
Reinvention Quotes

There are 984 quotes

"I'm on a journey of continual reinvention, and neuroplasticity underlies that."
"Hip-hop didn't invent anything; it reinvented everything."
"If I make the wrong choice and I mess something up, I can always reinvent myself."
"To stay relevant, you will have to reinvent yourself, not just once, but repeatedly."
"It's absolutely okay and it's encouraged... I strongly encourage you to reinvent yourself."
"This is amazing, the way that, yes, it's like that movie, the talented Mr. Ripley. You have this impersonator that just needs to cut whatever happened in their life earlier."
"Shape-shifting, reinventing is such a nice word to define this. You're burning bridges in such a way to make sure that nobody in your previous stage of life finds out because you are like embarrassed of that."
"This could be a chance for you to kind of have a breakthrough, a rebirth, or a reinvention phase in your life."
"The key to longevity and having success at doing it is the ability to reinvent yourself."
"If you find yourself limited, you reinvent yourself."
"The root of those things is the identity and the loss. You literally, in a sense, die and have to reinvent yourself."
"Not only can you create your life, you can recreate it."
"I actually feel better from a 10 to 20 minute meditation than I ever did from a couple of drinks."
"Matt Hardy, whilst never quite reaching the same level of success as the two aforementioned performers, has been equally as brilliant as a master of reinvention."
"It is a city that has reinvented itself and is now experiencing economic growth and a healthy job market."
"I think that the queen made sure in her reign that there was room always for reinvention, for reinspection of the past, and for finding a route effortlessly by just being there as head." - Commentator
"For me, by restarting and going in with a clean slate, they were able to compose this more compelling version of Bond."
"It really seems as though Just Cause has hit a bit of a wall in terms of improvement and refinement. It's time for a reinvention."
"America really is the great country of reinvention."
"You can always reinvent yourself. It's never too late as long as you're breathing. You can really shape who you want to be."
"Maybe it's time to reinvent yourself. And the reason why I say this: Don't change, but reinvent."
"You can remake yourself here, they don't own you anymore."
"It's a reinvention and James Gunn is going to absolutely knock it out of the park."
"We should treasure them for that because this is what real artists and real creative forces do. They reinvent themselves."
"An almost complete reinvention and recreation."
"A fresh look at a game that seeks to reinvent itself every couple of years."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake redefined what Final Fantasy 7 is."
"You gotta recreate yourself every time, don't get this one song and feel safe."
"There's no such thing as second chances. You get as many chances as you want in this world. It's how you present yourself to the world that gives you the second chance. You can continually reinvent yourself, but you've got to do it."
"Miley would go on to build the success from her new look, her new music, and her new attitude."
"It's time for you to recreate your relationship to happiness and reinvent what you think is possible and likely."
"You can reinvent yourself as many times as you could, you know, as many times as you can pop off like YouTube and social media will let you."
"Whether you're going back to school or just want to rebrand and reinvent yourself, now is the time."
"I just said the Republican Party to me is like dead. I don't know how it will be reinvented."
"This is what reinventing a brand looks like."
"The reinvention of an icon at last that's charmed us for over 70 years."
"Land Rover has reinvented the Defender for a new era without allowing this model to lose its iconic feel and legendary off-road ability."
"You are enough for you. You are whole, you are complete, and you are capable of reinvention."
"It's a full-circle moment, a restructuring, a rejuvenation, a reset, a reinvent."
"It's a great month for manifesting and birthing something new. Creative projects, creative endeavors — it's also just a great time for reinvention."
"After a breakup, sometimes it's good to reinvent yourself a little bit."
"As adaptation decisions go, the only one I appreciated more than this was the choice to establish the villains much, much earlier in the story instead of having them spring out of nowhere right before becoming the driving force behind the climax."
"We need to not go back to how we were when we were successful, we need to move forward and reinvent it."
"Break the rules and reinvent yourself. Be the person that you never thought you were before."
"This wasn't your father's Batman...the suit reboot...was a powerful visual statement."
"A new adaptation can provide an opportunity to rethink flawed plot elements, rework the pacing of certain story and character arcs, and reinvent aspects of a series that might not have aged well or that might take away from its core appeal."
"Michael Myers is gone, the new Halloween movies are crazy, dude, evil dies the night, evil dies the night."
