
Gender Dynamics Quotes

There are 1214 quotes

"When women are together with no men around, a woman doesn't have to be this thing or that thing. She can just be."
"Understanding girls' feelings around physical safety, objectification, creeps, being self-conscious, and stuff like that, is so important, I think, for men to understand."
"Men and women are better together than they are apart."
"The biggest liberation will not come when our patriarchy becomes a matriarchy. The biggest liberation will come when us women heal our unworthiness."
"There's obviously a clear power dynamic between men and women in society."
"There's power dynamic between literally everybody in society; some favor women, some favor men."
"You might start to root for her in a way you might not root for a male character."
"Men love compliments, and men receive far fewer compliments than women."
"Everything that we do has to be spiritual... and it has to be a balance of the masculine and feminine."
"We didn't learn from our grandmothers, we didn't learn from our great-grandmothers, we didn't learn from our mothers. When are we, collectively as Black women, going to stop placing men on a pedestal?"
"Embracing your femininity will attract the type of man you want."
"Loveless sex is not empowering, and teaching women that they should be able to compete with men on having loveless sex, only one gender is going to win that."
"I have found men are way more obsessed with their penises than women are."
"People were more willing to hurt a man than a woman."
"The greatest influence on a woman is a man, and the greatest influence on a man is a woman, at least a healthy man."
"The masculine adores the feminine and will do anything to win her and keep her."
"The market is dominated by women. They make 80% of the consumer decisions."
"You guys always talking about you want more women, and then you leave when the women come."
"Men will automatically change their behavior and the way they talk to be more courteous, more polite when there's a woman around."
"My first experience of this, my first knowledge of existing, was as a weapon to humiliate and degrade women."
"That's much worse when you're talking about men and women, which is the basis for all thriving society and all growth in society."
"Men depend on women to respect and honor what they're creating because men are creators at that deep level through action."
"Men want to feel seen, honored, and connected too."
"Clarice is always underestimated by the men around her, and she has to constantly prove herself to them."
"For women, we have shame if we don't have enough money, but we also have shame if we have 'too much.'"
"Let me submit to you, Me from the Past, that your weird worship of women is a kind of misogyny because you’re imagining women as these beautiful, fragile things that you can possess. It turns out that women are not things. They are people in precisely the same way that you are a person."
"In the late '90s, women in country music were bigger than the men in country music or any other music."
"Why are men so obsessed with humbling women? Why does it hurt so much to watch a woman love themselves?"
"Do you think men owe a woman loyalty if she was there from the beginning? Absolutely, they absolutely owe that woman that."
"Despite the cultural perception that men are always responsible for creating hostile workplaces for women, you'd be hard-pressed to find a woman who hasn't had a workplace made miserable for her by another woman."
"The rope ladder effect: A woman will climb the ladder to the top, then pull it up after her so no more women can follow."
"The trope frames female bodies as collectible, as tractable or as consumable, and positions women as status symbols designed to validate the masculinity of presumed straight male players."
"The critical thing to remember here is that men are not born with this sense of entitlement; it’s a learned way of thinking that shapes the ways men relate to women and women’s bodies."
"I'm not saying men are the victims; I think that this is about both sexes and a changing dynamic."
"Boy--boy howdy, people treat women much differently than men."
"Queer relationships between women also tended to just not really matter that much to men because they weren't a threat to the family."
"Men line up for women, but women line up for famous guys."
"If you as a woman or femme person genuinely want to combat patriarchy, one of the easiest things you can do is make it safe for the men in your life to be vulnerable with you."
"An unprompted compliment from a woman to a guy can be something they'll remember for years afterwards."
"Nice guy syndrome is rooted in so much misogyny that it is far more common in men."
"Excess of compassion is a vice and it becomes totalitarian. No one that I know of yet has had a serious conversation about female totalitarianism, and that's a conversation long overdue."
"Men and women are complimentary... they are meant to bounce off each other, they are meant to work in both cooperation and opposition to one another."
"Being nurtured...there's a natural feminine presence that men are just addicted to."
"Attraction is not symmetrical; it's asymmetrical. Men and women are attracted to completely different things."
"We're taught to defer to the feminine and to what we think is our best way to become intimate with a woman."
