
Business Quotes

There are 29419 quotes

"Nothing in consumer behavior or in business makes sense except in the light of evolution."
"Affiliate marketing works when you help other people get what they're searching for."
"We are right together, you and I, saving this company."
"In the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so that we may gain."
"Some people don't have the skill set to be successful entrepreneurs. That is something you need to develop."
"You can never do a good deal with a bad partner."
"If you don't charge enough, you will lose money and you will not be in business very long."
"Resilience is one of the most important aspects it can have in this business and exploration period."
"Atmosphere, atmosphere. Making sure your establishment has an inviting atmosphere is essential to bringing in new customers."
"There's three categories for me: sporting, business, and cultural. I think if you're ticking all three boxes, you're the best."
"It's possible because one of the things you got to keep in mind is when you have earnings, really, really good earnings, there's this impression sometimes that well, how much better can it get?"
"Nvidia is just on a killer track of beating triple beating."
"Trust is the backbone of business, and if trust is lost, everything is lost."
"A business can make way more money a lot sooner, a lot faster than a job."
"The way you fast track it is really mastering a vehicle, getting good at it like business. That's what's going to allow you to scale a lot faster and have more money to invest with."
"It's about building a business around something that makes you happy, not the business that you think is gonna make you the most money."
"You're going to have so much support around you... Whether that means you're going to go into business with a couple of your friends or not, somehow there's this theme that you're either just being so heavily supported by the people that you love, or they're directly involved in it."
"Learn business. It's going to help you so much more in life and it will help you with your investing and your net worth."
"If you can regain the skill and learn how to do that, then you can end up making a lot of money and making huge levels of progress in your life and in your business."
"Seduction is so much bigger than what we've seen around. It's not only about sexual seduction but also in business, negotiations, and marketing."
"The biggest companies in the world were developed during a recession or a depression."
"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. Our obligation is to make money."
"This restaurant has everything it needs to succeed except one thing: a leader."
"To turn creativity into a business is a very delicate thing to do."
"It's a pretty smart business model to like create the problem and then be like sell people the solution."
"It's really important for me to give shareholders a great return on their investment."
"I've never seen a tech company destroy their reputation so fast, but Unity did it."
"If business is done right, it is in fact the best form of altruism."
"Predictable recurring revenue is gold for any business type."
"Valve is killing it right now, but they're not alone anymore. Valve at this point is flanked on all sides by compelling competition."
"Your business is nothing without good people."
"I've always had a really, really good business mentality."
"It's just knowing that someone can open a package from you know UPS, and they take out all the paper and then they see the product, and they're just really excited about it, and that kind of gave me a little bit of a rush."
"I ruthlessly began simplifying my life. The biggest thing I simplified was my business."
"Unions are, in a sense, somewhat democratizing a workplace because now the union gets a say in how the business is conducted."
"It's not a must because you gel and you click, let's start a business. Just grow the friendship."
"All happy companies are different; each one earns a monopoly by solving a unique problem."
"Partnerships can be business. You may be doing business with your partner, with like your love interest, it could be with family, someone that you love could be like a best friend."
"Don't wait for permission... in most realms of business, you can pretty much just start doing it whenever you want."
"Developing a taste for design and what looks pretty... is an absolute superpower in the world that we live in today."
"Work with friends... if you want to go far, you should go together."
"Organized hustle is business; unorganized hustle is just hustle."
"It's never going to be as easy as you expect it to be...business is problems."
"Challenges are going to come up that are unexpected and it is never easy."
"I think accountability is absolutely essential in this game."
"You will be able to lead your family, your business, lead your organization, and you will prove yourself as the highest official."
"You generally get rich by doing the things that others consider too hard or too boring."
"Business will be very productive; association with professional people will be very profitable."
"For every one of my businesses, I said, what would I do to kick my own ass?"
"Business is my great hobby. It's why I love it so much."
"It's not just about the number; it's about the whole thing and creating value."
"The greatest business to have is when you're helping people, teaching people, giving them tools, skills to improve the quality of their life."
"We are making five thousand nine hundred a day."
