
Population Quotes

There are 1051 quotes

"Most crime is accounted for by a very small percentage of the population."
"The UN projects that by 2050 we're going to have 9.8 billion people on the earth."
"An extra five billion people fed properly over the last 50 years is something to celebrate."
"This looks great, and then they're more populated too."
"It is a galaxy-spanning empire, a realm of a million worlds and quadrillions of citizens, toiling within its gargantuan magnitude."
"Brazil is the most populated country in South America, and they do not speak Spanish."
"The relationship between resources and population is well-known, and an abundance of resources is even considered to fill people with constructive and motivational energy."
"China has succeeded in producing 1/4 of the world's grain and feeding 1/5 of the world's population with less than 10% of the world's arable land."
"He thinks he could be [on the same stage as superpowers] should he reclaim most or much of the 100 million people he lost in population when the Soviet Union evaporated."
"Demographic projections are highly accurate because most of the people who will be alive in 30 years have already been born."
"The moment the blip ended, that sudden flood of Earth's population is what triggered the emergence of the celestial Tiamat."
"If they're 10 million of these structures, you're not going to have just a few people; you're going to have a lot more."
"If there was a thirty million undocumented immigrant population, that would mean that the crime rate is actually much, much lower."
"China's economic boom has proven that population numbers give a country an economic advantage."
"Languages can tell you interesting things about the history of a population."
"We're like the Neolithic farmers...looking at population density rise far beyond anything we could understand."
"Economic development is usually just the development of skills across a large population."
"No single man or even a single institution can oversee the operations of 1.4 billion people in one of the largest countries in the world by basically every metric."
"There are also nearly 2.4 billion people living in Commonwealth countries, many of which are doing phenomenally well."
"You can't have infinite people moving where there are finite numbers of houses."
"800 million people — think of it — over twice the population of the United States."
"Vaccines play an important role in population health."
"More than 102 million people call Egypt their home today."
"Australia began the modern era of industrialization from a far, far lower population base than any other of Earth's inhabited continents."
"They just do this. Over time, like, there's estimated tens almost a hundred thousand of people that have been affected in some way or another because of the radiation."
"It's easier to kill a million people than control them."
"What are the implications of some of the things that we're talking about in an empty planet?"
"The United States controls more people outside of the States than in."
"A population decrease associated with colder conditions is in no way out of the normal."
"I challenge the audience, but I challenge you: how many babies will be born because you live and you partnered? An ultrasound machine will save countless lives for years to come."
"This province roughly follows the customary region of Anima, it is the least populated province of Indonesia with only about half a million people."
"America has the biggest population in the G7 and it is also the most diverse."
"The overall initiative is hugely ambitious, affecting around 65 percent of the world’s population."
"10. The Cahokia Mounds: '...at its peak the city was home to as many as 40,000 people.'"
"If the world was only home to a billion people then things like housing crises wouldn't be a problem."
"This area is really just kind of east of Washington DC, our nation's capital, super populated area, but out here it's very kind of wide open, lots of small towns, forested areas."
"There's just billions of people living their own individual lives, isn't that nuts?"
"Consumption is higher, 2.6 billion people is an astronomical amount."
"Asia is a massive continent and it's also the most populous continent in the entire world."
"250,000 folks is 250,000 that's life-changing."
"The population in Amazonia before 1491 numbered in the millions."
"Four hundred thousand people, yeah, it's [__] crazy."
"Eight billion dollars was raised in ten days from a country that has a population of just 91 million."
"The Philippines has a population of at least a hundred million people."
"The population stands at a whopping 127.3 million people."
"The pull-out method has been in development and in use for thousands of years. And look how many of us are here."
"It's almost like it's a kind of it is it is a campaign against a targeted population group isn't it."
"That's the largest building in the world though and that's still not even 1% of the entire population."
"Sometimes you gotta let Thanos win and say, you know what, let's wipe out half of humanity. I mean, we're sort of overpopulated, I almost sort of agree with his ideology."
