
Function Quotes

There are 1101 quotes

"The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around."
"This is truly form follows function, and there's nothing fake about it."
"Music theory is descriptive, not prescriptive."
"So here's what this area does: it integrates everything."
"The fact is that this has Unleashed a huge bidding war between Europe and Asia which now naturally is contributed to skyrocketing prices."
"Our goal is to learn a function that's mapping from our data X to our labels Y."
"Think of it as getting replaced by the result that gets returned from that method."
"Preservation of life became the primary function."
"Tendons are there to help generate movement, ligaments are there to help limit or prevent or define the movement."
"There is complexity of structure and complexity of function."
"Governments don't know how to make money; they're not designed to make money."
"Structure equals function. So when the structure of this amino acid changes, it changes the function."
"This is where art and function really meet up."
"Legitimate law enforcement is a function we all want in our society."
"This allows you to look up a value in a table and then return a corresponding value."
"The bullet is the weapon, that gun is just the launcher."
"Apply is used for calling a function on our values."
"The cascatelli... holds sauces and heaping quantities and fall back into the bowl like a miniature waterfall."
"Bitcoin does exactly what it was created to do."
"Sleep is the thing that allows you to deliberately access waking states in a really directed way."
"The purpose of medicine is to take things that are not functioning and make them function appropriately or to make them function better."
"This function here gets called 60 times a second."
"A bellows is used to start a fire, and Jack has a fireplace."
"Moisturizer is actually going to act as an eraser."
"Remember it is supposed to be fun. It's not just a utilitarian thing. It is that as well, I mean it is function but it should be something that really lights you up."
"The SEC should have the function of protecting the investor."
"The beauty of the skin is Venusian, but the function of the skin is Saturnian."
"Essentially, what I've done here is I've created kind of like a function."
"The sigmoid squashing function... ensures that that neuron's value never gets outside of the range of plus one to minus one."
"You may not know the source of what makes you function within that situation."
"Functional harmony is the idea that chords tend to have functions and standard roles within a key."
"Oil isn't just the lubricant; it is the gasket."
"E to the power of X is one of the few functions that does this, which is very, very unique."
"Restoration of function is our primary goal."
"It would be good if we know how do we use a function like SUM IF."
"SUM IF adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria."
"When you talk about SUM IFS, this is when you could give set of conditions or multiple criterias."
"You are filtering the data, so you have given the rows, you have given the criteria, and then you have given the range on which you would want to sum up the values."
"Electrolytes can be thought of as batteries for our brain and the rest of our nervous system."
"Within the function, you can do whatever you want."
"The hole in the center of CDs, DVDs, or Blu-Rays is essential for discs to work properly."
"I was today years old when I found out staplers have multiple modes."
"It is completely incomprehensible why Huari needed so many identical rooms organized into a huge well-ordered structure."
"Difference in function does not indicate inferiority of nature."
"It's very tough and strong, being the primary ones to lug around heavy machinery for Drago's army."
"Nobody buys this thing to drive fast, they drive this to just hold humans."
"Control Z might be the most important short key to use in Inkscape."
"The hole stops the vacuum-like effect."
"If something doesn't serve an actual function toward survival, you have a catchall saying: Beauty."
"We can use a pointer to function to dereference and execute the function."
"This thing just wants to be back on the road."
"First off, what is a blow off valve? Well, it's basically a pressure relief valve."
"A neural network is just a big fancy function made up of a lot of little functions."
"A single neuron is basically a function that takes in a vector and outputs a scalar."
"With f of x equals 2x, what's the impact of x on y? In this case, it should be fairly obvious."
"I think this combines function and style."
"The reason why I named the ranges is because I'm going to use this indirect function."
"Sympathy is required that it exists to some extent in order to function in society."
"Closure means the inner function has access to outer function's variables."
"Anytime that you have a function that you know has some type of data inside of it where you want that data to be changing its type based on what you pass in or based on what you return that is the perfect case for a generic."
"Calculate can add to or override an existing filter context."
"The filter function is also a advanced function that has a lot of application and a lot of purposes."
"You're also going to use this filter function a lot as you start to build more and more advanced tax calculations."
"Once we have a function, we do need to figure out how to integrate it. Before we do that though, it is very important to figure out what the poles are because the poles are going to tell us roughly what our contour should look like."
"Energy into shape creates function."
"So row context is a great thing in DAX, and it allows a lot of things to happen."
"Is organized crime for the American ruling class that is what they do that is the function that they serve."
"The way the impact mechanism works on the driver means that you won't experience Kickback."
"An impact driver seems at first very similar to a drill as far as how it works when you squeeze the trigger."
"It's a watch you wear on occasion, not every day."
"The rough endoplasmic reticulum is the site of initial glycosylation."
"So, what we need to do here to ensure that it successfully updates in one go, I will use the function ShowColumns on my collection of grid data."
