
Personal Opinion Quotes

There are 5136 quotes

"It's one of the reasons I argue with people that golf is one of the hardest sports in the world."
"If you get in the mindset of focusing on something you need to accomplish, things will work. That's just my opinion."
"It's okay to work hard, it's okay to hustle, it's okay to be productive. All those things make you a better person in my opinion."
"Looks so farmhouse, so cute. It looks very rustic in my personal opinion."
"The YouTube style of conversation...is, you know, my idea of fingernails on a chalkboard."
"I actually despise AI. I think it should burn."
"I'm not a big fan of dynastic politics. I just think it's wrong and bad."
"It's the best-looking headset that I've put on from that perspective."
"I would have voted for him. I thought he was the MVP."
"In my personal opinion, Sonic Adventure was overall a good start to Sonic's 3D career."
"Discovery, it's the best album of all time in my opinion."
"It's my all-time favorite ride of all time in any theme park."
"My face lets you know everything you need to know about how I feel about this game."
"I gotta admit, I think it's the best coffee I've ever had."
"The hardest hitting headphone I've heard period."
"The only person's opinion that you should care about is your opinion of yourself."
"So good, guys. I'm not even kidding."
"Your body has and always will do more for you than anybody's opinion."
"I should be able to say that I like Jordan Peterson as a psychologist."
"I love having a copy. I don't like streaming at all."
"I don’t really have a conclusion for this video other than I really liked Turning Red and if you can, you should go watch it."
"Listen to this, be open-minded and... make your own opinion."
"To me, the best entry in the Sherlock Holmes universe to date is 2011's A Game of Shadows, which by the way I think is one of the smarter stories ever crafted."
"In my opinion, I do think Korean skincare is better than USA skincare, mostly almost all across the board."
"Arabic is ten times better than German, my goodness. Estafirullah."
"Opinions are my own; you may disagree, which is completely fine."
"In my personal opinion, there are alien bases on the moon."
"Politics is based on people's intuitions... there's nothing wrong with saying, 'I don't like this,' when it comes to politics."
"I don't think there's anything wrong in first cousin marriages because it's all culture and it's the norm really."
"I would love to say that Final Fantasy VI is the ultimate game."
"I don't think that's too wild. I think honestly, if it was my personal opinion injected into it, people would wait a lot longer or never have it done."
"It's one of the best freaking stories I have ever played in a video game."
"I'm against PowerPoint, which I regard as kind of a tool of Satan."
"School of Rock, Linklater's best film, I don't care what anyone says."
"Half of what I say is not substantiated by science or even any kind of expert opinion... sometimes what I offer you guys is just instincts and opinions that are just mine."
"I think Nick is a funny guy. I think a lot of his jokes are funny."
"I just finished it. It's good. It's a solid nine out of ten."
"It's there, in my opinion, their best game that they've made to date."
"The Elder Scrolls universe is just the greatest, well to me at least, I'm sure many of you would agree."
"I personally am okay with paying higher taxes... for a better situation for people overall."
"This one is definitely, actually by far my favorite."
"After a lengthy scientific analysis, I determined that I simply cannot extricate my opinions on the conversation surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 from my review of Cyberpunk 2077."
"I'm going to say something that's very controversial, which is I think drag is more entertaining than stand up."
"I'm going to give this a 10 out of 10. I'm so satisfied."
"I hated Ahsoka, it ended up becoming one of my favorite characters."
"The most impressive work of art I have ever seen." - Sir Walter Scott
"This alone makes Subsistence one of the best story releases ever made, if you ask me."
"A heartbreak over $60 dollars, in my personal opinion, is going to bring you a pretty tasty move."
"Honest thoughts, honest thoughts, honest thoughts... You guys know me, I don't like JDM cars, okay, I love this."
"I am genuinely finding that at this point in time, Linux would be easier to use."
"How many of you think Dan Lok is better than Daniel Lok?"
"Yes, I do agree that this game is casual and it's supposed to be casual."
"The first problem with Obama's raucous, opulent 60th birthday party is that he's a grown man throwing a birthday party for himself."
"Hereditary is the one that stands above to me."
"Loved The Lighthouse, favorite movie of 2019."
"I hate it because it uses no logic and basically is just someone projecting their experience and expectations on others." - Ruby Rose
"You have to block out everyone's opinion and focus on yourself and focus on what you feel and what makes you happy."
"It’s been one of my favorite movies for a long time."
"Is this even a good film at all, or is it simply a bad film that we’ve come to love?"
"I like My Cousin Vinny, though. That’s a good movie."
"Fallout 4 was a fun game. You may disagree, but I actually liked it despite some of its flaws."
"Life is Strange 2 is the best game in the series. I liked it, but remember, that means it's the best game in the Life is Strange series."
"Sonic CD is a game I really like... but when it's time to write about it, a lot of the positives have been said in the previous review."
"I'm pretty much fucked. That's my considered opinion. Fucked."
"I'm going to start, I put this person at number 12."
"First impressions of Bam: I was like, 'No, why?' But he's really sweet."
"I think this is definitely the best course I've played in the UAE, 100%."
