
Career Change Quotes

There are 2212 quotes

"A lot of you are going to have the courage to finally change your career, guys, and this is going to be a successful change."
"I'd rather change my career than make it out of powdered mash."
"We had never discussed me quitting or nothing... it's just a light bulb went off and I go, 'I'm putting in my two weeks.'"
"The most captivating, intriguing content was about quitting your job and becoming a digital nomad."
"You guys are going through a great transformation and this transformation is naturally going to bring changes in your career and your everyday life."
"I started off trying to be an actor, ended up on YouTube reading Reddit stories. I consider it a success."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave clinical medicine, and there are a ton of options out there."
"I quit my cushy job at a hedge fund to write a play about my family's murder."
"If there's anything you listen to, all the stuff that I described that was really tough, it was not as hard as me quitting my job."
"If your dream causes you so much pain, then you will quit what you're doing and do it."
"I have a dream of becoming a baker when I retire."
"Cameron Diaz's journey from the silver screen to a life of self-discovery is a testament to the fact that true success is not just measured by accolades or box office numbers but by personal happiness and growth."
"To preserve my personal integrity, I left the active ministry and pursued graduate school in clinical psychology."
"The closest I got to the end, the more I was thinking this is not happening for me in terms of coaching or managing. I'm not doing it because I'm putting myself through too much mentally."
"I'm a full-time content creator doing exactly what I want, making way more money than I used to, working smarter, better."
"Kim eventually becomes jaded with the world of financial law and opts to pursue pro bono work to fight the good fight, to help those in need."
"I spent most of my career helping wealthy corporations become even wealthier. I wanted to do something that mattered more in the world."
"Can you imagine your heart surgeon, okay, that's what you're doing for a living, okay, and all of a sudden one day you're inspired to want to be a comedian?"
"It's great to have you with us. We understand that you have a new movie coming out, which is a bit of a departure for you."
"You're never too old to go back to school or retrain or try a different career."
"Living hyper frugally and saving as much money as I could gave me the courage to take that leap of faith and pursue something just because I enjoyed it."
"If you're more focused on changing your career or doing something with your career after taking that certificate, as opposed to just purely learning, I think the Google certificate would be more applicable to you."
"My background is education. I was in education for 10 years, and my last job before I was able to quit and start trading and traveling full-time was as an assistant principal of an elementary school."
"If I could just make $300 a day in the stock market, then I could leave this job behind and actually go travel, which is what I really wanted to do in life."
"I was a burned-out stock market investor... I realized I could not continue working as hard as I was in my 20s when I was older."
"If you're not happy with what you're doing, it's not too late even if you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. It is never too late."
"Spend 20 years working in life insurance predicting when people were going to die to the nearest month and now he's on a mission to extend your life."
"This was my Plan B...my Plan A was to be in a band. It really was my Plan A, but when I saw that wasn't gonna work out for me, I went to Plan B, and look at this."
"I started making enough where I was like, 'Oh man, now I gotta do YouTube full-time.'"
"I used to be just a writer... I was adamant about not making YouTube videos. And here we are, almost 400 videos later."
"I quit YouTube, that's actually funny, dude."
"If you wake up in the morning and you're dreading going to work, dude, do something else. Do something else."
"I ended up spending three weeks, three whole weeks, going and getting my real estate license."
"I used to be a doctor, but I lost my patience."
"We weren't making near as much on Dude Perfect as we were at our full-time jobs, which I was making $440,000 a year at a landscaping company, but I was like, 'Yeah, but even if we make half of that, it's like way more fun, and we're enjoying it, so let's give it a shot and see what happens.'"
"I've grown up. I will no longer be filming dead bodies and forest, and I will instead be playing Pokémon professionally." - Logan Paul
"Leaving your job to pursue or to build your business full-time... that is the ultimate confidence."
"If at any point in time you're not loving what you're doing, don't be afraid to change and do something else because it just increases the chances that you'll be great at it."
"Some of you may decide to spin off a company or kind of go solo or do something on your own."
"I was discovered by a photographer, signed with Willamina models in a few months."
"I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honor of my life to hold."
"After trying his hand at accountancy and realizing that he's not a nerd and engines are cooler, he ended up establishing a small yet quite successful motor company."
"The most incredible experience to me is that once you get out of that corporate job, is when you start meeting these really inspirational people."
"I'm actually studying to go to university in September, but at the moment I'm a math tutor and a science tutor."
"It just evolved from trapping as a kid, loving animals, to wanting to change a career."
"It was more of a necessity because I had a lot of seasonal jobs prior to that where I'd maybe be there for three months, six months. I was moving across the country to all of these different jobs, trying all these different things, and none of them really clicked for me. And so after years of doing that, I was very tired. I got beat down, and a little defeated, to be honest, of switching jobs all the time. And so there came a point where I realized, I need to do something for myself. I need to be my own boss and make my own decisions."