"Look for stability, the business owners, the professionals, and you'll see a whole different set of men."
"If you want someone to act like an owner, you have to make them an owner."
"The only way we're going to get out of the climate crisis we're in at the moment is businesses... working hand in hand with scientists."
"My business journey was simple: I tried everything and failed. But as we all know here, failure is a blessing. It is a data point that reveals what can be improved."
"Sadly, a lot of pro sports nowadays are developing for the sake of generating more money and operating as business instead of bettering the sport."
"Project management is valuable to businesses because it helps ensure that a project delivers the expected outcomes, both on time and within budget."
"People do business with people that they like, they know, and they trust."
"This is not regulation. This is strangulation of the world’s commerce."
"Worker cooperatives tend to be more resistant to price shocks, better to work at, generally more profitable, more likely to survive the first three years of business."
"Business is wonderful because there's gold dust in the air."
"Why would you invest in a business that's mistreating people in whole communities? Ultimately, things that are unethical become illegal."
"Manipulative product, franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams."
"Efficiency and effectiveness are not the same."
"The spending is an approved activity, we must spend lots and lots of dollars, but we must make sure that we also shut down your business in case anybody ever gets COVID."
"Companies that have a higher purpose actually generate more profits in the long term and people that have a higher purpose actually are happier."
"Prison is a business, isn't it? It's crazy that prison is a business."
"Customer is always right. A lot of time, they are wrong, yes sir, but appreciate."
"Miami Beach business owners thank the santis for best spring break ever."
"Your Easter box, you guys make sure you guys get yours. I'm nervous because we got really excited and we got a bunch of boxes, but I'm like, alright, they're gonna sell. Let's see."
"Unfortunately for Rivian, their variable cost of $94,000 is above their average selling price of $86,000, so at the current trajectory, they will never make a positive gross profit."
"Making a gross profit is only the first baby step towards profitability."
"Great companies are made up of people aligned toward a big impactful mission who can actually get a lot of stuff done every week."
"There is less shame attached to failure because, in business, it's okay to fail and start again."
"Finance is in fact, the most important subject that you'll ever encounter. That in fact, finance is at the core of everything that you will ever do in business and in management."
"Two-thirds of the staff at the Beijing headquarters have been laid off over the past few days, so the company is down to only those who need to keep things running for as long as possible."
"I've learned through this journey that sometimes it's deeper than the food, it's deeper than the marketing, it's deeper than the customer service."
"Australia, the only place Starbucks couldn't make it work."
"Communication is, I think, the most underrated skill on planet Earth, especially in business."
"I am a business-minded person who likes systems and I like to make things get better and I like to increase the efficiency of things."
"Right now, Amazon is scared shitless of Walmart. That's because capitalism works."
"Marketing is the vehicle that gives you distinction today in business."
"This business is very personal and it's going to reveal a lot of things about you."
"If that sounds a lot like regular colonialism, it is, but the difference is that in neocolonialism, it's business entities that do the colonizing, and there's no annexation of territory to a colonizing nation."
"Starting a business is a great way to improve your income."
"The valuation part is the hard part. The management part, the decision, is easy once you have the right numbers in front of you."
"You cannot do deep business in shallow water."
"How much does it cost to hire an employee for like 3, 4 hours a day, just during the morning rush?"
"You should view credit not just from a consumer's perspective but as a business person."
"You want to get your business legit because it allows you to build credit, it allows you to get a home loan, it allows you to set up retirement accounts for themselves and their kids."
"The best businesses change lives. Transformations make a winning product."
"Thanks to your business and career videos, I've gained motivation to keep studying about finances and business."
"A lot of billionaires pray for our customers and clients. Their happiness. So, I think that's probably the common Japanese millionaires' attitude."
"If you respect each other, then you can put your egos aside and focus on the business."
"You don't want to sell out and just do the things that are making money because then eventually you're just going to get tired of it. Making money is just one factor of anything you kind of have your hand in when it comes to business."
"Business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics."
"You can relate to business people in other countries better if you understand their culture with sympathy, and they realize that you are honest about it."
"Every big company that we love right now got founded in the last recession."