"Anyone who doesn't like Keanu Reeves is going really, really wrong with their lives."
"It was a good time, I liked the game very much."
"He's the greatest dog of all time in my opinion."
"If you buy into the opinions of other people, you're going to go broke."
"The Order 1886. I enjoyed the game. Everyone's gonna hate me for saying that."
"I think society would be probably happier without marriage."
"Make sure you're very aware of who you're spending your money with because Unique Cosmetics is not going to be getting a single penny from me. That's just my opinion."
"For me personally, I think Phuket is such an amazing destination because it has something to offer for everyone."
"Eden is beautiful, graceful, elegant, smart. Aiden is... Aid. It sucks."
"I just kept watch to stress how much I thoroughly enjoy this."
"Season nine is a solidly decent season, and I will die on that hill."
"I defend it. Why? The main reason I love Season 11 is quite simple: it's a great finale season."
"Elden Ring's my game of the year so far, and we'll see if anything overtakes it."
"The tier list is just entirely my own stupid opinion on how cool I think each cryptid is."
"If the [expletive] I'm tweeting doesn't have a problem with it, who the [expletive] are you to tell me you can't?"
"I honestly think it's the best combustion engine car that was ever made."
"Of course, this is all just my interpretation of several articles, so remember to research this for yourself."
"So far, she's the prettiest Inazuma character to me, but that's just me."
"I waited 83 minutes to ride Peter Pan's Flight, and as much as I like that attraction, I think it's adorable and quintessential Disney, it is not worth waiting over an hour for."
"If you know anything about sneaker culture, you'll know these are just a GOAT sneaker in my opinion."
"Everybody has their own opinion of what makes a great photograph."
"When people sit there and go, 'Batman video games are never good,' I'm like, 'You never played Vengeance. I know you haven't because this game is awesome.'"
"This is one movie that I would unhesitatingly give a 10 out of 10 for."
"We've arrived at one of the best franchises in gaming history, and if you don't agree with me, then well, you're either wrong or you haven't played Crona Trigger."
"There's no other game out there, in my opinion, that feels as good to just run around as it is in Apex Legends."
"'See You Again' is maybe the best song he's ever written."
"I'm not here to mangle Mee or pander to anybody. If this is whack, I'm going to tell you, but if it's good, I'mma tell you too."
"The Great Mouse Detective was good but damn this good."
"Origins is easily S-tier, it's got to be there right below Shadows of Evil for me on Origins."
"I think wubby's year is dope because I think to me wubby is... I like there's very few streamers who I consider like me..."
"Dear Evan Hansen is bad. I don't think anyone here is going to debate me on that especially after watching two hours of me ramble about it."
"So a brief summary of my thoughts: Stakes was awesome! Awesome awesome awesome!"
"To me, Dead Man's Chest rises above all other Pirates films to be the best entry in the franchise."
"The story here in my opinion is one of the best of the series."
"Let me know what you think man, whether you want the snyder cut or you thought it was going to suck or whatever you thought going in I'd love to know what you think about it."
"These guys, they're pretty foul individuals and they're willing to."
"I mean I really like Mayday, what can I say? It may be one of my favorites."
"Believe the hype, it is a great fragrance in my opinion."
"Cole is that type of artist too, but I think he's that talented."
"This is where we arrive at the title of the video: Alan Wake, one of the best 6 out of 10 I've ever played."
"It should be based on football... It's not about commercialism." - Beth
"I think that john bolton is an honest person okay I've met ambassador bolton several times uh. I do not think he is a liar."
"I personally would prefer an actual Gear transmission not necessarily a manual shifter but one that had regular gears."
"I don't respect her from what I've seen in the trailer and honestly, I'm not... I just... I don't want to watch that movie."
"Some in Hollywood are kind of split on it, but audiences love this movie. I love this movie."
"Is fossil fuel the most desirable type of energy? No, in my opinion."
"I fucking love this movie shoot me I don't care Friday the 13th of remake is a badass Friday the 13th movie."
"This for me is the best soleplate definitely available right now."
"I think he's a fine man I think it's terrible what they did to him."
"I just don't think that's true, I think Megan's skin color has afforded her access and a life."
"But since it is merely a meaningless list, and it is a list based entirely on the things that I had fun with this year, what's missing from it is perhaps the least relevant thing I can think of."
"My personal stance on child pageants... it's just abuse. So I hate it, I absolutely hate it."
"If you don't like Game of Thrones I'm just gonna assume you're not smart enough to understand it."
"Overall, I'm gonna give this one a 9 out of ten."
"I know there's no list of like the best buffet in the world but I feel like I've been to enough buffets in the world to just say at least for me this is the number one buffet in the world."
"I don't see the problem at all, but there is that psychology that 'you've got to sleep together'—I don't agree with it."
"But it's not a crime, man. It's not a crime."
"I'd have to see it multiple more times, but by far this is my favorite Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back."
"I don't know a lot about parenting, but what I've gathered is that parents don't really like it when other people try to tell them how to parent their kids."
"Pizza should be a treat. But also pizza should be a treat with strict rules that I'm very shameful about."
"This is my opinion, this is not... my conclusion."
"I honestly really liked Silent Hill: Revelation."
