
Gender Equality Quotes

There are 2688 quotes

"Women are being empowered more and more to pursue higher education, which they're now exceeding men by a scary amount."
"What if more men cared? What if more men viewed women as their equals, as fellow humans, instead of viewing them as disposable, as lesser, as other?"
"Feminism isn't just about being girly and being a woman; it's about class, it's about gender expression, it's about race and ethnicity."
"Genesis 1 teaches us about women and their relationship to creation... Women, like men, are made in the image of God."
"It should not limit a woman's ability to subdue the earth and have dominion over it, nor should it be used to invalidate a woman being made in God's image."
"It was objectively verifiable that women were being mistreated and that they needed more sovereignty."
"The role of Shield maidens in Viking society reflected a certain level of gender equality."
"We need more women in gaming, technology, and development."
"I think a lot of people aren't really open-minded to pay attention to women's sports."
"My passion point is intersectionality, inclusivity, and representation for women and girls in particular in media."
"Feminism has had knock-on effects that benefit boys and men."
"Women are flying planes, women are driving tanks, women are electricians. A woman's place isn't just in the kitchen."
"Our women are being ripped off, let's be clear. They are performing at the highest level, winning championships, bringing in tons of revenue, the highest ratings, and yet they're not getting their fair pay."
"Equal pay for equal play, I think we can all agree on that."
"Because of these women, girls and boys all over the world will have real-life examples that women are leaders."
"People can change. Society A decides to have a kind of equality, feminist marriage, and that society that is patriarchal."
"It's so important to me that Stony Brook University be at the forefront in the struggle for gender equality."
"We're taking bold steps towards closing the gender gap in matriculation and graduation rates, integrating gender equality into all of the academic and social experience."
"Let's allow men and women the opportunities to succeed but respect the choices they make, even if it means that women don't end up as CEOs or take the careers that you want them to."
"I believe women and men are equal under the law and should be treated completely equally."
"Yes, it is. Men get paid more for whatever they do, and women get less for doing the same amount."
"The wage gap is basically the idea that women are paid less in the workforce by virtue of well being a woman because, you know, sexism."
"I think this is a very important message for every gender in the world."
"For the court to reverse course now would run counter to that societal reliance and the very concept of what equality is guaranteed to women in this country."
"Racial justice and gender equality are very important moral and political causes."
"Unfortunately, in history, men have done a really good job of keeping women as second classes."
"The Equal Rights Amendment, a bill first proposed in 1923, would protect gender equality under the US constitution."
"It is a boys club and unfortunately they don't want us leading like we're doing now."
"People, including women, can comfortably walk the streets at night in the country."
"The future is very female, and we need more women and we need more female leaders who are active in politics."
"What we're doing tonight with this initiative is all about figuring out how can we work together, men and women both, to move from a culture of harassment to a culture of inclusion."
"If women were paid equally in every industry, this would not be occurring."
"The condition of a society's women is a direct reflection of the quality, or lack thereof, of society's men."
"Railing against individuals for their gender isn't really a productive way of ameliorating gender differences."
"Any job that a man can do, a woman is also capable of doing."
"I think that if you were to ask non-crazy feminists what are you pushing for today, I think ideally in a society, men and women ought to be able to pursue anything they want without being judged or shot down because of their gender."
"Men need to play an important role as women in eliminating bias, promoting equality, and demonstrating positive social and cultural behavior."
"Unless you have something vocational that gives you purpose, whatever your gender, I'm not sure that work is what gives you your purpose."
"Distinctions between men and women can continue so long as we affirm they all participate fully in being in Christ and treat them as true Christians, full heirs with the respect, dignity, and honor that that should come with."
"We need women's brains and all the things that we do, and we need women to understand that and take on their own power."
"There is great pleasure in the matter-of-fact way Jenkins and Heinberg make points about chauvinism, sexism, and equality."
"Our common prosperity will be advanced by allowing all humanity -- men and women -- to reach their full potential."
"Not only do I think that we should aggressively look at the ways our sentencing laws affect and discriminate between different groups, but I think we should do the same between men and women."
"The money that WNBA players are making is nowhere near what NBA players make. We need to figure out, as a basketball community, how to get these females paid more money."
"Men do not have more rights than women. We are equal on every front."
