
Duality Quotes

There are 5212 quotes

"Anger is a powerful servant but a terrible master."
"Truth is non-dual; truth is the unification of all dualities."
"Forgotten, hidden elements, positive and negative energy, representative of light and dark, the eternal struggle between good and evil."
"This was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"Dark Link has always represented to me... the timeless cosmic struggle being explored within the confines of Link himself."
"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously."
"The imagination is so powerful, agent, and that's why it's one of the most important tools that you can use for good and for bad."
"Sometimes you have to... feel like there's two things can be true at the same time. Yes, you can be fully aware and invested in all the horrible things that are going on in the world and also still look forward to some positive things in your life."
"Very little was known about the way in which emotions...are actually sort of two sides of who we are."
"Sometimes things can have good aspects and some bad aspects."
"You can't be a victim and a master at the same time."
"Duality is natural and false; non-duality is not natural but it is true."
"You can love and appreciate your country and hate how it rose to prominence."
"The truth is built off paradox: everything's its own thing, but it's also the opposite at the same time."
"This idea of the warrior poet was one of the first ideas I latched on to, which is these two opposite concepts of no, no, let's merge those together and be all of it."
"Inside of you there are two wolves: one is kindness and empathy, understanding and selflessness, and the other is anger and bitterness, bigotry, ignorance, and cynicism."
"The same religion that can change someone's life and make them a better person can also make another person hate themselves."
"The physicality of Egyptian resurrection or Egyptian afterlife beliefs is as much of a trap as it is a salvation."
"We are here to experience good and bad to shape our soul."
"Life is life; there's duality. With the challenges, there's going to be blessings, and with the blessings, there is also going to be some challenges."
"Duality, viewing particles as sometimes like particles, sometimes like waves, is one of the biggest leaps of imagination that quantum mechanics made."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is predictably amazing. It's exactly what we expected it to be, which is both a good thing and a bad thing."
"Crises like this bring out the best and worst in humanity."
"Any power can be harnessed in a very beneficial way for humanity or also in a destructive way."
"The world has always been a difficult place where there's been terrible things happening and beautiful things happening at the same time."
"This is how Horus is united with Set; they are the light and the dark, opposites within the same unity."
"Reality doesn't have to be one side of the duality or the other; it can be both and neither at the same time. It's just something impossible to conceptualize."
"Jesus is truly God and truly man. At no point was he not God."
"In a way, duality is all you've got. That's why you've got dualities in all sorts of religions and philosophies throughout all of history."
"We can be very evil, but we can also be very good. We have saints, and we have evil, horrible people."
"Kali...is often depicted standing on or trampling Shiva while she's wearing a skirt made out of human arms and heads."
"Sekhmet could either be known as the Lady of Terror or the Lady of Life depending on which side of hers you were on."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow."
"All coins have three sides, heads, tails, and the edge."
"Existence happens in two different dimensions: one is the non-dual oneness of existence on one level, and the many manifestations of the duality on another."
"The heart and the mind are the same; that's the end of the duality."
"The opportunity for an audience member to simultaneously enjoy the very violence on a carnal level while condemning it from an intellectual point of view might be the greatest metaphor for being an American."
"The weird thing about the double-slit experiment is that it seems in various ways to be doing both of those things at the same time."
"This film is about the two-sidedness of being black... the paradoxes and conflicts and juxtapositions that are inherent to the black experience across the diaspora."
"Duality is the quality or condition of being dual: two separate lives in one body, separated by nothing but the perspective of others."
"World of duality leads to bondage; non-duality leads to freedom."
"I love love. It can be the greatest feeling in the world, it can also be a very hurtful feeling."
"Past and future, and both are indispensable."
"The law of attraction: the silent force of concentration to attract desires. Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end."
"Regret hurts. Regret also instructs, and you can't have one without the other."
"Vivec personifies this duality of natures so much so that it is his central theme."
"The word of God is like a double-edged sword, cutting apart the spirit and soul."
"It embodies the duality of Sabrina as both resistance to and a tool of dominant power structures."
"This life is full of reminders and doorways and pathways into depth and darkness but also back out into light. They are both for the same purpose."
"There's no night without day, there's no birth without death."
"The principle of gender states that there is masculine and feminine within everything in creation."
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites."
"Release your ideas of what happiness, success, enlightenment, spirituality look like. Darkness and chaos does not mean evil."
"The universe is working for you, light and dark is of the same coin."
"Good can't exist without evil. Hope can't exist without despair."
"Two bodies, one soul, two halves of a whole."
"I think all of us have two sides to our personality, we got the light and we got the dark."
"For every plus, there's a minus; for every up, there's a down; for every left, there's a right; for every go, there's a stop."
"The pandemic was probably the worst and most beautiful thing that I think's happened to the world."
"You cannot get away from duality because that's how we are able to understand things."
"There is no success without failure; there is no light without dark."
"Our egos defend us; they do a lot of good things, but they're also harsh rulers."