"I think it's one of the coolest bikes ever made."
"Heroes of Might and Magic 3 might be top 5 games of all time."
"I speak my opinion, and I love the fact that a lot of people disagree with me."
"I definitely thought that Paul clearly did more in the game."
"Kerry Lake is presidential, I really do mean it."
"Crew 2.0 is probably going to be the most dramatic change to a game which I have loved over the last 10 years."
"The guy's a genius, I think he could potentially be a genius when it comes to music."
"So for me, that makes for the best Bond film that we've ever gotten."
"That coffee legitimately is freaking delicious."
"Here's my take on this: somewhere in the four and a half year range."
"People think I joke about it, but I really don't. Fast and Furious is always going to be like the most thrilling movie series in my opinion."
"He's an entertaining guy. That's what I'm saying."
"The sad thing about Joe Biden... it's sad really but I gotta say as sad as it may be like a dude should not be president."
"I remain adamant the Minish Cap is the best 2D Zelda game."
"World quest 2.0... it's hard to know personally I think that world quests are pretty bad."
"Portal 2 is still one of the best games I have ever played bar none."
"I want to take a second to talk about the interrogator because there's a couple of things I would have done different."
"Give me the Chris, Chris is so paranoid about this and he's right."
"Anything that isn't explicitly addressed means it's up to everybody's personal opinions."
"I'm not saying they're great, I'm just saying that they have great coffee."
"I actually love this game, it's so amazing, it's so funny."
"Sometimes the best flavor is just vanilla." - Kenan
"I don't know anyone that likes him, I [ __ ] hate his music."
"NBA 2K18, probably one of the most over-hated 2Ks of all time."
"Days of Future Past is what I think is the best X-Men movie."
"Cancel culture drives me crazy. It's really really scary."
"It's way more exciting than Warzone, in my opinion."
"The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement actually admitted that my take on it is correct."
"If high school was the best four years of your life, I'm not trying to diss on you."
"I think I did like it more than infinity war."
"I enjoyed the first 50% of this books I feel like for the most part it was within the same style of the first three books I read I think what I'm struggling with this."
"I hate Del Sol Valley, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."
"Zom 100 is everything I look for in an anime."
"The Chalice dungeons are one aspect that most people seem to hate but I actually don't mind them."
"It sucks so bad that, like, the basic precautions, like, he refuses to even acknowledge that it would help. Doesn't wear it himself. Like, it's just... it, like, it's sucks, man. It really does."
"Wow, this is the best thing I've eaten all day easily."
"Having a netbook is fine when you're like, I'm not even gonna get into it."
"Suge never used drugs, never smoked, nothing."
"Most actors are imbeciles. They're not real people and they don't have real big thoughts."
"It's happening, and I think that's wonderful."
"I think Trump is great, I think he's done some amazing things."
"Honestly, homework can be fun. It can, for real."
"There's a reason why there's a phrase nice guys finish last oh absolutely not sometimes they finished just in time."
"As a Democrat, I adore Joe Biden. He saved this country."
"I'm going to give Pirates of the Caribbean an 8.5."
"I do not personally feel that there's a better, more water cooling friendly mid tower out there."
"De Bruyne is the best midfielder I've ever seen at the club."
"Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the best game of all time."
"Underwater is a film I enjoyed way more than I thought I would."
"I really loved this movie and I'm giving this one an 8 out of 10."
"If you're asking me what he would think of all this I think I can give you a very clear and unequivocal answer on this day of the 2nd of February in 1982 when the world will celebrate his centennial wherever he is he will be smiling."
"I was a loser for a while until the price went up. I think a lot of people can relate with that in general though, right?"
"It's critically important to form one's own opinions based on one's own homework and digging."
"This has to be a nine out of ten, I genuinely like it."
"I just want people to say what they think. Whether it's for Trump or Biden or anything, like I just want people to be expressing themselves."
"I really liked it and I felt this way about a movie probably since 'Under the Skin.'"
"I think it's time. I'm not a fan of either party."
"The campaign standalone is one of the greatest campaign experiences I have ever had."
"I always try to provide you with a true opinion, my honest opinion, honest content."
"I like Tyson Fury very much as a person, I am absolutely fascinated with him."
"Zero is like a little less rare than a 10 from you yeah yeah a little bit a little bit less mostly shit's like a 4 yeah."
"90 or 80 percent of stuff is just okay you know I totally feel that way and you know that there's there's another ten percent that's total [ __ ] and there's another ten percent that's like amazing I think most without is like really good yeah."
"That newest game award was the best one ever honestly."
"I understand why most people think that this is a weaker MCU film obviously it's lower on my list but I never really understand the hate that some people toss at it."
"It really did a complete 180 for my experience using Sunday Riley as a brand as a whole."
"I think it's the best chicken spot in Austin, 9.5 out of 10."
"I have a love-hate relationship with [Juice Beauty], some of their products aren't bad."
"I think it's awesome personally. Only the most cynical people can say that this doesn't look cool."
"I love it. I think it's the best moving playing game."
"I think Law is probably my favorite character in the entire series."
"It's one of the best games I've played in a long, long, long time."