"A degree of mystery is extremely intriguing to the human mind. So it's extremely intriguing to the female for her man. It's the first thing."
"The possibility of sex is the modern woman's glitch in the dating and mating arena."
"When it comes to modern women, men are doing their level best to try to understand what the heck is going on with women."
"High value man doesn't tolerate, I want to see the ladies' reactions."
"The softer and more gentle you can be towards a man..."
"Most women aren't angry women, they like men and want to be friends and have a boyfriend."
"It's like the rules of the Jungle when it comes to dating; women are hypergamous, they will pursue the best option available to them."
"The only thing that women respect is not words, it's deeds, it's actions."
"Guys can compartmentalize sex from feelings."
"Women are actually out there to sabotage each other."
"I was so tired of having random people explained my job to me in company spaces where I had to just smile and nod."
"Understanding male and female nature is crucial."
"A lot of educated and real-ass men who understand what I'm talking about, understand what women are talking about, and don't question it."
"Men and women are supposed to be together, we're not supposed to be at each other's necks."
"The reality is that men like this in particular find feminists condescending because women that display power, strength, intelligence, eloquence, self-assuredness, etc. make them feel emasculated and scared."
"Male victims are seen as lower in responsibility when their female aggressor talks back."
"Because she looks more likely to submit to your will. That is what you like about it, and that is a massive, massive example of the fetishization and sexualization of femininity."
"Women control the bedroom men control the relationships."
"These names came immediately to mind... Robin Roberts, Andrea Kramer, and Susie Colbert... There's a reason why they were mature."
"Men don't need outside validation, women do."
"Any woman who's ever stepped foot in an office probably has encountered some men like this."
"I spent so much of my career trying to be one of the guys... so that they wouldn't try to flirt with me at work."
"We're starting to open up about these hidden experiences that women face."
"Most girls want extraordinary men. In this exploration of relationships and societal dynamics, it's evident that a woman's journey is intricately intertwined with age and perceived value."
"That's what being a woman is: you ask men to explain things you already understand so they feel better."
"Feminine energy changes the atmosphere every time a feminine woman walks into the room."
"A man can most likely overpower a woman, unless you're a badass."
"Women today do not need beta males, they do not need blue pill guys."
"Men are self-made millionaires; women are born with their value. You can't tell a self-made millionaire how to spend his money."
"Guys tend to break women out into play and serious."
"Rolling coal merely kicks that up to high gear and in doing so lays bare how patriarchal men respond when threatened by climate action."
"Men stuff [___] down with women. Okay, be honest, because you know what, tick tock."
"You don't course correct by pandering to women."
"Nothing's more threatening and yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women."
"The truth is that women have the capacity to hold exceptional amounts of mental and emotional power over men."
"Women love men under the premise that they provide value men love women idealistically women tend to love men more from an opportunistic standpoint."
"The red pill is an attempt to teach men to selectively suppress the male protective instinct to avoid its exploitation by women who are conditioned to not be submissive."
"Understanding what it means to be a man and how deeply male behavior influences women is critical to maintaining society."
"Women control sex, men control relationships."
"Men view relationships with women as territorial."
"Women are all around waiting for you to connect to them. It's your turn to rise above your conditioning and come forth."
"The word simp is wielded as an insult against someone who's seen as humiliating himself for female attention."
"They don't realize you can't trick these women for long."
"The best thing I've ever read about the kind of men who inhabit those positions is that the reason why they like Boris Johnson is because he's capable of speaking to women."
"Unfortunately, rising selectivity in dating and partner selection comes at a time when more men are falling behind."
"If Captain Marvel fails or disappoints or just doesn't do it for the general audiences it won't be because men hate women or women hate men, it will be because everything about Captain Marvel feels manufactured."
"If women want to bring men back to the table, then they need to stop listening to feminists."
"I know so apparently what women actually mean is 'I don't need you anymore' and consequently, we need to rearrange how men and women interact with one another in society."
"In order for a man to have a successful relationship with a woman right he has he has to have a woman who follows his lead."
"If feelings are primary, then it's the male's feelings versus the female's feelings. Whose feelings come first?"
