
Mistakes Quotes

There are 7086 quotes

"Understanding that this repetition and making mistakes is okay, and that your brain is going to fire off that dopamine when you get it right, and your brain will sort out the right from the wrong later on, and while you sleep as well."
Justin Sandercoe
"Smart people learn from their own mistakes; wise people learn from the mistakes of others."
"There's nothing wrong with making stupid mistakes; it's something we all do throughout our entire lives."
"Let's be real, if everyone's mistakes were recorded, where would we all be at?"
"Learn from the mistakes of others... A wise man learns from the mistakes of others."
"Never compromise the big mistake I see many entrepreneurs make is that they compromise."
"I think the best way to avoid mistakes actually is to read. Just read, read, read, read, and learn about life and history and the way things have been done right and wrong."
"Men learn from their mistakes, wise men learn from the mistakes of others."
"Mistakes are the best opportunities for learning and growth that we have."
"The good enough parent makes just enough mistakes that the child has to figure some of this stuff out on their own."
"Be willing to make mistakes. Anything is possible, but you have to be willing to try and make mistakes and keep getting better each and every day."
"People make mistakes, but that shouldn't mean that they are entirely condemned for the rest of their days."
"We live in a process of learning. There's nothing wrong with being wrong and correcting as long as you acknowledge your mistake and you correct yourself."
"We all do make mistakes and I think apologizing is a step towards making things right."
"I am 100% grateful for [my mistakes] because it changed who I am and I can finally live an authentic life."
"I like players that are maybe they do more mistakes but they are much more spontaneous rather than players that prepare everything."
"Acknowledging your mistakes is crucial for personal growth and healing."
"The irony is that it's the fear of not making a mistake that actually creates regret in your life."
"Sometimes in life, you make a whoopsie, but just get back up. You'll be all right."
"You are human, you will make mistakes. Hopefully, you'll make a whole lot of them because that means you are trying, and trying means you are fully alive."
"Here's to making more mistakes, here's to living, and here's to appreciating the ebbs and flows of life."
"People [mess] up. Some mistakes you truly can't come back from and you have to face consequences."
"It is a part of God's plan that you make mistakes because then when you do win, you've got a path to examine and you've got a grateful heart."
"After getting super clear on their dreams, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not taking any action at all."
"You can't make everybody happy, and you can't possibly expect to live life without mistakes, but you can use what you've learned from past experiences."
"Human beings, even if they choose to do things not the smartest, we all learn from our mistakes."
"What world were you taught that you are not allowed to make mistakes? Who do you think you are for saying that I'm not allowed to grow, I'm not allowed to change, I'm not allowed to make mistakes and come back from them?"
"You are human, you're allowed to make mistakes. We don't just get born and we just live life and we're perfect about everything."
"If we take an eraser and erase completely all of our mistakes, how can we learn from them?"
"Learn to help those who've made a mistake... People make mistakes; we all make mistakes."
"Making mistakes actually is not only not bad, but it's what makes you more human and relatable."
"Everybody's gonna make mistakes. We are human beings; we are flawed."
"You have to make mistakes to learn sometimes."
"Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process."
"Every generation looks back in wonder at the incredible mistakes of our forebears."
"In the syntax of life, every error is a lesson, and every lesson a step forward."
"Those mistakes made me the person I am today. And I'm like, 'Yeah, that's the problem.'"
"Condemnation tells you that you are a mistake. Conviction tells you that you made a mistake."
"I don't care about the mistake. It's not the mistake I care about; it's what you do after the mistake that I care about."
"Learning from mistakes can be really, really helpful."
"Mistakes are a part of growing up, and that's what Ariel's story is about."
"A smart man will learn from his mistakes, but a wise man will learn from someone else's mistakes."
"People like people who are fallible, who make mistakes, and want to own them and get redemption."
"People make more mistakes when they're not challenged, when they don't have to explain things and get others to go along with it."
"We all make mistakes every single day, myself included."
