
Fearlessness Quotes

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"I am grateful Lord for your faithfulness. It is because of your word that I am able to live victoriously and with no fear."
"When you let go of the fear of what other people think, the freedom is indescribable."
"If you were totally conscious, I'm telling you that you would not fear anything."
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear."
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
"The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?"
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?"
"You're taking action towards your wildest dreams and you're not letting fear stop you."
"The presence of love will always cast out fear."
"What if you could accomplish in the world today if you weren't afraid?"
"When we have unconflicted self-esteem, joy is our motor, not fear."
"Thanks to you, I've got nothing to lose and nothing to fear anymore."
"Run toward it not from it. That is unflinching fearlessness."
"In the present moment, usually, there's nothing to fear."
"The more clear we are on who we are, the less fear we have."
"These pages have been written with purpose and hope that their suggestions may furnish you a key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires and to explain that fear should be entirely banished from your effort to obtain possession of the things you desire."
"Fear should be entirely banished from your effort to obtain possession of the things you desire."
"I'm no longer afraid of anything at all. When I die, it will be like a death in a play or a movie, simply to create the emotions for those watching."
"Eliminate your fear or attachment from the outcome if you are authentic."
"Fear should be entirely banished from your consciousness in order for you to obtain possession of the things you want."
"When you lose your fear of dying, you also lose your fear of living to the fullest because you're not afraid of taking risks and losing something because you're not afraid of what comes next."
"If you're not afraid of dying, that takes a lot of fear out of everything else in life as well."
"There is no fear in God. To understand yourself as of God is to move beyond fear."
"Stop thinking about what might go wrong or what people might think of you, that's fucking stupid. Who cares, just do what makes you happy."
"Are you able to dig and find the foundation within yourself that frees you from fear?"
"In this present moment, there's nothing to fear."
"He who sees all beings in his own self and his own self in all beings, loses fear."
"Only when a person loses this fear of suffering, then you walk full stride."
"The spirit God gave me does not make me fearful; no, the Holy Spirit gives me power, love, and a sound mind."
"There is no fear when the mission to serve is clear."
"She's a very unusual person because she's very clear thinking, she's very intelligent, well-educated, logical, and fearless."
"When you fall in love with the moment, there's not a lot of room for fear."
"I really believe that there is power in refuge and also an example, and I would love to be a place where people come and learn without having a cord of fear struck in them."
"Let's not live our lives in fear. Let's build wealth and choose joy."
"God is the total absence of fear. It's total self-acceptance."
"Love is the polar opposite of fear. Love is the ultimate solution to fear."
"The most important quality you need to succeed in life is fearlessness."
"To be fearless is to be loving, is to be accepting of everything, is the same as having courage, is the same as having consciousness."
"Fearlessness doesn't really mean that you never experience the feeling of fear. Fearlessness means more so that you experience the fear but you don't succumb to it."
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God."
"Fear has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind."
"God loves us—always—and we love Him. Our love of God counters all fears, and His love abounds in holy places."
"Yes, we live in perilous times, but as we stay on the covenant path, we need not fear."
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."
"There is no problem or situation that should make us fearful when we understand this: there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."
"As long as you are in the Lord, fear cannot affect you, paralyze you, or debilitate you because when you are in the Lord, you are in perfect love."
"Once you've walked through fear and got to the other side, nothing makes you afraid anymore."
"Isn't it a wonderful state of freedom not to be afraid of what other people think of you or say about you, and instead to have this beautiful freedom from fear, just to be who you are, and who you want to be, and who you need to be."
"Fearlessness is jumping off of the cliff without thinking. Courage is acknowledging your fear, analyzing the consequences, and deciding you still care so much about it, you're going to take one step forward anyway."
"Buddhism is a path without fear, that's our goal, that's on offer here, how to live with no fear at all."
"The hand which is raised with the open palm is called in Buddhist art 'the attitude of fearlessness,' the Abhaya Mudra."
"Our goal, to be one who can walk this life without fear."
"The emperor penguin's annual migration...instills in them an undeniable sense of fearlessness unrivaled by any other bird."
"The only thing to fear is fear itself; well, don't even fear fear."
"When there is no self present, love is there, and perfect love casts out fear."
"If a negative opinion doesn't have an impact on you, then you have nothing to be afraid of, which eliminates the anxiety."
"In God, I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
"What we owe each other is a celebration of life and to replace fear and hopelessness with fearlessness and joy."
"The more you own your truth and move through layers of fear, doubt, and disbelief into your most creative, productive, powerful, loving, decent, noble self, the more you will see yourself as an instrument of service to the world."
"I don't live scared. It is a great way to live. I commend it to everyone."
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment."
"Imagine having that level of concentration when studying or lack of fear when in the heat of a fight."
