
Human Existence Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"I believe the apex for human existence is either to have a family or to accomplish goals with other people."
"We are made of star stuff...we are, by reasoning, one way at least that the universe knows itself."
"They are humans living the new human existence on Mars, his paranoia seems unjustified until they receive the news that an atomic bomb has been dropped on New York."
"This variant of the fallen hero is disturbing because instead of emphasizing the complexities of human morality, it emphasizes the fragility of a human's existence."
"Human beings are meaning-creating creatures and thus meaning in the universe springs into existence with the creation of sentient human beings."
"Humans are blobs of organized mud which through the impersonal workings of nature's patterns have developed the capacity to contemplate and cherish and engage with the intimidating complexity of the world around us."
"The fine-tuning of the universe for human life is indeed proof that something wants us to be here."
"Humans have only been around for like, technically speaking, like what, thousands of years, but the dinosaurs were here for like millions."
"The great thing about being a human being is you get to define your own existence."
"Your reality is good enough for about 80 years."
"We are these exquisitely ordered configurations of particles that only will last for a blink of an eye in cosmological time like terms. The fact that we're here and we can do what we do, to me, that's just really something that inspires gratitude and wonder."
"I believe that the human life has a soul and an immortality."
"You often contemplate the reasons for human existence."
"We are more than just material beings; we are energetic beings made up of billions and billions of atoms."
"We are big beings made of a lot of small things."
"What is existential physics? What I mean by this is those aspects of physics that concern human existence. For example, the nature of time. What changes the beginning of the universe? Where do we come from? The structure of matter. What are we made of? Constraints, limits, what can we do and what can we know?"
"We are physical beings in a physical universe, and the laws that dictate how things work in the universe are the ultimate arbiters of what is or isn't in our best interest, whether we know it or not."
"Every one of us...has our origins in the remains of dying stars."
"I do see a lot of things as being meaningless, but I do think there is meaning to us, why we are here, why humans exist."
"It is literally true that if there weren't volcanoes here, we would not be here either."
"Our planet and our universe must have at least one non-typical quality - they must have been able to produce us."
"Hope is the natural outcome of truly diving into the reality of human existence."
"We are made of the most common ingredients in the universe. To suggest that we are alone in the universe would be inexcusably egocentric."
"The imagination is infinite, but our lives are finite."
"While we live in this universe, the universe lives within us. We are special because we're the same."
"What is the point of human existence? Is it to love and to serve and ultimately, for eternity, for God, or is it to take?"
"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
"The universe itself is alive, fundamentally changing what it means to be human and alive."
"The reality of the world, the reality of human existence, is much better than people understand, let alone appreciate."
"When you realize how unlikely it is that collections of particles would come together to yield a living system called a human being, and how spectacular it is that this collection of particles called a human being can invent, manufacture notions of value and meaning, and purpose, how spectacular is that?" - Brian Green
"It's not just the origins of distant stars and galaxies but it's the story of us, you and me, how we got here."
"Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second."
"If we do not, the only guarantee about our future is that it comes with an expiration date."
"At the moment of conception, whatever you call it, at that moment is a complete soul, a complete being, a human being without a body."
"It's women who have birthed every human being on this earth."
"We actually live here at the expense of billion friends."
"It's one of the greatest adventures of the human mind to find out where we came from, where we are, and of course in the end where we're going."
"You are like the cosmos in a physical body. You are the summation of the whole universe."
"We're just a blip in the universe, but we may as well make the most of it while we're here."
"Real power is not about being a human doing, it's about being a human being."
"What are the big questions? Who are we? Why are we here? Where do we come from and where are we going?"
"If suffering is so synonymous with human life, non-existence is a better alternative."
"The chance of this happening within a few million years of the existence of humans is actually relatively high."
"The odds of us being the first or the only one is nil... we're not special, we're not the result of special processes."
"It's an incredible opportunity to be born in a human body."
"We're humans and there's something natural about wanting to understand where we came from, how we got here, and even where we're heading."
"We're just born, and at some moment we just happen to become conscious."
"We really should appreciate the circumstances that led to our ability to thrive on earth."
"The Shaolin teachings are aiming to give you a better perspective of where you as a human being are embedded into this world."
"The fact that we're here at all might be even more remarkable than we thought."
"Is there more to existence than just us humans? Questions like these have bugged experts and scientists for years."
"It's Such a Beautiful Day is a surprisingly philosophical gem about mental health, family, and the meaning of human existence."
"Happiness is neither Joy nor entertainment... it is fundamental to our existence as humans."
"What if the aliens already have us and planet Earth is a human farm like we have ant farms?"
"The mere existence of humans... is like the greatest thing that's ever happened to planet earth."
"We do not die; these bodies just no longer become powerful enough to store our light energies."
"Perhaps we humans are still trying to figure out how to exist sustainably, so that we don't come face to face with our own extinction."
"It's worthwhile to pay attention because this is the root of our human existence as we know it."
"Human existence belongs to us all... we all have our skin in the game."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"The ultimate mystery of human life remains unresolved: how and why does consciousness exist?"