"To see her let go of a fancy comfortable job that pays a lot of money to pursue something that she has no idea will turn out well, but it's something that her heart wants instead, was really admirable for me."
"I am NOT one that's afraid to change careers or jobs if something doesn't feel like it's working for me."
"The biggest gift that Covid gave to me was that it took away all of my employment and forced me to sit still and think about what I wanted my life to look like going forward."
"I'm leaning towards just leaving medicine completely because ultimately the thing that I'm passionate about is teaching."
"A year and a half ago, I was stressing about chemical engineering exams, and now I'm playing video games for a living."
"Let go and it will come. I let go of my nine-to-five job believing that was my story of who I was. Then I became a full-time YouTuber."
"I quit my jobs to focus on my dream a hundred percent."
"You can do anything, you know, and you haven't got to experience in what you're doing or background in doing it. I had no real knowledge or background in doing what I do now, but I had the ambition and drive to want to do it."
"When I first left, in the first three months, I made more in those first three months than I made in 15 years."
"I've managed a $20 billion portfolio in my previous life and I've decided to just step back from banking and make sure that I can share my data-driven macro approach, portfolio strategy ideas, and much more with you guys."
"I think I need a break from school leadership. I need to love my work again, like I used to as a teacher."
"After 25 years of a paycheck every other Friday, stepping out and saying, 'I don't have a job and I don't know what my job's going to be,' and 'I'm going to lose my pension,'... that was tough."
"I love this Great Resignation. I think it's great that people are finally starting to realize that hey, I can do something that I love."
"We realized we had already made more money from internet stuff than we would make working the rest of our lives for the government."
"You may start a whole new job at some point, and I get that doing good."
"I just recently quit my job to go full-time into YouTube and illustration."
"Can we entirely change careers and deal with adult bullying at sixty? What does it mean to be a successful professional but to not be able to share your chronic pain with others as you suffer?"
"The minute you take a step back... you realize like okay, just because I let go of that means of making a living doesn't mean there aren't other ones down the line."
"Basically a year ago or two years ago, I quit my nine to five cold turkey to start a YouTube channel and fast forward today, YouTube and just taking that leap has opened so many avenues for me. I am now a multiple six figure entrepreneur."
"Quitting a full-time job that you've been in for a long time and going off to pursue your own thing and become self-employed is very, very scary."
"My name is Matt, and I'm 48 years old. I used to be a plastic surgeon until recently. For some reason, since I was a teenager, I thought that the idea of being able to change people's appearances was both fascinating and artistic. Perhaps I also suffered from some kind of God complex, deep inside my forbidden subconscious."
"I'm emotional because I'm about to lose my job guys."
"Your major doesn't determine the rest of your life. You can change careers, you can even, you know, if you have a new idea of a career that needs more schooling you can go back to school."
"I think if we had a society that normalized changing jobs and trying new things, we would all be so much happier."
"I wanted to share with you the story of how I went... from quite literally never having written a line of code in my life to landing a job as a software engineer at Google in just a little over six months."
"Maybe I had just found a foolproof way of never returning to minimum wage jobs ever again."
"Hex has changed my life. I never have to sell women's shoes again."
"I realized I can cover my bills with this. I don't have to go back to a corporate job."
"She left the biggest audience she ever had to say 'nah,' one season, one legal bag, maybe one and a half."
"If I never work again as an actor but I can talk to people, I'll do it."
"It would be pretty rough if we had to stop doing it because we have to like learn a trade or something."
"Leave corporate America, start your own business at 40."
"Quitting in a creative way like Shifrin did can actually be better for your career than sticking with a job with an awful boss."
"If my husband and or boyfriend and or partner was tom brown i'd be sad i'd be sold i'd quit youtube like that would be an amazing iconic wonderful stunning i'm jealous of interval in every way possible."
"I'm announcing I'm leaving Little Mix. I need to spend some time with the people I love doing things that make me happy."
"If you're working some dead-end job and not even making 20, 25,000 a year, you can really make some serious money, at least more than you're making now, doing reselling."
"What I realized is that, actually, what I'm passionate about is the content business and writing was actually the means to build the content business."
"I didn't want to just be like a Facebook ads monkey anymore. If I can just stack up enough money to start a software company, I think that's where I'll make the real money."
"High school chemistry teacher turns to cooking and selling."
"I realized the real business for me wasn't to get clients in wealth management, it was to build garages."
"I applied to get a job at a zoo because of you."
"If you want to work remotely, know that things have really changed and the opportunities out there abound."
"He switched careers and he opened up a landscaping company. This is when his career really started to blow up."
"A thousand dollars a month would actually be a difference maker for you... to take that creative job or do something a little bit off the beaten path."
"When drew shifted his model of creativity for more extrinsic rewards... his enjoyment of the videos seemed to decline."
