
Generational Impact Quotes

There are 1019 quotes

"Young generation Millennials and Gen Z, they all want to change the world."
"All of a sudden, you become responsible for generations to come, responsible for changing the trajectory of your family's life."
"History is shaped by generations, and generations are shaped by history."
"The breakthroughs of the Artemis era will define our generation and the generations to follow."
"It's always interesting what people know me for. There's a generation that clearly knows me for Gangsta Grillz."
"Not only is it the first version of the story an entire generation was exposed to, it has effectively mediated an agreed-upon interpretation of the text by virtue of its success as an adaptation."
"Most people don't realize how generational curses are passed down."
"Pokémon as an anime series truly has given many generations of fans something to attach themselves to."
"I think there's probably a generation of young people who think about and engage with music in a completely different way because of you and your work."
"I get the sense that this is the most dangerous of the existential risks because it doesn't galvanize anybody into action. There's no smoke in the sky, there's no incoming asteroids. This is the kind of existential risk that creeps up on you year by year, generation by generation, and when they do, it is too late."
"Be effective with people and efficient with things."
"I want to say that we revived national pride in my two sons and their generation."
"I want wealth to where my kids' kids will know my name, even though they didn't meet me."
"Nikki's daughter, Payton, has a daughter of her own and she really has taken over the efforts to advocate for her mom."
"It's possible to become successful, it's possible to revolutionize my family in the generations to come."
"We are the generation that can literally change the trajectory for our kids' kids' kids' kids. We could change the world."
"Sometimes it takes generations to change consciousness or biases."
"We're breaking generational curses here, people."
"The prayers of one woman change the entire generation."
"Millennials couldn't have possibly killed the economy. They weren't old enough. It's an airtight alibi."
"Policies focused on improving the economic outcomes of a single generation...are less likely to have persistent effects unless they also affect intergenerational mobility."
"We don't just do this work for ourselves, we do this work for our children and our children's children, Seven Generations back and seven generations forward."
"Restoration is not just about getting back what the enemy stole from you; it's about getting back what Generations lost."
"The sins of the father reach through to the third and fourth generation... but at any point, you can stop that."
"The sins of the fathers... should not be visited on their children."
"It's our duty, you know, to pave the way for the next generation of leaders that are coming through."
"What is the truth and what remains unknown about a defining moment for a generation and a nation?"
"Finances are coming back to you, not just everything you lost but everything your father lost."
"The Millennial Generation is a game-changer generation. They have come into collapse one way of doing things and to rebuild a new way of doing things completely."
"If there's anything worth a legacy of someone, it's knowing that the generations you raised and the impact that your life has reaches so much beyond your immediate circles."
"Investing and making money is cool, but what is even better is using those funds and those resources to make a generational impact."
"This generation...has an opportunity...to fulfill those ambitions, to do something profound to actually change their community, this country, possibly even the world."
"The measure of success for First Nations is what's the seventh generation gonna say about you. And if that seventh generation can't remember you, then you've done nothing."
"Most of the voices in the world today are... spewing toxicity over a whole generation."
"A once in a generation game that's influence will be felt for the foreseeable future."
"It changes your life, your kid's life, their kid's life. This is generational change for you."
"My whole work is really around how trauma lives in the body and gets passed down through generations."
"We want to have discussions with people who have different perspectives that can push the culture forward and fuel the next generation."
"Every generation has the power to change things, just which one of them actually gonna stand up and do it."
"All the pieces are in place for Shanks to take his final gamble on the next generation."
"That seems like the biggest conspiracy of our generation."
"This is one of the biggest things to happen in our lifetimes."
"I realized it in this moment because the generation one, yeah the Generation The Echo go like it would just Link UP perfectly."
"We Millennials questioned these things years ago and now some of that has paid off."
"We've killed a lot of things... Millennials in general... just, you know, products not existing or failing."
"The impact of Koji Kondo's music has influenced a generation of musicians."
"We're actually just bringing the top quality people to become local residents and I believe generationally... we're stronger for it."
"Actions have consequences, they're passed from one generation to the next."
"I feel like this is a formational moment for the people who are alive today that this is going to be something that there's there's no going back to before we have a new future in front of us."
"Bitcoin is doing that for a whole new generation of people um and it's pretty cool to to kind of be part of that."
"Every day it gets worse... What's happening to the environment... My seven grandchildren, they have no future."
"Your future matters, your kids' futures matter."
"There's an entire generation of players whose memory cannot recall a time where Call of Duty didn't exist at the forefront of gaming and arguably pop culture."
"Hard times create hard people, hard people create good times, good times create soft people, soft people create hard times."
"If you can't preserve the family... your Society is going to collapse within a generation."
"We have to do it together. We have to do it together for generations to come."
"What we're talking about here, folks, is our future and that of our children, our children's children."
"It's only a generational buy when you lose a generation to investing."
"This is a potentially game-changing product, one whose importance is likely going to be lost on the enthusiast base but that is going to be embraced by a new listener and a new generation to come."
"We have made life freer for individuals and more unstable for families. We've made life better for adults but worse for children."