"Oh, this is gonna be fun... and bad... in so many ways."
"The shadow doesn't only contain negative characteristics; it's our animalistic side, the source of both creative and destructive energies."
"Life is perfect and it's full of mistakes. It's clean and it's dirty. It smells sweet and it stinks."
"There's beauty in the 'beast' as well as beauty and bell."
"Love can be a curse, but always and completely, it's a gift."
"If you think we're intelligent, you think we're brilliant, you're absolutely right. But if you think we're just a couple of idiots who don't know shit, you're right too."
"Greece's culture: 'A complex Eastern Mediterranean culture that always inhabited both east and west and is defined by that cultural richness and duality.'"
"I feel like I have two personalities: one's super sweet and one's like don't f*** with me."
"Every light casts a shadow; in every mirror, there is a reflection. As above, so below."
"But perhaps ultimately he was both of these things simultaneously, both the ruthless and power-hungry man who ended the Roman Republic and made himself ruler of an empire, and the individual who brought stability to a withered Republic which was dying long before he consigned it to history."
"Fear can be one of two things. It could either be your friend or your enemy."
"You cannot love the world and love God simultaneously."
"You get a chance to see the balance between the racial hate and the love at the same time too."
"That's life. It's a multitude of this constant crossing of positive and negative."
"Our dark side and our light side are interconnected... unfortunately, it's responsible for our light side."
"It's kind of like the movie Inside Out, can't have joy without sadness."
"As violent as he is caring, as callous as he is vulnerable."
"Supernovas could be an agent of change, and it could be for better or for worse."
"How do you get creativity without having to recreate a duality?"
"We're cursed but also blessed to be living through this weird era of social media."
"America is a country of the grifted and the grifter. They can't have a country with one without the other."
"The fact that you and I live in the middle of Two Worlds and that we are literally dealing with what are spiritual entities that are demonic in nature."
"If you could define the human experience in one word, what would it be? Sacred and profane."
"Whatever strengthens my spirit weakens my flesh."
"Even in this hysterical moment, you need to be able to hold two truths in your hands at the same time."
"His paintings continue to both horrify and enchant me."
"They're just very sensitive and so soft but they have this wild side like totally wild and fierce side in them that will just tear someone apart if they make any move to harm you."
"There are only two ways: fear and love, nothing else."
"Everything is balanced, there is dark, there's light, there's good, there's bad."
"I love the paradox there, I love the give and take, the good, the bad."
"Starship Troopers: Terran Command takes us to the universe of Starship Troopers, a book and a movie that I very much love for two very different sets of reasons."
"You're very open about your darkness and your light."
"They reflect the best of us and the worst of us."
"Everything has an opposite. Just how there's good, there's bad. Just how there's a God, there's a devil."
"Your greatest gift can become your greatest weakness."
"There's parts that are wonderful and parts that aren't."
"Love and do what you will... Love is not a body and love doesn't do or not do those are the that's the conundrum of believing in Duality."
"Your connection is a higher dimensional experience, a path of ascension to come out of this plane of duality."
"Strength needs weakness the same way that light needs darkness to define it."
"It's like they are yin and yang, completely different individuals but kind of also the same."
"What makes the Hulk an interesting character is the duality between Hulk and Bruce Banner."
"Johannesburg is a very terrible city... but it's also a gorgeous city."
"Henry’s life and reign was a fascinating mixture of both the best and the worst of Kingly behavior."
"A person can be both a hero and a villain, and I think he can play both roles."
"Time is of course our best friend and our worst enemy."
"He played a ruthless mercenary, very quiet, very cold, very steel-like, with a kind of confidence and courage that generated two qualities: virility and vulnerability."
"The idea of a godly man and a warrior one the same."
"Without good, there is no evil, and without evil, there is no good. Facts."
"Life is always a mixture of the two: the dramatic and the comedic."
"Hope and despair, the children of desire, the ultimate motivation to achieve, or destroy."
"Balancing each other out - beauty in duality."
"Many who have worked at Naughty Dog over the years described it as a duality as a place that can be simultaneously the best and worst workplace in the world."
"Horrific times are coming but it's a double-edged sword, the best of times in the worst of times."
"He's both a devoted family man to his daughter Frankie and a vicious killer."
"For every perceived positive, there is also a negative."
"The internet is an amazing place, both good and bad."
"Two men who on the outside appear to be respectable members of their community, great family men, great providers, but just under the surface, something a bit more nefarious was bubbling up."
"The imagery of nature fits both the sexual and spiritual aspects of the poem."
"A spiritual body can behave as a natural body and it can behave as spirit."
"Life is exposure to everything it has to offer, good and bad, happiness and suffering." - SL Conley
"A common denominator among actors is having low self-esteem on one hand and a large ego on the other."
"Everything is good and terrible at the same time."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of an issue."
"A time to celebrate but it's a time to think."
"You can't have dark and evil without light and good, so maybe."
"It's the Janus age, everything is two-faced."
"The word is power both to bless and to curse."
