
Health Habits Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Self-love should not be about accepting poor health habits that cause harm to oneself; it's about nurturing oneself with the right foods and activities to promote overall well-being."
"Find that really robust, amazing person that you know and ask them what they do and try and mirror that."
"The number one key to actually sticking with an exercise routine is to find something that you genuinely enjoy doing."
"Unless we all remain diligent in maintaining our new habits, new outbreaks can be sparked anywhere at any time."
"I personally keep things pretty simple and just do fish oil, creatine, a high amount of fish in my diet, and then cyclic ketosis with a little bit of curcumin every day."
"Strong sense of family, social engagement, constant moderate physical activity, plant-based diets, and legumes consumption are common lifestyle practices in all blue zones."
"Just because you buy healthy stuff doesn't make you healthy. You actually have to consume this stuff."
"Flossing regularly... it blows my mind that there are people that don't floss."
"First thing I do every single morning is drink some water."
"I honestly have to give thanks for the fact that I have been super consistent with taking my vitamins."
"Focusing on habits and not just the number on the scale is healthier in the long term."
"If you can develop the habit of wearing sunscreen as a teenager, it'll serve you for a long time."
"Fabulous makes it easy for anyone to develop and stick to healthy habits."
"Teach your kids how to eat healthy at a young age. They grow up smart, they don't spend thousands of dollars trying to get in shape."
"Breaking down scientifically proven healthy habits into tiny tasks."
"I'm doing something good for my body... giving my body the nutrition it craves."
"Adulting is about going to the gym three times a week and ordering water first."
"You don't have to lose a ton of weight to get those benefits."
"Regular exercise can help regulate blood pressure and improve sleep quality."
"Consistency has to be a part of it. It doesn't mean that you're being overly rigid or overly strict."
"So many of these healthy habits are not about ramping up intensity and taking things to the extreme. They're about slowing down, being more gentle with yourself, tuning in with your body, tuning in with nature."
"Halo labs are trackable challenges and experiments developed by experts to help you build healthier habits for life."
"Since I got my wisdom teeth removed, I've been brushing my teeth twice a day and taking a shower nearly every day. Makes me feel cleaner."
"Develop healthy habits now, right now, do it now."
"Good health starts with good habits. Quip makes it easy..."
"Lifting weights, eating healthy, and Elon's response is none of the above."
"Every time you choose the broccoli over the burger, you're choosing stuff that'll chelate, get your nutrients, and detox your system."
"It's about integrating it into your life so that it feels like it's part of your lifestyle."
"As tempting as it is to be bored and snack while you're driving, you have to resist that temptation."
"My skin is so much so a reflection of how I'm treating it if I am eating healthy if I am working out my skin will be at its best no question."
"I eat oatmeal with protein powder, it's the greatest."
"Eating the right kinds of food, stretching, having correct posture, having a consistent sleep schedule— all of these things are going to do you wonders if you can start implementing them from now."
"Sometimes you gotta cut down on the carbs, sometimes you gotta cut down on the sugar."
"Focus on better skin health practices overall that will pay off with better looking skin."
"Putting your phone away before bed is an absolute Game Changer for better sleep."
"I've been trying to keep up some more healthy habits, I've been trying to read a lot more too."
"Most people who eat properly or exercise or get enough sleep will get to their more ideal body weight."
"This cherry, this changed my life in terms of how much water I drink."
"Remembering and physically writing down every single thing you eat every single day doesn't seem to just run in the background on its own."
"You don't get to just press pause on life and go binge on donuts and pizza."
"I always have to have water by the bed... I drink like most of my water intake before bed."
"Go outside within half an hour of waking up. Sunlight is crucial for setting your circadian rhythms."
"So it's not that I became angry when I stopped smoking and stopped eating, I just revealed it."
"It's the only way to stay on a diet - if you have food ready for you."
"I don't think gluten matters for that, but yeah, working out and waking up the same time every day is important."
