
Accomplishment Quotes

There are 21604 quotes

"Laughing at oneself reminds us that perfection is impossible, but that really incredible feats of accomplishment or creativity come from having a lightness and a humor."
"Instead of focusing on what isn't done, focus on what you have accomplished."
"It's amazing what can be accomplished when people come together."
"Feeling and knowing that you've used your life in a way that makes yourself proud. That you're proud of you, you felt like, what a journey, and I just left it all out on the field."
"If today is my last day on earth, do I feel like I've accomplished everything I could have until this point?"
"Paul Graham...put her on the very short list of a couple people...as the most impressive people."
"It's not the money that matters, it's not the attention that matters, it's the inner feeling you have that you have accomplished something."
"Most great human accomplishments are the result of people taking bold actions in the face of almost certain failure."
"It doesn't matter how busy or efficient we are; what matters is how much we accomplish at the end of the day."
"Honestly, the best collaboration I've done so far."
"You can be really impressed by what has been accomplished here while also being really scared for what it means about the future."
"Creating anything and completing it, that's the good feel."
"The amount of time that it took me to do this stuff today while also trying to babysit Leo really slowed me down, but I'm glad that it's finally done."
"Damn, another side mission complete. Now it's time for me to get back to the main story."
"Between last year's birthday and this year's birthday, you will have made a complete trek around the Sun, and you're not even an astronaut."
"Let's go! R fam, we just caught our first fish!"
"Gratitude...being happy for what you've accomplished so far."
"It's so important to identify within yourself what really matters and then find a way to accomplish it."
"You can accomplish anything, but you can't do everything."
"I thought you were superb today; you deserve those goals."
"Life is filled with problems, and our job in life is to solve those problems. When we solve those problems, we feel accomplished, and then we get freedom to celebrate, to rejoice, and to feel accomplished."
"With boundless energy, you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible."
"What's the point in doing something awesome if you are not in a position to appreciate the accomplishment because you constantly need more?"
"After so many years of development to watch this thing fly, that was fantastic."
"There is a wonderful feeling of completion and accomplishment when you win, and it's Second To None."
"I cannot believe that just happened. We have 58 minutes to go."
"It was a sense of accomplishment radiating from us."
"You're going to feel very accomplished, and it's like that feeling like you're making enough money to feel very financially comfortable."
"If you would like to accomplish something, you must first expect it of yourself."
"To me, happiness is a real sense of peace and accomplishment."
"I know what the hell I'm doing. I've been president. I put this country back on its feet."
"He has been the most accomplished president in modern history."
"You did good, kid. Very proud of you indeed."
"It's time to call it a day, being a fantastic day of test match cricket."
"All things are possible to him who has faith because faith sees, recognizes the power that means accomplishment."
"Your innate ability to build and create brings you a deep sense of accomplishment."
"In the most extreme environment you've ever been to, you made it."
"We did it and not have any regrets... like there's no regrets, this was amazing."
"I'm so proud of myself for putting my mind to something and getting it done."
"Nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished solo."
"Judge a person not by what they accomplish but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment."
"The joy and the meaning and the impact of seeing my wife accomplish something in her business... like it's so much more impactful and meaningful than the best one-night stand I ever had."
"Work provides a sense of accomplishment, belonging, and self-worth."
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
"You don't want to just have the experience of climbing a fourteener or think that you've climbed it; you want to do it. But doing it is essential in order to feel that accomplishment."
"Everything that you will ever become, ever accomplish, and do starts in your mind. Your mind is powerful."
"Whenever a game tells you what to do, it robs you from the sense of accomplishment that you get from figuring out how to do it."
"You're doing something amazing and you should be proud of it."
"I feel so good about this, actually the coolest thing ever."
"Look at the crew, everyone's together, and an amazing amount of bravery was determined, was calculated."
"Success is coming in; this is not just any old card of success, this is success, victory, even public recognition, and feeling quite accomplished."
"Her toils are passed, her work is done, she fought the fight, the victory is won."
"Blessed is the man who strives against his own selfishness; he will taste in its fullness the joy of accomplishment."
"This actually might be my greatest ever accomplishment."
"My biggest accomplishment so far, to myself, I feel like is being able to provide for my mom and dad."
"These little victories make me feel capable."
"It was nice to have something every day that, by the end of the day, good, bad, or indifferent, it was something that I had put my stamp on."
"My greatest accomplishment is that I had turned my greatest weakness into my greatest strength."
"Eisenhower's biggest accomplishment was the massive role in the creation of the interstate highway system."
"This has got to be the best one you've ever made."
"Now I don't know about you guys, but I would be partying all night with my dogs and my action figures if I became the ultimate speedrunner."
"We need to feel like we have agency in the world, like we can accomplish things and be effective."
"It means a great deal to me and to the guys that put this together."
"You did exactly what the [__] you set out to do."
"You scored the goal, Pedro, so you get the trophy. But we all scored the goal together, Peppa, as a team."