"Bad choices are the human experience. It's called being human. You're not a human being if you're not being human."
"Mistakes make grace necessary, and then growth through the process is God's intention for the grace."
"God is not counting you out. Just because you've made mistakes, God is not counting you out."
"Reconnect with the people who love you after you've made some horrific mistakes."
"Men learn from their mistakes, and wise men learn from the mistakes of others."
"There is no such thing as mistakes, just happy accidents."
"You cannot learn to juggle mistake-free, you can't learn to play guitar on the first try, and you can't learn to dodge all of this without a little bit of trial and error."
"I hope you're making mistakes; very, very important when you're learning anything."
"Everybody makes mistakes, and so it's okay if you make mistakes, too."
"Everybody makes mistakes. What really stands out is the willingness and open-mindedness to accept their mistakes and change their behavior."
"We all make mistakes; some are small, some are big, and some are bigger, much, much bigger."
"Knowing that nobody's had a perfect career ever... that's kind of freeing, knowing that you're going to screw up and make mistakes." - Anna Kendrick
"If you're building a product that people love, you can make a lot of mistakes, and I think that's like, and I don't know, it's I just think that the lesson to other folks from that is focus on building something that people really like."
"Learn from the mistakes of others; that's one of the greatest opportunities that we have."
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes...mistakes are like little clues on how to improve."
"One way to learn to do something right is, first, do it wrong."
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors."
"Learning a language is all about making mistakes and learning from those mistakes."
"As human beings, we make mistakes, we grow, we change, and we continue with our life."
"Engineers value making mistakes and errors because that's an opportunity to learn."
"We all make mistakes, you know. We're all doing the best we can."
"One of the biggest mistakes a man or woman can make is to let someone think that no matter what they do, you will stay."
"Physical rejection is painful and it does change things quickly... but emotional rejection is subtle, it does damage over a long period of time."
"Make bold choices and make mistakes. It's all those things that add to the person you become."
"Don't have fear of making mistakes because you know, mistakes do happen; it's part of the learning lesson of life."
"Learning from other people's mistakes is a whole lot cheaper than having to get in there and learn from your own mistakes."
"Make mistakes, but make note of the mistakes so that when you're in the heat of the battle, you know what to do."
"If you make mistakes, you can always erase them, sometimes."
"It's okay to make a move that maybe flops... It's okay for me to just choose to learn from that mistake."
"Your experiences are some of the best teachers in the world, even if you make mistakes."
"Your mistakes could be the aspect in your life that changes you, the aspect that makes you realize what you can do."
"Mistakes are a necessary part of the learning process."
"His grace more than makes up for our mistakes."
"You're supposed to do dumb []. That's the only way that you get to be an adult, a polished adult, is to do dumb []."
"I'm not afraid of making mistakes because I know that the minute I make it, I will learn from it."
"Permission to make mistakes is so freeing; it is the root of creativity and change."
"Chess is a very difficult game, and there are small mistakes creeping in everywhere. That happens for everybody."
"A wise man learns from his mistakes; a wiser man learns from the mistakes of others."
"One of the biggest mistakes we make is getting too comfortable."
"It was my tuition, so you have to learn, be willing to make mistakes, and then be willing to grow from those mistakes."
"We learn from the mistakes of others, but we learn much more quickly from our own mistakes."
"You have to learn, be willing to make mistakes, and then be willing to grow from those mistakes."
"You're going to make mistakes right in life. Nothing goes perfect, so this is great because you have to roll with the punches."
"Making mistakes is part of the development process, and you just have to learn to fix them."
"I actually like leaving these mistakes on screen because it shows you, one, I'm not perfect, and that making mistakes is part of the development process."
"Experience is making mistakes and learning from them."
"If people put effort into learning from their mistakes rather than putting effort into defending their mistakes, then we'd be in a much better place."
"If you make a mistake, apologize for it and move past it."
"I'll make my own mistakes till I'm wrong in all the right away."
"I'm gonna make mistakes, and y'all gotta work with me and look at me as a human."
