
Prediction Quotes

There are 13669 quotes

"If you have lots of adverse childhood experiences, that's a potent predictor of later violence."
"We're not reacting, we're anticipating and predicting."
"Predicting price is what this is. It's future. It's why they call it Futures Trading. Your clue is in the name."
"Economic growth is going to fall sharply at the second half of the year, sharper than people expect."
"Your brain is... constantly predicting what's going on in the body and what's going on in the world and making predictions."
"Your status is gonna elevate, your money's gonna elevate, your career is just gonna explode in a good way."
"As one of America's longest-running animated series, The Simpsons has a knack for making eerily accurate predictions."
"Half of America today believes a civil war is very likely. This wasn't even on the radar screen 10 years ago."
"It is a situation where the outcome does not depend on what you do, but it depends on what others do, and what you think that they think that you think that they will do."
"When you can accurately predict the outcome of your actions, things get very interesting."
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the market will crash again."
"Something I didn't even notice before... Shroud marked this world is marked by the shroud. Something fairly bad is going to happen here."
"You're predicting the future with things that you can't find in books—that should get you jacked up."
"Since 2015, deep learning AI has been predicting what is going to be bought and getting it to the nearest fulfillment center before it is even ordered."
"We keep modeling and predicting what's going to happen next as opposed to reacting to what's actually happening now on the ground."
"We could be in World War III right now, but we might be in a couple of weeks."
"This October, abundance and prosperity is coming to you, or this could just be symbolizing that you're going to be lucky."
"There's a brilliant historian, Peter Turchin, who created a computer model that's been able to predict when societies divide and fall in civil wars across history."
"The cerebellum is there to predict the immediate future. It's trying to determine what's going to happen in the next second or two to best guide behavior."
"This prediction of an underdog victory in curling added another intriguing chapter to The Simpsons' history of seemingly foretelling future occurrences."
"When is it more likely than not that we have AI, on this general intelligence and superintelligence on this planet? The median prediction came out to 2040 to 2060."
"The creator of Gmail himself said that ChatGPT will destroy Google's business in two years."
"The psychic that I go to has predicted everything that would happen in my life accurately for the past year."
"This was our prediction that if we do a really good job, we'll be at about a hundred and a hundred thousand to two hundred and forty thousand deaths."
"I am a visionary, learning from the past to better predict the future."
"Predicting the future with numbers is something we're very familiar with, and it actually all began with gambling."
"Science is not about predicting where the trend starts and where the trend goes. It's about explanation. Only once we have the explanation can we, in fact, make the prediction."
"We have a robot that can make educated guesses about what should happen next based on what it sees."
"We want to be able to predict future behaviors of things."
"Quantum mechanics is predicting future behaviors of quantums or little quantum particles."
"10 dollar Dogecoin coming faster than you guys ever realized, I promise."
"This is going to be the first generation that is outlived by their parents."
"This could be the worst financial event we've ever seen."
"Despite all the happy talk that the Fed and the banks want you to buy into, I believe that 2024 is going to be a very unstable year politically and financially."
"The analysis wasn't actually correct even though they didn't predict it exactly, but there's still value in what was analyzed."
"You're gonna see a massive awakening, people already 20 20 was a preparation for that."
"All the rulers will change, all the masters of the world, all the political figures will change."
"George Orwell made only one mistake when he wrote his famous book... he perhaps should have entitled his book 2024 instead of 1984."
"This song for me, emotionally and conceptually, just really kind of predicted and embodied the year."
"Our ability to predict what it would take to see them again, and when we are going to see them again, is a prediction of the requirements to engage in the attachment."
"If you are looking for love, then I see somebody quite significant for you on the horizon."
"I think that what I said a couple of years ago is a 50% chance that somewhere there will be signs of life of AGI in 2030."
"Predict your failure even though it's really nice to imagine success, really get interested in the process of how you fail."
"Put yourself in others' shoes to try and figure out what they're going to do."
"Regression is trying to predict continuous values."
"The years between 2017 and 2024 were going to be huge years on the planet in terms of radical transformation."
