
Market Awareness Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Always thinking about that big picture... realize that the market's not going anywhere. There's going to be money to make tomorrow, the next day, the next day after that."
"We are not victims of financial markets; we are just victims of financial ignorance."
"No matter what's happening in the market, it is so important to take control of your finances."
"At the end of the day, just realize there is upside, but temper your expectations and educate yourself about market caps for sure."
"Identifying a trend is really important, even if you're not using technical analysis."
"You are not smarter than the market. You are not the greatest trader of all time."
"The risk is definitely there. I wish it was not the case." - Danielle DiMartino Booth
"A depression may be coming, and that's something the market is not ready for."
"Stay up to date on what's happening, be aware, and be prepared to capitalize on opportunities."
"Keep yourself well-informed about your cards' value to avoid getting sharped."
"What we do know is there's going to be recessions, what we do know is there's going to be stock market crashes, what we do know is there's going to be stock market corrections."
"It's really a great time to really get focused on education, making sure you understand everything that's going on in the market."
"They're dangerous, they're dangerous. Oh, you've got to be aware of these dons in the market."
"We people need to start considering AMD more."
"The markets are only just now beginning to understand how serious this all is."
"So much trading is just being aware of trends and being ready to milk them if they do run."
"Don't think Wall Street has your back, don't think that you are immune, nobody's immune."
"Knowing what it is and its implications will help you be better prepared for some surprising market moves."
"When it comes to these free markets right it's like you have to be aware of what you're up against."
"You gotta know that they're there and then buy them when you see them."
"Investment advice: stay calm, stay diversified, and keep an eye on the market."
"Life is just this big pool of decisions that we made great the entirety of the world is just things happen please do your."
"Stay informed on market news and company developments."
"Sell when you can. You are not for all markets."
"Amazon's really pushing these hard trying to let everybody know that they exist."
"Number one consumers are a lot smarter nowadays... we've kind of realized that."
"Movies are magic and there is always something magical about seeing extraordinary feats done by ordinary people for real."
"Avoid the 'seller dodging eBay fees' trap, it's like buying luxury goods in a back alley."
"If you don't see bitcoin as bullish, then you haven't been paying attention."
"There's a lot of fantastic stuff on the marketplace, but be really cautious what you buy."
"You got to stay hungry. You got to stay working. You can't just be like, 'Oh well, I don't care what's going on with the majority of the market cap.'"
"There's nothing certain in markets. Anytime you take a position, make sure you understand where your stop loss is."
"What are you doing and why? These are the questions that you should know first and foremost when it comes to the markets."
"This is really the number one cryptocurrency flying under the radar."
"I'm not using this as a threat or anything, but I would like you to be aware that is whatever we negotiate here, I will certainly shop."
"Buy physical. Understand the difference between what Andy affectionately calls the casino paper gold and silver markets and the actual physical gold and silver markets. They're not the same. Don't be fooled."
"A lot of people who are in these stocks are waiting to lose a bunch of money they just don't realize it. I'm waiting to make a lot of money."
"Bitcoin holders need to pay attention to the rising dominance of all coins."
"A bear market is not where you want to stop paying attention."
"If you don't know what a good deal looks like, you're not gonna know how to spring on one when you see one."
"I think it's well worth keeping our eyes open for that company."
"Be cautious guys, just be careful when it comes to your investments."
"The only way to do that is to know what's going on in your market."
"First is the awareness, the realization, the discovery of wow this is where I really need to be in terms of how I approach the market every single day and this is where I'm at right now. How do I get there?"
"Traders survive by being aware of market conditions and trading off inconsistencies with true value."
"After what's just recently happened, all your traditional people now realize okay, we need exposure."
"If you're going to go into anything like that, you know that there's already trade in the space."
"The more entrance the better. It feeds awareness, adoption, it's a flywheel for the entire industry."
"Look out for brand-seller mismatches to increase your chances."
"It's about helping people understand that they have enough that they don't need to chase the market."
"Be cautious of narratives, they manipulate the market."
"The point of the video was never to highlight that these things were going to crash to zero or whatever... just to emphasize the risks that overzealous promoters weren't really highlighting to investors."
"You also have to be aware of what the market would do that would make you decide your plan is no longer valid. You should get out early sometimes."
"Perfectly poised to take advantage of the changing fashion tides."
"I think it's more important than ever to ensure that you are developing new skills and you're staying ahead of the market."
"Rolex has their fingers really on the pulse."
"It's really cool to see a company constantly on the pulse of what their customers are looking for."
"Be really careful to make sure you're priced within the market. If you price yourself too high out of the market, you're just not going to get a lot of jobs."
"During these seemingly quiet periods, it's extremely important to stay up to date with the latest trends to benefit the most when the attention eventually comes back to DeFi."
"It increases public awareness and public interest...people take a much bigger interest in how his business is run."
"Know where your market is on that spectrum."
"But one thing I know for sure is that I am NOT smarter than the market and I am NOT smarter than most of the people in it."
"The Central Bank will of course always have in mind what the Forex Market is doing."
"Know your market, know your cattle."
"If you're sick of prices of new and used trucks in 2022, you're a smart individual."
"Think about the market you're in because that's going to dictate a lot of your strategy as well."
"The most important thing... it's educating people on the market trends."
"Nothing wrong with investing in a bubble, you just have to know you're in one."
"Good businesses keep an eye on the market, they're like, 'How do we improve our service?'"
"If you ever see a pack like this on the market, on eBay or anywhere like that, do not buy it."
"Your customers are smarter than you think."
"Be aware of what the factors are, what is causing the market to move, and then just be stoic about it, but be an informed stoic."
"If you get too greedy and you mark your prices up way too high, then your items are going to set there."
"Staying up to date on what's happening in the finance and business world helps you make the smartest decisions with your money."
"Market traps: risk disguised as opportunity."
"I really think they're paying more attention to what the market demands are."
"I think that if someone says resellers are doing this to my business or stores are doing this to my business, then maybe reselling is just becoming more aware that the competition can be good."
"Being aware of your market means that you hopefully avoid offending anyone."
"Got to respect yourself, got to respect the market."
"Having a fundamental understanding of the trends in your market is so important."
"You want to pay attention to what the market's doing."