"I have made many mistakes in my life... I'm currently seeking therapy to work on myself and to be a better person."
"Life is not about not making mistakes; it's about making mistakes that are reasonable given the circumstances."
"It's not a bad thing to make mistakes and have regrets because without those, you don't learn anything and you don't know what's wrong and right."
"Finding meaning in life comes from actually living it, making mistakes, and navigating the challenges that life presents."
"All you do is learn from it, try not to make that same mistake again, and if you make it a second time, shame on you."
"Every time I made a mistake, I've learned from it and improved myself."
"Mistakes are complete illusions and devil energy. They are lessons."
"Being able to own up to the fact that we're not perfect and that sometimes we make mistakes makes it so you have a better, more understanding, and more trusting relationship."
"Learning from mistakes is just as useful, if not even better, than just learning what's right."
"If you do not learn from your mistakes, you are bound to repeat it."
"Life is all about learning from mistakes, and you're gonna make a ton of them."
"If you don't make mistakes, you're not pushing yourself; you're not taking yourself out of your comfort zone."
"It's not the mistakes of our youth that define us, but how we grow and learn from them."
"There is no such thing as a mistake, we learn quickly when we do things that do not match our true desires and who we really are."
"There are no mistakes. There really aren't any, because you have a supreme destiny."
"A lot of young people aspire to the idea that actually when you're young and you've got nothing to lose, you can afford to make more mistakes."
"In every mistake, there's a potential for growth that we wouldn't have discovered otherwise."
"Recognize the value in mistakes: unless you knew what you don't want, you would not know what you want."
"Learning what not to do is just as important as learning what to do."
"Everyone makes mistakes, why would we ever get angry at such a trivial matter?"
"It's not possible for humans to be without mistakes. Also, to make a mistake then gives you the opportunity to grow."
"You'll screw up all sorts of ways, and it doesn't matter because you start right back up again."
"We all make mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes we make are very small and they don't really matter too much in the grand scheme of things."
"What mistakes do is they chip away at your illusions, the false impressions of what a true career is, what it means to be a true professional."
"Understanding why we make mistakes in life is really, really important."
"When people make mistakes, they don't really understand what led them to make that mistake."
"It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I felt so ashamed, often all I wanted to do was make it right."
"We don't make mistakes, only happy accidents."
"Each of those mistakes makes a huge pile, and people are pointing to the pile and you're going, 'But it's a mistake, it's a mistake.' No, it's a pile, dude."
"As you get older, you realize that people are human and you make mistakes."
"If you want to be a little bit more decisive, you've got to be a little bit more open to making mistakes."
"I have made so many mistakes in the past, and I'm now trying to fix them."
"I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn."
"Growth mindset is willingness to learn, make mistakes. You're not so caught up in being right."
"It's okay to make a mistake, but if you make the same mistake on repeat occasions, you're just being foolish."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but still, the solution does not lie in the past; it's in the future."
"Doing something wrong a thousand times doesn't constitute experience."
"Everybody makes mistakes; everybody does things they regret."
"The only mistake you can truly make is to not be reflective about it."
"It's easy to look back and realize what a terrible mistake I've made."
"The gravity of those vows we take says, 'For Better or For Worse.' That means there will be mistakes."
"Mistakes and all, I think it worked out really well."
"Another issue with Qualified Immunity and the Section 1983 is that reasonable mistakes can be made."
"You kind of need to have an environment where you're going to accept a certain level of mistakes."
"I hope you can all learn from the past so that these mistakes are never made in the future."
"Don't worry, I'll save your progress, always. Even your mistakes."
"You make mistakes and you just learn from them. That's all you can really do."
"There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents."
"He's young, he's gonna be naive, he's gonna make mistakes. Help him, man. He's trying."
"You will make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous and true, and also fierce, you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her."
"I should have made nothing if I had not made mistakes."
"Your health bar in any game is the amount of mistakes you are allowed to make before you have to retry."
