
Past Quotes

There are 5277 quotes

"Put your past to rest, understand and improve your present personality, design the future you want to live."
"The present is continually becoming past. There is no point worrying about what's happened in the past and trying to change it."
"Islam forgives someone's past... The uniqueness of Islam is that Allah forgives."
"We want to know whether Mars could have been habitable in the past."
"You cannot get over the past if you can't put the past behind you."
"Back in those days, everything was all good."
"The only way to move forward is to face your past."
"By confronting the past, we learn to face the future."
"You can't go to the future holding on to the biology of your past."
"People are constantly siphoning their energy into a familiar past or a predictable future because that's where their attention is."
"Nostalgia is longing for a better, simpler time."
"Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past."
"Your past can never be bigger than your future."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, it means you're making your past more real than your future."
"You shouldn't regret your past; it's in the past. It made you who you are."
"You can't change the past, but you can change the future."
"Every single day for 25 years, I thought about it. I needed to heal the memories of the past in order to create a healthy relationship with myself and others in the present."
"A good Redemption arc needs to show the character tormented by what they've done and have to fight through their past as part of their Redemption."
"Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be."
"Your past doesn't limit you. God is so much bigger than that."
"But hey, that's alright. That's in the past. We space apes only look forward."
"Close the door to the past; don't let it have any more of your energy."
"Do not let the past rule you right now, because as long as you're carrying it with you, you're facing it every single day. So let it go."
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
"The same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him."
"Your past is not greater than your potential."
"It is an entire meditation on what it means to remember and a beautiful letter to our past."
"Don't let your past hold you back. This is really giving me the vibes of like this person's gonna be so different and there might still be fears that come up where you wonder... Can I really trust this person? I don't feel like they are, and I feel like you can truly move forward with this person in a very new way."
"The future does not have to be as bleak as the past."
"We don't have to be chained to our past; we can move on."
"I prefer to wear a suit and tie now because it hides the mistakes that I made in my past in getting tattooed."
"What's in front of you is always better than what's behind you."
"You can't worry about yesterday because yesterday is not coming back to look for you."
"Once you move past your past, you automatically develop faith for your future."
"You cannot run or hide from your own past, though you may eventually find forgiveness and closure for it."
"The past isn't a prison, it's a fertile soil you grow out of it."
"You're a product of your past, but you're not a prisoner of your past."
"If you want to understand the future, you need to understand the past."
"You have to think about time travel in, really two stages, because time travel to the future is very different from time travel to the past."
"Obi-Wan contributed to that, and while it certainly weighs heavily on his conscience, he has to learn to let the past die and do what he can now to improve the future."
"I always have those memories of that era, that time."
"Here I am, 4 years later doing it... Are you willing to just let go of the past? The past does not define us."
"He could get married, his wife, my grandmother, didn't work. He took care of two kids, owned a house, owned two cars, played poker on the weekends. Like, you could take care of a wife and kids and have an identity and a life."
"You can't really understand the present if you're haunted by the past."
"Our God is a God of moving on. He's a God of your future, not your past."
"Losing our memories makes us shadows of the past, don't you think?"
"Cowboy Bebop deals with some pretty heavy themes... but the one theme I found to be most prevalent and most interesting is the idea of bravely continuing your own journey to self-improvement, even while dealing with the consequences of your past."
"The real solution here is a solution in which we don't allow our futures to be dictated by our past."
"Forgive. You can't alter the past, but you can bring the past to the altar."
"The past is the past, no more rear view mirror."
"Don't squander the present waiting for the return of the past."
"You can't run from your past. The more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you."
"You can't change your past, it's just impossible because you've experienced it."
"Every time you defend the past, you start to bruise the present and then you screw up your future."
"The past doesn't define you but it can define how you chain."
"All paths have an end. Then where am I now? I must synchronize with the terminal. I need to know more about my past."
"I will miss it, but you've got to forget about the past and keep going."
"The past can't be changed, but the future can."
"I was a con man, I was a liar, I was a thief, but I'm not now."
"There is love, all is not lost, but you may overthink having to let go of the past first."
"Can we truly change the past or are things inevitable?"
"Your past doesn't have to be a place of residence but a place of reference."
