
Toxic Relationships Quotes

There are 861 quotes

"You just need to have the strength to let go of toxic draining people who do not share your drive, purpose, or can help you in some way in being in alignment with your highest path."
"Toxic relationships... will slowly drain you as if under the effect of poison and hold you back from living up to your full potential."
"When we have a low self-worth, we will find ourselves in more toxic situations."
"You shouldn't actively subject yourself to negative relationships in order to become a better person."
"The damage wrought by toxic relationships is real, and you have the right to speak your truth without it being edited to fit a more positive and sunshiny narrative."
"Self-care can be setting boundaries, healthy boundaries with maybe toxic family members, with toxic friends."
"If somebody shouts you down or walks away or unfriends you, you don't need them."
"Poor boundaries can really impact our lives in many ways: it can put us at risk for entering into toxic relationships, it can put people at risk for dangerous situations, it can also result in people taking on more than they need to, taking on more caregiving responsibilities, more work responsibilities in a way that can really take a toll on both their physical and their mental health."
"Step away from toxic cycles and start paying attention to the red flags."
"Being in a toxic relationship is worse than hell."
"Strength is learning and knowing that you don't even deserve to be in that atmosphere of toxicity or abuse, and you put up stronger boundaries."
"Life is too short to have toxic folks in your life."
"You don't need people in your life who are toxic to you, even if they're family."
"Becoming discriminatory towards behaviors and people that may be toxic can lead to a more aware and balanced life."
"Words are a toxic man's weapon, and he knows how to wield them and use them in a way that he looks innocent."
"You can't heal a person who keeps using their pain as an excuse to hurt you."
"Toxic people have no right to tell you who you are."
"You need to wake up from the delusional reality and let go of the toxic reality."
"You can keep your money then, and you can say goodbye, because I certainly don't need entitled, toxic people trying to ruin my life and my business over 20 bucks."
"Eliminating toxic people from your life isn't weakness; it's strength."
"Have you ever been in a super toxic relationship, whether it was a friendship, a romantic relationship, or you had a super toxic family member, and you couldn't see how toxic and dysfunctional the relationship was until you created distance?"
"His dangerous breed of love would not only endanger his life on numerous occasions, but he would also be plagued by the deaths of those closest to him throughout most of his life."
"A toxic person doesn't mean they're evil; it just means they need healing."
"Avoid toxic relationships... They ruin people's lives."
"You have to find the strength within yourself to leave a toxic relationship."
"You do not need people who tell you that you cannot be, you cannot do, and you cannot have all that God has said you can."
"When you start cutting people out of your life that you know are toxic, watch how much better your life gets."
"The reason we attract toxic people is because we lack self-love. We love others more than we love ourselves, and because we don't love ourselves properly, we are really not qualified to love others."
"You have to break the people addiction if you're going to be able to divorce yourself from toxic people."
"You are a lot more attractive than you even think, and you stayed in toxic relationships not realizing how valuable you were."
"You've got to get rid of people that are enablers because they, as long as an enabler exists and assuming people in the situation are acting rationally, the person who is toxic is going to continue to take that path of least resistance."
"Life with a narcissistic person is like living in a cruel casino where some days you may come out ahead, but on more days than not, you're not going to win."
"Sometimes, what keeps us imprisoned in indulgence and madness is our associations."
"If it's continuously going down a bad route and you can't pull yourself out, then maybe someone's not right for you."
"If you're losing all your friends, that might say something about your relationship being toxic."
"Imagine being married to someone and walking on eggshells so thick that you don't know if you set them off if that's what's going to happen. That's abuse and it's disgusting."
"The worst thing you do is have the wrong person in your life. Exercise those entire demons for your life."
"They idealize and devalue on repeat, creating a toxic cycle."
"Life is too short to allow yourself to be in toxic situations like that."
"A friendship that clings on to you and flaps in the breeze slows you down and holds you back."
"Why are toxic guys always so manipulative? Warning bells are literally ringing all over this guy."
"Our love should not be so toxic that it's getting innocent people killed."
"Distance yourself. Don't hate him, don't hate her, but you refuse to be in that contentious environment."
"You're better off without inconsiderate slobs like that in your life."