"Every business plan should go through updates at least every three months."
"Your business credit can give you access to credit that you didn't have before, like a key opening doors to financial opportunities."
"Gas cards is a game changer. Imagine, getting a card like Fuelman, which can give you a $25,000 credit limit. You're not going to use $25,000 in gas, but it's perfect for business expenses like sales reps, drivers, or any employees really. Gas becomes not just an expense, but a manageable, predictable part of your operations."
"This was a big year, a lot of watches. We were so busy, been a crazy year."
"It'll be really fascinating to see if they can keep this cadence up."
"For those of you who don't know, an initial public offering or IPO is what happens when a business takes their company public."
"Most importantly though, it shows how lucrative the entire business model has been for those in control of it."
"People buy from the people that they know, like, and trust."
"Profit is not a sin. Making money is a good thing, as long as you're not doing bad things to make it."
"The arts have unfortunately too much become business, where the investment is to get money back, rather than to produce something that is so necessary and beautiful that it actually contributes to society at large."
"Business is becoming more and more international; economic barriers are disappearing, especially with the onset of the internet and the digital age."
"The bigger the problem and the bigger the solution, the more money you make as a business."
"Adidas and Kanye West are not back in business together."
"If Apple is putting the brakes on non-engineering hiring, that tells you something about how fast the economy is slowing down."
"What I'm trying to say is, it's the best wallet in the business, it's the safest wallet to steal in the business."
"Doing business to leverage it in order to invest back in our community, to take the money and put it back in our community, is what we've always done."
"A lot of good things obviously come with revenue growth."
"The core of business is service. The more people you can serve, the more energy you produce."
"PayPal is at the moment one of the largest payment services out there, but yeah, I wanted to get to the bottom of this."
"If you can't manage your credit score, it's going to be hard for you to manage a business."
"Great business is not about overnight success; it's about indefinite success."
"Marriage is a business decision. A successful marriage can be extremely fruitful; a bad marriage can be extremely painful."
"Everyone is faking it. The person that you're pitching to is also faking it."
"You're about to come into quite a bit of money or some sort of business success."
"I will build the biggest company in the world, and that company will buy Microsoft."
"Creators are able to compete in serious business because of their scale and now the sophistication of the creator economy."
"Disney bought Star Wars for four billion dollars. This is a 7.5 billion dollar deal that Microsoft engaged in."
"Christianity moved to Greece and became a philosophy. It came to Italy and became an institution. It came to Europe and became a culture. It came to America and became a business."
"Every great company has been through periods of doubt, but consistent growth over time is a good indicator of a solid investment."
"Determining which prospects will be those superstars is big business, and getting in on the ground floor is smart business."
"I believe every business should be worker-owned. That's the core of market socialism."
"That's how business transpires: you super serve your market."
"Learn to use the internet to sell; it becomes an extension, it works when you're sleeping."
"There's really no such thing as a bad market, there's just bad strategy."
"This is one of the biggest cases of corporate mismanagement I've ever seen in my life."
"It's not about what you want; it's about what the clients want."
"Migration is a great way to run more agile and more competitively."
"You need to create a business, and it's quite hard to make a business that genuinely provides value."
"I'm not doing it for that. Do you think everybody can be an entrepreneur? No, no, because it has to be in you, not on you."
"Be so good at one part of business that no one on earth can stop you."
"Quality products or Services turns out to be a recipe for long-term success."
"You're destroying your own neighborhood when you do that because that store is going to go out of business."
"Investing in your own education as a business owner is very important."
"Business is tough... The game of business is not for the weak."
"If they screw up on the maintenance, we remove the contract, we get our money upfront, new contract."
"You're a product, and you're trying to sell it to people. Welcome to business."
"My mantra for three decades in business has been 'one more.'"
"Our logos are gonna cost anywhere between five to ten thousand dollars. Is that something you can afford?"
"We're averaging between 100 and 115,000 a month... our revenue marks sit at 45 percent, which is one of the highest in our industry."
"A brand is put simply the way that a customer base feels about your product."