"India is the second most populous country in the world and its potential is unlimited."
"We did it, we legitimately built up the population!"
"There's more women on the planet than there are men on the planet."
"What's at stake are the livelihoods of around 125 million people."
"How many millions of people live inside of a 45-minute drive of DC?"
"Earth is going to face a massive population collapse over the next 20 to 30 years."
"A smaller global population has its perks... the planet certainly isn't complaining."
"And also, it should be noted that they say the smartest, the most scholastically achieved immigrant population is the Nigerian population."
"You wouldn't be able to handle 7 billion people without genetically modified organisms."
"People must be individually and collectively held responsible for their actions... this is not a mob justice issue."
"A large population is only an asset if they're wealthy or productive and if they're neither it's a liability."
"The haunting silence of underpopulated cities."
"Welcome to Lebanon! Lebanon has a population of only about 5.5 million yet their food is beloved worldwide."
"Thousands or perhaps millions of people that once teemed this area... you wouldn't know that, would you? Can never even cross your mind."
"So, we need a reduction in human-generated carbon emissions, and China's population is declining. Like, that's as good as it gets, right? That's what you want. Fewer humans are going to generate less carbon."
"The sustainability experts conclude that there's no outcome that doesn't include a massive near-term decline in the human population."
"Libya's true shape and size... make it unsurprising for you to learn that Libya's entire population is only around 7 million people despite being of a comparable size overall to Mexico."
"Millions of people are living in a potential disaster zone."
"The great climate apocalypse narrative emerged out of concerns of overpopulation."
"World population seven million ninety seven billion ninety three million three hundred and seventy four thousand three hundred sixty six estimated and it goes up each second as you will see."
"We need to understand that we live in a country of 325-odd million people, some of them are going to be susceptible to certain types of messaging."
"Earth can handle far more humans than currently exist."
"The government fears the people because there are so fucking many of us."
"Our populations almost at two hundred and fifty."
"It's a landmark achievement to hit 8 billion people."
"There are literally thousands, thousands of incarnated extraterrestrials on this planet."
"People need to look at the big picture. Anyway, Asia is much more populated. You cannot go against that. If you go against that, it means containing them and keeping them poor."
"China's population crisis has reached a critical point."
"Rome has a population of 2.8 million people with the metropolitan area having a population over 4.3 million Vatican City is located within the city of Rome"
"I think London is a really big, really busy city and you're constantly surrounded by people."
"Its agricultural output fed millions of otherwise hungry Roman citizens."
"Ukraine is a country of 40 million people right in the middle of Europe."
"To build a new kingdom, one must first have a substantial population."
"There's a percentage of the population that for reasons scientists still don't have a clear understanding why cannot see certain colors."
"The Amish are one of the fastest-growing populations in the world."
"This is the greatest city in the digital world, there's 220 million inhabitants there right now."
"With the world's population steadily growing, the demand for food is higher than ever."
"For the first time since 1961, China's population has declined."
"Welcome to Crown Mesa, population 1063."
"Metabolic health is actually noticing drastic improvements in a certain subset of the population."
"For every one person that's in Nagoro, there are 10 more scarecrows."
"Statistically, it's only a small portion of the population that commits crime, usually less than 10% of the country's overall population."
"This tiny island is half the size of a football pitch, but it's home to over 500 people."
"At its heyday was known to have over 200,000 inhabitants."
"Redistricting takes place after the census is conducted to better reflect the area's population."
"With as much as half of the world's population consuming at least a bowl of rice every single day."
"We only have 330 million people... we're going to have to compete with them in the future. That means we need to develop all of our people."
"Remember, we aren't very smart as a population."
"Portland has a population of 654,000 people, making it the most populous city in Oregon."
"The city is beginning, in a sense, to catch up with the population and the growth."
"Every year, Alberta's capital welcomes thousands of immigrants."