"Season three makeover Manny: cultural reset."
"New York is going to always be... because we invented it and also because we keep coming back and reinventing it."
"One person who should appear on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling's very own David Bowie, the man who has reinvented himself more times than the Big Show has turned heel: Chris Jericho."
"You can reinvent yourself tomorrow and be whatever you want."
"Adaptability, our ability to reinvent ourselves and rediscover ourselves."
"One thing that has characterized dance music over the last ten years is its ability to continuously reinvent itself."
"Chaos has to come because it provides us the canvas upon which we as new beings come in to actually exercise what it is that we didn't do before."
"This is a chance to reset, perhaps walk away, or to create something new."
"Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself. If you do the thing when you're feeling unmotivated, that is motivation."
"I love a career path. I've reinvented it for myself so many times."
"I think you've been one of those people that's reinvented yourself every time and you've inspired so many people."
"Remember point two about self-reinvention and going through plan A to Z."
"It's a period of release, reinvention, and really positive growth and development."
"God of War manages to reinvent the franchise while never losing sight of what made it so wonderful in the first place."
"It's all about taking something that exists and flipping it and doing it something new." - Oliver Tree
"Everybody think it's over, it's over and you just got to reinvent yourself."
"You don't need a reason to change a habit or reinvent yourself or begin again. All you need is the courage to green light what your heart already knows it wants."
"Never be stagnant, you always need to be changing, you always need to be reinventing yourself."
"She was constantly reinventing herself. She was magic."
"We had to reinvent ourselves, always self-inventing."
"This is our guidebook, our textbook, the framework by which we live our lives."
"A very unexpected yet creative way to reimagine a champion."
"Reinvention and passion reignited, with creative ideas flowing."
"Some of the simple pleasures of life is what these two events are asking us to embrace."
"Think about the ways in which you can reinvent your approach to quite a few situations."
"Don't be afraid to start over, to do something different, to reinvent yourself."
"One of the things that inspires me about you is your ability to reinvent after 50."
"This story is for the kids that maybe wake up one day and want to completely reinvent themselves."
"This is your new era. Show people who you are again and show them that you're not what you used to be."
"Your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound reinvention."
"Her identity is constantly fluctuating to adapt and repel; her reinvention is what gives her the freedom that she enjoys."
"The power of reinvention, see part of the system that we're in right now as black people, we're scared to reinvent ourselves."
"You know, refreshed, reinvented, I'm happy about what I'm doing."
"I'm that [__] he's just Ginger and edin's back new waran MTH."
"It's all about trying to constantly self improve yourself... if you take the chance to maybe reinvent yourself."
"I really want this to be my take on the Gen 3 Draculaura—more vampire, more fashion, and more glamor."
"You don't replace it, you just reinvent, find new ways to be great."
"We are birthing a new paradigm where we can invent, reinvent ourselves, reinvent our politics, governments, and our systems."
"We need to reinvent democracy for this new era."
"The journey to reinvention is about having the courage to reinvent yourself consistently. Our values, passions, and purpose evolve every few years, and it's important to embrace that change."
"Ultimately there was a feeling that it was time to reinvent, you know, to start fresh."
"Life isn't about winning all the time, and after a loss, you have a chance to reinvent yourself and see if you are able to come back even stronger."
"You can recreate your story, you can recreate your life."
"It's time for you guys to really reinvent yourself."
"It's like you're taking something that you've been doing for some time and flipping it on its head and turning it into something new."
"The series is a radical reinvention of the Green Lantern Mythos and one of the most intriguing Comics that I've read in the past few years."
"They're learning that they can reinvent themselves."
"In America, that means a lot because we have a lot of [expletive] things about us, but the one thing we still have is anybody can reinvent themselves here."
"I'm always in awe of people like you because I think I put you in the category of... people that were doing one thing in show business, they had to kind of redefine themselves and kind of almost start over, which is so hard."
"I've had to basically reinvent myself."
"There is almost nothing that can't be radically reinvented."
"The show just never really gets stale, they never really get stagnant, they're always finding ways to reinvent themselves or do something interesting and different."
"You constantly have to hustle and not be afraid to reinvent yourself and generate ideas."