"We use these two symbols to illustrate the law of opposites."
"The most powerful force ever known on this planet is human cooperation—a force for construction and destruction."
"These powers are like yin yang to each other."
"There's a spiritual come back to the real essence of what I've said there's a spiritual body and there is a material body."
"Life can be great and amazing but it can also be painful and hard."
"Sasquatch is a spiritual being and a real flesh and blood creature."
"With all the Great and Powerful experiences we are capable of, we must never forget that there is also another side."
"We must never forget that there is also another side, the other side."
"There's always good and bad to things... it creates war and that is just not what it's about."
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's."
"Madara's philosophy incorporated duality, making him different."
"On one hand, this person is going to be very spiritual, but then on another hand, this person is going to be very noble, very powerful, very strong."
"Things that have potential for terror usually have an equal amount of potential for bliss."
"The purpose of evil in our world is so that we know our light and it gives us context for our light because it's the opposite."
"Technology is literally the best and the worst of society."
"Everything has a pro and a con, a black and a white, a rose and a thorn, a sunrise and a sunset."
"We can have two things be true at the same time."
"Where there's light there is shadow, light and shadow, which do you choose?"
"There is no light without dark, such as the way of Wu Dawn."
"It's a great representation of Dark Side and Light Side."
"Strange needs to see the Batman in action, a man who has somehow managed to sit on the razor's edge between being a man and being a monster."
"In the world of killer7 the forces of light and darkness are equally necessary."
"There's just something so beautiful about being both."
"Both beauty and darkness exist within the story, and we are shown both of them so amazingly drawn by Miura."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow is cast. Always remember that."
"It's like two sides of the same paper, you know what I mean?"
"In the universal plane, you cannot have one or the other. To appreciate light, you must have shadow."
"The most light also have the capacity to carry the most darkness."
"Two things can be true at once. You can be part of a family, a unit, and you can also be your individual."
"Amy is a celebration of an icon but it also doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of celebrity. It's all the better and all the more memorable for it."
"Everything has a positive and negative potential."
"Somewhere in every person in this room is a velvet glove and an iron fist."
"What was the American dream for some was a nightmare for others."
"We can activate everything within us to be used as either a positive or a negative."
"Life is always like this, seeing the world of light and the world of darkness all the time."
"People are short memories. It's the best and worst thing about people."
"It's the best of times and the worst of times."
"You've got to enjoy the darkness to enjoy the light."
"Frog, he's an amphibian, he's on land and he's in the water, so he was able to deal with being in the conscious mind and the subconscious mind simultaneously."
"Patience and aggression: the key to success."
"Don't forget who you are; venture out beyond, you can be both, navigate between two worlds."
"Sex and death are merged into a single rite of passage."
"On the first day, man was granted a soul, and with it clarity. On the second day, upon earth was planted an irrevocable poison, a soul-devouring demon."
"What isn't a duality? You're starting to see just how powerful this notion is."
"Fair and foul are near of kin, and fair needs foul." - W.B. Yeats
"Both Tifa and Aerith represent two sides of the same vessel in name and in temperament."
"The split goes on right within you and me because we are caring people, we pride ourselves on being caring people."
"Water can grant life but it can also be a dangerous force."
"It's sweet to be wrapping up Valguerre, but it's bitter as well."
"Memory. It can be both a blessing and a curse."
"The two worlds must be balancing each other to remain in existence. Without one, the other cannot exist."
"Not thinking things through too deeply... It works both ways."
"To be a gentleman on the outside and be a killer on the inside, it's okay."
"He was fierce, ferocious, aggressive... and yet at home, he was probably the perfect family pet."
"You will always have duality free choice is yours but there's so much more than you know that is not just going on here but that has potentials in the field that I'm telling you that is there to say it."
"Blues is a good man feeling bad but it's also good good feelings as well."
"Mutants born with extraordinary abilities, a gift can often be a curse."
"It was at once a sign of mortality and simultaneously the stuff of immortals."
"You either love one and hate the other, or you hold to one and despise the other."
"The same gift will accomplish both, the same thing that makes you great is also the thing that makes you vulnerable."
"Yellowstone, for the most part, is a very peaceful park... but what many people don't realize is that there is a much darker and much more sinister side to Yellowstone."
"Life is a duality... no good or bad inherently."
"The world is a mixture of both good and bad."
"In every dark thing, there's gonna be light lurking."
"Tragic yet enjoyable to watch, beautiful but absolutely terrifying."
"She's just channeling that, you know, like kind of what Haley does. It's just that mixture of sweet and badass all in one, you know? It's just, I don't know, there's like a sweetness to it but it's also so rocking. It's cool."
"Money has saved people's lives and money has ruined people's lives."
"The internet destroys everything, but it also makes everything worth living."
"Persistence is truly the key to success or prison."
"Christian Bale was truly able to separate the worlds of Batman and Bruce Wayne from each other in an instant."
"Two opposing extremes aren't always wholly good or bad."