
Innocence Quotes

There are 7331 quotes

"Children view the world with such innocence and hope and love."
"If you have young children in your life... think of how innocent a child is. What would you say to that kid? 'You have limitless possibilities. You are beautiful. You have everything you could ever contemplate.'"
"We all came out of the womb woke and knowing and understanding and being perfect and loving ourselves. You know, it’s the world that kind of takes that away from us."
"Innocence is about truly allowing the soul to be seen and fully felt, not about that stuff on the outside that you're gonna go do and accomplish, or that you two together would do, but the deep inner, deeper world that you want to feel."
"Rosalina is the mother of these children but even then she eminates that same sort of Innocence."
"Children don't deserve any of this. They're innocent."
"There's no circumstance in which dropping bombs on children is okay."
"We are called to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
"I swear, would an innocent man do these funky dance moves?"
"Victims of sexual abuse are not guilty of sin and do not need to repent."
"Every born child is born upon this initial goodness...and then as you mentioned, that is corrupted."
"I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore, be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves."
"We are ready for a different and better conversation about the innocent people who were swept up into the drug task force arrests because they cut a deal with some unaccountable informant."
"Born different, born innocent, born perfect, I'm not like you."
"In Islam, every baby is born pure, every child is born sinless."
"Nobody wants innocent people to sit in prison for a crime that they didn't commit."
"The presumption of innocence and the idea of absolution are miraculous constructs of thought."
"Grisha tries to explain that the people who are now alive on the island bear no responsibility for the sins that their ancestors committed hundreds of years ago."
"How could it possibly be fair to allow all of these innocent people to die in complete ignorance?"
"It is the return to innocence, for as Heraclitus writes, 'The kingdom belongs to The Child.'"
"All parties are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."
"It's better that 10 guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer."
"Everyone is presumed innocent until being found guilty from a criminal standpoint and also as humans who exist in society."
"Children are the very definition of innocence."
"The presumption of innocence...goes all the way back to the Magna Carta."
"She became a JonBenét, became really an icon of the death of innocence, a beauty that gets taken away for no apparent reason."
"I hope for the sake of my kids that he is proven innocent."
"I don't want them feeling like they at all had a part in this."
"Our hearts are with the innocent victims of the war, and our hope is for it to end with the safe return of hostages and with peace and security."
"The state of Florida is committing a crime, because I am innocent. The death penalty is not only a form of vengeance but also a cowardly act by humans."
"The reason why I am so calm is that I trust in the Lord, and he knows I am innocent."
"Jean Benét became really an icon of the death of innocence, a beauty that gets taken away for no apparent reason."
"I feel free now. It was a long time coming. I always claimed my innocence... God is good. Always know that God is good, man."
"You haven't succumbed to all of the crazy life problems... like this eternal child who still has their childhood innocence and people really appreciate you."
"I remember unequivocally, without any doubt, with as clear a mind as I could have at any time, that I never manufactured any alibi in any way, shape, or form because I did not and would not hurt my wife and my child."
"Innocent people will almost always express regret, wishing that they could have done something differently."
"I wanted to give law enforcement accurate information. I knew that I hadn't done this, and I wanted to give them as much accurate information as I could."
"It's better that the guilty escape than the innocent suffer."
"In the court of law, he is innocent until proven guilty."
"Let children be children...preserve the innocence of children."
"If you've been traumatized by religion or by Purity culture, it wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."
"I'm serving life for a homicide and rape that I'm innocent to."
"What is innocence? Innocence is a lightness of being."
"Contrary to popular opinion, there is an immense bravery in innocence."
"We may be able to obscure the light of our innocence, but the light itself cannot be burnt out."
"It's whimsical and innocent and almost childlike but also feminine and floaty."
"The presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law... if we don't have those things, man, we're screwed."
"The most chilling thing about this story has to be the cruelty that some are willing to afflict on the innocent."
"Shed our garbs and recover the lost innocence of Adam and Eve, then only then will the Holy Spirit see fit to touch us and show us God's true love."
"It's so hard with children; they're just so innocent. I don't understand how anyone could harm a child in that way."
"It is better that 10 guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer."
"I am absolutely not guilty. I know the case better than you."
"Wisdom is innocence recovered at the far end of experience."
"Kids' hearts are super pure, and they ask genuine, real questions that adults feel are socially inappropriate."
"Animated movies... reignite that childlike innocence where you're taken away to an exciting Animated World."
"I still had some faith in the system, and I believe that since I did not do it, and then when the DNA evidence came back, I knew I knew in my heart that I would not be convicted because I wasn't there."
"A small part of me to this day believes in the Tooth Fairy."
"What's wrong with having a little bit of childhood magic?"
"Does someone deserve to be punished for an act that they had no part in? And the answer of course is no."
"When a dramatic event happens and somebody asks what happened, people who are innocent almost never default to chronologically telling you step by step."
"If they had evidence, I wouldn't be here talking to you. I wouldn't have been released. No. Yet, well, I know I'm innocent. I have nothing to do with this killing. Did you kill her? No."
"It's so mind-blowing to think she's just innocently buying craft supplies."