"I don't want to teach makeup tips anymore, I want to entertain."
"I officially work for Rainbow Six Siege now."
"The end of the Filthy Frank show has passed, but the incredible rise of Joji has only just begun."
"Valentino Rossi wants to be taken seriously as a GT racer."
"I'll never go back to working an office job, not on your life."
"I didn't think I'd ever be happy. Sorry, can't fight crime anymore because I'm happy. Maybe I'm not gonna do it." - Bruce Wayne's existential crisis.
"The main reason I left was because I was ready for a new challenge."
"Some of you at some point may want to move on from a particular job or work thing, all right?"
"If I just went into the treasury, that would just be a very different role."
"This is a period for initiating changes in your career or redefining your personal goals."
"It's a perfectly good thing to change careers."
"Cheer up! Whatever you're facing right now is a lot better than this guy who quit his job and started an only fans account."
"For everyone out there who is trying to change careers... there is hope."
"I guess the real core essence of that thread is sort of when should I debate going pro, going pro in poker and leaving like my other career, my other job, the other thing that I have going for you."
"Imagine being taken off working on a new Crash Bandicoot game and going to work on skin recolors in Warzone."
"The only limitation is myself... I can make a career change, anybody can do it."
"An era has ended in New England, one of the franchise greats has been told to pack his bags and [__] off elsewhere."
"I like him. I like it. I mean look, the guy, he quit and he's self-reflective."
"There's a lot to be said about the way punk left WWE."
"Maybe you'll do something with a little less high stakes, and you'll get to relax more and it'll be more fun." - Megan
"I just want to be a stand-up now and before it was like a third or fourth thing I did but now it's the first thing I did and everything else comes next."
"Quitting your day job to do game development: bold move, but I respect that decision. I want you to succeed."
"I used to work as a geologist on oil exploration rigs... we now enjoy."
"I'm sorry for the suddenness of this announcement, but I'm not taking a break and I'm not coming back. I'm quitting V-tubing once and for all."
"Retiring from his corporate job to do something else - awesome. I'm in."
"I will be officially quitting YouTube... famous last words."
"Creating videos online changed my entire life, and I want it to change yours too."
"Literally, like, a year after doing this in my mid-20s, I was like, 'Oh my gosh, like, I'm making more money from this than I am from my job.'"
"This is why I'm quitting. It's gotten too high concept. In my day it was all rubber chickens and fart sounds."
"Jerry announced to his boss that he would launch his own business and asked his co-workers about joining him in a company of his own."
"I was part of the traditional Wall Street Path for call it 10 years."
"HBK ventured out into the world of singles wrestling for the first time."
"I knew I could do more than music. I knew my whole life I was gonna do something other than just music."
"I remember when I decided I was going to become a professional fighter."
"His love for physics never wavered, but he saw greater opportunities in the burgeoning internet revolution - a way to make society better - and himself richer."
"You're the drummer dude, if anyone ever said that to me I would quit music and become a lawyer."
"How the hell did Bryce Hall go from making TikToks to beating people's ass?"
"From once great stars to supporting cast members, their journeys through the everchanging landscape of fame offer a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of stardom."
"If you don't like your job, make steps to change it."
"Filthy Frank's transition out of YouTube and into music was arguably the greatest success story."
"I came over to UFC for competition and attention, those are two things that I get from the UFC that I couldn't get in Bellator."
"I started making YouTube videos when I was working at Target, I was just so [__] depressed."
"Pluto's entering Aquarius in your six, which is saying your work routines will transform."
"Unfortunately, today along with a lot of other amazing Esports folks I've been let go from Blizzard casting Overwatch and working behind the scenes planning some of the best years we've had with Overwatch Esports."
"If you have the means right now to do this and to take this course and you really, truly believe that this is what you wanna do and that this is the right path for you, then just go for it."
"If you're just not getting that appreciation, it is time to move on, my friend."
"I promise i'm gonna be Absolutely Bringing Only The best Tutorials on how to make Money leave YouR nine-to-five Job behind and Join The digital Nomad Movement."
"It's time for graduation from the graveyard shift after 19 years."
"Share the financial struggles you're dealing with, share the fact that you're trying to escape the nine to five."
"Specialize in a subject that you will get a degree in and functionally have to do for the rest of your life... you can always re-specialize, it just takes a lot of time and money."
"Quit your job... I did not quit my consulting job until my YouTube income surpassed my consulting income."
"Someone influential may offer you a life-changing opportunity."
"Build identity Capital all right for all my career Changers out there."
"People who leave toxic companies often go on to great things."
"I give up can cancel me all you want I'm a canceled YouTuber YouTuber canceled I don't care I I cannot continue doing this 24-hour challenge lifestyle is not for me."
"If I knew the money I'm making now from trading, I'd work those 10 years at my job."