"The narcissist is, in most cases, a walking clusterfuck of confusion, anger, love bombing, and abuse cycle spinning bullshit."
"Breaking the trauma bonds, reversing the illness and the disease caused by the toxic relationship."
"I don't regret anything. I don't need toxic people in my life like that."
"You gotta have the courage to get the [expletive] away from somebody who ain't got no respect for you."
"You remind me that I don't have to settle, that the wrong guy can be toxic."
"I set healthy boundaries with toxic people in my life."
"The truth will set you free in a narcissistic relationship."
"He's an energy vampire he sucks a lot of people for their energy their youth and then he just spits them out."
"Cut toxic people out of your life and focus on your work."
"Your heart is too precious to deal with somebody who would throw you away for peanuts and a coke."
"Honestly, like things had gotten so toxic towards the end that I feel like it was for the best of all of our mental health."
"Toxic men tend to be if not always controlling men."
"Hold your boundaries with toxic people, even if it means cutting them out altogether."
"Who drains you, who takes time from you and energy from you, who saps up your inbox and calls you all the time."
"Send emails which are really nasty also she would slash his tires that is very very scary behavior."
"You deserve better than that. Your mom doesn't deserve you."
"I never ever ever wish for anybody to go through that feeling of entrapment that I did when I was with somebody who I knew was just so wrong for me."
"Nobody's supposed to control you, demean you."
"If you're in this type of relationship, y'all, this ain't living, this ain't happiness."
"Some people are just toxic and negative and don't deserve to be in your life."
"You can love somebody so much even though it's a terribly destructive relationship."
"Narcissistic relationships take up everything, they become a full-time job."
"You gotta have faith. And then when there's signs of, you know, gaslighting or some toxic behavior, you've got to say, 'Hey, you've got to create a boundary.'"
"Difficult, toxic people are equal opportunity offenders."
"Stop wasting your time with people that have made it painfully obvious that they're not willing to have a good faith conversation."
"Look, Will Smith, if you're listening, look, you're gonna have to drop her ass like a bad habit. She is a bad habit and you've been hooked on her for a long time."
"You have to get rid of toxic people, negative people, people that don't push you unless it benefits them."
"You deserve better; walk away from toxic connections."
"You don't want to give in to the energy that frenemies suck out of you."
"If people in your life are toxic, you have every right to cut them out."
"Dodging energy vampires: evading relationships that drain you."
"True divine love is toxic to a toxic person. They will leave."
"The best kind of solution is for you to be so damn healed that you're not attracted to those kinds of people who bring you the mess in the first place."
"You fell in love with a monster, better luck falling in love with an actual monster."
"Trying to have a daily phone call with a narcissistic, abusive mum or dad... it's not going to work."
"This is someone very motivated to make things work with you."
"Admitting to yourself that certain people will not change even though they're hurting you is a necessary step in overcoming depression."
"Narcissistic relationships push us to be perfectionistic robots; there's no such thing as perfect."
"There's nothing worse than being in a toxic relationship with a duck mouth ass broad."
"Most likely outcome is someone taking action on this because it's toxic, a lot of toxicity there."
"It's time to let go of toxic patterns, toxic relationships, toxic people."
"You don't want this person back in your life until they're absolutely ready to meet you halfway and be a good energy in your life for you."
"No one who makes you feel that way is worth your friendship."
"Toxic and possessive, two words you never want to hear in connection to a relationship."
"It's not healthy for you to be in a narcissistic relationship; it's toxic."
"The wrong relationship, the wrong friendship, and all the inner patterns that would have grabbed and created those relationships and friendships are falling off of you."
"You chose to break free from toxic energies or people."
"Opie's in a better place without toxic people like Sam in her life."
"Never go back to someone who requires you to be someone you're not."
"Former boss turned friend turned delusional sociopath, let's not meet again."
"So don't feel bad about cutting people off in your life that are toxic because they're blood-related so what so what so what you oh you don't owe them indefinite bowing down you do not owe them your time and energy and your tears and your anxiety"
"If you're in a living hell, you shouldn't even be in it."
"If your relationship is a living hell no matter who you are you shouldn't be in a relationship that's a living hell."
