
Touch Quotes

There are 302 quotes

"If you're not hugging people you love, if you don't have a rich language of touch with your friends...you're missing out on one of the great languages of humankind."
"Touch is a balm. It's soothing, it's calming, it's grounding, it's relaxing. It's everything that de-stresses us."
"Compassionate touch... humans are wired to need some touching every now and again."
"Our sense of touch begins in the womb. It's nearly impossible to not feel, even when you try."
"For people who can't feel their bodies and can't move their bodies they can now actually touch things again."
"Touch releases relaxing brain chemicals and increases empathy."
"The feel of the skin, how sweaty it is, what temperature it is, you just know something as simple as that you can just get so much clinical information."
"Your sense of touch, your tactile sense, is absolutely incredible."
"Touch releases a chemical called oxytocin in our brain."
"Touch is a beautiful tool to foster intimacy and companionship... if we just get all of our judgments out of the way and we just engage in it bravely with each other."
"Touch is a powerful form of energetic transfer."
"Your heart is waking up because it's ready, because it wants to, because it wants to be touched again."
"Touching round, you know, touching is like, touching is like one of the most intimate things you can do."
"Touch is one of the best ways to connect with anybody, but specifically a woman."
"Feels like something like a finger almost just like going like this, right?"
"Everything that you've touched regularly feels very plush and expensive."
"Your fingers are extremely sensitive; they can feel objects that are no bigger than the width of your hair."
"He displays a beautiful touch, which is a common theme with the great players."
"We do not like light touch... a deeper firmer pressure on your skin actually feels more regulating."
"When I do these clubs, they got to come up and touch my beard. I like it a lot."
"People really need that physical touch and that personal connection."
"As many as touched you were made whole."
"SCP-049's touch is lethal, killing anyone he comes into contact with."
"I read a study once that said that orphans, if they're not touched... actually, a large percentage doesn't survive."
"The Spice Girls were originally a band called Touch."
"Water isn't wet until it touches you."
"As many as touched it were made well."
"I'm a hugger I uh I really fun to I'll just ask a a crew member for there you go listen I like I was premature I was in an incubator I wasn't touched enough you need touch I got to get hugs It's Your Love language."
"My love languages are touch and acts of service. I always feel a little bit weird saying acts of service because I don't want someone to serve me, but I appreciate things like someone helping me out when I'm stressed at work."
"Your touch is something that people find attractive about you."
"We have lost touch with the Machinery of meaning."
"I just wish that we could normalize asking people how they want to be touched."
"This person really craves physical touch."
"There's lots of death, which is always a nice touch to a movie."
"So I just tap tap tap. How does that feel? Really nice. Interesting isn't that? Yeah, it's much nicer than a brush actually."
We need an Anthem like "We Shall Overcome" or "Imagine" to touch people in a different way.
"I've seen a lot of men who feel ashamed of asking for non-erotic touch. They feel like it's not manly to ask for cuddles or for hugs."
"Touch me and make sure that I'm not a ghost because ghosts don't have Flesh and Bones."
"Touch can really actually heal a lot of problems."
"...that city up there has to be such a reality that you can touch it."
"His touch, a gentle reminder," she smiled, holding onto his warmth.
"I felt ill. Someone or something had touched me, caressed me even."
"Such touch is all about the details."
"May I have your holy touch? Touch me! Touch me!"
"Do you wanna even feel how fuzzy it is? Whoa, okay, that's enough."
"I never initiate touch, but once it's there, I love it."
"Men just want to touch you, even if it's platonic. There's this high priestess magnetism; they just want to touch you."
"Touch is the way that he's healing people."
"As many as touched him were made well."
"Our culture is starving for touch."
"Touch plays a big part in relationships."
"Every hand that comes in contact with your body is a healing hand."
"The right touch is a light touch."
"God can heal just as well through your hand on a knee."
"This is the softest sweater I've ever held in my hands."
"Let's do touch calibration. Upper left, lower right, touch test."
"When I touch you, your life is going to flip, chains going to break, demons going to flee."
"His touch tunes them to harmony, honored in life he is mourned when dead."
"The need for touch does not go away when someone has Alzheimer's."
"Since there's no place large enough to contain so much happiness, you shrug, you raise your hands, and it flows out of you into everything you touch."
"She was continually saying within herself, 'If I just touch the hymn of His Garment then I shall be made whole.'"
"I hardly touched you, Mrs. Vance."
"He starts touching the flesh, and the leprosy comes."
"It's miraculous, the instant he touches you, you feel soothed. That's the word, soothed."
"I'm touching the wall I'm touching the wall just a touch a thousand men."
