
Social Change Quotes

There are 4898 quotes

"Young generation Millennials and Gen Z, they all want to change the world."
"The days of dancing for fun were over; people were now dancing for survival."
"There are also steps we could take to increase legitimate acceptance."
"What if more men cared? What if more men viewed women as their equals, as fellow humans, instead of viewing them as disposable, as lesser, as other?"
"The best way to take a look at this is anytime you get rid of segregation or apartheid, you usually see a general increase in the standard of living."
"You guys are in an unbelievable position to try to create a more compassionate world for all of us."
"Empathy can create radical social change. Empathy, I believe, can create a revolution, not one of those old-fashioned revolutions of new laws and institutions, public policies, but a revolution of human relationships."
"When you have one person that tries to buck this trend...it has a huge impact."
"We have forgotten about our humanity, and that has got to change."
"Economic empowerment is the way we change the game and change the narrative."
"It is my obligation as a member of my generation to try to play some role, whatever role I can, in being an instrument in that change."
"But fundamentally, feminism is about breaking things, creating a new, re-imagining, re-building."
"The biggest threat, in my judgment, to extremism, is an empowered woman."
"The good things we take for granted were done by radicals."
"You turn your privilege into responsibility."
"We need to take responsibility for our own citizenship and build the country we want, as opposed to waiting for someone else to do it."
"Words are not enough. What we want to see is actual change in policy."
"We need a new system, we need a new society. We need to demand that which may have sounded impossible even a few weeks ago but is not only realizable but an imperative necessity."
"I want everybody to become a warrior. Community creates change, and we are going to get a handle on all of this."
"I feel like a lot of people who maybe would have considered themselves previously as kind of apolitical are waking a lot of people up, which is a good thing."
"I wanted to change the way people thought about childhood trauma. That's a grandiose objective."
"I know for a fact I'm changing hearts and minds because I see it face to face."
"The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail job – day in, day out."
"We can make substantial change if we do not give up."
"People don't need better confidence per se; they need better conditions."
"How do we change the world? Do we work within the system or try to dismantle it?"
"If I could imagine a great way to take down polarization, to take out the 'us vs. them' impulse in the human psyche, I'd be open to it."
"I believe that by working with people and guiding them to this sense of oneness, we change the whole world completely."
"The Triumph of the film is not defeating the bad guy... the true Victory is Nimona being fully seen and the society that vilified her being shifted and changed fundamentally."
"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"The whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable."
"Misogyny is still a thing, and we're still trying to build a world where men and women can actually be seen as equal."
"This is not a time for cooling off... not a time for the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."
"Imagine if a million of us are doing that every day, the kind of impact it can have."
"Ultimately, the people will be the solution."
"We have a lot of progress to make; we're on the right track, it's going to take some time, but it's a start."
"You're seeing somebody who had a lot of power maybe realizing that they don't have that kind of power anymore at all."
"Social progress involves pissing powerful people off, by definition."
"We even built an app where you can apply yourself to your Heart's Delight."
"This has become my life work for the past six years and we sure as hell can't drop the ball right now."
"We have to bring these people that haven't had the chance and make a change."
"If enough people start [getting their act together], maybe we can turn this whole mess around. That'd be lovely, and maybe it won't take that many people to start it."
"I think that if we look at the history of organized labor, we find that a lot of really great things we take for granted today were fought for, oftentimes at great personal cost or death."
"Let's all try to lose labels, okay guys? It's almost 2019. Let's get rid of labels."
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."
"It's a good idea to give students opportunities for seeing how positive change happens and how they can both be actors and leaders in creating change."
"We can make a difference, we can do something."
"Online dating has only existed for, like, at its rawest form, 20 years."
"The internet has fundamentally and radically altered the way that we associate with each other."
"Middle class at one time was a guy who didn't even have to go to college, had a job, and could support his wife who didn't have to work, support three or four kids, didn't have any credit card debt, didn't have an auto loan, was able to save for retirement."
"The world won't get any better if we continue to act like everything's okay."
"Even if things are bad, you can be in the company of people who want a better world."
"Imagine if you also get to vote on minimum wage or legalizing marijuana nationally... I'm actually affecting the world around me."
"The few remaining residents of Venice are holding a funeral for the city that was. The permanent population of Venice had just dipped below 60,000, half of what it was in the 1960s."
"The number of men without any close friends has increased five times since 1990."