"Nothing about sex with a narcissist is about love or pleasure; it's all about control."
"Narcissists try to make you believe that you are the narcissist."
"The way those people treated you was atrocious and I'm glad you cut contact, you deserve so much better."
"You have to respect your own integrity because if you don't, nobody else will."
"You will never fully heal as long as you are in it."
"Toxic friendships and relationships can deeply impact our vibrational energy, leaving us immersed in feelings of anxiety, stress, and negativity."
"There's nothing worse than a black woman chained to a dysfunctional relationship because she doesn't think she can do better."
"No contact is the only viable healthy strategy to break free from a narcissistic relationship."
"If you're dating someone and they don't want you to have independence, run."
"Money can be and is used as a control tactic to keep somebody in a toxic relationship."
"It was just so toxic and I'm not saying older YA at that time was not toxic, it definitely was."
"If the door is open, walk through it; toxic relationships won't end well."
"Remember enabling is as toxic as narcissism."
"Break free from toxic situations and just understand peace."
"The only way you're going to feel your personal power is to let go of toxic people."
"It's a toxic relationship. Let them go. 100. Let them go. Let them go. Move on. Let them go. Stop letting this team hurt your livelihood. Stop letting this team hurt your mindset. Let them go."
"Possessive behavior in romance books isn't romantic."
"I feel like everybody's cutting out toxic energy."
"I'd rather be rude and alive, rude and emotionally healthy, rude and protected than be seen as a pushover by toxic people."
"Detox your connections, detox your friendships. Your abundance flow is being affected by the people with whom you're spending time."
"A part of you has realized that this is the time to let it go because this person is toxic for you."
"Blood ain't worth it if they're not making you happy and they're toxic."
"Communication is key when you're in a relationship. If it's toxic, just leave it alone."
"I think Amy is smart to point out and kind of Slam this idea that she's the toxic one when really it's Anna who hasn't recognized that she's in the toxic situation and needs to get out."
"If a toxic individual is in your presence too long they're going to create and you a broken individual."
"You need to leave that [ __ ] right where it's at."
"I was the toxic one... I need to address this."
"It's so important for your life that you do this. And I'm not talking about the friendships where you made a trauma-driven choice to pursue friendship with someone who was cold or cruel or hurtful to you."
"How do you know that you yourself are being the toxic friend? Look at situations and if you're the common denominator, then you need to look within."
"Don't wait for something bad to happen to cut off a toxic friend. Normalize ending friendships when they no longer serve you."
"You shouldn't have people in your life that don't want the best for you or talked down upon you or make you feel like you're a piece of garbage because that is definitely how I felt."
"Release toxic influences and choose your associations wisely."
"You deserve more, you deserve better, don't go back into a dark energy with someone, they're not right for you."
"Never allow the past or something that was once toxic to keep you stuck. Grow from it, move forward from it."
"You just have to really basically distance yourself from toxic people."
"If there's someone that gives you that pit in your stomach maybe that's a toxic person that you need to cut out of your life."
"You were saving each other, even from toxic connections."
"What is the trauma bond to begin with? So trauma bond you can think of as being like an intense emotional bond with a very toxic person in a significantly unhealthy dynamic."
"Cutting out toxic people is the best I could do."
"Be mindful of being around that or even being in that energy because everything that they touch will spoil."
"You're better off being alone than being around toxic people."
"End it for good. No matter how long it takes, if someone is toxic to you, just move on."
"You don't need shitty people in your life regardless of your DNA status."
"Toxic people come into your life all the time. It's time to only entertain situations that are beneficial to you."
"Jen Z discovers a toxic alcoholic relationship."
"Coaching and being positive is one thing, but what if the person who's with you is like sucking the light out of you?"
"Get them the hell about your life and find some peace. You just do you."
"The only way to get out of a toxic poisonous relationship is to make a choice to get out. That's really what it boils down to."
"Recognize toxic patterns running your life, break away and be strong."
"Somebody is stuck in toxicity and they're heartbroken."
"You got a chance at some happiness here, but not with a narcissist."
"Loving yourself enough to walk away from a sick person is the key."