"Men can be feminists in the truest sense of the word. Women should have freedom and should have choice."
"Educate a girl, and you educate her entire family."
"Strong men have nothing to fear from strong women."
"The central question of feminism is: are women materially and politically disadvantaged and how to correct that?"
"Why can't women enjoy things??? Why aren't we allowed to do things and enjoy things?"
"Feminism needs to support men or like trans people."
"You want gender equality? Go move to Zimbabwe."
"The average IQ for a woman and the average IQ for a man is identical."
"No one should be putting their hands on anybody, male or female."
"Women have made a ton of gains positively in society."
"Courage is a human attribute. I think boys today are growing up in a very different world, and for them, this egalitarian ethos will be the norm."
"It will take us 208 years to achieve gender equality in the United States."
"It's not a panacea to just have women running everything, like it's not a panacea to have men running everything, but it is a very good solution to let competent people who prove themselves run things regardless of their gender."
"Women are not Collectibles; they're not Xbox achievements; they don't give XP to you to level up your masculinity meter."
"You can fight for women's rights and trans rights at the same time, and sometimes these do overlap."
"Everyone, of any gender expression, men included, should be feminists."
"Vasectomy is seen as a sacrifice that eases the burden of contraception responsibility from women and is often associated with gender equality."
"Women can make the first move. Women are equal and that's why we set out to do that in dating, and then friendship, and here we are at business and networking."
"Despite enacting the Equal Pay Act more than five decades ago, on average, women earn only 77 cents for every dollar paid to a man."
"I'll be introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act again soon because unions have been really helping lift women."
"It's crazy how women are human beings too, isn't it?"
"The first Cabinet ever that is evenly composed with as many women as men in the Cabinet."
"There is nothing stopping you if you were born female from doing everything that men can do."
"Maybe you shouldn't underestimate a girl because girls can do anything boys can do."
"In a space of a very short period of time, it's not just that women have caught up in college education; they've blown right past."
"You can agree that there is still more work to be done to get women on a level playing field and point out what's happening to men and boys."
"I call myself an impatient optimist. I'm impatient because the world is getting better for women, but it's not getting better quickly enough."
"It didn't fix the wealth gap, but there was absolute improvement. You find more women in the workforce, more women actually making more money."
"You shouldn't underestimate a girl because girls can do anything boys can do."
"If we start our own robotics club just for girls, then it makes us no better than they are."
"We keep pretending that men are doing an equal share, but every time we get the analysis of who does what, it doesn't work out."
"Achieving gender equality could unlock $12 trillion."
"A woman could be president or a woman could be anything that a man could be but it shouldn't be because she's a woman, it should be because she's just capable."
"It's time for men to stand up and support women."
"I think it's important to let people know that you appreciate their effort and gestures and aren't just entitled to something because you're a woman."
"I really want women to exist for purpose the same way that a man does, instead of for purchase."
"Importantly, I really wanted to help a daughter learn how to succeed in what is still a predominantly male world of work."
"What lessons do I owe a son? How can I teach him to be a colleague, a boss, a spouse who will really work to make the world better for women?"
"If my son works to make the world better for women, then he will make the world better for everyone."
"A portion of my proceeds are gonna go to actually helping girls all around the world get free and sustainable hygiene care products."
"Because, bits, when you're on your period, you grab a pad, but there's a lot of girls that don't have that luxury."
"Men should know their worth just as much as a woman."
"No one has done more for women than Jesus Christ."
"To make country strong, you have to make mother strong, sister strong, woman strong, and then country strong."
"When women are given the same opportunities, there is no statistic difference in behaviors such as adultery, suggesting it's all opportunity related, not power structure, biology, or psychology related."
"Women have fought and continue to fight for a seat at the table and to be seen as an equal to their male counterparts."
"Women belong in the kitchen." (In the context of Burger King's campaign to address gender disparity in the culinary industry)
"We're on a mission to change the gender ratio in the restaurant industry by empowering female employees with the opportunity to pursue a culinary career."
"Feminism is still relevant in today's society. They put up with a whole lot of [expletive] that us men just don't have to."
"All I want to say is that when people are talking about privilege, we're not trying to say that men are acting in a way that they believe they deserve more... listen to women, listen to what happens to them."
