
Family Relationships Quotes

There are 514 quotes

"Your efforts are really going to make a difference in improving relationships with your siblings."
"Heal the relationship with your family and clean your freaking house."
"Chef Ramsay did more than anyone could ask for; he saved this restaurant and he saved the relationship I have with my family."
"You'll never have the opportunity in your life to have as high-quality a relationship with anyone as you could potentially have with your child."
"Endeavor's trying to build a bridge to his family. It is impossible, but he's going to keep trying."
"Dear Mom and Dad, thanks for giving us life. It's been awful, and thanks for giving me Ashley, she's been awful too."
"Having a tight bond with parents shows you that even if they're not together anymore, they can still be good friends and come together when something's going on with you. It's beautiful."
"Looking back, it was interesting; we never fought, me and my brothers... Whether there's something takes over, we never really squabbled."
"I am listening now, time to give Dad a call to apologize."
"The bonds between your related Sims are important and complex."
"At the end of the day, you saw that Lane and Mrs. Kim loved each other and respected each other."
"If your mom is still alive and you don't have the relationship you want, then pray for it and get it right."
"Because a big brother wants to be in touch with his lovely sister, of course."
"Please, if you can, if you have a funky relationship with your parents or your mom, just try your best to repair it."
"A strong relation between the spouses will result in a positive upbringing of the children."
"I would give anything to have a loving, wonderful father who wants to be there for you... because he cares."
"You're killing me with this! I'm trying to have a relationship with my kids, and I can't do it."
"Kakashi decides to help Sasuke connect with his daughter, realizing that Sasuke hardly knew anything about her since he had been away for most of her life."
"Her best to look after me. I've got a great relationship with my mum, you know, still now."
"I pray for two things: that my mom is close with my future family's family... and that my wife gets along with all my other friends' wives."
"They've shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile. I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back."
"Parent-child relationship is the most unique relationship because you can't divorce them."
"You don't have to love your siblings, but being able to have a conversation, to be able to be in the same room with the other, I think would be progress."
"I've pretty much learned that when it comes to my family, it's okay to love people at a distance, and it's okay to cut people off for no [expletive] reason."
"I'm speaking specifically about your wedding day--what will you remember? What will last longer, the color of your dress or the relationship with your mother-in-law?"
"All of you sitting in this audience today have an obligation to change your behavior towards your family to be better than you were yesterday."
"The relationship that you have with your kids is different than any relationship you'll ever have with anyone else."
"Life is all about building memories, and it's about, and with your kids...she will remember the things she did with her mom and dad."
"It took a while for my mom and I to get along, but it's better now. She's a funny lady."
"I never regretted having kids for even one second because they're so... I mean, all of a sudden you have an intimate relationship with new people that is as close as any relationship that you've ever had."
"Community with Megan only goes so far and it doesn't go to her closest Community, which is family."
"Having Mila made us closer to her and closer to each other because now you understand things a little bit differently as moms."
"The love between the parents and their children in a healthy family is cherished."
"Who do you see when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning? The teenager you drove to his first date? While you're here every night, I am out there, the only thing between the innocent and the predatory."
"Every once in a while they needed to be separated being competitive brothers but they were wonderful to all especially their little sister."
"Make peace with your family drama, embrace your found family, and do everything you can to keep them safe."
"I'm definitely gonna be her bestie till she's a teenager and hates me."
"I'm so happy that my relationship with my parents is happier and easier than ever."
"At the end of the day, I love my parents and I chose to be with them and if I wanted to I could have just left but I didn't, I wanted to stay with them and take care of them."
"Trust is the most important thing between parents and children, you've got to tell the truth to people even if it's hard."
"I think now is the time. I mean I saw Carol make a video... and I think you know... I don't want to put my dad on blast here... but I do want to say that I don't believe my dad... I don't believe my dad is a bad person."
"Michael is my Goomba, it speaks volumes by your character that one's young adult child wishes to spend their free time with their Old Man." - Bruce Rivers
"I always felt such love for him and I sensed love in return but also some embarrassment I was half Willy's size half his weight I was the younger brother he was supposed to save me not the other way around."