"Sometimes your greatest accomplishments come in an environment of self-doubt."
"It's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far."
"Difficulty was never the goal. What we set out to do was strictly to provide a sense of accomplishment."
"Luxury is connected to the human emotion of accomplishment."
"You excelled. It was just done nicely, and sharp, and meticulously."
"I'm so proud of my daughter, Marissa, and all that she's accomplished."
"The fact that I could get out of bed and go brush my teeth was an accomplishment in itself."
"Man, does it feel good to finally punch Micah."
"It's one of the most visually striking games in the past few years, and it shows just how much can really be accomplished with relatively little."
"I am very proud of my wife, what she did today."
"I'm the youngest, and I'm doing good things at this age."
"Confidence comes from just accomplishing things that you want to accomplish and being proud of yourself."
"Confidence comes from accomplishment, accomplishment comes from taking another step after another step."
"Take that hacker; we built a zoo and saved all the animals."
"It is amazing to know that we have a Precision lock on Target."
"This was a really fun challenge and the sense of accomplishment afterwards, and being able to share it with all of you, definitely made it worth it."
"Big congratulations for how amazing that's doing, man. It's brilliant stuff."
"Congratulations to you. You might not have walked across a stage, but you have accomplished something amazing."
"Indeed it did. The tidal basin is full of fresh, clean water now."
"Did we win? Did we beat the Enclave? Yes, we most certainly did."
"Real life accomplishments... video games can sometimes cannibalize the sense of achievement that people should and would get from real life accomplishments."
"I declare the end from the beginning... My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all of my good pleasure."
"I'm really proud of you and what you did in your life."
"It was an exciting experience to see the result of hours of hard work."
"Frank, it flies." — "That was bloody well what it was designed to do, isn't it?"
"What makes people happy is when they accomplish things that weren't always easy."
"There is nothing too great of accomplishment for the man who knows the power of his word and who follows his intuitive leads."
"Without a doubt, the most accomplished featherweight champion of all time."
"Everything you worked for, including any obstacles that you faced, you've overcome them now and this is about you moving forward."
"Night game is honestly one of the most rewarding and funnest ways to capitalize in terms of you feel the most accomplished."
"Judge a person not by what they accomplished but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment."
"You fixed it, you made it work, and you have, you feel, a great, great sense of achievement."
"Public sentiment is everything. With it, you can accomplish almost anything; without it, practically nothing."
"You did good, son. You did good. I'm proud of you."
"I think it's an accomplishment just completing a course like this."
"Yes, I got a dragon! What do you guys think about it?"
"Genuine ethical accomplishment is the best source of security."
"I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you."
"Competence leads to accomplishments, which then inevitably leads to confidence."
"My motivation is really love... I'm motivated because I want to accomplish and do the most I can for my children and for you."
"It's something that we never thought we'd be able to do, and here we are, doing it. We just want to say we love you guys, thank you for watching."
"You've done everything you needed to do. You did a great job. You don't owe anybody anything."
"How bad can you be if you've been doing anything in life for 70 years? You have to be good at it, right?"
"This was the first time in a long while that I proved to myself that I could do something that I thought was genuinely impossible, which is a feeling I missed a lot, and it's quite a beautiful one."
"I did really good though, like really good. Crushed that."
"It feels good to have ownership of the label I was a part of at the beginning of my career."
"Another decluttering project is done, and it feels so so good."
"And now, yes! Celebration! That's right, you dance, Scratch cat, because this is awesome."
"It's going to be so easy for you to drop it. You're gonna go, 'Damn, that was effortless.'"
"Being called Mr. Football in Alabama is like being called Mr. Handsome in Hollywood or Mr. Scary in prison; it's a real accomplishment."
"This just confirms how much of an incredible athlete my glorious keny is."
"His greatest accomplishment was being the human who created the Evil Containment Wave and sacrificed himself to seal King Piccolo."
"That was quite the ending. We did it. That was amazing. Thank you, uh, Kitty and tofu."
"This has been one of the most satisfying and enjoyable rebuilds we have done to date."
"Finally, dude, it's about time we've literally been mining."
"I finally finished something I had started...once you get over that one hump of accomplishing one thing...I can accomplish anything now."
"Nobody's beaten it, so if you beat it, I'll give you $100 on top of that."
"Everybody was happy, and that feeling itself was great."
"Celebrate all of the small accomplishments in your life, big or small. Really enjoy this moment in time; you're only going to have it once."
"Whoever he is, he needed this because he showed what he's capable of."
"It's a testament to the quality of the run that we've been able to do so well after this; we haven't even really been at risk of taking damage."
"You gain more confidence by actually going through these things and accomplishing them and succeeding."
"You can accomplish anything you want in this life."
"We can all be proud of the more than 100 pieces of legislation we worked on together as a committee that became law."
"Everything you did, everything you sacrificed, it was worth it for this."