"I think there is to a fair degree sexism. I absolutely do."
"I and others of my sex find ourselves controlled by a form of government in the inauguration of which we had no voice."
"The foolproof plan to making all of this happen: Let women issue a declaration of independence sexually and absolutely refuse to go to habits with men until they are acknowledged as equals in everything, and the victory would be won in a single week."
"If our good men will only trouble themselves as much about the purity of their own sex as they do about ours, it will make one moral code for men and women."
"The government wants women to be able to participate as spectators in football matches."
"Justice Ginsburg was one such woman, and I would like to pay tribute to her for what she did to pave the way for women of today."
"I cannot go on and rant and rave about how important it is to tell women that they are equal to men."
"Just as their interactivity makes them a powerful tool for reinforcing male entitlement, so too could that interactivity be harnessed to disrupt antiquated gender dynamics and engage us with game mechanics that explore more equitable interactions between people of all genders."
"The first bill I signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act."
"Patriarchy doesn't just hurt women; it hurts us all."
"The importance of sexual health, autonomy, and access to safe birth control is hugely important for all genders."
"Barrel racing has been the only women's event at this level for years. Now, breakaway ropers across the country are pushing for more rodeos and bigger prizes."
"Men and women are not equal in the sameness, but they're equally important."
"It's time for those masses of men to start respecting women for the role they play in their lives."
"Electing a woman as president would deal a smashing symbolic blow to the patriarchy."
"Young men of the world, hating women is bull. It's a lie. It's not real."
"You can't start really living your life until...women are treated as your equal."
"By creating the Gender Policy Council, President Biden fulfilled a campaign promise to create a White House team backed by the whole of government for defending women's rights and advancing equality."
"The primary goal of the women's movement was economic independence, was to break the chain of dependency that women had on men."
"Having a daughter does not make a man decent. Treating people with dignity and respect makes a decent man."
"Just because I'm a woman does not give me all the right or power to ruin a family and a man."
"Why are you so fucking hostile towards women? How amazing would it be if 50% of the population that is currently not interested in gaming suddenly became hardcore gamers?"
"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns."
"These two executive orders together are a statement of the commitment of the Biden-Harris administration to advancing gender equality and equity."
"Girls are every bit as good at driving cars as boys are."
"Women also deserve a raise... women also deserve to get the orgasm equality."
"We are not asking to get paid what the men get paid; we're asking to get paid the same percentage of revenue shared."
"Trans women are women, therefore they compete in women's sports."
"Believing women means taking the woman's claims seriously, where she steps forward and then vet it, look into it." - Joe Biden
"Women deserve just as much equality as a man. They deserve to be respected and deserve not to fear for their lives at every given moment."
"We see her as a woman trying to fight for her voice to be heard as equal to the men around her while also having to work twice as hard."
"Women want and need and deserve to be respected too, and men want and need and deserve to be loved too."
"First and foremost, she was a brilliant, generational legal mind who climbed past one obstacle after another to summit the very pinnacle of her profession."
"Institutionally oppressed... just simply not being able to have a credit card, not being able to have your own bank account."
"There's no reason why a woman can't go out there and get paid the same money for the same qualifications, same job, same experience."
"You are a woman, and you can do whatever the hell you want to do because daddy's doing it, and you're way better than I am."
"I think that women and men are fantastic. Both of us are fantastic."
"Did you know that there are more women in law school now than men? Simply amazing how times have changed."
"Gaining of knowledge is an obligation for every male and every single female."
"Treating women as second-class citizens is a bad tradition. It holds you back."
"This is a sport that women can compete in as well, so of course, pester your parents, pester everyone you can get, go after your dreams."
"It's very important that we believe that there is an equality of value between men and women."
"Charlotte Flair has become one of WWE's biggest stars, male or female."
"I do not believe women belong in the kitchen. I'm a proponent of women succeeding in the workplace and getting beautiful salaries and running companies."
"That's my dream scenario: to have witty banter with a man and have him see you as his equal."
"Real men would say, 'Hey, hell no, what the hell is that about? I have daughters.'"
"People ask me sometimes, when do you think it will be enough? When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is: When there are nine."
"Catherine insisted that her younger subjects, be they girls or boys, should receive an education."
