
Application Quotes

There are 4865 quotes

"The science teaches us what we need to do, we just have to put these things into practice."
"Knowledge is not power; it's potential power. It becomes power when we utilize it."
"Technology inherently isn't good or bad... it's how it's used."
"The ultimate use of AI is to accelerate science to the maximum."
"Knowledge, understanding, obedience, and application are the keys to success."
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do."
"Wisdom is not the same as knowledge. Knowledge is the acquisition of information. Wisdom is understanding how to apply that information."
"My philosophy has always been you have to make ideas your own. Can't just be these dead words that you kind of digest that have no relevance to your daily experience. You have to take them; they have to come to life within you, within your own experience."
"AI sits on top of a network. AI can be applied on top of a production network; you can apply AI in a factory; you can apply AI on a consumption network."
"It's all about what you do with the tool that you're given."
"We learn technical things so that we can actually use them."
"When you read something, when you study something, and you go and apply it, and then go back and read it again, you will start to uncover deeper meanings, deeper understandings."
"Understanding comes from knowledge, but when knowledge becomes its full power, it turns into wisdom, and wisdom is applied knowledge."
"We need experts at using deep learning to diagnose malaria, to analyze language to study media bias."
"Timeout is my preferred break timer app, setting up breaks to show up every hour and micro breaks every 15 minutes."
"If intellectually understanding something was enough, we would all be billionaires with six packs."
"Knowledge is not power; knowledge is potential power. You have to apply it."
"Once you have this data...turning it into great information that you can use and directly apply, that's where the real power lies."
"You can use them in many different ways, and I encourage you to do so."
"The first job is to discover and invent principles and then make models of how those principles might be applied in some experimental situation."
"Knowledge is power... If you get the knowledge, then you have the power to make it work."
"The real growth comes when you start to connect to the vast number of purposes for which that singular principle can be used."
"You're going to see a variety of purposes for which that same principle can be applied, and you're going to go, 'Okay, I'm starting to get the vastness of this.'"
"Once you understand the principle, you're like, 'Hold on, where have I already been using this without even knowing?'"
"Technology is agnostic in that it will be used for good or ill depending on the people who put it into application."
"One of my favorite things about teaching anatomy and physiology is the ability to apply that information to real-world situations."
"The lessons that I've learned in skateboarding I take throughout my whole life and apply to my whole life."
"Knowledge without skill is absolutely worthless because you have to be able to take what's in your mind and use your hands to build something tangible."
"By the end of this video, you will have two strategies that you can immediately put into practice."
"Every word appears in context...which means you'll learn the words more easily and you'll also know how to use them."
"Learning agility is the ability to learn from experience and then apply that learning to perform successfully under new or first-time conditions."
"It's not about having the most knowledge, it's really just taking information and then applying."
"Knowledge is indeed power, but it's only potential power until it's applied."
"People don't pay for information, they pay for organization and application."
"Knowledge is power, but applied knowledge is power."
"The power of this knowledge is not just in acquiring it, but in applying it to achieve financial freedom."
"Quantum locking. It’s a wonderful application of quantum ideas."
"Knowledge is only powerful when it's applied."
"Humanity's greatest advances are not in its discoveries -- but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity."
"Derivatives are functions that give you the slope of an original function at some value... very useful for calculating rates of change."
"Integration is basically the opposite of derivatives... very useful for calculating how much something accumulates over time."
"Statistics will probably be used in whatever career path you choose for yourself."
"Think about your field of study and what field you're going into, and how you might apply the concept of the hacker mindset to that industry."
"I think the sports psychology is very helpful anywhere... Sports psychology is a fascinating thing."
"I think my employees took some lessons from action potential mechanisms."
"Accurate information has practical application, and a faulty premise will lead to faulty conclusions."
"Understanding about quantum information and the universe might help us apply it in some real things that are good for us all."
"So this is actually pretty cool that we can take a lot of the same machinery that we already learned for image classification and now just apply it very easily to extend to new types of problems."
"The methods in the book are being used all over the world and that's very exciting to see."
"It competes against Harry Potter and so on, but then more importantly the methods in the book are being used all over the world."
"I want what I get on the pew to come to the pavement of my experience."
"Islam's solution is not a slogan; it requires deep understanding and application."
"It's not the stats that make the strategy, but how you use them."
"Technology, in and of itself, has no particular good or bad properties. It's how you use it."
"True expertise means the differentiation of abstract knowledge all the way down to the point of behavioral implementation."
"Be not only hearers of the word but doers also."
"The basilisk lizard is a prime example of how seemingly small scientific curiosities can be transformed into real-world practical applications."
"Science works. And if you follow the precepts of science, you can fly, you can get to the moon, you can cure smallpox."
"This is a time in history where there has to be a practical application of greatness."
"Application is obedience, and obedience brings joy."
"Knowledge is power, but it's not really powerful until it's applied."
"It's not just reading it, it's putting it into action."
"Science tells us what is. It doesn't tell us what to do about things."
"The most important part is not what course you take, but rather how you leverage what you learn."