"I feel grateful that I knew my father and had a good relationship with him."
"You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats the women in his family."
"Before making my way to the mountain to spread my wife's ashes, I wanted to make sure boy was ready for it. I was very disappointed in him as a son, but maybe he could change my mind."
"My dad and I have had a great relationship pretty much from day one."
"It's just a part of as you mature and you realize that you know what my sister is not that bad."
"If she engages well with your kids, that's a green flag."
"The best of you are those who are best to his families, and I am the best of my family."
"The queen said in her statement that the duke and duchess remain much-loved members of the family."
"Feeling if I did pass, I didn't want her thinking it was her fault."
"Rekindling familial bonds: Bringing Holly back from the dead."
"You can't just not be a dad for like a whole week and then put in like 30 hours on Saturday and Sunday and be like we're good."
"I am so proud of you. You made mommy very happy."
"DJ was described by his family as someone who was always really funny. There was never a dull moment when you were around him."
"If one clip goes viral, I hope it's the fact that people know I still love my older brother."
"Bambi 2 is Lion King. It's about Bambi getting to know his estranged Prince father after his mother dies."
"I just want my father's validation, I just want my dad to love me."
"Magnus forgives him. He still loves his brother."
"Mrs. Van der Jaimes deeply cares for her son Quincy."
"The easiest way to pay your parents back is just to be happy."
"Even if your parents made some large mistakes, you can return good for evil."
"I will always be grateful that my wife had so many years to get to know my grandfather and for the kindness he showed her."
"At the end of the day, that is his mom and while they don't get along much, he still appreciates her for raising him."
"I miss my mom. I miss our stupid fights. It's all so meaningless now."
"All that matters is the love they feel for each other and that will never go away."
"Be yourself. Let your parents know that disagreeing on this is not an assessment of your relationship with them."
"After his initial shyness, Goten and Goku bonded, the years of not knowing each other disappearing just like that."
"I just wanted my dad's approval more than anything in the world."
"Let your dad just be your old man, dude... don't let that come between you and Dad."
"Have grace for yourself, have grace for your partner, and have grace for your child."
"Let your kids make their own decisions about their parents. Don't force something onto your kids."
"There's no harm in two families talking to each other... Don't let it become too big of a deal."
"Parents cannot be unjust... Parents and children are supposed to have a trusting relationship."
"He lacks attention, Kirk gave his son a happy birthday post and that triggered him."
"My mom is not the person that you think she is."
"My brother and I love each other. I love him deeply."
"The Slayer really adjusting to those hazards in the map."
"Even if relationships with relatives are strained, focus on building strong connections with your own children."
"That last night had ended like so many with us sitting outside at the pool happy and content, drinking wine, talking."
"My dad always made me feel loved even when he wasn't around a lot."
"Your dad is not a good man, not to the world and especially not to you."
"I thought he was gonna say best man. He said, 'Will you attend as my father?'"
"That's your family, you don't have to cut them off, you can get new friends."
"I gave up some body parts, but I got back my marriage, I got back my relationship with my kids, I've got a new grandbaby."
"There should be an appreciation from both sides."
"I always wanted to enjoy a meal, just one, with my father."
"Nothing beats playing catch with your old man."
"People don't like Dei, for example, her own family... flush it because why? Because she's a piece of [__]."
"But you know the outward things that I saw of Alec with his kids and his wife were just that. They seemed to enjoy each other's company."
"You can love a family member but that doesn't mean you necessarily have to like them."
"The relationship we have with Mom and Dad... the resistance we have towards mom or dad gets projected out into other people in our lives until we heal it."
"People who dump on their own families typically are jackasses."
"Sibling relationships are weird like you'll stab them for stealing one of your fries but like also give them a kidney if they needed it."
"The greatest pain a man will ever go through is the disconnection of a father when you know he's living."
"Picking your family is about consciously choosing who and what you want rather than just making it work or killing time with whoever happens to be choosing you."
"Family wise, there could be a few get-togethers or an invitation coming in."