"You don't have to accept the energy that somebody else is offering you if it's harmful, if it's toxic, if it's anything you know that it's gonna pull your vibration down."
"Prioritize your future over your past; toxic friends hold you back."
"The family summon feature addresses the concern of players being able to log on and go with their party to complete PVE content."
"Legacy wound... difficult to trust... toxic, abusive relational system."
"But I've invested so much time in the relationship is not a legitimate excuse to remain in a toxic relationship that no longer serves you."
"So, I don't claim to have all the answers but I do believe that there is more here than can be explained by the mainstream story."
"It's good that you walked away. That's what we want to hear more of—people walking away from toxic relationships."
"Never tolerate a person too long who only wants to take."
"We shouldn't be pushing this agenda that toxic relationships are like funny or that they're cool."
"If your attractions to a person are always only physical, you're going to always develop toxic relationships."
"If the household is toxic, don't stay inside."
"Is it possible to be addicted to a person? Toxic relationships are not technically a substance, but the behaviors they can drive you toward look very much like a substance addiction."
"You need to communicate, but if it's toxic, back off."
"Let go of relationships that don't serve you including but not limited to unavailable or toxic people. You deserve to be treasured by others and to be surrounded by positive people."
"Possessiveness, stalking, and manipulation - three traits that surely should end any relationship."
"Don't keep withering away in a toxic situation ship."
"Clean your circle. Remove emotional vampires from your life."
"The goal is to recognize these narcissists for who they are and maintain a disconnected, healthy position in that relationship."
"When things get physical, it has nothing to do with love, that's hate."
"Guilt and shame are powerful behavioral motivators in the toxic family."
"A lot of inner children think if they just get the magic code right, then they can cause a toxic person to not be toxic."
"All of those wonderful qualities that you have now that you cut yourself off from this toxicity, they are going to launch you into an incredibly successful life."
"Sometimes you just gotta let people go if they're not good for your health."
"Life is too short to stay in toxic relationships."
"Don't fear being alone and holding on to bad relationships... Let them go, you deserve better and better will come."
"You want somebody sweet to you, man, and this girl is not sweet. She's truly a foul person. I would not waste my time. You deserve better."
"Someone who is toxic will constantly be chasing after you because they're chasing the chaotic turmoil behavior that's all they know for themselves."
"Toxic empathy won't let you confront, won't let you challenge people's motivation."
"If you don't get a handle on toxic empathy, it can evolve into codependency."
"You know this person is talking [ __ ] about you; cut off toxic ties."
"If you're in a toxic relationship and you know it, please, get out of it."
"How to escape a toxic relationship: 'Sometimes you have to take a loss to get rid of toxic people.'"
"Unveiling toxic relationships: 'When a person shows you who they are, believe them.'"
"Breaking free from toxicity: 'Wisdom exposes the toxic individual for who they are.'"
"Escaping toxic ties: 'Don't let material things bind you to a toxic person.'"
"Once you've identified that someone is a toxic person, really try to get as far away from them as possible."
"If anyone does not make you feel good or makes you feel insecure, move on from them. Let them go."
"Recognizing what partnerships were toxic or karmic."
"When you have a parent who's manipulative, it's very much about manipulating emotion."
"I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done inviting in negative and toxic energies into my life."
"Recognize what's best for you and root out anyone that doesn't serve you."
"You guys are separating from something very toxic this summer... gonna be really positive influence on your life."
"The truth sets you free, allows you to end toxic relationships."
"This is not about a chef and the owner's daughter falling out; this is toxic."
"Sometimes in a very toxic relationship like this, it takes something very drastic to wake you up."
"The universe is finally freeing you because you freed yourself from a limiting person or somebody who has been very toxic, very abusive, and very hurtful."
"When something is always your fault no matter how much you positively change yourself, your decisions, or your behaviors, that's when you should realize that you are not the problem in that situation."
"Age is wisdom especially when it comes to understanding toxic relationships."
"I'm honestly glad I'm out of that relationship now though it was toxic and draining."
"Toxic people seek to tear you down, demoralize you, and make you question yourself in your dreams."
"A lot of the reason that people ship these toxic pairs... may be a sign of something concerning that's boiling in their subconscious."