"You get that kind of training and background, all you got to do is apply the work and apply the tutelage, and you will get to the top."
"Science is a method, Claire. It works in forests, labs, classrooms, space stations, wherever it is applied."
"Using the Venus Deo in this fashion was a stroke of genius."
"Take for what it is. Take information you felt like was strong for you and apply it."
"The opportunity that we all have right now is to take everything that we learn, all this information, all this wonderful philosophy, this science, this theory, it's really time for us to actually apply it to our life."
"All those classes from sixth grade, it's finally coming in hand."
"It's going to deliver in what cops deliver most which is global awareness."
"Music theory is just a way of describing what is there to be used."
"There is no right way; music theory is just a way of describing what is there to be used."
"The Christian life is a continual process of learning, applying, and being transformed."
"You just need to apply it consistently and across the board."
"Whether it's recipes or conversion factors, understanding is key!"
"They sound unresolved and slightly dissonant, but this certainly doesn't make them unusable; in fact, the opposite is true."
"Campfire Blaze is an incredibly cool application and my sponsor for this video."
"I think the key thing is to apply history to try to learn from history what we can do about today."
"Lasers have these unique properties that make all these applications happen."
"I think the amount of education that all dermatologists go through provides them with a huge foundational knowledge base. And then it's just how are they going to apply it to you."
"Understanding principles, like trade-offs, is crucial for various fields."
"Your success this year will be in your applying the bible not just knowing the bible."
"Let's use what you've learned to implement a few simple features in our video app."
"Information's power but information applied is real power."
"What if we apply that in real world situations on mass? What can we build together?"
"Applied wisdom has so much more value than knowledge or books read."
"Active ingredients... formulated in that vehicle to go on the skin in an even fashion."
"I even dragged it up over my nose and just go up this way instead of it at such a harsh angle."
"We can take heaven and the model in heaven which is perfection and transfer that to the way that we live in this world."
"Someone else's opinion of you is none of your business."
"The lessons learned in Afghanistan, the lessons learned in Iraq over 20 difficult years, well, the Ukrainians right now in part are doing as well as they are because the lessons our troops learned on the ground."
"Hopefully this has been useful information for you to take away and try and apply on your own."
"AI doesn't just have to be applied to opponents it can be applied to build systems it can be applied to optimization it can be applied to a whole lot of different areas of your pipeline and your experience."
"Timery is an app that hooks into the service Toggl... it works as a great front end for Toggl."
"Relationships are greater than applications."
"Implement, implement, implement relentlessly what you learn in this video."
"Gary would like to use the technology for contemporary technology applications."
"Glad to see a straightforward application of the first amendment."
"NYX ultimate shadow primer... helps your shadows to lay down so smoothly and blend out so nicely."
"More importantly is to figure out ways that you can apply it to your own career and life."
"The most important thing is to actually know how to use these ideas."
"But let's have some more quizzes here... and put all this knowledge to use as we start to wrap things up here class number two."
"The reality is, if you're willing to apply these principles and do it intelligently, there's a very good chance you're going to notice such dramatic improvement."
"Focus always on Solutions, possibilities, and then take the learnings and apply them."
"Now that you've created all of these amazing opportunities to learn new words and new vocabulary, you need to find a way to use it, right?"
"An average sized adult or child needs at least one ounce of sunscreen protection to cover their entire body."
"Vocabulary words from real English conversations can be used in real life situations."
"Learning through practical application is the way to go."
"Use your head, apply these tools, and figure it out. That's your job guys."
"The Word of God becomes alive and becomes a place you live."
"Your goal for day number one is to master new English vocabulary words and use them in real life."
"Skillshare has actually been applied... very few people seem to talk about how Skillshare has actually been applied."
"I just pray their lives will be changed and transformed into something great if they apply it."
"Gospel methodology, concepts, and insights can help us to do what the world cannot do in its own frame of reference…."
"No amount of reading or memorizing will bring you the success you seek. It is only the understanding and application of the ideas."
"Vedantic meditation is assimilation of the teachings, making them a living reality."
"It's all just a great reminder that we are our guinea pigs in the real-time process of theorizing how some of this technology is best employed."
"Take what you know and apply it... the best time to apply what you know is when you're under pressure."
"If you change the if you change a couple things here and there the core principle can be applied to literally anything whether you even if you're not you don't make comics in your you just write novels same same rules apply."
"Pray for wisdom to apply what you're learning."
"It's one thing to read these books, it's another thing to actually act on them and implement them in your life."
"I wanted to use my knowledge of those virtues based on what I had read and try and"
"I want people to really soak on that and really think about the things that you said and put it into practice."
"Our job is to wield that incredible processing power to do cool and useful things."
"Wisdom takes what knowledge you do have and makes it happen."
"The rules only apply when the powerful want them to apply."
"Wisdom and knowledge is two different things. Knowledge is like what you get, wisdom is how you apply it."
"I do think that they have some timeless investing principles that can be applied whether you're talking about bitcoin, real estate, or any other market in the world."
"The biggest problem with Bible study is not the failure to understand a passage, but failure to apply the words of God which we do understand."