"I was a rediscovery, and now it was time to invent."
"Years later fandoms come back after being dead for a long time with the new Spin."
"DJI has really reinvented this and made it convenient."
"For Jose Aldo to have reinvented himself as a featherweight after the McGregor fight, and then to reinvent himself as a bantamweight after the Max Holloway fights, really remarkable stuff."
"Millennium is all about constantly reworking and rebirthing Gojira."
"You're wanting, I feel like you're creating a new you."
"Feel the reinvention of you before you experience its form."
"Reinventing yourself is a big thing in this business."
"But then in 2019, he reinvented his career and became one of the biggest stars in the UFC."
"She is constantly reinventing herself as she grows, and it's reflected in her music, which is so freaking cool."
"I think Elon has a unique ability to reinvent himself over and over again."
"We are never too old to embrace a world of possibilities."
"There's endless possibilities; this is a great moment for reinvention of utopianism."
"I think battle rap needs a spark and needs a reset."
"It's a chance to start fresh, and I think that there's a reason why comic books do that every eight to ten years."
"Don't like who you are? Then hit that costume shop. Rock a new and different sexy look."
"I want to reinvent myself and move on stronger than ever."
"...changing up his look wrestling and promo style the dead man gave himself a makeover that fit the time and prolonged his headline career for a good few years..."
"You can always rewrite your story."
"Never be afraid to reinvent yourself."
"Brian's lifelong journey and radical self-reflection is an inspiring example of the benefits of a growth mindset."
"At any stage of life, we can reinvent ourselves to be more happy, more fulfilled, and have a more positive impact on the world."
"This ancient civilization which was thought to have been lost is constantly reinventing itself in the Egypt of the 21st century."
"Change is good, man. You have to reinvent yourself to stay alive. You can't keep doing the same thing over and over again in this world."
"Ultimately what's going to swing it for me is Matt Hardy literally reinvented his character."
"We're gonna give you a new look into boxing, a new look."
"You are being reinvented at the highest level."
"Reinvent myself now, this is really important."
"I could completely reinvent myself and be the most extroverted charismatic person ever, and he did."
"When I look back now, that vulnerability was an important part. Yeah, it's an important ingredient. You reinvent yourself all the time."
"Mark is an inspiration, actively building a future for himself at 65 years old after almost four decades of marriage."
"You've been through a lot, and they see you as someone who has created yourself anew over and over again."
"To subtly reinvent yourself over and over again is a really hard thing to do."
"Do we as human beings have the mental stability and the emotional intelligence necessary to reinvent ourselves repeatedly?"
"The Flash Forward was a clever reinvention of Lost's flashback formula."
"2024 is a blank page for you. Be willing to rewrite your story or actually to write it from scratch."
"The world is my oyster. I get to figure it out all over again."
"I was born in 1989, reinvented myself in 2014, and reclaimed that in 2023."
"This Venus Mars Pluto is a total reinvention of relationship and a total reinvention of sexuality."
"At 55 Lulu took stock of her life and decided she didn't want to go into her 60s living the same way she was in her 50s so she took some bold steps, courageous steps and basically reinvented herself."
"That is probably one of the ultimate instances of how you can completely reinvent a band just visually, you know? It's just like, you know, same songs, just basically massive makeover and then all of a sudden, boom!"
"You will resurrect from this matter. Shake off the past and rise again, reinvent yourself."
"Rebirth, reinvent yourself, give life to your dreams, create a new reality."
"Resident Evil 7 biohazard: almost a complete reinvention."
"But also, trying to reinvent, you know, constantly trying to look for something new, something different."
"I'm always Reinventing myself you know and that's how you stay relevant."
"Even if something might have sounded like Olivia writing inspired in like maybe a melody in one of those songs, she plays the game to change the game."
"Beyonce's always going to reinvent herself. That's why she's always going to peak."
"In their next move towards you, they want to change this dynamic. Transformation, breakthrough, and reinvention."
"I want to reinvent the wheel with creative things but I don't want to reinvent the wheel with this boring stuff."
"New Era of me because I'm Reinventing myself in 2024."
"You can win if you're not afraid to reinvent yourself."
"Something happened that rarely happens in life, and that is a second chance, and that the world got reinvented the night that he was going to be president, because Canada was going to get a second chance at XL."