"If I'm secure in the Lord, that actually frees me to love you without fear."
"Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
"To let go of fear, we have to start loving ourselves 100%, accepting ourselves a hundred percent, embracing nature."
"Children don't fear like adults do because they are tuned into the present moment."
"You're almost fearless in the world... more confident than you ever have been."
"Fear has to bow to the name of Yeshua the Christ."
"Once you realize this as Brahman, you are the fearless; this world itself is the fearless."
"Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed, for there be more with us than those that are with them."
"Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel."
"I have nothing to fear because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
"The good news of Easter is that because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is now a way to live without fear."
"Isn't that wonderful, when we know and are sure where we're going, and we know the one who will take us there, then we understand there's no fear."
"Perfect love casts out not hate, but all fear."
"Be bold and fearless. Ultimately, what held me back, I think, and a lot of people back, is just fear of acceptance."
"You can't be afraid when you're feeling love."
"When you love all aspects of yourself, what can you possibly fear?"
"You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day."
"Professional players like programmed... Liverpool's youngsters came on with absolutely no fear."
"No one should fear loving who they love. Our children in Texas and Florida should not fear who they are."
"Let go of your fears and know that you're safe."
"I don't fear anything because I have replaced all of that with the fear of God."
"Perfect love casts out fear. Spend some time playing with your kids, look your family members in the eye and tell them how much you love them."
"The Spirit of God is going to reinforce your value, and then fear is gonna have to go."
"Don't be afraid. Don't let anyone set your limitations."
"When you fear God, you don't have to fear man."
"He was fearless, and that is in a lot of different ways."
"She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anybody that dared to disrespect his queen."
"Fear is not intelligent. At the highest levels of infinite intelligence, there is no fear."
"God's with me. That was so amazing to me that the fear left, the doubt left."
"You can't live in fear... you have to be confident, work on yourself."
"I'm going to make a movement. It's not a political statement; it could be, but basically telling people to stop living in fear and chase their dreams."
"The number one command in the Bible by a whole lot is the command fear not."
"The Bible says, 'Perfect love casts out all fear.'"
"Banish the fear of death from your heart; then you'll be able to think with clarity."
"For God has not given us to the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind."
"Because of Jesus Christ, I have no fear of the future."
"Even though I walk through the valley of the darkest, I will fear no evil for you are with me."
"Where could life take you if fear was not a factor?"
"You don't need to have a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
"All you have to do is live your life fearlessly and be yourself... Your purpose will unfold."
"The most important thing is...when you have love, there's no fear."
"Laistrygonians, Cyclops, angry Poseidon, don't be afraid of them, you'll never find things like that on your way as long as you keep your thoughts raised high, as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body."
"If you're not afraid of dying, you're not afraid of anything."
"I'm no longer a slave to fear. Yes, I am a child of God."
"It is helpful to me to know when I let go of caring what other people thought about what I looked like it opened up my mind to being far less afraid of doing things or being seen."
"Breaking free from fear: embrace the mystery, shed the old skin."
"Don't be afraid, just do it. We're all gonna have those days where we're not motivated or anything like that but stay encouraged."
"As you come more and more into it and you embrace the truth of who you are you become fearless."
"As far as we are concerned, as believers in Christ, we have no fear. We have no reason to fear suffering, to fear death, to fear oppression."
"Making a decision is better than being afraid to make one."
"It's a pretty dramatic sense of whiplash, you know, within 12 months."
"Fearing God can make us fearless of anything."
"She's not scared though, god, I would love to have your lips, that'd be cool, fearless man, I love her so much, she's such a badass."
"The truth has absolutely nothing to fear from investigation."
"The secret to going viral is don't be afraid of embarrassing yourself."
"Running downhill means embracing success, not fearing it. Stay in stride and keep going."
"To work and compete without fear because the worst that can happens is you say I'm sorry, won't happen again."
"It wasn't afraid, and that fearlessness was paid back tenfold."
"It's not about giving up, though, on being able to change the experience. It's just about not being afraid of it coming."
"You've gotta embrace change, not be afraid of change, you know, at the end of the day."
"There is a theme in scripture that God's children do not have to be afraid of anything."
"You are deeply loved and cherished forever. You have nothing to fear."
"I've tried to build a career that's been completely based on no fear, and I truly don't fear anything artistic."
"It's time to let go of fear and communicate honestly."
"When you realize you are beyond fear, you are immortal, you are this consciousness."
"Life ends, we gotta cherish that. We gotta stop being afraid of things, thicker skin, confidence. You only get one life, man."
"To be free from the fear of death because I realized that we are eternal beings."
"Life is short. You're supposed to live this thing to the fullest. You don't sit around here living in no damn fear."
"Fearless, that's a great way to describe it, fearless..."