"That's what I mean when I say that you only have to stay motivated for a while until it turns into a healthy habit."
"Ronaldo's presence alone is seeing United players actually sacking off dessert at the club's meals."
"The first thing that you consume in your day is water."
"I want to start getting back into my healthy girl habits."
"Now is the best time to start healthy habits. Time is going by so fast, why not take advantage of that and just start today?"
"It's a simple healthy habit and it's also powerfully simple."
"I've never seen a skinny person drinking diet coke."
"Writing everything you eat down and counting your calories... becoming more of a conscious eater."
"When is the right time to take supplements? When you remember."
"Water and good sleep and exercise and self-care is what does it for me."
"The only thing that I have done differently is get my eating habits back on track."
"I just think it's motivational and it helps me consume more water."
"I just need to develop healthier habits and stick to them."
"One of the biggest things about sunscreen is choosing one that you like enough and enjoy actually physically applying."
"Honestly, I wish I was more addicted to games. I've been hitting the gym too much, you know what I mean?"
"Man, I always forget how important drinking water is."
"Healthy habits are what I'm always promoting."
"It doesn't have to do with his weight or his appearance, it has to do with what he's eating on camera and how often he's doing it."
"I want us to get this, for us to unlearn what was unhealthy, we're gonna have to train our taste buds to embrace what is healthy."
"Being outdoor, having that daylight, and layering different habits... these are free tools that people can build."
"Our parents' habits and beliefs about health often influence us, for better or worse."
"Begin to take sleep more seriously, go to bed earlier, don't watch TV or use computers in bed."
"I'm gonna be wearing a mask in any kind of crowd in the winter."
"It's wildly different. There's obviously changes. And my point is, do men get kind of leaner in their 30s? No, I think it's habits."
"So, do men get kind of leaner in their 30s? No, I think it's habits."
"It encourages me to drink more water throughout the day."
"If you do most of the right things most of the time, you're going to do far better on sleep, wakefulness, mood, immune system, metabolism, blood sugar regulation, focus."
"Just because you take an hour four days a week to be active does not make you active."
"We walk all the time. My son and I, we try to get in two walks a day."
"It's a lot easier to make healthy habits now than it is to get sick and change your bad habits into healthy habits when you're older."
"Curious about Jennifer Aniston's timeless charm? Let's uncover her 10 youth-preserving health habits."
"Drinking water in the morning makes such a difference."
"Cultivating habits that promote physical, mental, and emotional health is going to make a much more long-lasting sense of fulfillment."
"Creating healthy habits for my work from home lifestyle has really provided me with the wonderful life I have."
"I started drinking like two liters of water every single day and getting a lot more sleep."
"I need to start practicing safe habits, so this is for you guys."
"The days that I consume a little more salad are the days that I get a little bit better sleep."
"I just kind of wanted to maintain some healthy habits that I already do and make sure that I don't lose them."
"I take tea and as a way to keep healthy."
"I love it, I love it, people love to know what you eat like, what's a typical day look like for you eating, exercise, that kind of thing."
"The 10 most important habits for health."
"Don't do drugs and also go to school and drink your milk."
"Just eat well every day, do your fiber every day, do your probiotics if you need them, take your supplements."
"It's never too late to start good habits wearing high-factor broad-spectrum sun cream."
"I use these juicers like every day, I juice every day when I'm home generally."
"If you're not resting, if you're partying, you're eating bad, it's gonna affect your performance."
"It's this micro habit that delivers macro benefits and helps just about everybody take great care of their health every single day."
"This plan is supposed to teach you how to have healthier habits in your life, so it is huge."
"Having water first thing in the morning... I really think it's one of the most important things not just for your skin but for your entire body."
"I want to do things slow, steady, keep it off, keep those healthy habits and I'm doing it and I'm just so happy and proud."
"Becoming fit and in good shape is actually a lifelong habit."