"Luke had never been so intrigued by a woman's touch as he was by Kate at that moment."
"Jesus hasn't changed. Everybody who came to Jesus when he walked the Earth, he touched them."
"I love touching things, but can I describe what they are? No!"
"Whatever you touched whatever you said it was funny."
"Wow can I touch it? I want to touch it too. I want to feel it between my toes."
"Love on yourself. Give yourself a hug, as awkward as that is. But sometimes it's just nice to just be touched in a very compassionate kind of way."
"In that touch, in the coolness, there is magic."
"Every true touch always commands proofs because a touch will draw virtue and the virtue will enhance your value somebody is ready for a touch this morning."
"Every time faith rises in your heart in the word, you are entitled to the touch of Jesus."
"A gentle touch works much more often than a heavy touch." - Noah Kagan
"He ticked his fingers up each bone of her spine, then started again at the bottom."
"Touch it. Touch it! Oh, that's so cute!"
"I leaned over to pull the passenger door shut and was surprised to find the handle was icy cold to the touch."
"As many as touched Him were made whole."
"He had to touch her. Had to kiss her."
"The beauty of the first touch was you just done your jobs."
"This person just wants to, I feel like touch you, you know, talk to you, see you, be there. There could be a little bit of desire here too."
"I just want to be held and cuddled because somebody touch me, can I pay somebody to cuddle me?"
"The sensation of the hands on my back felt strange and a bit otherworldly."
"The warmth from his hands sent electric zaps through her."
"There is psychological value to touch and eye to eye contact. You really do lose something when you're only digital and not physically."
"I pulled at his hands, those strong hands that would take mine sometimes and they were hands of stone."
"Even just a comforting touch at that moment can be really beautiful."
"Shivers raced across her skin from the heat of his touch."
"His fingers felt a bit stiff in hers, but it had been a while since he'd held hands with a woman."
"It cushions blows. It gives us our sense of touch, bringing us pleasure and warmth and pain and nearly everything else that makes us vital."
"He passed them over my hands, my neck, my face like he was feeling for something."
"I need the Lord to touch me as many times as he needs to."
"That was a really lovely touch with a little handwritten card there with a warm welcome from the hotel."
"Touch of your hand has given me healing."
"Your touch is described as electrifying, sending shivers down their spine with even the simplest contact."
"This is the advice I always give to people: just do a touch, you know? Really listen."
"Tangible it's an adjective and that means capable of being perceived by touch, something that is real, something that is actual, it is tangible."
"...it felt so good to feel his touch, to have his warm hand on hers, soft as a caress."
"I developed a technique for healing by touch. The basic theory is that the brain controls all of the healing in your body. So, if you can increase the communication between the brain and the area that's bad, it will heal faster. In minutes sometimes."
"Can you grab my arm just so I can show all these other boys what it feels like to be touched by an angel?"
"Now more than ever people longed to be touched."
"I remember him passing me and touching my hand and I literally felt like I had a superpower."
"Number one is a sperm whale because they might be the only animal that can turn you into a headline without even touching you."
"Touch is one of the most healing experiences there is when it comes to trauma."
"Whatever this water touches, everything it will live."
"Nothing can compare to a person in their hands and the touch, the human physical touch, the caring part of caregiving."
"He laid his hands on him and the man began to see."
"The quality of them feels delicious to me, like I want to touch it, I want to put it on my face."
"I might be able to emote, so you know, like, be able to cry, but then I also, there's like a certain like physical touch for me isn't easy."
"You notice with the fingertips, you don't tip with the palm of your hand. You tip with your fingertips. Great touch."
"If you land on the side of them, they feel like an ice cube."
"I've had the Mind speak things they have touched me and I've seen some kind of transparent thing climbing a tree so it's not been fun."
"Touch her completely. Touch her completely."
"I noticed his touch down to my toes, and it shocked me silent."
"You're rubbing and kneading of muscles... but the philosophical answer is the laying of hands and touching with intention."
"Being touched promotes internal healing."
"I don't know what you had when you came in here, but the moment I put these hands on you, a recovery began somewhere in your life."
"Everything you're touching is turning to gold."
"A gentle hand touched her back, awakening agony beside which the previous several hours had simply held common aches."
"Can you imagine the hands that have touched this knob? Over 200 years of American history right there."
"Some people are afraid of being touched."
"Can you imagine how much you would crave human touch and connection?"
"If we want to be healed by Christ, He has to touch the wound."
"I love this right here, so how do you feel? With my hands."
"He feels like he's getting touched by the finger of God."
"We're not designed to be alone; we're not designed to not touch."