"Astrology is not just about predicting future events but understanding the deeper narrative of our lives through the positions of celestial bodies."
"By 2050, scientists predict that the ocean will contain more plastic by weight than fish."
"In my opinion, we are in the beginning of a very classic late cycle debt crisis."
"JJ said his right hand would make the difference, and once Tommy felt it, the fight would change."
"This is going to happen, it is just a matter of time. This is just mathematics; it is inevitable."
"The best predictor of future behavior is current behavior."
"Science isn't just about explaining the natural world; it's also about taking those explanations and using them to make predictions."
"It was very famously said by Otto von Bismarck that there was going to be some Great War."
"Prediction is fundamental to intelligence. It's fundamental to building a model, and the model's intelligent."
"Information maps onto a space where we can make predictions. It is information that allows us to be conscious beings, it is information that allows us to be living beings."
"I see where this is going. Like I said, it's going down that way. This is not gonna stop. It's sliding."
"Florida is going to be the top housing market in America in 2022."
"We are in for a wild and crazy time in U.S. real estate over the next 12 months."
"I happen to think that you're gonna have a very big bounce, very big bounce back."
"Call this one to Vitality; it's gonna be three nothing."
"Technical analysis is simply the art of using past price action to help predict future price movement."
"The further you look into the past, the further that you can see into the future."
"It seems like he had a good idea of what our culture was going to be like."
"The brain is always trying to predict the future, and that my failure to truly engage with my own demise is a feature, it is a side effect of the fact that the brain is always trying to predict the future."
"It's hard for me not to imagine this being a trillion-dollar company by 2030."
"This company has at least 10x potential over the next you know whatever you want to call it over the next nine years or so."
"This reading is to predict your current situation right now."
"We don't know what things will be like 100 years from now, anybody who says they do is lying."
"This is just basically a peek inside the crystal ball of what is going to be awaiting for us in the future."
"Machine learning model learns from the past input and makes future prediction as output."
"You can almost predict somebody's every step if you have good game sense."
"The Advent of artificial general intelligence is called a singularity because it is so hard to predict what will happen after that."
"The Venture Brothers basically predicted MARGA."
"This peak would not be as high as this peak, and I was right about that, apart from the fact that I was wrong."
"We are in the early stages of what is probably going to be a two-year recession."
"Demographics and cycles are how you predict the future."
"Well, this is it. It's happening pretty much the way I said it would."
"The octopus has to imagine the future and connect the dots between past events, current actions, and future events."
"GPT doesn't have moral beliefs; it's just a prediction machine that guesses what the most appropriate thing to say is in response to our prompts based on its training data."
"I hope I'm wrong. I fear I'm going to be right."
"Google translate: B is on roids. Period. Dustin Poirier is going to beat the dog out of him."
"Here in the 2020s, we still don't have a totally accurate method of predicting earthquakes."
"But determinism in the forward time direction does not guarantee that the same laws can perfectly predict the past."
"We are closer to World War III than we have ever been in any of our lifetimes."
"I think 2024 is going to be the most chaotic year of our lifetime."
"This is Trump or death. This is a bad omen for what's to come later today."
"These guys in the next few months will be toasted. They'll be like a marshmallow over a campfire."
"You can actually predict the form of words in English from the form they have in Sanskrit thousands of miles and thousands of years away."
"I believe it's greater than chance we will have an escalation of civil conflict continually."
"You can just have the machine figure out how to do it on its own, and it comes up with this prediction that's better than running physics in a compute cluster."
"Either someone was powerful enough to examine the events... with such detail that they could predict their outcomes years in advance, or someone was powerful enough to be capable of time-travel."
"Your best case for what we were seeing moving forward was a greater recession, meaning a recession worse than the Great Recession, and the worst case was a greater depression, meaning a depression that could be worse than even the Great Depression."
"If you wanted to predict stock price, you would use features that attempt to predict the company's overall value."
"The idea that we can't definitively know what will happen with climate change, but we can take educated guesses based on current trends."
"In 1926, Collier's magazine published a shocking interview with the genius inventor Tesla predicted the world would soon become a big brain, people would communicate instantly no matter how far away from each other."