"Seeing people in their innocence is seeing them through the lens of love."
"Ignorance is bliss... the moment you have too much knowledge, you're gonna lose the innocence of being happy."
"His hair has that soft frizz like Chihiro Fujisaki from Danganronpa 1, and that design is so brimming with innocence and unreliability."
"The First Division's insignia, the chrysanthemum, symbolizes the seeking of truth and innocence."
"Clarisse's white gown... is representative of innocence and gentleness but Miyazaki's use of white throughout the film also embodies the tonal undercurrent of its tale: hope."
"I want to reconnect with my childlike heart."
"You want to pull this like you're trying to paint me like this was totally innocent."
"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer."
"The presumption of innocence is not a loose guideline; it's a foundational principle of the American criminal justice system."
"Kids are meant to be innocents, and they are meant to be protected."
"You don't want people to get destroyed by the process, especially when they're innocent."
"King T'Chaka: Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all."
"Trump did in fact plead not guilty to all these charges."
"Innocentia Nihil Probat (Innocence proves nothing)."
"You want to make sure that you're fair to people in the chance that they're innocent."
"There's no such thing as a super predator. No child is born bad."
"Yeah, no innocent person of any conceivable background should be killed by a cop."
"There is something about the suffering of an innocent that uniquely tugs on our heartstrings."
"The last thing in the world you want to do is convict an innocent person of something they didn't do."
"The Western Canon is a beautiful thing, it's about protection of the innocent."
"Hopefully, you know, the light prevails in the end for innocent people."
"He maintains his innocence so much that he's willing to give all of that up to hopefully get out one day."
"Usually when people are innocent the reason why you don't want to talk to the cops is because what happens is especially if you're innocent you want to talk to the cops because you know you didn't do anything wrong."
"The burden is on the state to prove my guilt. I am innocent until proven guilty. You [__] need to prove the case."
"Because I did not and would not hurt my wife and my child."
"It's kind of like most things like it starts out really pure and innocent and then people come along and realize that they can profit and then it turns into something else."
"Just the innocence of those two, they were just looked like the most beautiful little children."
"How do you tell people that great evil approaches, disguised as innocence?"
"Andreas was never a villain but was manipulated into acting like one to serve the best interests of someone he should have stood up to a long time ago."
"She was innocent and she did not deserve this, and he was so so very sorry."
"The last person alive is innocent. That's what it is."
"You see the manifestation of the image of God in children."
"The greater good cannot come at the expense of innocent lives."
"It's not the actors, yeah, it's not Keanu's fault."
"Think Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons kind of a vibe."
"These kids have nothing to apologize for from where I sit."
"The creature's unhatched nature gives it a special kind of innocence and a special kind of moral weight. It is free of sin and full of potential, and thus its life is especially valuable."
"I find it believable that Jason didn't know."
"Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"Kids are innocent. They have no idea of what's war and they're being dragged into this."
"You're innocent, you haven't done anything wrong so act like you haven't done anything wrong."
"You and I are to defend our children's innocence as long as possible."
"Stick to your innocence, that pure, unrefined love."
"You got to close this, there's literally not a single speck of dirt on this guy."
"Mister Gigi has changed throughout the years. He looks so innocent now, I feel like I owe him money and I better pay up."
"What a pure baby, what an absolute pure baby."
"It stops being cool when innocent people get caught in the crossfire."
"It's just so hard when it's an innocent child, you know?"
"What happened to you in your past was not your fault."
"I did no wrong; I just had a vision she would die, and of course she did. I'm a witch, but a white not a black one who serves the devil."
"I believe totally in Johnny's innocence and always have."
"SCP-999 might seem harmless and it is, but it is unironically one of the strongest SCPs in existence."
"God's got you if you're innocent. God's got you."
"Seeing something so nefarious attach itself to something so innocent and charming is just disappointing."
"These are the sickest [expletive] shoes I've ever seen."
"If you're below the age of 18 and you're watching this hold on to your innocence hold on to your childhood hold on to anything that makes you not this."
"Jack is mourning the love of his life... one thousand percent innocent."
"The death of a three-year-old isn't aggravated? A three-year-old is almost by all accounts a true innocent."
"Juan was starting a new chapter in life, putting this behind him, knowing he's innocent."
"Taylor was a sweet little girl, her big brown eyes twinkled out of every picture."
"I am not proud of having been involved in the prosecution of someone who is innocent."
"Even if this stuff sounds bad I still stand with the presumption of innocence."
"There was nothing at all suggesting that there was anything wrong with their relationship and so someone else had to be responsible."
"An innocent man is innocent until proven guilty."
"Protecting innocent people is why we built the legal system."
"So many innocent people are sentenced and convicted of crimes that they didn't even commit. It's pretty terrifying to think about."
"Robert Brown was just 19 years old when he was found guilty of a murder that he didn't commit."
"Justice will be served in the end. There is 0% chance of me being found guilty of something I have not done. I maintain my absolute innocence."
"Your child's innocence given to them by God because God's hands are still close to me fashioned a newborn baby smells great because you can almost smell God's hands you just performed them."
"Look how cute this looks, it looks so harmless."
"Why do you believe Julius Jones is innocent? You know when I was first presented with this case, I was skeptical."