"When you put your hand on me, I feel so comfortable."
"Touch disarms people and if you're having any sort of strife or any tension in your relationships, incorporating touch can heal it."
"When you touch someone, it sends a signal to their brain, it helps to boost their serotonin, and it also releases oxytocin."
"And all who touched him were healed."
"Your hands will touch beautiful things; love and delight will await you."
"That human connection and that feeling when somebody's on a treatment room table and somebody's just touching their face, it's one of the most beautiful feelings in the world."
"There's a lot of power in your healing; your rare magical power is your healing power, your healing touch."
"The touch meant something more; it was a living faith."
"Our capacity for aesthesis, for feeling the touch of the world upon us, for touching it in turn, is what allows us to reinhabit our interbeing with the world."
"Touch is our first language and it is our last language."
"I love your touch; I want your gentle touch."
"When she touched my face... I lived for that touch."
"Our bodies are exquisitely designed to respond to touch as a signal of care."
"Our sense of touch allows us to feel things like the temperature when it's hot or cold outside."
"May you feel his gentle touch on your hurting hearts."
"The last person who touched this was a U.S. soldier in 1944."
"For Saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmer's kiss."
"I think we got the whole frame now, so I gotta really hard finish now that's really smooth to the touch."
"The power of touch is so powerful, the power of touch to take pain away."
"How good was the touch of the raw silk to flesh!"
"Any object you touch, you can send to your soulmate."
"Get a massage; it's like giving yourself the gift of physical touch."
"The bamboo taps you on the head like a gentle forehead kiss from the forest."
"I never met one like you; felt something like touch."
"I would have given a fortune to touch your hand," cried Boldwood wildly.
"The touch of their hands is their only Sacrament."
"One touch from His hand, and you'll never be the same."
"I feel the warmth of your skin, just the touch of your hands."
"The sensation of softness transferred through the touch, and time seemed to freeze at that moment."
"Everything we touch is blessing in our hands."
"It felt safe to touch something so ancient."
"Everything you touch will turn to gold."
"They implored Him that they might only touch the fringe of His garment; and as many as touched were made well."
"He might be able to heal anyone if he uses his hands and touches them with it."
"She touched me for the first time; her skin was hot and cold at the same time."
"I felt a hand firmly placed on my leg just before it grabbed my jeans and started pulling."
"What happens to human beings when we're deprived of touch from other people?"
"But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone."
"Let others touch you. Let touch others. We really need it in this time."
"So you're hovering above the chair, just like whenever you think you touch something, you never touch anything, because you're never in contact with anything at any time."
"Touch is so powerful, it's so important."
"If I can just touch the hem of His garment, I'll be healed."
"Beyond this, she has an incredible ability to assimilate knowledge instantaneously via touch."
"Touch is an amazing form of healing."
"Touching you is the most beautiful feeling ever."
"When you mix this physicality with touch, that's when it's just a deadly combination."
"Still warm to the touch, like to see that."
"It's mostly made out of metal, the whole chassis, and every part you can actually touch."
"Everything you do, everything you touch prospers."
"Encouraging touch: It's literally gifting someone a chemical burst of oxytocin."
"Physical touch... makes them feel close and connected and meets the need for love and connection."
"I'm very touchy-feely. Touch is my love language."
"Physical touch, a tender touch can mean so much."
"The power of touch is incredible; it's healing almost in and of itself."
"Touch is a form of communication and it can mean many things; it could mean comfort, it could mean hello, I see you, it could mean I enjoy your company and I want to get close to you."
"Touch builds trust and creates a feeling of safety and closeness."
"Touch me, the hands of life, resurrect I."
"Fingers are light and without force."
"I'm touching something that dates all the way back to the 1400s. Amazing."
"Just one touch is all that I needed, I needed for healing and just one touch is all that I need, I need it for freedom."
"A sense of touch could upgrade virtual reality, prosthetics, and more."
"There is nothing you touch that's not premium."
"When you remove physical touch from your life, there is a deep ripple effect that that has on people's psychological well-being."
"The outcome is outstanding, the touch is outstanding."
"Touch is one of the most important sensory systems; it's this language of social connection and has these contagious effects."
"You're going to be very successful with anything that you touch."
"Sometimes you must lay hands upon and touch for the healing forces to flow through the human body into another human body so that that for the touch can heal upon them from within."
"He touched me, and oh what joy that fills my soul."
"Whatever he might touch would be changed into gold."
"The ability to be anybody at any time, all you have to do is touch them once."
"Every time I touch it, I feel joy."
"Find a man that never ever wants to stop touching you."
"One of the senses that is clearly underestimated is your sense of touch."