
State Of Being Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"How we think and how we feel creates our state of being."
"Feelings are never right or wrong. They're just a state of being."
"The real satisfaction is feeling love, which is a state of being."
"Feminine energy is love, it is a relaxed state, it is free flow."
"The moment you marry a clear intention with an elevated emotion, you move into a new state of being."
"How you think and feel creates your state of being."
"Ultra Instinct is a transformation and a state of being."
"You must do what you love, must be in the right state of being, in the right state of consciousness."
"Love becomes a state of being when you become one with it."
"Law of Attraction is more about attracting to you a state of beingness that is always enlightening, peaceful, and joyful."
"Living in the end of what you want to create is a really relaxed state of being."
"Live in a beautiful state every day, no matter what."
"As you go there, you are. As you feel in a great state of being, so will everything around you be a mere reflection of that."
"Your state of being determines your life more than anything else."
"You know that nothing real can be threatened when this is your state of being."
"When we move into a state of being where mind and body are working together, the universe begins to organize itself to reflect a new state of being."
"How you think and how you feel creates a state of being."
"The cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking creates what we call a state of being."
"Freedom is a state of mind, freedom is a state of being, it's not an emotion."
"Your state of being is your personality... and your personality creates your personal reality."
"It has nothing to do with money, has nothing to do with relationships. It has nothing to do with your past, your present, or your future. It's all a state of being."
"Love is a state inside of you. It's a real thing. It's an energy flow."
"Nothing is better or worse than anything else. What matters is my state of being."
"Bliss or extreme happiness, which is the highest state of being."
"Happiness is a state of being, not a state of mind."
"It's not an experience, it's a state of being."
"Either you're asleep or you're awake."
"Gratitude is a state of being that resonates with the energy of abundance."
"It's meant to be a state, not an identity."
"Spirituality doesn't have to do with beliefs. It's a state of being."
"The time in the state that you are in right now, there is an incredible purpose for it."
"Every single cell in your body behaves differently when you're in heightened states of awareness."
"Staying in Turiya is jeevan mukti."
"Heaven is rather a state than a place, and consequently, unless you are previously disposed by a suitable state of mind, you could not be happy even in heaven itself."
"What's helpful to remember is that this awareness, ice becoming water, is not some far-off state; it's always available."
"Your state of being is determined by your assumptions."
"What is free of both awake and asleep."
"If you get familiar with this, you start to realize that the availability of this natural state, you're going to start to see very amazing things like you've never left this."
"Heaven is a state of being, a state of awareness."
"I never judge myself now, and I never judge others. I live, thank God, in a state of love."
"The ultimate state is the condition of absolute acceptance or absolute receptivity to being."
"Uncertainty is the state of being where something is either not known or not decided."
"To be in that state, you have to be sincere."
"Home is not a place but a state of being."
"Perhaps grief can be seen as a kind of exalted state where... the person who is grieving is the closest they will ever be to the fundamental essence of things."
"Be content in whatever state you're in."
"This awareness doesn't depend on anything; it's a natural state that isn't destroyed by or lost unless we forget."
"It is in this drowsy state that you should assume that you are that which you desire to be."
"Being alone and being lonely really are two different things."
"I always talk about seeking joy because while happiness is a truly wonderful emotional state, joy is really a state of being."
"The moment your belief matches with any state, you've fused with it."
"The afterlife is an outpouring and out picturing of your State of Consciousness after you leave the body."
"It’s not so much a place but a state of soul, a state of mind, a state of consciousness."
"Our inner mental state will often reflect in our outer state of being."
"You cannot achieve that state unless you're in a state of compassion, hopefully for yourself and of course for others."
"Remain in a state of eternal gratitude."
"Bliss is not actually an emotion; it's actually a state of being."
"Fulfillment is our natural state of being; it's all done, it's already done."
"Staying in the state of wish fulfilled is a state of being, irrespective of the conditions that are going on out there."
"It's not a temporary fleeting feeling of fulfillment; it's a state of being fulfillment, period."
"Silence is not just the absence of noise, but a powerful state of being."
"The spirit world is a state of being and states of mind."
"Show me your state, and I will show you your future."
"The total absence of will and the total absence of effort of all and every kind may be called an effortless state, but the effortless state is not something that you can achieve through effort."
"Your state of mind is a direct consequence of the thoughts in your mind."
"Health is a state of physical and mental well-being."
"It's not about being in any particular state all the time... it's just energy, it's just movement, it's just consciousness playing."
"We are made of love, and it is our natural state to be loving."
"Consciousness is a state of awareness that is our true state."
"I just want to go to bed now; I'm really tired and a little drunk."
"Manifestation is your natural state."
"If you're living in a state without fear and in total love, you're in heaven."
"Peace does not mean there is an absence of war, but peace is a state of being."
"Mastery is essentially the ability to be in your chosen state of being regardless of the circumstances."
"It's not that I go around in bliss all the time, but the natural state is just that spaciousness, that indestructible, awesome, endless, boundless."
"Being awake is about being happy."
"Acting as if is a state of being, it's a state of thought, it's a state of seeing something and just visualizing it or thinking about it as you are having it."
"Be contented in whatever state you find yourself."
"Gratitude as a state, not a trait related to external factors, is just a state of being."
"Desire is something that is me-centered; love is a state of being."
"Manifestation is our natural state."
"Bliss doesn't have an opposite; happiness has an opposite, joy has an opposite, pain has an opposite, but bliss is your state of being."
"Wholeness, you gonna be whole again, or you are already whole again."
"Human is not necessarily physical; human is a state of being, just like divinity is a state of being."
"Happiness is thus a state of being, a state in which our mind's habitual agitation is calmed."
"There's a disconnect between the state of being that we're in and the state of being that we desire."
"It's our natural state, the most natural state in the world."
"Every moment I'm in bliss, it becomes my default state."
"The state does not know it is and is beyond happiness and suffering."
"You have to elevate yourself to the state of Brahman, that 'I am' itself is Brahman."
"Meditating helps you be in your state of being."
"Health and well-being are your natural states."
"Pleasure is a state of being, and when we vibrate on the state of pleasure, we truly enjoy life."
"Bliss, happiness, joy - these are high frequency, high states of being which cannot be contrived."
"Perfect peace doesn't look like anything; it doesn't feel like anything. It's just a permanent state of being."
"Your state of being this month brings in a new beginning, a new passion."
"We are actually influencing everyone and everything from our own state of being."
"Worship is the attitude of the heart; it's a state of being."
"Love just is love; it's not an emotion, it's a state of being."
"Be in the state of unconditional love."
"Freedom is a state of mind, a state of being, or is it both."