"They reinvented themselves with every album, refusing to be pigeonholed into any specific genre, format, or category."
"...there are plenty of examples of such performers rescuing themselves from failure by changing up their gimmick and breathing new life into themselves."
"Reinventing yourself is not about creating and designing someone else that's not you, it's about embracing the powerful you that's been in there all along."
"The Mercedes A-Class has been through more reinventions than David Bowie back in the 90s."
"We have been given a second chance to define who we are."
"The ultimate marvel universe existed as a place where the company could reinvent many of the most iconic characters, creating unique takes on beloved marvel heroes designed to cater to a whole new generation of comic book readers."
"Bestie, I don't mean to scare you but we've got three months left in the year. It's time to reinvent yourself."
"2022 and 2023 were some of my best years yet, and it was because I was prepared. I didn't start on January 1st, I made an action plan somewhere in the fall to truly reinvent myself."
"He didn't let the world define him as just a rapper, he leveraged his fame to build a second career as a tech investor."
"After every experience that I've had like this I always recreate who I am."
"You constantly always have to recreate yourself and you constantly always have to evolve."
"Her impact on the music industry and her ability to reinvent herself made her one of the most influential music artists of this generation."
"You're finally proving to people that you actually could do something, that you could reinvent yourself."
"...but for now Armada Prime is the checkpoint he represents everything myself and many others hold dear at this very moment he will likely be a time capsule for the Legacy Trilogy era a perfect balance of classicism and reinvention."
"Reinvention is not about how you look, it's about what you bring to the world."
"The exercise of reinvention can free you from the comfort zone of the past and open up your mind to all kinds of new possibilities."
"WWE hits the reset button, I mean not just hits the reset button but smashes that to a point where it's broken."
"I've completely reinvented myself in every aspect of my life. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it."
"Reinvention is the name of the game."
"I mean how many years can this guy talk about having Cerebral Palsy and reinvent it and make it funny and new and it's like the funniest thing ever."
"It's a new era of Batman. 'Hey y'all, it's me, Batman.'"
"I think it's time that we see a Superman that is hopeful again that dares to dream"
"This story is a fairy tale, and as a fairy tale, it is able to choose its identity, to take the old and make it new, to reinvent characters like Jack, Goldilocks, and Puss in Boots."
"What if somebody today tried to reinvent that formula? What would that look like? How much would it cost? And could somebody actually pull it off?"
"I think a lot of you guys will be too, starting back at our roots a little bit but this time with a different angle."
"Every record, she reinvents herself."
"Law Number 25: Recreate Yourself."
"The best way to put it is it's an epic comic, but it introduces a Wonder Woman like you've always seen, or a Wonder Woman you've never seen before."
"There is a massive opportunity to reinvent ourselves here."
"Arthur Gerald Jones had been successful in evading the mob and leaving his former life behind."
"You have the permission now to reinvent yourself and to become the person that you truly want to be."
"You're rising up. I see you finding inspiration. I see you creating your own wave. And I see you inspiring others too. You're reinventing yourself, rebranding."
"A new beginning in your career, using your voice as a way to generate a new source of income."
"From the moment Cuomo believed that Pinkerton failed, he wanted one thing out of the band's next project: reinvention. And I think he got it."
"How would you like to know yourself? Write a new story for yourself."
"Craft may have perfected the recipe eons ago but we feel it's time to expand what mac and cheese can be emotionally, spiritually, and physically."
"Reinventing yourself is interesting as there is a surprise, a plot twist that God threw in there."
"They take a genre that's been done to death and they reinvent it, they just try and do something different."
"Miley has redefined what it means to be a pop star in the modern era."
"Throughout your life, you have to reinvent yourself. So Houston has probably reinvented itself a hundred times since the war, but this is it."
"iZombie got me to care about a member of the living dead. All it had to do was reinvent a monster."
"You should always have that 21-year-old mindset... Anything is possible and I can reinvent myself right now."
"Reinvent yourself, creating a new reality."
"Because a lot of life is about reinventing yourself."
"I'm moderately aggressive. I crash, I burn, I redefine, and I rise again stronger."
"Reinvent yourself with new glasses, yeah, literally."
"Tesla's reinvented how manufacturing is done in the automobile business."