"I don't know really what came out of their counter-culture revolution...our revolution, I can point to and say we've got A and B and C accomplished for Vietnam veterans."
"No one cares about these symbolic gestures... give us stuff that actually matters."
"Everything we do is participating in a shitty system. Shouldn't we try and create a better world?"
"We are no longer tolerating this [__] and we're collectively waking up."
"If you're not pissing off the wrong people, you're not doing the right thing."
"I don't want to bring kids into a world like this how it is right now, so if we can change and we can make a change right now, I think it's imperative that we stand up and make that change."
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Gandhi"
"Only through collective action can we hope to instigate meaningful change and protect those most vulnerable to the revenue-driven decisions of these powerful entities."
"Being able to go and talk to someone and instead of just saying 'Oh yeah, I make videos on YouTube', they're like 'You make a living off that?' being able to say you're a YouTuber and that they just understand what that means because it's cool how mainstream it's become."
"I'm enormously optimistic because we're going to be heading into a time of enormous social stress, and that creates the potentiality to create a new society."
"Voting is secondary. The real change happens with the people who are out in the streets every single day, making it happen."
"A movement to change the structure of our society to improve our well-being before it's too late."
"I think that with any social problem, we can't give up on the idea that we can have social change."
"It's impacting people's lives for the better."
"With these projects, the Flavians were in effect returning land that had been used by the emperor to showcase his decadence and wealth to the Roman public for their own enjoyment."
"This kit will help to create Changemakers around the world."
"A Changemaker is someone who measures their impact on the world not necessarily by the change they've created themselves, but by the change that they've inspired others to create."
"Change happens because citizens are mobilized and force change."
"Every young person wants to change the world. There are talks about making a difference in millions of lives."
"We make a difference in ways that protect the continued opportunity to make a killing, and we seek to change the world in ways carefully chosen to not change our world."
"It's becoming extremely hard to ignore how broken our food system is and that's probably a good thing, because things need to change and they need to change now."
"The signs of a new people's rebellion against the totalizing power of big tech are all around us."
"We can only fix this world together. We can't do it divided."
"A big part of anarchist revolution is education and socialization."
"The socialism that comes to the United States will be a socialism rooted in our own traditions, our own history, our ongoing struggles here."
"What happened to us sitting on a swing? What happened to me sitting next to a boy waiting for the movie to start?"
"Every form of exploitation, every form of hierarchy from feudalism to slavery onward, once seemed natural and impossible to overcome."
"People's opinions... if you can change them... you can change their positions on things, their understanding of consent."
"It's going to take each of us shifting and living differently until we hit that point of critical mass and enough people act as creators and make something new that replaces the old paradigm altogether."
"Ordinary people became collectively aware of themselves as potential agents of social change."
"Social realities that might have appeared impenetrable, unalterable, unchangeable came to be viewed as malleable and transformable."
"I love the fact that people are standing up and using their voices peacefully."
"The power of the people is really where we're moving to."
"I think Bernie Sanders is an amazing person for kind of pushing the Overton window."
"We are in a revolutionary moment, there's electricity in the air."
"Just be nice. It ain't hard. Just be nice... Then the revolution has already occurred."
"Every revolution... it's about people thinking about connection."
"Social expectations for how people should behave have changed, and for the most part, this seems to lead to good."
"It's a stark reminder of how different social norms and practices were just a century ago."
"I hope that everybody continues to post about it and talk about it, and hopefully, we see some changes."
"The shifting moral zeitgeist, the changing in the air...is changing progressively, by which I mean in a consistent direction."
"The way to effect change is to use your purchasing power."
"We have to recognize that there are over a billion Africans, and if we unite, we can make a significant change."
"No ruling class in history has ever given up its privilege voluntarily."
"Positivity is key, and we got to change ourselves first before we change the world."
"All I want to do is make the change that will help other families so they never have to experience the loss of a child, the loss of their wife, to such inhumane things."
"Female friendships are just a hop to our sisterhood, and sisterhood can be a very powerful force, to give the world -- to make it what it should be -- the things that humans desperately need."
"Women are the fastest growing demographic in the world, especially older women. And if we harness our power, we can change the world."
"You have to change people's minds. That's where the legislation comes from. That's where your government gets its power from."
"The actual cool thing that you can do is do progressive things, do socialist things, affect outcomes in that fashion."
"The central question of feminism is: are women materially and politically disadvantaged and how to correct that?"