"I will defend the innocence of Jesus. The only two innocent people I know are babies and Jesus."
"If you're innocent, why the hell did you plead the fifth for four hours?"
"Clarice's loss of innocence is never an overtly sexual one; it's entirely psychological."
"He met well, he was a decent good human being. He wouldn't hurt anybody, he would never do this to anybody."
"If you're not a bad person, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide."
"A hero is not someone who harms innocent individuals."
"There's just a nice innocence and positivity in this anime."
"We are innocent men. We are very innocent men and in time everyone is going to see that."
"Children are pure souls from the moment that they are born."
"This guy is wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove."
"The state sought to put an innocent kid in prison for life, and that was all thanks to the police."
"Maybe tomorrow we're going to get new information, and this will all look a lot more innocent."
"It goes without saying that an innocent person accused of such a crime would not sit quietly and listen to the accusations."
"Emergence invites us to approach our reality with a childlike attitude of innocence and wonderment and to watch and celebrate the beauty that unfolds from that place."
"The only thing that in this country you are innocent until proven guilty."
"We do manage to preserve the innocence of children for a reasonable length of time and preserving the innocence is synonymous with keeping them out of politics."
"The idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my son, my entire family through this, you know, extremely stressful and painful experience, all for the sake of money, is completely absurd."
"There's a scapegoating going on here, and China's totally blameless."
"Sometimes the most horrible things lurk in plain sight, hidden behind a thin tapestry showing you the sweetest and innocent things."
"Congratulations, Harry. Yes, you. I can practically see the headlines now: 'Harry Butts Innocent.'"
"I didn't do it. It's infuriating, stressful, difficult. It's like an enormous circus."
"You're presumed to be innocent and the government has to demonstrate proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Cuphead: Mischievous and unapologetic, but still a kid."
"The baby didn't do anything wrong. So why are you punishing the baby? If you believe it's a life and it is ending a life, you're ending the life of the innocent baby."
"Summary execution in this case is likely to lead to innocent people being killed."
"We are robbing kids of their innocence in America." - Reverend John Aminchukwu
"Stop now. It needs to be innocent until proven guilty, and that's it. That's huge dude, supporting innocence is such a big part of what we're going through right now."
"Lori complained that that one million dollar life insurance policy was switched. Lori said I look like a suspect but I'm a good person."
"I would rather be called a narcissist a pain in the ass arrogant strange or whatever anyone else wants to waste their time thinking of just don't call me a murderer which I am not."
"The prospect that more innocent people will be executed... is an injustice that we really have passed over too casually as a society."
"I believe that killing any innocent human is wrong."
"Leave it to God... to hide that power behind such a childlike act."
"If you legitimately didn't do anything wrong then none of those other factors actually apply."
"I miss being a kid you know like just being naive to everything to the to naive to the cruel [ __ ] world we live in and just being able to there just have fun man."
"Honey, I did not kill Billy Logan. I did a lot of bad things in my life but this I am NOT GUILTY of."
"There's something to be said for that kind of innocence about going to the movies."
"Despite being hated, I didn't give up because I know I did nothing wrong."
"My only goal is to make sure that she's safe. I don't want you to get tied into something if you didn't do anything wrong."
"It's not about bans, it's about our hero who did nothing wrong."
"Vanishing grace innocence... has a hopeful and organic sound..."
"Never defend yourself against something you're not guilty of."
"It's innocent until proven guilty on the system itself."
"If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be sitting here."
"Kids are young, they don't know what's going on."
"I can guarantee you the last thing a guilty person would do was to do that."
"The defendants in these cases, as in every case, are innocent until proven guilty, and they deserve the due process of law."
"These charges in today's indictments are only allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"In the rush to solve it, law enforcement is willing to cover up information proving a man's innocence."
"Doofus Rick is just too pure for this cruel universe and he deserves The Gold without a doubt."
"There was never a threat, there was never a coercion, there was never a deal cut."
"Kennedy's death marked the loss of innocence."
"I still believe in Go to. He's not the kind of person who killed, dude."
"Abalam is a king who serves under payment. The thing about Abalam is that he preys on the flesh of the innocent."
"The author of the letter says that Steve is innocent and that he knows who actually killed Jessica."
"You were about 6 years old when MJ's family moved in next door. When you saw her for the first time, you grabbed me and said, ‘Is that an angel?’"
"The innocence of children is a basic societal good."
"Flowers: expect a trend of more childlike, innocent flower patterns."
"If you aren't the culprit, then you gotta prove that you aren't."
"You know, the beauty of your child, that remarkable innocence and joy that they have as human beings, we don't want that adulterated with this kind of stuff."
"Whether you're innocent or not, get the [expletive] lawyer."
"I'm not worried, because it's always good when you don't do anything wrong, you get impeached."
"Colin Stagg was not Rachel's killer."
"She was a bright little green sprout filled with wonder and joy and beauty."
"You can say both them Jean you did nothing wrong and you did not deserve to die by your verdict."
"Better a thousand guilty go free than one innocent is punished."
"How do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong?"
"It's so charming, it's so innocent, it's so heartwarming."