"It's going to be a bloodbath for the country."
"The markets probably will impose discipline on us."
"We predict Bitcoin could exceed 1 million dollars by 2030."
"You guys are going to be seeing this kid one day on TV."
"We're likely to see more [stochastic terrorism] before things start to cool down."
"I think they're gonna be very spiritual, I think they're gonna be intuitive."
"I rose to a bit of notoriety for predicting the 2008 financial crisis."
"The people who win the most...are the ones who predict the next five years the most accurately."
"Loose monetary policy always leads to an economic crisis."
"The Simpsons don't predict the future, they replay it."
"For you business owners, you're going to be very successful. I get major success."
"The way Arsenal has been playing and the way that Sheffield United has been defending, it would be an absolute shock."
"Financial independence is what's coming to you, all right, financial freedom."
"What happens next will be a series of events that will have a domino effect."
"Unlike my prediction of Warrior Galadriel, which was 100% right, I said she would be leading an all-female army of Numenoreans, and it turns out it's only going to be 50%."
"If there's one thing we really love to do as a species, it's predict the future. And if there's one thing we're really terrible at as a species, it's predicting the future."
"If there are a lot of people trying to predict patterns, then you know what you get? You get no pattern. You get randomness."
"The Jetsons showcased a vision for the future, and so much of it has come true."
"Ray Dalio on the other hand is outright predicting that we are already in the early stages of a depression."
"I do see an increase in money around the spring or summer."
"I get some of you that are not in love, falling in love possibly in April."
"Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior."
"Amazon will be the most valuable company in the world within 24 months, if not 12."
"Bitcoin will stand the test of time...it will not be flipped by anything this market cycle or for the foreseeable future."
"I've been wrong before, but I won't be wrong forever, and all the signs are definitely showing there. So, I'd say be cautious."
"It's not that we're bad at predicting; it's that we're actually very good at predicting, except for the surprises, and the surprises tend to be virtually all that matter over time."
"Finding the people who know some secret or know some future vision of the world that they're going to go build and create ends up being a way easier way to predict the future than actually sitting there and pontificating."
"An inventor, Da Vinci accurately predicted hundreds of advancements in science, transportation, medicine, and warfare 500 years before they happened."
"We are going to see a political earthquake like we've never seen before."
"Too many people treat trading as fortune telling. Anybody that tells you oh so-and-so stock's going to be trading at this price point in a year or at this price point in two years, well, they're probably morons."
"Low volatility could be the quiet before the storm."
"Years ago, I was in Omaha, and I visited with Charlie Munger. And he made the comment to me that the entire pension fund advisory business one day would go out of business. It would go the way of the dodo bird because of the groupthink that surrounded the industry."
"Global autonomous Rideout platforms will create 14 trillion dollars, trillion with a 'T', not billion with a 'B', in Enterprise Value based on 4 trillion in Revenue during the next five years."
"The world exists and it's governed by various laws, quantum mechanics is among them, and all we should do is take the mathematics of quantum mechanics and calculate things about the world and test those predictions."
"The farthest one that's gonna be hit is going to be Ohtani, and it's going to be to center, over the trees."
"It's never wise to bet against Tom Brady, now is it?"
"We are heading into a major financial crisis."
"The biggest predictor of future success is past success."
"I did believe we would come to a point where censorship would get so awful it would absolutely start eating these people alive."
"Faces will melt this thing is going to do face melting climbs."
"This cycle is different and will be less volatile."
"I'm gonna make another prediction for you RJ will respond to this video by saying that clear value tax is wrong the housing market crash is coming so you watch and see."
"I think if you look five years from now, they're going to be completely different again."
"It's not a prediction if I order my steak medium rare and the waiter brings me a medium rare steak. I didn't predict the future."
"I think Salana becomes the number three chain in this cycle."
"Give me three years, I'm gonna be an All-Star, watch my eyes."
"He prophesied that they would act like this."
"We will get a goal in the second half, guaranteed."
"The Simpsons predicted its rise all the way back in 1995."