"Thomas Sowell has not gained iconic status by going against the grain of most blacks."
"The truth is, you don't know who was in one. They could have been one four generations ago, and you wasn't even alive yet. It doesn't even matter. You can say, 'What if?' My answer is still the same: we are going to break them."
"The most important thing you need to know about your health is your health is literally the greatest foundational choice you can make for generational wealth."
"To be part of a moment, a true moment that will be remembered for generations, centuries to come in British history."
"If we hadn't have had that forum, if we hadn't been born a generation before and our whole eating disorder had have gone by with no forum, I think a lot of us would be dead from suicide."
"The greatest duty of the leader is securing the future for the next generation."
"You paid it forward, and now that little boy that you did it for is going to do it for somebody."
"You're the single most educated generation in American history- not a joke."
"You're the single most engaged generation in American history."
"You're the single most generous generation in American history."
"I want to transcend a generation, I want to do something different, I want to change the culture."
"You've changed your family tree in so many ways."
"I think it's just gonna motivate even younger people."
"The wounds that our parents left unhealed has the potential to become the standards and principles we have for relationships as adults ourselves."
"If a curse is generational, so can a gift be."
"You can be the generation that stood up and reminded us just how precious this experiment in democracy really is."
"Multi-discipline riders like Van Aert and Van der Poel inspire a new generation."
"It's the biggest opportunity of our generation."
"We are watching in real time the unfolding of a disaster that our generation and future Generations will know by name."
"But if it's going to continue to be like mostly boomers on facebook let's be honest the boomers aren't going to last very long."
"The new record provided a rare moment of inspiration for a generation who had very little to celebrate in terms of aeronautical achievement."
"Choose life, it's not only for you, it's for your descendants also."
"I want to see in my lifetime at least the tipping point towards what I'm talking about, where I could die knowing, 'Okay, humanity is on the way to a thriving planet.'"
"I believe the mantle of Lonnie Frisbee is going to come upon the next generation but there's going to be fathering in people."
"You've just saved the life of everyone my age."
"I think this is a very rare once every 50 years event that we are experiencing right now."
"True, actually true. The boomers are impressing me."
"Having parents who own a home does somewhat seem to increase the odds that young people themselves will become homeowners."
"The wealth of knowledge that we glean from the moon will inspire a new generation of thought and action."
"What is at stake is the kind of world they are going to grow up in."
"Please don't believe that these generational cycles define you."
"Nobody's going to accuse me of being a Christian nationalist...I'm making these values cool again for the Next Generation."
"It's not only was it a moment, it is something that I believe will transcend generations."
"God wants us to be history makers in this generation."
"I speak to every altar that has been erected against my life, against your life, against your children's life, against your children's children."
"You're basically losing a generation of people who are just going without skills."
"I believe firmly that this generation will be judged by our success or our failure at standing up to a totalitarian impulse in the United States." - John Meacham
"God is causing all of the orchestrated events of Our Generation to transpire so that everything falls into place."
"John Altschuler, a frequent collaborator with Mike Judge over the years, said '(Office Space) spoke to a generation in a way that few movies have.'"
"Huntington is in danger of losing a generation."
"Expect a substantial impact from Generation Alpha."
"Generational opportunities were found in that. These opportunities don't come around very often."
"Liberation is not something happening every year, it's something in five generations."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons... is it worth?"
"The theme of this week and last week's videos is generational blessing."
"Every single one of us has that responsibility to share the truth of God's Word with the next generation."
"The sins of the father will often follow you."
"That's the best way to honor the dead, that's the best way to honor those of us still living fighting this fight, and it's the best way to honor the young people who've grown up in a post-911 world and they don't know that before times."
"It's not just me it's our generation's time to be the leadership that this university needs because one person can't can't make a difference it is collectively the team that that makes the difference."
"Millennials might be the unluckiest generation when it comes to economic growth."
"I just love that decision as well, like just having that chain of violence and it's like, and the end of at the end of the movie, the letter that she gives to her children says it's your turn like you have to break the chain."
"He's a generational talent, a generational talent."
"Be someone that my generation can look up to."
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"Our generation... kind of became cool, became a status symbol."
"Your generation has the chance to be the first generation to actually improve the environment instead of trashing it."
"Our parents, our grandparents will get saved."
"If you want a better world composed of better nations inhabited by better states, that are made up of better counties, compose better cities illuminated by better churches, made of better families, we need a generation of better men."
"Sons end up paying for the sins of the father."
"We're poisoning a whole generation of Americans."
"There is a spiritual war going on for the soul of this generation."
"My generation watched your generation get screwed by the baby boomers and we're not falling for it."
"That's why the development of black business is the most important thing we can do in this generation."
"The boomers of this country are the ones ironically, the boomers who have benefited the most from the New Deal."
"This has been a generational torch passing of advocates and activists speaking up on behalf of unborn children."
"Imagine if we could be the turnaround generation that actually started putting humanity back on track into that space."
"The battle for the minds and souls of the next generation."
"The day of reckoning will come... millions of baby boomers reached the age..."
"Out of the ashes of a failed father came the glory of the next generation."
"The only thing they think about is the next election, not the Next Generation."