"These badass women have formed military forces that you wouldn't want to mess with; they are truly giving their male counterparts a run for their money."
"Women have been taught to keep their mouths shut. Women have been expected and raised to be submissive."
"Sherman wasn't successful because she was talking over minority women she was successful because she managed to claw her way out above men who were shouting over her."
"Feminine energy without the masculine is an illusion."
"When people think I'm a woman, people in general are nicer to me."
"Women make out really good in divorce generally."
"Men are acting rationally and opting out of education work and marriage because in all of these areas the penalties are high and the rewards are low."
"My conception of the patriarchy is not that men are beastly to women. It is that there is a structure in which women participate that overall privileges and benefits men in order to control female reproduction."
"It's just an attractive quality in a woman to a man."
"Ice Cube was being called toxic masculinity because he got together with this plan and he didn't really consult with black women."
"I was terrified. I politely asked a male co-worker to walk me to my car."
"If 80% of men were getting laid, we'd have no [__] problems."
"As women, sometimes when we are angry or try to hold men accountable, what we tend to do is belittle them and demean them."
"It's not a husband's responsibility to make his wife submit; it is a wife's calling to submit to her husband."
"Women hold a lot in order to function every day in the man's world... we utilize the experience as a lesson and move differently."
"When you bring Heaven down to earth through the women then the women's frequency elevates and then the men frequency elevates."
"Women are the gatekeepers to men for other women."
"Men and women have never been more in the dark regarding how to cultivate and maintain attraction."
"Even if you are playing as a man doing 10% more damage against females is still really useful."
"Men want women followership, to honor his leadership."
"Men do not value women when she only has her sex to give."
"She just girl-bossed her way into the role, he literally said okay."
"He literally said, 'Okay,' and she's mayor now."
"You never show women weakness, ever. You always show strength. Women need to always feel like you got the confidence to replace their ass at the drop of a dime."
"It's whatever the woman wants. I don't care how much we say it's a man's world, it's whatever the woman wants."
"A healthy partnership with a woman is when your masculinity and her femininity join together in a beautiful experience."
"I am completely supportive of every other creator, especially if they're a woman and if they've been inspired by me."
"My DMs are mostly women now... the comeback of the century."
"Men don't have very many needs. They really, genuinely don't."
"Women have enormous power in the divorce situation. Not all women, but lots of women."
"Not all men are created equal, especially in how they behave around women."
"It's not a secret that men are scared of powerful women and women that have a sense of agency. Men are scared, and that's how they decide that they don't like you."
"Tinder didn't ruin face-to-face interactions, Miss Horton, women did."
"What attracts men and women is the sexual polarity, the differences between one person being in their masculine and another person being in their feminine energy."
"Do you think it's equally as easy to date for a woman at 35 versus 22?"
"In 10 to 20 years, guys need to stop taking BS from women, start putting themselves first."
"I think if men spread the red pill message, we can change the dynamic of how things are now."
"In 10 to 20 years, men should take their leadership role back, stop getting emotional over women's games."
"Don't ever fight with women, it's not gonna win, you walk away."
"It's men giving women what they wanted. Women wanted equality, so if you want equality, you have to deal with what comes with equality."
"Men have definitely created a hostile dating environment and experience for a lot of women."
"There is a huge male-dominated patriarchal way in which we look at the justice system."
"If you feel sick and you allow a woman to swipe for two million dollars, if that's what, I'm like good for you, girl, you got that money."
"I've always been the driver... it's really important that we touch on why a lot of us women are the drivers."
"Men in professional spaces feel like they still have to somehow keep their guard up."
"So I'm very aware men are not changing. That's why I tell women to date out."
"Attention to women is like oxygen, it's like food they need our validation."
"If men are strong, it means that feminism loses control."
"Submission is actually like one of the most powerful things a woman can do."
"He feels like the man cuz I got her right... God literally built men this way..."
"What I see here is four male police officers coming over to a woman who is by herself on the beach."
"It's more difficult for men to get sex than commitment and it's more difficult for women to get commitment than sex."
"The men are the cattle to the women in this analogy, it's unreal. Men are more vulnerable to this probably because of lifestyle habits and various other things."
"Girls actually want guys to talk to them like this."