"Honestly, Keifer, we're out here in search of adventure. We'll never have any if you're scared of everything."
"Ready is a lie. Punch fear in the face and press record."
"You don't need to be afraid of going into the unknown... each unknown soon becomes known."
"Successful sprinters have to have little or no fear."
"Fearless, you have all the power in the world."
"If I follow'd fear, none of this would have ever happened."
"None of that stuff I'm afraid of, none of those type of people who come with that type of energy towards me."
"There's nothing to be scared of in this reality... they have no control."
"I don't fear death. Kill me however you like."
"It's time to stand strong, release the fear, and speak your truth."
"I don't walk around guiding my life based on fear of the unknown. I love the unknown and embrace the unknown."
"It's really kind of baffling to me how many people brag about not being afraid of it or not caring."
"Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."
"Catch me anywhere at home, in text messages, on this show, talking about I'm afraid of anything other than God, slap me."
"Fear is not a fruit of the Spirit, it's not how things work."
"Stop living life on fear mode. Make yourself vulnerable to the kind of outcomes you want."
"Don't be afraid of technology, it's neutral."
"Alignment is the space where there is no fear, there's no lack, there's nothing stopping you."
"Don't take life for granted, and get out there, don't be afraid of the chip."
"This generation is fearless because they have nothing more to lose."
"So help me not to be afraid of the chaos and lawlessness of this world because I know that you have all authority."
"Jesus told us more than a hundred times, 'Do not be afraid.'"
"Why fear your true self? It's always with you."
"You need fearlessness and you need integrity."
"I wouldn't be afraid now. I will never be afraid of anything again."
"When you fear the Lord, you have nothing else to fear."
"If you had one element that could help you really succeed here...I would say it's fearlessness."
"Being fearless means putting your heart and soul into it and accepting that it's scary."
"I think being fearless... it's all one thing... it all comes from within."
"That fearlessness does come from knowing that, well, basically no matter what, you are going to refine and find inwardly."
"I've never been less afraid of anything in my life than this boss right now."
"When you let go of fear, you have a lot more fun and you have a lot more meaning."
"She had the most incredible level of compassion, and she was not afraid of illness or sickness or death."
"Don't let it dominate you. Don't be afraid of it. You're going to beat it."
"Life is just too short to waste it in fear of something that maybe shouldn't be feared at all."
"He did not fear death, he welcomed it, he feared nothing."
"When you're not afraid of dying you focus on living."
"You cannot go out here and be afraid of love."
"There is no blueprint, try different stuff, don't be afraid to fail."
"When you're operating at the level of the true self, you're not operating in fear."
"May we live a life of purpose, led by faith instead of fear."
"The thing is, when you live your life with God every moment of every day, you're not really that afraid, you understand?"
"You can be a complete, wonderful, perfect person without the fear of eternal damnation and torment."
"We have no need to fear someone who loves us perfectly."
"When God becomes your ally the no more old man is worth fear or even respect I will destroy any mortal man on the planet I fear one person and that is God alone."
"Once you know something, there's nothing to fear because you have all the data."
"Becoming fearless is key. Our bodies are automatic systems to tell us fight or flight."
"I want to show the world that you should not be afraid of anyone."
"Love for sure. I love what I do so I feel no fear. If you love what you do, there is no time for you to be scared."
"Don't fear ending something in your life that needs to be ended."
"Time to move out of that attachment based on fear and go after your actual dream."
"Most of all eat fearlessly try things you've never had in places you've never been."
"Only when you're joyful by your own nature, the fear of suffering is not there."
"Ultimately, a performance needs to be fearless, and that means that you have to throw yourself into whatever it is."
"Just do something just do something whatever it is you think you're supposed to do start doing it don't be afraid."
"Embrace your passion. Don't allow fears to hold you back or rule your actions."
"Be strong and of good courage, fear not nor be afraid."
"Knowing the benefits of this that I cannot die makes me Fearless."
"Let us look toward the high goal of lasting attainment fearless and happy."
"I love life and if you love life you can't allow fear to dominate it."
"I think the key to our revolution, Drew, is to be fearless and to not be afraid of being canceled anymore. I'm not. It's impossible not to have some fear about it because it's everywhere, and I keep getting... I keep running afoul of it."
"I'm just going to let you know I'm Not Afraid of Anything."
"Freedom it's at the core of who we are the freedom to live without fear."
"I want to make decisions based on curiosity not fear."
"Accept what has been, know that's not it, move forward without fear into the expansive state that is the world."
"We're not scared, we're fearless and we will prevail in this fight."
"When we believe He is in sovereign control of all things, which includes us personally, this removes any fear and anxiety for our personal safety."
"That's the power of God. Do not be afraid, embrace and receive."