"I don't want to let my mistakes define me. I think a person is defined by how they recover from their mistakes."
"You must push your limits and make mistakes in order to improve... it's really the only way to improve."
"Everyone makes mistakes, so just try to find something you could do to help."
"You got to learn from your mistakes and realize what you could have done better."
"Look, guys, we all make mistakes, and then maybe he's a little bit happier about it."
"It's called life. You try to minimize the mistakes, but you're going to make mistakes as a parent, they're going to make mistakes as a kid."
"The hardest mistakes to see are the ones that we make, not the ones that other people make."
"Just a reminder of the worst mistake you've ever made. Curiosity killed the cat."
"Color is overrated and underrated a lot of people think that's all you need to know with art...but it'll help you stop making huge errors that could otherwise ruin a scene."
"Mistakes happen but when they do we're committed to making sure they get fixed." - The War Owl
"They've inadvertently shot themselves in the foot crushing the euro and now people are running away from the US dollar."
"At least I learned what not to do, and that is always a valuable lesson."
"No harm, happy accidents, as Bob Ross would say."
"People's journeys are always at their most emotionally powerful when they're fueled by mistakes and tragedies."
"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."
"This is another one of those videos where I tell you about the really stupid things I've done in my life so that you never have to go and do those things."
"Everything's fine, I just, I kind of screwed up things with Zelda a little bit."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but it's not excusable to make mistakes if you're never going to hold yourself accountable."
"That's what life is about: making mistakes and learning from them."
"I'd rather play The Mind where your mistakes are much more forgivable."
"The biggest mistakes in investing is selling your winners too early."
"Mistakes are human and mistake is a key to human improvement and a key to self-reflection."
"There are a lot of interesting philosophical and political ideas at play in both of this series' worlds."
"Short memory... don't dwell on your mistakes."
"It's okay to make mistakes because that's how you learn."
"Mistakes are the tuition you pay for your future success."
"In order to become wise, you gotta first become a fool. I did a lot of foolish mistakes and I gained a lot of wisdom from it."
"Those who ignore the lessons from the mistakes of history are bound to repeat them."
"I made pretty much every mistake that someone could possibly make."
"When you forest when you should mountain, you're gonna have a bad time."
"You didn't have bad intentions. You just went about this badly."
"That's the right thing to do, except that you made a mess. Make amends and move on."
"Life is about making mistakes, but you can't take them back."
"There's a difference between doing the wrong thing and doing something that caused the death of somebody."
"Sometimes in life we are invited to step out of our integrity... and we do stuff wrong. It's just part of being human."
"The only way to learn is by trial and error, it's nothing like it 'cause you won't hopefully repeat the same mistakes over again."
"Mistakes are only problems if you don't learn from them."
"Aaron was doomed after the first half mile of the trip. There were so many mistakes and poor decisions made by everyone involved."
"I'm a f*cking human, I make mistakes, everybody makes mistakes."
"Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has the opportunity to fix them and grow from them but you have to actually do that."
"Learning from her wrong turns can hopefully help other people make the right turn."
"One of the reasons why we care so much about separation of powers and checks and balances is unilateral actions by single individuals often lead to very serious mistakes."
"People with mental health sometimes make mistakes and they should be able to have a second chance."
"We've screwed up energy, and when you screw up energy, you've screwed up everything."
"You're gonna learn more from trying and making your own mistakes than you'll ever learn from me sitting here and trying to lecture you."
"You're not going to really learn anything by hitting a hundred percent. You have to make mistakes."
"The worst mistake we can make is to gloss over the hard lessons of history."
"Who Among Us has never done anything that could get you canceled."
"Humans make mistakes, it's part of the wonder and comedy that makes humans so fascinating."
"Every single mistake is permanent. You can make up for it, but you can never take back something that you've done."
"It's not illegal to make a mistake while you're driving it is though if you're driving while intoxicated."
"Don't fault yourself if along the way you make a mistake or you miss a stock."
"The only thing better than learning from your mistakes is learning from someone else's."