"If enough silent voices rise up in every ecosystem... the enemies of reason will become marginalized."
"If we don't have hard conversations, no one learns, no one grows, and nothing changes."
"Um, we are normalizing it so that when they grow up, it's just part of life. It's part of life now, yeah. And that's awesome, that's fantastic, yeah. But what's actually good about it?"
"Refusing to condemn or judge other people on the basis of how they identify or who they are, and looking for new forms of alliance."
"In the past few years, friendships being damaged by political differences has become a recurring topic in news media."
"The only way that a lot of these problems are going to be solved is if we figure out how people can meet each other on more equal terms."
"It's the conversion of the idea of leadership into the idea of influencer."
"These lives threaten the communal narratives currently in place, but what is a threat to some can be to others a glimmer of a new world coming."
"The aggressive militants such as Dawkins and Hitchens also don't seem to realize that secular humanism has already won. Its enemies are frightening and vicious but marginal and increasingly so."
"We can change not only this country but we can change the world."
"It is the public that drives social change, not politicians, business leaders, or interest groups."
"We all have a role to play, we all have a part."
"If we work to change that story, we can accomplish so much more."
"I think there's good signs here...students saying here's what we're accepting, here's what we're not accepting, and standing up and speaking out on their own behalf, it's a good thing."
"If people will lead, the leaders will follow."
"Being a man has changed radically because how we define ourselves has changed."
"We're in a moment when people have finally said 'F the machine, the system is broken and we don't care about you anymore.'"
"As we look at social change in the past, it seems like it's a thing that always happens outside of our time. But right now, we're maybe more aware than ever that social change is happening constantly."
"This was a call, this was a cry for institutional change."
"Personal change, on a scalable basis, is the real building block of lasting social change."
"Where are our rebels? Where are the people who are Rebel with a cause?"
"The early 1920s saw massive social changes for women in Britain."
"These changes and others elevated women from their previous positions as being subservient, to cutting their hair, wearing shorter dresses, and taking on the moniker 'a flapper'."
"This inner liberation offered in the trip can help create the conditions for a social liberation."
"We are the generation that can literally change the trajectory for our kids' kids' kids' kids. We could change the world."
"Dating is now starting online and this is normal. According to a Stanford study that was recently updated, it's 6 out of 10 couples starting online now."
"It’s the fact that the trope is so common that its underlying ideology — that we need one extraordinary person to come save us — is so deeply rooted in the ways we think about social change."
"Some may see the future as dark; But we most definitely see the light... Because in the future, people like us, from different places, different spaces, we are all going after one thing- change for the communities we care about."
"One of the most important things your kid can do is actually go to school. It's one of the best ways to break the cycle."
"The great reset is an initiative from the WF to drastically change the direction of the economy after COVID-19 by addressing social issues."
"Be excellent to each other and be the change you want to see."
"We need to change this and we need help. We need everybody to help."
"For years, the magic word for getting what you want was 'please.' Now it's 'I'm offended.'"
"Social interaction is one of the most important tools that we can use for making change."
"Tap into community, divest from this whole building wealth situation, and let's tackle the root causes."
"Blockchain technology will profoundly transform economic, social, and political systems."
"The philosophy was that we must go all out to use legal and nonviolent methods to gain full citizenship rights for the Negro people of our country."
"We've got to make a progressive change in this country; we've got to call for this stop; we've got to stop being spoon-fed by the mainstream media."
"Sometimes it takes generations to change consciousness or biases."
"These are revolutionary times all over the globe. Men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born."
"The only reason child labor was abolished, the workday shortened, maternity leave instituted, universal education developed, and practically everything else was because of the bloody struggles of leftists all around the world."
"One of the achievements of liberalism has been some pretty remarkable social change in a very short period of time."
"The way to change society to make it better is to have the people who work in an enterprise, all of them, one-person one-vote, have democratic control of the workplace."
"You see all these tech bro 30-year-olds prancing around town in their expensive hip clothes and fancy cars."
"It's about this slow erosion of rights that happens a hundred thousand little steps at a time."
"I'm a big on rehabilitation. I am huge on rehabilitation."
"The walls of segregation are crumbling in Birmingham and they can crumble anywhere."
"I think that we can probably look at some of the social parts and see how some of these things have changed over time."
"We are here on earth to serve a purpose, to be a light, to make a change in this world."