"And these are applied to each vector before they go to serve their purpose as a query, key, or value."
"The petrol engine never drives the car. It's only there to charge the battery."
"The spleen is the elephant graveyard for red blood cells."
"It's a perfect combination of a fun car to drive and then function."
"So what they released is an X lookup function for all Office 365 subscribers and now Office 2021 subscribers as well."
"I need an espresso to function for my barber."
"The purpose of Lambda calculus isn't to calculate anything useful, but to study how functions work and interact with each other."
"As with all FALs, the bolt handle here is non-reciprocating."
"These stepwells were also used for socialization and bathing in the scorching heat of summer."
"A great designer will always consider the function as well as the aesthetic, regardless of what tax bracket you're in."
"The mix function is incredibly useful for creating gradients."
"Just care about what it does or what it's called."
"It's a terminal because trains terminate there as opposed to a station where they pass through."
"Listen I do wish the packaging was a little bit cuter because you know me okay I'm aesthetically minded I'm a Libra but the thing is I will also always choose function over form because I really do feel like the juice is worth a squeeze with this one."
"Our best understanding of Stonehenge is that it's a functioning Observatory that can actually predict."
"This design is actually pretty cool too because it means that the force from the rocket motor will actually create a better seal like higher pressure will improve the seal which is cool."
"...Nephi wanted his temple to be like Solomon's not in size but in function."
"It has been his wonderful, incredible Crawl Control."
"...if you hold the home button you actually bring up a little menu on the screen there."
"From this main gallery, we also have a gallery that runs up here and out through a hole here in the deck which goes up to the cylinder head and lubricates the camshaft and the valvetrain."
"The infectious virus particle... not just a package, but rather an active payload deliverer."
"The error message also tells us the syntax error occurs in a line that defines a function."
"The massage function works extremely well I highly recommend that luxury package for additional 1,500 bucks."
"Function and naturalness, that's my style."
"So an OPA, or oral fenal Airway, is basically a small plastic device that is curved and when inserted into the mouth, all it does is it prevents the tongue from falling backwards into the airway and occluding the airway."
"The proper way to conceptualize a ceramic is a sacrificial layer of protection."
"Brain function ultimately, without your brain, you can live with a lot of other things but you can't live without that."
"Don't buy fashion suits and make sure you buy for function."
"Understand the function of that suit. Is it something you're in the banking industry? Well, in that case, probably classic conservative."
"The basic tab could have been named correction because that is what basic is actually created for."
"It puts itself in neutral, it puts its own park brake on, and you're done."
"Bypass valves are built into oil filters for when they get clogged."
"The major function of the solvent is to absorb all of the water that comes into the tower."
"We're gonna see if it goes into gear now that it's full."
"You may be wondering why do we vent plumbing pipes to begin with."
"If I've got a bijection from A to B and a bijection from B to C, then the overall shortcut function from A to C is a bijection."
"This bar will show any buffers that we have open as well as any van tabs to cycle through our buffers from left to right."
"That's the whole purpose and function of a vacuum secondary carburetor."
"The Shanghai Tower has an unusual twisting shape that serves a functional purpose."
"If you've ever been wondering what happens with the pressures and what pressure as it takes to make things function and everything else, you've seen that too."
"It's just an action that automatically does that."
"If I don't give it this return type, it will not work. So you need to specify the return type of any function whenever you're defining it. It cannot be inferred."
"The muscles of the pelvic floor have three functions: to support the pelvic organs, contribute to continence, and contribute to sexual functioning."
"Cells specialize depending on function."
"Religion is not monolithic. It served different functions for different people at different times."
"Filter function works on one row at a time in the internet sales table."
"The filter function created a row context, we're leveraging those navigation functions here."
"There's form and there's function but there's nothing that says you can't have both. Even function, you know something that's fully functional can still have form."
"There's so much powerful information and data coming out now about taste receptors and how taste informs function."
"That's what I did, you know, the leather. So, I don't even know what the leather does, but it does something."
"A bijection from one set to another is a function such that each member of one set is assigned to a different member of the other set."
"Is there a function that would go from void to let's say integer? Mathematically speaking... Yes!"
"Thank God, we can construct this function. This is a good function. Okay? You can never call it, but that's a different thing"
"Physical therapy can provide personalized exercise programs to optimize movement and function."
"So yes, I've been using function for over a year now, absolutely love it, adore it, and I think you guys will too."
"Cytokines can act locally on neighboring cells or travel through the bloodstream to distant areas."
"To match the movie, the magnet needs to kill the engine but without harming it."
"The fact that the engine actually shut off, I agree, is kind of blowing my mind."
"We're turning a function which is impossible to test into something which is easy to test."
"Without it, the infantry could not have done their job."
"...estradiol is part of the good things that we get from testosterone it helps with sex drive which is a brain function..."
