"Aging is a mental event as much as a physical event, and a shift in mindset could actually add seven years to your life."
"Wanna give Ava more years? Yes, of course, yes."
"I had expanded my life and increased it by a third."
"For every minute you bring to me, I shall grant you years of life."
"Studies show dogs can actually extend your life."
"We're after death, that we actually can meaningfully change the way we think about age, aging, deterioration, rejuvenation."
"If we can figure out a way to beef up and maintain our telomeres, we could significantly expand our lifespan."
"What we are offering you is quality life extension and quality of life."
"15 years from now, we'll be adding more than a year every year to your remaining life expectancy."
"A lot of people are working longer because they're also living longer."
"It promises not just radical life extension, but frankly, it promises to redefine what it means to be human altogether."
"Hey man, I can't thank you enough for that, and that guy's literally going to prolong my life."
"It's going to bring a lot of closure and possibly extend life."
"Vaccines are one of the best uses of our money in terms of extending the lives of population."
"Magic was just a way to prolong life. Humanity needed a much greater power."
"Whatever increases the average health span and lifespan on earth is longevity for me."
"God loves you and God wants to extend your life."
"Reconnect to the nature that's welcoming you back into her fellowship to extend your life."