"China is the most populous country in the world, home to nearly 1.5 billion people."
"This is what you call Islamic rule."
"Humanity has gone from a population of almost 8 billion to just over 1 billion."
"People are moving out the country like ants."
"...the genetic the Neolithic population was largely replaced by the beaker population..."
"...the Modern Irish population is actually largely genetically related to that Beaker Horizon..."
"There's eight billion people on the planet and half are women."
"The amount of arable land per capita... it was doable."
"It's like the population like a gift from the curse."
"We're surpassing two billion Muslims around the world."
"ADHD affects about 5% of the population."
"Snow geese have been one of the winners in the expansion of agriculture, and their population started booming."
"This state we're driving across is the least populated state in the country."
"We have over 30 million believers in our country now."
"Anthropologist Robin Dunbar has argued for a certain numerical threshold in population tending to occur in human groups all over the world."
"Delivering Christmas presents to the entire world isn't easy. The less population, the more likely I can make everyone's Christmas dreams come true."
"Historians estimate that by 1491, the population of the Americas may have been as high as a hundred million people."
"The only way the US can avoid drastic declines in its population is by welcoming more immigrants into its borders."
"The facility is housing over 12,000 prisoners with thousands more being transferred."
"If everyone in the world, the entire population, stood shoulder to shoulder, it would fit inside Los Angeles."
"If you stacked all the humans, you could reach the ozone layer."
"If you see a lot of people in their pre-reproductive years, we know we're growing. If a lot of people are in those reproductive years, they still have the ability to have children."
"There will either be a lot more of us or a lot fewer of us."
"Austin is a super hot City so many people are moving here from all over."
"When we think of the three great monotheistic religions, we think of them as great because two of them comprise half the world's population: Islam and Christianity."
"The town is so popular in fact that the population has actually begun to regrow up from zero about 30 years ago to about a dozen now."
"Shant Valley has a population of around 650 people and it's located in Mono County, California."
"More people call New York City home than 40 whole states."
"If everyone on the island was evenly spread out, each person would have nearly 13 entire square miles to themselves."
"Only 11 have fewer people, making it by far the most sparsely populated country, territory, or dependency on the face of the Earth."
"The Great War that is coming will substantially reduce the population of the world."
"We will need to feed 10 billion people sustainably... and replacing meat with meat substitutes is a viable and necessary strategy."
"Birth rates are falling, countries are experiencing seismic demographic shifts."
"Louisville had a population of 633,345 in 2020."
"Perhaps we'll see in the next 10 years or so population starts to grow again in some of these Midwestern cities."
"This is an enormous state with an enormous population many of whom are redneck pieces of [ __ ]."
"China's huge population is thought to be due to the Chinese practice in ancient times of using the lining of a cat's stomach as a condom."
"Our Northwestern population manages to just barely hang on only to face total Extinction along with the northern Oasis just a few thousand turns later."
"There are far more humans alive nowadays than at any time before, and simultaneously, it would take fewer of us to survive and rebuild than in the past."
"There are more than seven billion people on Earth that's seven billion which is really high to count we all have bodies check but everybody is different except for my friends who are identical twins"
"A human generation of 20 years might produce two to four new organisms who get that coin flip, and several billion humans planetwide flipping those coins in a generation."
"The line isn't just a construction project, it's a reimagining of urban living expecting to provide a home for 9 million people by 2045."
"What do you mean where is everyone? There's only six buildings in the entire town. How many people were you expecting?"
"No one can afford to live in New York, yet 8 million people do."
"The birth rate is very high, and approximately half the population are minors."
"The Yamnaya expansion dramatically impacted the genetic makeup of northern Europe, contributing to over half of its ancestry."
"A billionaire complaining about the population of the planet...what a tyrant, what a pure pure tyrant."
"The population of Canada in 2015 was almost 36 million."
"Taxes are for the well-being of the population living in that particular city or a country."