"Leave the past in the past and your future is even brighter."
"The past is unchangeable, but the future is still a clean slate."
"Don't judge me from my past because I don't stay there."
"Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for the past and fear of the future."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"We want to be delivered from the power of the past."
"You can only become more than you are if you confront your past."
"The Bride's backstory is slowly peeled back like an orange... Kiddo was motivated to leave her life as an assassin."
"May lack and struggle be a distant memory of the past."
"We are not defined by our past. There is hope, there is faith."
"You may reconcile with somebody from your past."
"Everything you have done up until this point is leading you to where you need to be. Let go of the past and be here right now."
"You're not stuck, it's in the past. Find and celebrate your kind of voice."
"There's someone from your past that is thinking about you."
"I don't think you can really change the past but what I worry about is the future."
"Make peace with the past before moving forward."
"The understanding of the past doesn't equal the future. Yes, you're responsible for the past but the past doesn't always equal the future."
"Nostalgia is a longing for the past, a desire to return to a better time."
"Don't let your past experiences keep your future experiences from you."
"Why should we be talking about the past at this moment."
"This paints an entirely different picture about our past, doesn't it?"
"You can't change what happened, you just have to move on from it. You can't change the past. It turns out that in this inner world, you can literally change the past."
"Time to walk forward, the past has been written already."
"You don't know the good old days until they're gone."
"Leave the past behind, make room for what's ahead, and focus on your legacy."
"You want to completely separate from this thing and say you know what I'm leaving this in my past."
"Take your eyes off of the rearview mirror and stop living backwards."
"Han keeps on thinking about how he endured all that rubbish in the past seven years, he also vows that he won’t give up."
"Change is a part of life... you should fear of being stuck to the past ways."
"Exploring the past through the treasures found in our homes."
"Nostalgia goggles... a distorted view of the past."
"You are not stuck in the past or the future, you've moved past the crossroads."
"Here's some real nostalgia for you all back in 2002..."
"The blood of Jesus does not give you Amnesia; it gives you a life beyond your past."
"There are far, far better things ahead than the ones you leave behind."
"Memories survived; you're already making memories."
"Choose your battles, don't battle yourself for what you've done in the past."
"You deserve more than settling for the past."
"Growth requires not being stuck in the past."
"There just might be a secret connection in barry's past that he is unaware of."
"It's like you're connecting to the past, and that feels important to me."
"If you have made a mistake in the past, don't worry."
"They want to leave the past behind, start over with you, have a fresh start."
"They’re crawling towards us from the past, inch by precious inch."
"Yo dawg, that was like six chicks ago, I ain't even talking about her."
"Don't let your past hold you back, Aquarius."
"You don't want to be a prisoner to the past."
"Remember not the former things neither consider things of old."
"Are we going to let our past seal our future?"
"Let go of whatever keeps you anchored to the past because there's no reason to stay anchored."
"The past is the past, what it was is what it was and it cannot be changed."
"Suppose we could even be nostalgic for times before the internet or smartphones."
"He hides in the oven at the fazbear frights kitchen and his hallucinations are starting to go wild again back into the past."
"Ed's scar: a constant reminder of past events."
"Be aware of holding onto the past that doesn't belong in your life anymore."
"I wonder what he'd say if he found out she used to be the leader of a gang in high school."
"It's not over between you and somebody in your past."
"Be present and don't hold yourself back due to past experiences."
"Nothing wrong with reflecting, right? That's how we learn discernment. But don't get stuck in the past, you know what I'm saying?"
"Apparently, I used to be a bit of a dodgy person and also, yes, there was some kidnapping back in the day."
"He's very bad. Oh, he used to be a Liverpool player."
"Feelings of euphoria may awaken as we realize we've set ourselves free from the past."
"It's just a reminder isn't it that the past is when it comes to their mother never that far away for them."
"You can't live in the past and move forward."
"Sometimes a little detail from the past pops up and puts things in perspective."
"I don't ever remember what it was like to be ten. When I was ten years old, I was a long time ago."
"Varan definitely is gonna go into the yesterday for me."
"Let sleeping dogs lie; the past is the past."