"It is fair to say that racial and identity politics have declined markedly since, for example, the 1960s."
"Change is possible... Many of the major popular movements in our history have been big surprises."
"The greatest change I hope that we can create as individuals is creating more, for lack of a better term, empathy and love in the space we have."
"The influence of a single voice can catalyze monumental change, bridging divides and ending centuries-old practices."
"The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house."
"It's time to break free from the chains of toxic masculinity and embrace the homie-sexuality."
"We will build a better world when we work together to do that, and you will have to do some of this legwork because Matt helps those who help themselves."
"Decades upon decades have been socially acceptable to be openly racist, to be transphobic, homophobic, sexist, misogynistic. What's happening now is a reckoning to say, 'No, it's not okay anymore.'"
"Collective action actually can get us somewhere if we start talking about these problems and push back on the people who are preventing us from having basic dignities."
"Times of crisis usually sort of insight revolutionary fervor."
"James, he was very driven, determined to change the world. Well, we all were back then, I suppose."
"Don't ever forget that one person can affect change."
"If you're down for the rainbow coalition, if you want to come on in and help and be a good ally no matter what your color is or whatever, then let's do it baby because we can do this, okay, we can change the world."
"Radicalization doesn't happen over the course of one conversation... it's like boiling a frog; it happens over a long period of time."
"Don't worry about changing the world, change one person's life. If we can focus there, stay there for a little bit, we're going to get to that thing maybe. Otherwise, it's all good because you're still doing the work that you were born to do."
"A lot of the change in the attitudes we have about domestic violence were shaped by his leadership."
"The far right wants to return to a past social order before social and political transformations upset what they believe was a successful white-dominated Christian patriarchal society."
"Think of how far we've come; think back like a couple of hundred years, think Jane Austen, you know, Pride and Prejudice, that sort of era."
"Taking action means saying no to indifference. If there is a war to be waged, it is the war against the indifference, which is eating away at our societies."
"It's our task, I firmly believe, to end not just the war on drugs, not just mass incarceration, but to end this history and cycle of creating caste-like systems in America."
"The world's changing. There's gonna be two people on this planet: people who own and people who don't."
"As of 1960, two-thirds of all black American children were living with both parents... only one-third were living with both parents in 1995."
"If my son works to make the world better for women, then he will make the world better for everyone."
"True Crime can be an agent of change, as long as audiences aren't accessories to its harmful effects."
"Being angry for the right reasons can make a difference."
"Who are you, what are you about, and in what way are you trying to change the world for the better?"
"Black athletes have more power to change society and systemic issues than any other group of African-Americans because of their popularity, their wealth, and their skill set."
"And that was Joy Boy’s ultimate goal, to bring and unite the whole world together, to turn the current corrupt system of the world upside down, bring an end to discrimination and slavery, and allow all to be free."
"MLK made it crystal clear that the way to fix rioting is by addressing the intolerable conditions that exist in our society."
"I'm sick to death of 'thoughts and prayers' if we're not going to change policies."
"To get to a society where we care less and less about the superficial differences between people."
"I really think it's because women stopped caring about douchebags... guys that don't put in effort and don't want to actually value women for who they are are gonna be lonely."
"Media is a tool that can enact change and influence public thinking at a global scale."
"We need to create a new way forward that actually works for non-billionaires."
"He follows Jackie Robinson as a man who broke barriers."
"It is time we put a magnifying glass to women's toxic workplace behavior and biases the same way we have men's and purge the sludge."
"Realizing how simple things are and how simply we can actually undo the evils and wrongs in the world around us."
"But as the workhouse moved into the 20th century, its original mission to punish the poor was replaced by new ideas about social welfare."
"This is not the moment in time to be silent."
"Education is one of the number one ways to break the cycle of poverty."
"Dragon's Revolution finally comes through, and the Tenryuubito system falls because, you know what's gonna happen? They're just gonna raid the freaking vaults of the world nobles."
"You want to live in a kinder world? A world where people are kinder to you, and you in turn are kinder to others? That starts within. Be kind to yourself!"
"The notion of social change and the possibility that defiance in the face of injustice and kindness in the face of cruelty... I think young people... can refuse to play the game and see their world change as a result."
"It's not gonna be easy work to fix this system, but it is necessary work."
"These boycotts, combined with missionary efforts in South America, caused the LDS Church to reconsider its position and they lifted the ban on black men joining the priesthood in 1978."