"Wisdom is the application of the data you have. Knowing when to use it wisely."
"Knowledge is incredibly powerful, but knowledge alone is not what you need for success. You need actually knowledge in action."
"The goal of psychology is to benefit human beings in every possible way."
"Let's see, Dr. Brown mentions that Acts chapter 3 verse 22 Peter applies Deuteronomy 18 to Moses."
"You gotta take that same motivation, that same fire, and apply it to other endeavors in your life."
"Once you get out on the road... you need to be able to apply those things that you've learned."
"What we learned from this COVID crisis we will be applying to the climate crisis, to the housing crisis, to reconciliation."
"Now we know what equality looks like... continue to apply it."
"It's interesting how a verse can apply to multiple situations."
"Efficiency, performance, and beyond: Exploring the M1 Pro's real-world applications."
"Embrace these teachings, apply them in your lives, and be doers of the word."
"Blends onto your skin like butter; it's just so underrated."
"The way it applies is stunning; it is a beautiful formula."
"You literally all you have to do is swipe it on."
"Artificial intelligence is already being used in a variety of industries including healthcare, finance, and transportation."
"A lot of knowledge is power, that's not necessarily true. Applied knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is not power, applied knowledge is power."
"I'm trying to do the best I can to use what I was taught."
"The only working application of blockchain technology is bitcoin."
"We are going to build out an awesome mobile application here."
"The real test is figuring out how best to make use of it or them to help you achieve your goal."
"Prove yourselves to be people who put the word of God in practice."
"Don't memorize, apply them to real-world situations."
"I want people to see how it relates to their day-to-day living, how they can apply it in their life."
"We're going to be doing is applying a lot of physics science."
"That's tough and that's why you need a very special nozzle application in order to be able to achieve that."
"Your life is gonna be solely predicated on your knowledge and application of that knowledge."
"Struggle with design myself but I'll try to give you a few cool tips that you can apply to all of your websites or apps."
"Bad interpretation will always lead to bad application."
"Understanding how to use the app and the features is only 10 of the battle. Knowing how to apply them and developing an eye for UI design is 90 of the battle."
"Are there some universalities here that could apply right across?"
"Don't mix your highlights until you're ready to put them on the floor."
"Ensure that you're spreading the product with the right thickness."
"You shutting down by working. So, I need y'all to do me a huge favor, all right? Bruce Lee put it back, he said 'knowing is not enough, we must apply.' Being willing is not enough, we must do."
"Knowledge of self and learning how to apply it, if you can learn yourself and you can apply what you learn, you can get better at anything."
"It'll be a shame not to learn a new word and not use it."
"Fundamentals don't change; it's how you use them that do."
"I think this type of deeper thinking has great benefits not just with investing or health but with all areas of your life."
"I've seen very few of these kinds of systems applied with AI, getting into neural nets."
"Some of y'all gonna end up connecting with somebody unexpected."
"Not only do I want you to know what is going on, but also why and how to apply it."
"We don't want to just have knowledge but knowledge with some application."
"We want application. We want them to try to do it. We're really building champions in the sense that we give them confidence."
"Psychedelics are tools that, if interpreted, applied, and integrated correctly, can be beneficial."
"You learn from the past and apply to the Future."
"Hope you found that useful and hopefully interesting as well and hopefully can apply those techniques to your own projects in the real world."
"I want you to take everything you've learned and put it to good use."
"We can learn new things about the stories we love and storytelling as a whole by applying it where it may not seem at first to belong."
"You have to constantly be sharpening your skills, learning from those who clearly know more than you, and then start applying it."
"Understanding intellectually isn't enough; embody your understanding."
"Creating a design template that gets applied to all of your data."
"This is key and contrast. Now these are two terms that normally you would hear separately but once you start thinking of the two together as a pair, that's when it starts to make sense."
"It's ideal to set your entire face with the translucent powder..."
"Now that I feel stable enough within myself, now that I do know how to love myself and take care of myself, it's like let's put these tools to practice and just be a human."
"You gotta apply the answer, not just know it."
"It's so amazing when you see machine learning models working on your own data."
"It's not just about the history of Neville, you've taken what Neville has taught you and you've applied it in your life."
"It's blending out so nicely and the color is actually super super pigmented."
"They want to take this to the next level, they want to take their inspired thought and put it into good use."
"The second time that repetition is going to help you actually apply, rewire, and reconfigure."
"Test-driven development can and does work in all of these cases."
"What's the thing you learned that made you go, 'Oh, that's great, I'm going to start using that'?"
"What about you? What do you think you might use this for?"
"Before you're dismissed, be reminded that church exists in life outside these walls. Only when you leave can you create the kingdom of heaven."
"Applying visual design principles will make your work more professional."
"Imagine if this line of thought was applied to real legal matters."
"Rediscovering talents, applying your strengths."
"From far away, it looks really beautiful but I'm just being super nitpicky and up close I definitely do feel like it moved the foundation that I had underneath it."
"Read for 15 minutes read for 30 minutes ponder it think on it apply it in your life."
"Ideology always loses unless you start making it practical."