"I got the call out of the blue, and I have no professional resume. It was absolutely huge."
"It started with that investment that gave me the courage to leave my job to build this thing in the first place and I want that for everybody."
"Welcome to the circus, my final thoughts in the beauty world."
"This is the story of how a physics student turned starving artist and a computer sciences student working as a delivery driver teamed up to change the face of the arts industry forever."
"Most of these people aren't quitting being creative, they're just stepping away from the horrible grind that full-time YouTube has become."
"I'm excited to begin my journey and make an impact on 'the other side of the industry.'"
"Losing F1, having closed the chapter on F1 fully mentally, makes it a little less scary."
"The brain is incredibly plastic. Even at the age of 40, 50, you can change your career, you can learn new skills."
"It's never too late to become a voice actor. Voices are voices. You can tell stories."
"Now you're a wrestler, and now you have less subscribers, you still have tonnes of Patrons though so cheddar, cheese, is coming in, and all the better for moving forward without the chaff, so congratulations."
"Plans have changed. The original actor for the lead villain is no longer working on the show, and I would like to invite you... to play the lead villain."
"It can't be one-dimensional, I have no desire to continue doing First Take for the next five, ten years."
"I quit my job because of this channel, love it."
"A simple little typing class changed my career."
"It changed the whole trajectory of his career."
"Here's your feel-good story for the day: theorists in 1978 Richard Montenez began working as a janitor at Frito-Lay."
"Covid hit hard. Laid off, struggling, but refusing to go back. It was time to pursue what I wanted, to take a risk on myself."
"I'm making the switch to being a full-time competitive controller player."
"With a sane and coherent mind, Conor Murphy made the decision to move to LA in pursuit of becoming an actor."
"He could literally be like hey guys I've decided I'm no longer going to be an artist but instead I'm going to open a taco truck in the Hollywood hills."
"You're finally going to be going for it... leaving a job that you really, really don't like behind."
"I'm thrilled to join CNN Plus after decades in broadcast and cable news. I'm excited to explore the world of streaming as I embark on this adventure."
"Maybe I'm deluded I don't know it's possible it's funny though people from my professional life keep asking me when I'm coming back to work and I just increasingly wonder what if this is the work that's all I uh."
"I never saw my father like, 'Oh man, I didn't get the job I wanted.' Hell no, I ain't get that one. So I'm just doing this one. Boom, I started my own business."
"I didn't see a million dollars until I stopped rapping."
"It seems like Mike actually was not wandering the wilderness trying to work out what he wants to do next it seems like the dude loves video games wanted to do a games company and just had to wait for his if I could non-compete to go."
"Meyer's transition could either be a huge success or a giant flop."
"Big difference between just leaving the force and having a dishonorable discharge."
"Your pursuit is making you gain wisdom, get knowledge. You're done with working for people who don't respect you."
"It is never too late to change careers or pursue what you love."
"Going from a regular old career to now really a mission and a purpose."
"Mission number one from the new year on was become a full-time YouTuber... and actually make this thing work."
"The great resignation is not a mad dash away from the office, it's the culmination of a long march towards freedom."
"Sex is great but have you ever handed in your notice to a job that shattered your mental health for months? Nothing has felt more liberating in my life."
"I walked out of the agency... I quit... I finally decided... I'm gonna chase down this dream of making a living writing."
"This is the first finals in six years that you haven't played in, is this a little weird?"
"Creating a YouTube channel is life-changing."
"It's what allowed me to quit my job, it's what allowed me to have a very good income."
"I promise you I'm going to be continuing to give you the absolute best content anywhere on how to make money online and leave your corporate job behind."
"Once I master something I take a sabbatical and start something new."
"I'm leaving Blizzard Entertainment after 19 amazing years. It was truly the honor of a lifetime."
"I was a drug dealer, now I'm dealing drugs legally. Only in America."
"So now the reports are that Cavill is officially parting ways from the role of Superman."
"By the end of 2017, I already knew YouTube was going to be too big not to focus full-time on."
"It has changed it entirely. Today, 95% or more of my time is spent on our content strategy."
"After four times [doing comedy], I loved it more than cocaine, though it was the first thing I knew I wanted to do."
"You're meant to do something quite creative in this life. So, if you genuinely feel like this is just not working for me, you're most likely going to be drawn to a career that's much more for you very soon."
"I did the office job thing for years and I'm Way happier here."
"I sold my Rolex chain and bought studio equipment."
"New beginnings in finance or career. Keep your eyes open for this new beginning to appear in your life."
"he showed them that look i knew my worth i left a well-paying job i bet on myself rebuilt my career from the ground up and proved what my ceiling always was"
"Now people are just quitting their jobs because they want a job that not only pays the bills but makes them happy."
"I don't feel like a general anymore guys, I just feel like a guy who builds railroads."