"What kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship? Well yes, what kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship like you are."
"They love me anyway, and in fact, you appreciate your parents more for being people because in spite of all their foibles, in spite of all their flaws, they did all this incredible stuff for you."
"Typically people with like a strong Moon they have good husband, they have very good wife, they have good boyfriends, good girlfriend, good life partner, good partner around them and not only this such people even have like good kids."
"You can't respect your moms because like really and truly, for the majority of your life, they've done everything in their best ability to take care."
"Hug your parents if you have a bad relationship."
"If you can keep your relationship with your kids as you get older and just be loved and remembered by them as someone who is a present dad."
"I love my parents, but I wanted to tell them who I really am."
"I've done everything over the last year that my mom's asked, I've maintained my sobriety this time."
"I want a relationship with my mom again after what she's done with taking avery."
"Meeting family has been the hardest... it's been a complete everyone is stuck home."
"I had anger towards mom and dad... until I could forgive my parents."
"God desires for everybody in your life to be your family, but you gotta have at least a couple to be the ones."
"How do we get back to a position where I can see my loved ones?"
"It's never too late to do the right thing. May the Lord bless you. Look at me. Don't curse your children. Don't cast them, bless them. Shall be well with you."
"They'll never tell you they're proud of you to your face but they'll let the rest of the world know."
"If there were if this guy was always a sunset you wouldn't appreciate as much or if my dad was always around I wouldn't appreciate him as much..."
"No, you're not giving up anything by taking on another father; you're actually enhancing and deepening those previous relationships."
"Acceptance doesn't mean approve of everything they do, which is good because I don't think anyone has a family where they approve of everything that everybody in their family does."
"If you're going to trust someone, you trust someone in your own family, let you know."
"You gotta watch that. So I'm glad that you and your grandfather have a close relationship. So thank you."
"Facebook's business model is ruining Thanksgiving because their business model is to show each of us our own reality."
"Some men never tell their dads that they love them."
"Forgiveness is something that isn't always easy to achieve... a bitter sweet image of a son saying goodbye to his father."
"I don't think anybody loved his boy more than Sam did."
"Just do it, Kevin, you dick. Kevin, you're never going to call your family."
"Who doesn't invite their family to a wedding, especially a royal wedding?"
"But, it just feels, it feels like man, you're not an active part of your loved ones lives or you're a much less active part of it just because of the shear distance associated with it."
"My children are equally loved by me and their father, and that is facts."
"If you want that creative expression to thrive so you can be led to what it is you're really supposed to be doing, this is a time when the universe is really making it so you have to heal the relationship with your parents, with your family."
"Happy families make me unhappy—I repressed my need to be loved."
"I said that I would never date a man with children... and now their children are my favorite human beings on the planet."
"You shouldn't have to deal with hate toward your family, friends, or kids."
"You are not the idiot. Your dad may have turned it around now but it seems that he wasn't a good dad to you and that's a hurt that goes way deep."
"Luke who had no idea what else was going on manages to make peace with his dying father."
"Be careful of who you seek advice from, especially family members, because you could get some bad advice."
"I'm glad that nowadays adult children are standing up to their parents and demanding better treatment and acknowledgment of their parents' flaws."
"She was just the glue binding the whole family together."
"I'm so thankful that I was able to show her you know that mother daughter in law can have a beautiful perfect relationship without straw goes without parole."
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"You can now innovate the entire potential for personal dreams, love, romance, even relationship to your children."
"Be patient with your parents when you come out."
"They don't always get things right, but they love each other, and that's what matters."
"Father and daughter or husband and wife? The truth behind Larry and Melinda's relationship."
"I thought what was fascinating was just how even though it was a father-son relationship how many of these lessons were so fundamental."
"There's so much that sisters battle with, guilt, guilt and shame."
"The husband-wife relationship is the key to the family's success."
"The complicated family dynamic adds depth to the story."
"Changing my sister's heart is the ultimate goal here."
"I don't know if he's ever really gonna get to know them, which I hate to say, but at the same time I don't know who else is struggling in any kind of area that they're not getting help from because ivlp they don't believe in counseling."