"It's a matter of time before the whole thing implodes."
"The best way to predict the future is to invest in it."
"I said, 'You watch. They’re going to bite hard. And they’re going to bite hard and blow this up.'"
"Tesla's power of prediction was another fascinating aspect of his genius."
"In the future all education will take place in the home."
"I did. I don't get everything right. I make a lot of predictions that don't pan out. That's a reality."
"The potential U.S. descent into violence: Mutual suspicion and even dissolution."
"According to Monroe once the chaos surrounding Diddy subsides Jay-Z might find himself embroiled in a similar legal battle"
"I think there's a higher chance than not that this cycle will ultimately extend further out than the last cycle."
"There will be cycles within that, there will be bull and bear markets."
"The US dollar is going to go down if you understand how money works."
"Keep doubting, and C9 are going to lose in finals to 100."
"Who do you think is going to win? I think Biden."
"He will be found to have committed corruption and he will be arrested on charges of corruption and he will spend the rest of his life rotting in a Russian jail you can mark my words on that one unless of course he finds a balcony to fall off."
"That's almost certainly going to be causing problems."
"It's pretty clear what's gonna happen here." - Foreseeable outcomes.
"I'd probably say Adesanya might be the first one to lose."
"I think we have a nice rally at the end of the year good synopsis then."
"You guys are gonna get the best reading... this offer that's coming in is going to gain you a lot of attention and it's going to be very successful and very passionate."
"If Republicans take over the house... they will be vulnerable."
"Bernie actually can pull it off... the people who don't vote."
"This is going to probably be a little bit long of the basket."
"Nobody knows the future. It's honestly a matter of when."
"Sooner or later it has to finish badly for him... Vladimir Putin has to lose."
"Whatever has been in a halt for you, especially throughout 2022, is going to be picking up a lot of speed."
"They're going to ruin the economy so prices will go down, and then they go back."
"I think we have a great case and I think he's either going to spend the rest of his life in prison or he's going to get the needle."
"The confidence will always outweigh reality, and you forecast the world based on what you believe."
"Eighty percent of the time, they’re going to fill it in."
"I think there's a really good chance we see an all-time high in October."
"We will see hospitalizations and deaths drop down dramatically."
"They got him elected the first time and they're gonna do it again if it happens again."
"If your destiny number is 5, you are here to predict the future or predate events, future events, and this can mean sometimes in a rebellious way."
"The Simpsons predicted another Trump presidency with 'Ivanka 2028.'"
"I think it's going to be DeSantis versus Newsom in 2024."
"If the last century of American history can serve as any kind of precedent, the conservatives will lose this fight eventually."
"It makes it far easier to spot if your print is going to succeed or if it's doomed to fail."
"This is one of those cases where the show seems to predict the future with an eerie sense of accuracy."
"Kevin O'Leary definitely thinks inflation is coming."
"Previous performance is a pretty good indicator of what the future is going to look like."
"Politics in America for the foreseeable future is a cold calculation of the intersection of Venn diagrams." - Chamath Palihapitiya
"If you tell me who your heroes are, I will make a pretty good prediction about what you're going to do." - Warren Buffett
"I have a prediction for the end of One Piece: Luffy finds the one piece, says 'Let's go, I found the one piece,' then falls dead."
"It would not shock me if the Memphis Grizzlies won it all this year."
"Falsifiability is crucial: if a prediction can't be false, it's not a valid prophecy."
"I guarantee you I'm gonna knock Caleb Plant out before round six."
"Maybe Sony's way is not long for this world."
"Brave New World is much more indicative of where America is going."
"The mainstream media bubble is going to pop soon."
"After 2028 things are going to get really, really good."
"Chasing them down guarantees some sort of violent outcome."
"Leon can beat Jorge absolutely he has all the skills and attributes to beat Jorge."
"That's a tough one. I'll go with Oliveira, but man, that's a tough one."
"I think we're going to see Kyle Rittenhouse walk. I think we are going to see Kyle Rittenhouse walk. Maybe some minor charges..."
"Just give this guy the Ballon d'Or for the next 10 years."