"We did it, we did five well actually we did six attractions over at Magic Kingdom, and then we did five attractions here at Universal Orlando, technically three parks. What a day!"
"It's really impressive what they were able to get done in a short amount of time."
"Value yourself for how hard you went after something, not for what you accomplished."
"Love is practical and knows the way. Do not underestimate what love can accomplish."
"I'm consciously trying to do things... Do the thing; you'll be glad you did the thing."
"In order to accomplish really anything worthwhile, you have to be willing to suffer."
"This card signifies a completion of a major life cycle and the accomplishment of what you envisioned in the first place."
"Congratulations, pat yourself on the back, we just finished our first game in Unreal Engine."
"Once you know your mission and once you believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, then you can do the extraordinary."
"We've completed this entire part of the set!"
"I feel like you could be accomplishing a lot more at this time... fixers need to not hold back."
"Hopefully I've managed it at least in some small way."
"congratulations idiot you've made it past the halfway mark of the book"
"There is no catharsis greater than working on something for a year and just seeing it so insanely well-received like that."
"Cody rhods has finished his story and is finally a top of the mountain as the WWE Universal Champion."
"I think this is a really good fish to end on."
"This is the least supergiant supergiant game that there is and yet it may very well be the most accomplished."
"You did everything you were supposed to do, and you look good doing it."
"We did it you guys we did it and that feels like something to be proud of yeah all right I don't want to do it anymore but I yeah we did it."
"Honestly, that was probably one of the best feelings I've ever had, is knowing that I finished, didn't give up."
"Happy anniversary to you and your wife. That is a true accomplishment."
"You all did a bloody good job and I'm really proud of you."
"Americans aren't timid people, we are people who get the job done."
"It's challenging at times, it doesn't hold your hands, and after getting through a tough fight, I do actually feel that sense of accomplishment."
"I read two books in 24 hours, I can't believe it."
"For Nadia, life is about rescuing animals in trouble and seeing his new friend fly strong and free made him the happiest rescuer on the beach."
"We actually did it, I can't believe I survived."
"If you've made it this far you're freaking legend."
"I'm pretty proud of what we've done."
"That whole night after you celebrate and maybe the next few days really reflect on the years it took to get you there."
"Congrats on completing your first solo mission!"
"Most people start and don't finish. But you're different. You made it here all the way to the end."
"I was afraid to ask for help, but the biggest accomplishment was overcoming that fear."
"Finally, for the love of God, finally I fixed the corner, it's done."
"One of the best feelings there is in life is the sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach a goal."
"We made it, it was a journey shot but we're here, we're here."
"Now that I finally have the dress, that task is done—I hope everyone else is doing okay."
"Perfect execution, all the more satisfying after struggling with failing over and over again."
"This is the design that actually worked... it worked great."
"You know that you've accomplished something because it's maximum fun."
"Every time you do anything, take that pause and celebrate what you just did."
"Let's just take a second to pat ourselves on the back for finishing this course because it is a hard thing to do."
"The test is over from this moment on you are a raven out of 10."
"Huge shout out to the entire team here, like you guys have absolutely killed it with this."
"But we also want you to have that feeling of accomplishment."
"I'm so proud of myself for believing in something that I worked so hard to create. It's incredible."
"I never wanted people to feel that way when they’re cooking out of my book. I want them to feel a sense of accomplishment."
"I'm just so proud of you, what you've accomplished."
"But I love the fact that someone somehow actually got this bike together, epic."
"Yeah, and when you get nice YouTube comments, that's how you know you did good."
"We have done a job the likes of which nobody has ever done. The mobilization, getting of equipment, all of the things we've done, nobody's ever done a job like this."
"What remains is warm bellies, happy faces, and a sense of accomplishment."
"So don’t tell me it’s not impressive. This took real skill!"
"We've got through the entire four course meal I planned for today I owe much of that to you in all honesty."
"It was a good day. Brad finally got what was coming to him. I finally defeated nemesis and best of all, I completed the knife only challenge."
"I'm a regular [ __ ] human being and I've been able to accomplish a ton of [ __ ] in this amazing country."
"Wow fantastic job you've done really incredible."
"That's the moment that happened right. It was that collection of all of the month of research before that."
"This is a lot of work but I tell you what fellas, we're getting it done."
"I'm just happy we finally got something done today."
"I've created a masterpiece, that is wonderful, that is wonderful."
"I think your parents and brother would be proud of you."
"I'm so proud of finally making this sweater."
"Dressrosa was an ambitious piece, but come September 28, 2015, Oda had done it. The final chapter was published and the experiment was over."
"Big Minecraft projects feel so cool when you see the progress you've done at the end of it."
"Now you're probably thinking, wow, that's really cool Linus."
"Congratulations everyone, you made it through the week. Clap and a half to us all!"
"Nothing makes me feel better than to see you out here shining shining shining."
"America's favorite player? Oh my gosh, it means the world. I honestly can't wrap my brain around it."
"That's gotta be the hardest boss kill I've ever done in anything."