"You're not just carbonated beings, you are God."
"It turns the spotlight to a recognition of how astounding it is not only that we exist, but we have the powers that our particulate arrangement endows us with."
"Honestly, knowing that we are not the only ones is the biggest thing in the history of mankind."
"The fact that you're sitting here tonight is the greatest miracle the world has ever seen."
"God gives man his reason for living and purpose to be alive."
"Our lives are but a shadow, there but a breath; we're here today, we're gone tomorrow."
"This is the importance of consciousness. It affects our sense of time, it affects our sense of free will. It is a concept that pervades a lot of the important aspects of existence."
"Even if they're evil, I guess I would say that my interest in the paranormal is it might answer questions about the nature of human existence."
"We are literally a living geometric field animating a human form."
"You are a divine being having a human experience."
"You're not here by accident. You're not space goop thrown together by some stardust."
"Everything that it takes to be a human being is there at the moment of conception."
"Don't worry about being a Republican being independent start thinking independently ask yourself each each each political process were your values and principles stand."
"It's fun to imagine the far future of the universe, will we still be around in some form?"
"The history of our planet is far more mysterious and stranger than most of us will ever realize."
"The great human puzzle: who are we, where do we come from, why are we here?"
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could transcend survival somehow?"
"We live on a planet that is all but perfect for our kind of life."
"I am lucky to be alive and so are you privileged and not just privileged to enjoy our planet more we are granted the opportunity to understand why our eyes are open and why they see what they do in the short time before they close forever."
"Has the moon had a major impact on our existence? I think absolutely."
"To get a human body is a rare thing, make full use of it."
"Fundamentally, all of us happened due to the power of ideas."
"Are we closer to the beginning or the end of human existence?"
"We humans, a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness."
"Eradicating humanity seems like a rather useless endeavor to me."
"Remember we're just all just having experiences in these physical suits so remember that and remember that we are the spirit behind the suit."
"Are we alone? Well, the answer is we're not alone and I know that with 100% certainty."
"Man was not created to work for provisions, but for purpose."
"What a miracle life is, how lucky we are to exist on this planet if even for a short time."
"We're showing up in our power. This is what it means to be a human being."
"Humans are a means for the universe to experience itself."
"I came from stardust, and I'm gonna end up stardust."
"This is where we live, on a blue dot. That's where everyone you know and everyone you ever heard of lived out their lives. It's a very small stage in a great cosmic arena."
"We're a flash in the pan basically. So anyway, I think we want to do everything we can to obviously make life on Earth great and make sure Earth is solid."
"On a long enough stretch of time, our survival rate is zero."
"The greatest secret: we are all spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Evolution is the fact of life and it's why you and I are here."
"Human consciousness could exist and continue on after death."
"In a very real sense, our lives depend on the stars in the universe."
"The search for answers: Where do we come from? Where are we going?"
"To the casual observer, human life appears to be a chaotic mix of light and shadow."
"It's extraordinary that we may owe our very existence to one freak event."
"By proxy, we humans are creations of the same stuff that formed these cosmic horrors."
"Is our existence an accident? No, if it were truly just randomness, an accident and chance, we wouldn't be here for sure."
"Humanity is just a blink of an eye in Earth's history."
"We are not Celestial beings We Are Spiritual Beings living in a body."
"We're not really suffering anything at all. We are Immortal Souls having a physical experience."
"I think we would do much better to understand our place in the cosmos."
"I'm actually perpetually surprised that we exist." - Deepak Chopra
"You're burning for a better human existence here."
"There are limitless realities, infinite possibilities of ways that your life as a human could play out."
"Human beings are the substance of the cosmos examining itself."
"Human life begins on the far side of despair." - Albert Camus
"Love is one of the most purely abstract concepts within human existence."
"Human beings could not have appeared on this planet until its temperature had lowered to a certain degree, until the atmosphere contains certain gases as a result of vegetative development."
"Our entire human existence is presently confined to this rotating Globe floating in the vastness of space."
"There's just nothing like those fleeting moments, and it may be longer than that, it may be shorter, but those moments of just the interchange of love. I don't know anything better in all of human existence."
"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence." - Erich Fromm
"The job of a comic is to like kind of remember that human beings exist."
"I live as well as I do now because of the knowledge you gave me. Maybe someday I'll even be able to get married and have a family. How inconvenient for you humans. Unless you form communities and breed, your species can't continue to exist."
"The purpose of human existence is to glorify God and enjoy him forever."
"Archetypes are universal patterns to human existence."
"The human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us."
"The earth is 4.6 billion years old but we humans have been here for just the blink of an eye, two hundred thousand years only compared to the vast length of time that the earth has been the earth."
"Dreams are big magic that speaks to the human existence."
"The inherent beauty, tragedy, and absurdity of human existence."
"I think I'm an incurable romantic for this miracle of human existence and now the variety of people that are around us."
"No part of human existence remains untouched by the loving and liberating rule of the risen Jesus."
"Every beginning has a cause not every beginning has a cause in the human existence."
"Long before religion was a factor in human existence, love was present."
"Art won't be obsolete until Humanity dies."