"There's no love like your son or your daughter, your child. It's a different type of joy, it's a different type of feeling."
"I had to forgive my mom, my mom was doing the best she could."
"You can choose your friends but not your family."
"Something so simple was so odd to me. I'd never had the privilege of sharing a meal with either of my grandparents."
"Even though you guys don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, they still love you."
"Blindness is empowerment and freedom; people depend way too much on their eyesight."
"If you want to have a relationship with your family, don't you think that needs to start with sitting down and having a really honest conversation with them?"
"That was the kind of relationship Ash had with his dad before he died. They were important to each other, big time."
"My dad never really wanted kids, and then if he had a change of heart, it didn't seem like it happened."
"There's a high correlation between the ability to build wealth and good boundaries and functional families."
"In this groundbreaking best-selling graphic memoir, Allison Bechdel charts her fraught relationship with her late father."
"You cannot have a relationship with some people even if you came out of their dick or their vagina."
"Even if we aren't currently in contact, he's still my dad."
"You really have changed my life, my son looks at me in a different way than he did before."
"Do you think that he was a great dad? Let me know in the comments down below."
"Sometimes all you have in common with a person is that you have the same mother and father."
"He is grateful at those things which irritated him, he is overflowing with love for his children and wife."
"I just think it's sad and I think it's really important for families to try to get together figure out what your goals are what your common purpose is as a family do something productive together but also have fun together."
"Your family will not love you for the number of things you do for them but for what you are."
"She truly wanted to get along with her sister, however, that grudge and those feelings of anger were hard to let go of."
"The boys remain closer to their father than their uncle."
"You got to have that type of relationship with your kids where they can open up and tell you anything."
"So, just keep loving them the best way you can and they're going to see it. And they love Matt and they... Man, being a stepfather, Granger, is hard, man. It's hard but it is so rewarding."
"There's absolutely no reason that saying, 'Oh, you believe in a god, yeah I don't,' should be the reason for dividing families, should be the reason for wars and battles and fights and wasting time."
"Casey set the tone for how their dynamic was going to be, it's not George and Cindy Anthony who are forcing Casey to lie about things."
"I think dad's off to an excellent start and he just needs to honor that playtime so that he can bond with the boys."
"The general path of Harry's relationship with the rest of the family seemed to be converging towards some sort of reconciliation." - Robert Hardman
"I'm so lucky to have the parents that I have who are so loving."
"I was so happy when Josh was like had a normal relationship with his mom."
"A wonderful portrait of a non-standard father-son relationship."
"Allan still rarely communicated with his family."
"In life, make sure you're always good with your siblings like me and Justin because they're always there for you."
"Even though my little bro had a crush on my wife, at the end of the day we family."
"Relationships with our parents can be very complicated. It can be very, very complicated."
"All the best people in this family are dead."
"Especially that tower scene in the desert... that family drama stuff works."
"My world changed because my mom was my best friend."
"Family's supposed to be family no matter what's going on no matter how it's going."
"The significance of the mother-baby bond will override any other things."
"The power of expectation grounded in faith and imagination is one of the most potent forces at your disposal."
"Seriously, that's an amazing mother's day gift especially if you have siblings. Don't put your siblings picture just yours."
"Talking to my mother is like talking to a wall."
"This one is gonna be about something that we get a lot of messages about which is family."
"Heal past anger or resentment towards your parents before trying to build a relationship with them."
"My relationship with my daughter has grown and healed as much as my home."
"Especially the relationship I have with my brother...constantly trying to make each other laugh."
"I know he's mine, so, why would you stand here and try to deny him? Why would deny him the father that he deserves?"
"Once she was able to see Parker happy and healthy and living authentically it allowed me to look past my own fears."
"Make sure you explain what's going on to them, so they won't feel like my mom don't love me like that."
"You honor them anyway. It doesn't mean that you need to be anywhere near them. Just because somebody has told you you must honor your parent doesn't mean that you have to visit them."
"Watch your communication and nurture the relationship with family members."
"I just really hope I have that relationship with my daughter too."