"The feminine puts distortions to death by the guillotine, and the masculine puts distortions to death by a thousand cuts."
"There have always been clever women who knew how to help themselves in a male Society."
"This right here will probably be one of the best examples I can show of what actually works for women."
"Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women."
"Women are powerful... when you remove that from a romantic relationship, what's left? You're just roommates."
"It's really just honestly quite amazing how men function."
"Women cultivating receptiveness accounts for the male approach anxiety problem."
"Women rarely if ever hear that guys like... 'oh no please stay with me please I love you so much.'"
"You can have friends who are of the opposite gender who don't actually want to be intimate with you."
"All the good fights are coming from the women; the guys are stuck in each other looking for the easy way."
"Women never forget anything done in the past, no matter how many years have passed. Bringing up past issues is natural for them."
"When women do happen to make the move first, it makes it a lot easier for us men to understand what's going on."
"You need a man that is a servant from his heart... Women naturally submit to the men that serve them."
"That pain you feel is how men feel when you sexualize yourself."
"Now there's going to be a really big shift of female directing versus male directing."
"The power of these sororities is not Sisterhood, it's the Brotherhood that desires it."
"I think the best thing that a woman can do for a man is make him feel like he has increased status."
"There was this powerful relationship of relationships between the masculine and feminine."
"The two-way nature of the gaze may explain why so many recent male gaze-defying works break the fourth wall."
"If you're socially awkward with men, that means it's an immense problem. This means it's a you problem."
"Women think they have options that they don't have. Confidence is attractive, but overinflating self-worth keeps women demanding more than they're worth."
"Men always take a W when it comes to divorce not women."
"Women initiate 80% of divorces in the United States in the west in general and 90% alimony is paid from men to women."
"You break his heart, you trick him and lie to him, and reinstate the matriarchy as a result."
"If men are agreeing with you, you said something stupid."
"You have lost yourself amidst your obsession with success for its sake."
"Women have a lack of appreciation for the things you do. If you do 50 things and she does one, she feels like for that one you owe her that 51st thing."
"If you try to hand a woman something and close your fist, she is going to think you're trying to hand her a bug."
"I think number one issue with consent is women not being communicative enough with what they want."
"The Divine Feminine and the divine masculine are getting together and creating this new reality."
"I think we operate in a gynocentric society that puts women on a pedestal and also bails them out of every bad decision that we make ever and tells us we're queens and perfect all the time we are Queens."
"The more powerful a woman is, the more masculine of a man she'll need."
"You got to come to men, but see that means you actually have to value men."
"She's teaching you that even if you're a thin white woman and you have this kind of attitude, you cannot get a high value man to stick around."
"Black women, you see what every other group of women does to get and keep their men. Black men have been telling you for years what they want - cooperation, femininity."
"So many men feel entitlement over women and haven't learned how to have healthy boundaries."
"Divorce rates are sky high, 45% of marriages end in divorce and women initiate 80% of them."
"When a black woman tells me what to do, I'm sure as hell gonna listen."
"Women know exactly what they're doing and who they're doing it with. Do not get that [___] up."
"I think women know how to flirt bro women are very aggressive in 2020."
"It's wild dude it's changed now because even at 18 if you're moderately or very attractive woman you're getting scooped up you're getting flown out [__] life opens up to you it is your oyster off the backs of wealthy men it's wild dude."
"If you want a traditional man right as a woman, that man should be able to demand a traditional woman from you."
"It feels like a lot of times people be like girls are taking over and it's like who like you're talking about like a couple of chicks who have a couple of popular songs doesn't really feel like it's that real right."
"Alphas get their choice of women, but Alphas also have a lot of responsibility."
"Women have more power than they know and can use it to get everything they deserve."
"We all have relationship problems. The goals between men and women, I think, are completely different."
"It's so funny because the women's soccer team, the U.S. women's soccer team is this, like, oh, oh this, like, flies in the face because they're global champions and they're women."
"We black women are raising these black men. When do we take responsibility for how we let our boys act?"
"It's a shame that we as black women even have to go underground to do that. That is ridiculous to me; I'm honestly sick of it."
"It's easier for men to replace women than it is for women to replace men."
"All the women who are making more money will only go in search of the men who are making the most money."