"Existentialism emphasizes the degree to which our existence precedes our essence."
"We're briefly conscious, we're not sure where we came from, we're not sure where we're going."
"Different way of understanding what it is to be human, right exactly."
"The traditional rules of morality are nevertheless an indispensable condition of the very existence of present mankind."
"What in the end is a man in nature? Nothing in regard to the infinite, everything in regard to nothingness."
"We live and prosper in a cloud of viruses."
"The nervous system is the foundation of your existence as a human."
"We are living in very important moments... maybe we are the last human generation."
"It's got to be like that, otherwise there wouldn't be 8 billion people in the world."
"We are a human first, we're a human on this planet, and we don't have to excuse ourselves for existing."
"It's the chief miracle of human existence."
"Life has been around on this planet for some 3.5 billion years; us as humans, a very small fraction of that."
"Men cannot exist without woman, and woman cannot exist without men."
"We are not human doings, we are human beings, created for communion with our Heavenly Father and for loving service to those around us."
"You're eternal whether you like it or not."
"Humans found aspects of their existence inexplicable... and so they began to seek explanations to dispel the mysteries."
"Myths are conveying huge truths about human existence that you can't conveniently put in facts."
"If we want to continue to exist on this planet as humans, we need healthy oceans for our continued healthy existence."
"Man didn't come to earth like that, man came to earth for recreation, which means to recreate love."
"We are not alone; we're definitely not alone."
"700 years after the revelation of the Quran, somebody comes along and presents this really holistic model of human existence that nobody before ever did."
"The thought of three days of complete darkness enveloping the world evokes primal anxieties, prompting deep reflections on the fragility of human existence."
"All of recorded human history is in the last five seconds of our calendar year."
"The real purpose of human life is to recognize the divinity in man."
"You're just a human being living a human existence; no one has figured it out."
"We're talking about descendants of cadow slavery teaching the rest of humanity how to exist."
"The greatest question of our time is whether men can bear to live without God."
"Philosophy consists in asking what a human being should be, what relation it has with being in order for the human being to be something that has truth."
"We are the first human beings to exist without these pillars; we are floating in psychic space."
"Our existence precedes our essence."
"Human beings just simply don't exist in a vacuum; we are an emergent property of billions of years of evolution."
"We are human beings who have one foot in nature and one foot outside it."
"The human being is the direct expression and personification of the cosmos."
"Human beings exist here for two reasons: one of which is to create relationships and to be emotional supports for one another, and the second is to be creative."
"It's about the continued capacity for the earth to carry human existence."
"For Lacan, psychoanalysis at its most fundamental is not a theory and technique of treating psychic disturbances, but a theory and practice that confronts individuals with the most radical dimension of human existence."
"Every child born of woman is alive because it was imagined, and imagining is God in action."
"The doctrine of the Holy Trinity informs every aspect of what it means to be a human being."
"Before Time existed as we know it, before the dawning of the world, we humans were there."
"There is nobody like you anywhere on this planet, and that living organism, this, is the result of millions and millions of years of the past."
"We are the expansion of the universe in human form."
"The chief task of human beings during the course of their incarnation is found here on earth."
"You cannot depend upon another race to free you. That is a basic law of human existence."
"People wouldn't exist if you didn't make love. That's how babies are made."
"I'm a Divine being having a human experience."
"In this vast and boundless world, exhaustion, helplessness, regrets and surprises, three meals a day, simple smiles, brotherhood, dreams, and love, they all truly exist."
"The mortal remains of skin and bones, the tears of things. Our pendulous and precarious existence is shaped by gravity."
"It's extremely difficult for three conditions to come together... to be born as a human being, the true Dharma is still in the world, and you're able to meet the true Dharma."
"It is the nature of the revelation of the Jewish people in the world about God and about the purpose of the world and about the human being."
"What is man that God is so mindful of us?"
"You are a Divine ingredient placed on the Earth."
"We represent the end result of that really interesting chemistry."
"God has designed humans to operate both in the natural and the spiritual realms."
"We humans are made of star stuff."
"These are some of the greatest and most difficult questions human beings have spent their entire existence trying to answer."
"The chances of you becoming a human is extremely lucky, and you'll get one chance in life."
"Without the ocean, we wouldn't even be here right now."
"For the first time since Adam was fashioned, man was without his creators."
"The human being necessarily represents his own existence as an end in itself."
"This is clear proof that humans lived here thousands of years ago."
"We ask big questions: Is it possible that consciousness continues on after we die? Are there ways to alter consciousness that will improve your quality of life? And if so, what does that mean for us as human beings?"
"How weird to be finite within a plausibly infinite universe."
"Being authentic about our own inauthenticity opens like a question the possibility of being for human beings."
"We are here approaching one of the most important mysteries of man's being that will lead us to delve deep into the primal secrets of existence."
"It almost looks as if the universe was expecting us."
"We are much more than a cluster of cells in this conscious form."
"Instead of beginning with man and his world and working back to God, we must begin with God and work back to man."
"I feel like we are very lucky to be living here, being humans, existing in this world."