"Business aviation is not just a luxury item but also an instrument for the implementation of tasks."
"JD Power awarded t-mobile the highest score ever in the history of wireless customer experience."
"Team of experts isn't about not believing in tech; it's about using technology to bring us closer to our customers."
"That was the only deal I ever lost money on, but I learned a lot. It was my tuition."
"Mercury becoming visible is auspicious for launching business projects, marketing, advertising, communication, and collaborations for work."
"Trading is probably the most challenging business that 99% of you have ever tried."
"When you walk into Bunker Branding, you'll be greeted by some super smiley person right there."
"We're spending money, but you got to spend money to make money, guys."
"I recognize that even someone who would be considered a direct competitor... I don't believe in competition in that way."
"Donald Trump's whole image is about being this incredible businessman and also very tied up in being all about New York."
"Good product or service plus the right wealth vehicle plus market need equals money."
"The true business is that which will bring you the contentment of the soul, that which will lead you into eternal bliss."
"I am extremely invested in the concept of financial transparency."
"Whether it's business or law enforcement, if I take the time to really hear somebody out in our first deal, then every deal after that will come to me faster."
"A company's goal is not to make people feel good; a company's goal is to make money." - A critique of corporate motivations.
"The revenue split is unquestionably generous, with Epic only taking 12% of the cut as opposed to Steam's 33%."
"Reuters is respected around the world for business news."
"For every business, whether it's a start-up or a mom-and-pop shop, cash is its lifeblood."
"Boundaries when it comes to your business are very important."
"On 14th April 2022, the world’s richest man (and oldest teenager) Elon Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter for $44 billion."
"Making videos, making massive business deals, working with brands, sponsorships."
"The finish is everything, right? That's the closing of the deal."
"Nowadays, thanks to the internet, that's no longer how it works. You can do business from the comfort of your own home."
"We are not just a hardware company, but also one of the most leading AI companies."
"Total Addressable Market (TAM) is the total market demand, meaning all revenue for a product or a service."
"TAM calculation is gonna be the number of customers times your price. It's simple, but there's a few big traps in that simplicity."
"An investor wants to understand how big a market you're going into."
"It's also important for us to highlight and appreciate the entrepreneurs."
"A meeting isn't just walking into a room and sitting across the table from someone...you need to actually talk, you need to make points, and you need to know what points to make."
"Investors hate saying no because every time they say no, they closed off the opportunity to invest in something that's going to make them a lot of money."
"Business is overwhelmingly about cooperation."
"It's hard for me not to imagine this being a trillion-dollar company by 2030."
"If I'm going to invest in a smaller company, I really have to believe a lot in the leadership, okay, the CEO specifically of that company."
"This is a company that is trying to make the highest of the highest end product."
"People want to buy from people they know, people they like, people they trust."
"At the end of the day, look, the prices might be high, but this is how you make money, ladies and gentlemen. This is how you make that money."
"I think the distinction between fraud and visionary is very subtle."
"The most important person in our business is the audience."
"There's nothing more important than finding a good supplier because they control your product raw material cost, product quality, packaging, shipping, communication—literally, they can make or break your business."
"Money management is everything in this business. Everything."
"When you've got 21 employees or 15 employees, seeing everything come together and work is probably the biggest awe moment for me."
"Just getting back to business is going to be a big confidence boost."
"Brand awareness is the extent to which customers are able to recall or recognize a brand under different conditions."
"McDonald's is the largest restaurant chain in the world, with over 40,000 restaurants spread over 120 countries. The golden arches are an inescapable site wherever you go."
"Companies spend billions each year to have high profile celebrities endorse and promote their products, services, and brands."
"Firms are making six dollars and fifty cents for every one dollar spent on influencer marketing, rendering it one of the most cost-effective customer acquisition channels."
"It's not about price because it's about trust. You speak their language, you know their hopes, fears, and dreams, and you're working with them to protect them."
"I treat YouTube and anything I do like a business."
"I treat YouTube and anything I do like a business: How do I set up systems and processes, and how can I scale this?"
"Her resignation is a bad sign. She's so likable and respected. She is the quintessential businesswoman."