"Representation matters and not just for girls but also for boys. What I hope is that young people get to dream big and dream bigger than they have before by seeing me stand here."
"No modern country can progress without empowering women...in our new national security policy, gender insecurity is a key pillar."
"Women today can actually say they don't need a man."
"What you're trying to say is women could go read the manuals, learn the information, apply the information, and run the existing infrastructure as effectively as the men are."
"It's important for young women to see those representations around them in the same way it's important to young men."
"We need more men with the guts, with the courage, with the strength, with the moral integrity to break our complicit silence and challenge each other and stand with women, not against them."
"The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that the best of you are those who are the best towards your women, your wives, your mothers, your daughters, sisters, your female colleagues."
"We need more men who have the courage and the strength to start standing up and saying some of this stuff, and standing with women and not against them."
"If women decide to go and just do things and believe they can do it, ask for that raise, that will get rid of the pay gap, not pretending that we're in a patriarchy."
"It's long past time to disrupt the established pattern, break the cycle, and create new gender paradigms."
"She fights for human rights. She has a very controversial and influential speech that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights."
"We're not doing this just for us. We're doing it for younger girls behind us."
"Give your money to women is a way of balancing out gender-based income inequality."
"We're gonna keep standing, and we're gonna hope the sisters like you would stand with us to say when it's inequality, we must speak up, and we must be glad, because your daughters are coming and you're great."
"The pay gap will take over a hundred years to close."
"I simply want the BBC to abide by the law and value men and women equally."
"Women can direct action movies. Women can be action stars."
"If every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board."
"The only threat to men is that they will have to share power."
"Mary preferred the company of men and considered them her intellectual equals."
"Free the nipple is a global movement that started life on Instagram. It aims to tackle gender equality by highlighting the difference in social attitudes between male and female bodies."
"It had nothing to do with women's rights, nothing."
"The answer to male chauvinism is not female chauvinism. The answer is friendship and being nice to each other."
"Sexism against men is still just called sexism."
"When it's still aren't seen as equals to men, it's really hard for a lot of people to become open to."
"Aim for being in control, aim for just breaking the barriers, just doing the same things that men do."
"I support the feminist goal because it's the right thing to do."
"Real equality means traditional men's work and traditional women's work are equally valued."
"Equality for us can’t mean not caring or not paying attention to what genders are given what benefits, as that would just leave the opportunity open for more quiet discrimination."
"Women are not supposed to suppress, women are not supposed to downtrodden, they should get equal status in society with men."
"Equality of men and women is stated in the Quran."
"If sharing the burden of care of children and of parents is key to closing the gender gap then that suggests accepting the traditional roles of men and women are a thing of the past."
"Tesla's ideas about women's capabilities and their role in society were unusually Progressive for his era."
"Societies that treat women better are more creative and dynamic."
"It's not men versus women or women versus men, it's all of us against patriarchy."
"By advancing the fairy tale that only an American woman was on the same level as male Russian chess masters, Netflix enhanced the dramatic impact of its story."
"Incredible to be working with more female directors."
"Men are quite tired of all the double standards."
"It's about allowing women to exist in the world without being harassed or judged regardless of how they like to present themselves."
"I think everybody should have guns that's just me men or women are supposed to be in Partnership and they have traits to balance each other."
"It all ends with this: women want equality. Equals pay the bill."
"Women are at the forefront of societal advancement."
"Survival is equal, but in this society, we need men."
"Civilization happens when good men and good women come up together."
"No country in the world can yet say that they have achieved gender equality."
"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should feel free to be strong."
"We concentrate on making sure that these gaps that have been there in the past between men and women are narrowed."
"Women must still fight to be paid what they're worth."
"Women are not equal to men in the eyes of the government."
"Women could do anything that men could do and deserve to be respected and valued for their skills and talent."
"Our plan includes access to affordable childcare that's going to enable parents particularly women to get back to work."
"Men and women are still different. The social justice warriors still don't like the results of true equality."
"Every reasonable person knows that men and women are not the same thing."
"Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels."
"There are some sports that aren't necessarily offered to women."
"It is important that we continue to demand for the promotion of gender equality while paying particular attention to the rights of women, children, girls, and the rights of people living with disabilities."
"Women's wrestling is at a point now where we are viewed equally as the men."