"Studio Trigger brings the magic of their own childhood to a new generation with their bombastic storytelling and animation."
"This is for the babies man... every generation takes you to the next level."
"I really think that I could help Gen Z wake up before it's too late."
"The boomers have dominated our society and they're sort of in a strange place right now as a generation."
"What is a Disney movie in 2023 because Disney movie is a genre all to itself right I mean we all have that Crystal Clear idea that so many of my generation have that cultural creative identity that's baked into the phrase a Disney movie."
"Your why should be something so big that it moves your family tree."
"Institutions matter, right? Because what Trump's election is, is a negation of every single value that somebody under 35 in this country has."
"We can help to heal the generational curses and heal the generational scars that we have so that we can basically ascend."
"Give people what we never had is the first step that we can all take in trying to change the world."
"How much of our life really is in our control and how much is really passed down?"
"Being a parent is the most important job in the world because you're like building the next generation."
"Reparations has to be accompanied by a set of policies, a multi-generational set of policies."
"Let's harness love and decency and dignity for political purposes... every generation should live for more than just itself."
"We all start out somewhere, influenced by something, with someone. You know what I mean."
"The internet has corrupted a whole generation of the population and will continue to do so for generations to come, and I think that's bad."
"The perfect balance of that is the influence of godly women that raise that godly generation."
"We will accomplish more as a community in one generation than a thousand government policies will accomplish in 200 years."
"Your wealth is important, it's not just important to you, it's important to generations to come."
"This is the biggest fight of this generation right here."
"I honestly believed that X was important to this generation."
"Generational shifts in thinking require action."
"I've been here for eight months nobody I've worked with cops I work with everybody do you sell cars with window tint nah i sell i sell cars at an interesting crisis so window tint well that's what's up so you sell cars that have window"
"And now many generations of people who have been brought up under the regime not really knowing what traditional Chinese culture is about."
"I'm fascinated about that idea of generational trauma being passed down." - Tom Hanks.
"There's a whole generation who just made a fortune in the stock market."
"Bud Crawford showed that he's a generational talent."
"I think every generation recalibrates what society does or doesn't accept, and that's a good thing."
"Experience the dopamine-blasting highs we've seen whole generations of kids get absorbed in."
"I created such like a level of wealth if you will and just overall like success in life and and in all aspects that I shifted from self-preservation to like generational preservation."
"Regardless, that kind of got me wanting to talk about family, pretty much everything stems from family."
"Everybody is fighting a battle that you don't know about... it's about compassion."
"The mental health is more important than physical health because it's generational."
"Facebook really has broken the brains of an entire generation."
"Motherhood isn't just about childbearing; it's about reproducing the next generation and linking the generations through time and space."
"Rates of anxiety and depression are skyrocketing in Gen Z kids born after 1995."
"Mercy is our strength, our mercy towards future generations."
"Our children standing here with us, the ones who are here today, they will remember - they will remember and they will march until they no longer have to march."
"Your generation is in many ways the most Progressive generation in the modern history of this country."
"I think it's important because her generation is gonna be affected by this the most."
"Live your life to bring your generation to Jesus Christ."
"The calling of God upon your life is God's attempt to answer the cry of your generation."
"Sometimes parents are only as good of a parent as they have seen." - Speaker
"We risk creating a generation that turns its back on the politicians who failed them."
"An entire generation of our children is on the verge of being brainwashed and indoctrinated."
"This kid is a Starboy, a generational talent."
"Nice to see youngsters get excited about a launch and he is 72 years old."
"We've really gotten to the point where all these people who were raised on Quentin Tarantino movies now have the chance to be in them."
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"If we commit ourselves to a generation of economic strength, we can win this battle."
"If you gotta up the price 50 bucks and put a bomb ass trigger in this."
"They say strong men made good times. I was a product of those good times."
"We've got a massive opportunity to make a real change that benefits everybody and future generations."
"Thank you so much for all that you do for my generation and generations to come thank you so much I love you"
"Hard times make hard men. Hard men make easy times. Easy times make easy men. Easy men make hard times."
"Every generation has a defining moment, a collective experience that will leave an indelible mark on each member."
"I offer no forgiveness. A father's sins passed down to his son."
"Everything we're seeing here is literally built on top of the shoulders of all of the generations before me."
"Strong men create good times and Good Times create weak men weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men."
"Brandy's album inspired a whole new generation of singers."
"Bruce Willis will forever be a beloved actor to generations of moviegoers."
"College textbooks, it is a bubble. It will burst. It is bad across the board. It has stunted Millennials."
"If you do these things, the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we today."
"So, the future frontier science I, one day, will be archaeological for a next generation, right?"
"There is no doubt that he's a once-in-a-generation talent."
"Linkin Park was the single biggest point of entry into rock and metal for a whole generation of kids."
"Harland is too good to miss out on, he's a generational talent."
"We are going to pay a huge price for this, and I'm becoming emotional because I'm thinking of my children, of the younger generation."
"This movie was able to speak to a generation and still holds up some 20 years later."
"Your grandkids, your great grandkids are going to see whatever that you were doing on the gram."