"A hammer is a great tool indeed to pound in nails."
"So when you turn the ignition key, that acts like a switch."
"...the barrel here should be applying down pressure."
"That's right, it's got a heartbeat."
"InDesign is not a print tool, it's a page layout tool."
"Actually, the SD1 did fire up about a week after we finished filming this."
"Few things as satisfying as a properly adjusted Canal lever brake love it."
"The violence actually serves... it serves as a balm."
"A closure means if a function has access to a value, it will always have access to that value."
"So that's what a function is. It lets us reuse code."
"So now that this function is inside this variable, let's actually console.log it."
"This return statement will end this function early and it will go on to the next function."
"That's what it's for, it's for grabbing stuff."
"The function `updateScoreElement` allows us to reuse code and keep it cleaner."
"This tool is going to sample colors and kind of figure out where edges are and delete everything in between."
"This portion of the antibody is a good attachment point for complement proteins."
"Mitochondria are the only way to fit those together."
"If mitochondria are impaired in any way, it's going to lead to either overactive or underactive release of these key neurotransmitters."
"If sleep doesn't serve an absolutely vital set of functions, it's the biggest mistake that the evolutionary process has ever made."
"This is the core task most large language models are doing."
"I found them really cool-looking, I love them, and also these ones fulfill an aerodynamic function, they optimize the wind flow."
"We thought it would get fumes out of the car as you're driving, but actually the exhaust is right below it, it sucks the exhaust in."
"You can't spell function without fun."
"You know in a normal world this gauge should pop up you know somewhere in this area right here within a reasonable amount of cranking."
"You can't use them. They are for cosmetic purposes only."
"The drain trap is a special curved pipe under the sink basin. It's made that way so the smell from the sewer won't get back into the house."
"Every time I click on the toggle, you'll notice down here on the left, this will actually call some type of update function."
"It's basically takes two of your nine volt outputs puts them in series."
"The serratus anterior... is perhaps the most important muscle of all."
"The idea behind that is it runs the fan, keeping the whole pack cool."
"Main always returns a number. By default, it is 0."
"And how you know it's there is it beeps and then it also flashes blue light."
"An AED is used to detect the absence or presence of a shockable heart rhythm."
"you can take the argument you can like stick it into the function"
"All we need is this block to come in, prevent the hook from grabbing onto the hammer until the trigger is reset."
"The fight serves the same function as the one take shot in The Avengers."
"Just the ability to restore patients back to their function."
"The unique function lets us extract a unique list of values."
"The unique function does exactly the same as the advanced filter."
"Having good window covers is really, really important."
"It's all about form, it's all about function, and it's all about you digging so deep that you know you got a lot of work to do."
"A great designer always considers the function as well as the aesthetic."
"One of the valuable functions of the scapegoating ritual is the very fact that it allows us to put the problem of human violence behind us so to speak, to forget about it at least for a time."
"Shoes are the foundation of your house. You want them to look good, but first, they have to function and be comfortable."
"This is an exercise in thinking through how should this function be used, what are the obvious valuable ways it would be used, but also what are some of the weird ways that it might be used."
"There are going to be a number of cases this function needs to handle, and we should probably set up some tests for these as well."
Okay, so that's the "what is", but what is the basic use of a tail in the cat's life? The basic use - well, the tail is an essential part because it acts as almost a ballast.
"The blade is beautiful because it kills with no beauty derived from a katana denied its purpose."
"For production, you would most probably not expose this Cloud Function to public."
"Philosophy then has only one function, the analytic function."
"The way you describe it sounds like an administrative function rather than involving any technical expertise on your part. Is that fair?"
"It's a pure form follows function principle here."
"KPC stands for kinetic posture control and it has nothing to do with your posture but instead the posture of the car as it's going through turns."
"They're the same dang thing. Now they're both long-wearing primers, so they're both meant to keep your makeup on for a long time."
"A quick walkthrough of the cruise control. You activate it by clicking down on the paddle right there on the right side."
"What good is ride without the gas involved?"
"Just because you're able to function in your life doesn't mean that alcohol isn't causing a problem in your life."
"Pass by reference allows us to make a function that can actually modify multiple variables at once."
"Does like a reverse shimmer verb and that's the setting that I have it on right now."
"If you hover over the mask then you can see which area it's affecting."
"So now we can use the new function we've created here to extract the coordinates of the pixel that has the smallest depth of all the pixels of the kernel."
"The function of the sail is unclear, but most likely it was used as display to scare off competitors and attract mates."
"That's known as a service loop and it's there for a couple reasons."
"Everybody thinks that when it comes to function, that function can't marry Beauty, right?"
"A remarkable convex function: you take the determinant of the matrix, then the log, then a minus sign."
"This washer here is actually made of a rubber and that's what butts up against there to keep the pressure from pushing through."
"This is the straw that's used to drink the beverages."