"How many people are we talking about now and how are they living their lives?"
"A hundred million people, that's bigger than the entire population of France."
"Inferential statistics is predicting how it's going to affect the greater population."
"Alcolu is a very, very tiny town. Population is just a little over 400 people."
"Detroit has lost 1.2 million people since its peak population of 1.8 million during the 1950 U.S. census count."
"Genetic diversity is the variance of genes or traits found within individuals of a population."
"Despite its size, a staggering 80% of Canadians live within just 100 miles of the United States border."
"Both states are diverse and they're populated with some of the most highly educated people in the country."
"It's a pretty populous state in terms of people moving to."
"Gonna do even better. Let's go get that extra five mil and more. 200, 500 billion. How many people are in the world?"
"By 2050, the United States will be a nation in which no one race, as that term has traditionally been defined, will constitute a majority of the population."
"In 1348, a plague decimated the community, cutting its population by 2/3."
"So these are not small villages, some of these cities are quite large."
"More and more people are relocating to small-town America."
"Charlotte is growing quickly. We actually surpassed the million individual mark, meaning a million people that are living in the city of Charlotte just a few years ago."
"Indiana is home to the third largest Amish population in the entire country."
"It's just the most sensory overload I've ever experienced. Who would want to live here? And yet millions and millions and millions of people do."
"The earliest humans arose from a population of at least several thousand people hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"...and for every one of the million people in that city innocent or otherwise."
"It's estimated that over the next 15 years the changes could reduce the size of the federal prison population by nearly 4,000."
"48% of Harris County's population evacuated despite not being in an evacuation zone."
"Imagine if we didn't have World War I and World War II and the Spanish Flu... we would have overpopulated the planet and destroyed everything."
"The predicted increase in the frequency and severity of severe weather events coupled with an exploding population may test the world's capacity to cope."
"...the economy grows when there's more people buying into it."
"If you want to reduce the population stock, the best thing you can do is by going vegan."
"Scotland boasts of almost 800 Islands, only about 100 of them are permanently inhabited."
"Every day around the globe, 70,000 people are being born again."
"Good conversations taste just like medication to all of the population."
"The number of humans would only get bigger and bigger until one day he couldn't handle them."
"With nearly a million camels, Australia now has the biggest population of wild camels in the world."
"Dickens, Texas, population 286, founded back in 1891."
"If we collected all the people in the world together and removed all the empty space between the atoms out of them, the population of Earth would fit into the size of an average orange."
"There are more viruses than people on Earth."
"Corpus Christi is one of the best places in Texas for retirees as roughly one in five residents are above 60 years old."
"One of the reasons I have kids is because, you know, there are people out there trying to depopulate the freaking whole world. I don't want to let them win."
"There is critical journalism out there that is pushing back against the overpopulation trope."
"The world is not overpopulated. It's not overpopulated from the perspective of standing room only."
"How can we sustain all these people on the planet, or rather, how many people can this planet sustain? That is the question."
"San Francisco has a minority majority population with over one third of the population being Asian."
"It's clear that the world population, the sexual behaviors of all population, is undergoing a huge revolution, it's called the demographic transition."
"Democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive it."
"The largest Japanese population outside Japan stands at 1.6 million people."
"In any population, you will get a mixture of both cooperative and aggressive individuals."
"It's a big world. There's eight billion people on Earth, so somewhere something horrible is happening every single day."
"For a city of 30,000 people that's a crazy high number."
"As of 2019, the small urban center had a total population of 6,059 people."
"London is a global City home to almost 10 million people and when you also consider the tourists from around the world and visitors from other parts of the UK the numbers are even higher so it's very needed."
"Millions of lives have been saved, and as you save lives, you have this effect on society that ironically the population growth goes down because parents are trying to have two children survive to support them in adulthood."
"If you study religion, you know, like most of them preach the fruitful go go grow numbers."
"We could double the number of humans and be okay, I still keep the rainforests."