"Love is around you. Don't collapse yourself into the memories of the past."
"Make peace with the past, release, and let it go."
"Trapped in their past, stopping them from moving forward."
"This surreal and majestic light-blessed world she has... built atop the darkness she left behind."
"It's time to move forward, leaving the past behind."
"We need to exercise some demons and let go of the past."
"Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were."
"Shame tells you that you cannot have your future because of your past."
"You are not judged from your past, it does not exist."
"It is time to leave something in the past that you're stuck on."
"One of these days you're going to wake up and your past is going to seem like a dream."
"Bless the past, celebrate the contribution it gave you."
"Wag culture was absolutely huge in the UK like 20 years ago."
"Everyone has a past, put the [ __ ] behind you, don't judge them based on that."
"Make peace with the past, maybe you and this person do need to have a conversation."
"Focus on closing old karmic ties from the past."
"Lois stops looking backwards and starts sharing her painful past."
"Living for the future is more important than trying to avenge the past."
"Focus on moving past the past, have a new beginning with the past."
"Your past is the past. Once you repent, it's forgiven."
"The best way to move on from your past is to acknowledge your past, recognize that it is what it is, it's something that can no longer exist."
"The year was 2009, a simpler time, a time of wonder."
"The past is dead behind us, the future is potential."
"This is about leaving the past behind and letting it go."
"Don't let your past hold you back. Look forward."
"There's definitely someone here who's not... I feel both of you in your past know, don't accept the sippy cup."
"Maybe it's time to leave the past in the past."
"Even if you read some of the old Tarot books about the Six of Cups, it says do not get stuck in the past."
"Bless your past and celebrate its contribution to who you are today."
"Find a place where the past is forgiven."
"There are more beautiful things ahead than any you leave behind."
"Making peace with the past is going to be really big for you."
"You're getting enlightened with how you actually feel about past events."
"I'm awakening now, but in the past, I was ignoring my intuition."
"Regret. I know that I cannot change the past."
"Your love has changed me, and I can never go back to the way things were in the past."
"You do have a future; your past doesn't matter."
"Ancestors are holding space for you to heal your past."
"I told you once it would take a miracle to bring back the past; maybe now I'm looking for one to bring me the future."
"Stressing about past stuff is pointless."
"I believe people should be forgiven for their past."
"Fear not the past, for it has been forgiven and forgotten."
"But me, I never left. I remember all of it."
"Your past is your past. What you did in your bedroom is your bedroom. Keep that to yourself."
"I don't worry about things that haven't happened yet or things that have already happened."
"Are you missing what is because you're stuck in what was?"
"You know, 'It's technically mine, but this obviously meant a great deal to whoever it was that was living here before.'"
"Yesterday belongs to us, Dr. Jones."
"You've blotted out the past for me, more than all the bright lights of Monte Carlo."
"We all have stuff in our past, but that doesn't define who you are now."
"Forgiveness and moving past your past."
"This is a second chance at love, this is reigniting the past."
"Your past does not dictate who you are now."
"For anyone who thinks that people are too sensitive nowadays, you got to remember that in the '80s we had stuff like this."
"I feel like when people be like using their past as the reason why they do drugs or they do this or do that, I feel like it's an excuse."
"On nights like tonight, my prison is the past and my inability to leave it behind."
"Don't agonize over the past because the past is gone. Don't worry about the future because the future is not yet here."
"I can confidently sit here unashamed of my past because I know that that no longer is who I am."
"You are freely loved and free from all that has come before."
"Don't be ashamed; your past doesn't dictate your future."
"We all have a story, we all have a past, yet we all have been given amazing grace."
"I was working at Starbucks three years ago."
"You can't change the past. Time's arrow marches on, right?"
"The man that I was 3 years ago no longer exists."
"Memories are merely dim images echoing with emotion."
"It's like a beautiful thing because you don't worry about your exes, you're mentally stable."
"Questioning the roles people play and how we fell into them, whether or not we can ever escape our past, and how there's always more to a story than meets the eye, especially if it came out of Hollywood."
"If you can't think greater than how you feel, then you're thinking in the past."
"Don't let your past hold you back."
"You are delivered from the traumas of the past, amen."